Instead of questions their assumptions of long age, they will just change their view that soft tissue can live intact for millions of years. The same is true about cosmology, can't figure out why outer stars orbit faster than they should around the galaxy center or why galaxies are traveling away from the universal center of matter faster with time, let's imagine dark matter and dark energy. Even though there is no evidence for such substance that would have to take up 99% of all matter in the universe. And don't get started on climate change's preposterousness. They are not even following the scientific method they worship. "...but they become futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they become fools,..."

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The earth, created by God, is not millions of years old. It is thousands. These so called scientists are liars.

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It's shameful that we have so many so called scientists spewing nonsense about our world and have so many people hoodwinked with false information about history, health and our future.

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Scientist: we’re finding red blood cells in dinosaur remains. Snyder: The earth is only 6000 years old!

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Sooo... Just maybe Genesis is a lot c!oser to truth than y'all thought? Could explain that fossilized riverbed from Texas that shows dinosaur and human footprints intermingled.

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Dinosaurs are man-made, antediluvian creatures that died with the Great Flood! Even the ancient Sumerians wrote about the Flood in their cuneiform tablets! Look it up! The Word of God is the absolute Truth!!!

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You of all people should understand the extent to which we've been lied to.

The age of the earth is just the tip of the iceberg. It will all soon be revealed and it will be "Biblical". The Bible is right about everything and the scientists are liers. God created the world and man, not evolution and a big bang.

I don't want to say more at the risk of sounding like I'm wearing a tin foil hat, but you get the picture.

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Remember that all institutions in this western society have been secularized! Rebellion and unbelief is the order of the day and that's why God's Judgments will come soon upon this planet!

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The good news: scientists are finally figuring out the biblical record is accurate.

The bad news: scientists have viable dinosaur DNA.

Great article, Michael!

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There was in AZ a complete skeleton of a T-Rex found very close to the surface. They cut into one of the small bones and they could smell burning blood from the bone marrow. Ir was not completely fossilized.

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It is incredible to see how bat-sh1t crazy Mr. Snyder really is. Your pedagogic and apocryphal ramblings completely discredit any economy-related articles and predictions you've gotten Zero Hedge to post. While the following article is obviously written by someone who hates conservatives and the Right you cannot deny that Michael has been wrong so often you can set your watch by his predictions failing - but it never stops him from making MORE predictions.

I cannot take this person seriously and I genuinely believe he has allowed his emotional beliefs to override any logic and common sense he once possessed, which is a shame.


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Does this mean that "fossil fuels" aren't really from fossils? Could it be that they are naturally occurring, like earth wind and fire? Ooooo, I feel a song coming on.

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