Deut. 14:5-8 and Lev 11:2-8 list the animals you can't eat for they are unclean;

the camel the Hyrax, the rabbit and the pig are listed in both scriptures.

In fact, they were not to even touch it. Why? The spreading of disease or sickness.

Sampson in his Nazarite vow was not to even touch any dead animal or dead body (to keep themselves clean, from the risk of sickness or disease).

We know today that certain meats from certain animals have Hepatitis E and other toxins in their organs meat and blood as well as parasites in the meat. If the blood is not thoroughly drained and the meat not completely cooked, you can get sick.

When I was in Kenya and Sudan we had meals of Camel meat. #1 It was amazing it was like the sweetest beef I ever tasted but #2 I was also told the meat had to be thoroughly cooked (well done) so you don't get sick. (no one ever did). thus the reason it was unclean.

The same with rabbits. It's unsafe to eat wild rabbits or hares before the first hard frost of the year. If you eat a wild rabbit sooner, the meat will have parasites. Thus it's unclean.

These bans were for health reasons they did not understand back then. I've held pork roasts at my home. Yes, a full bore on an open spick-et. You have not tasted Pork until you eat it that way, but I never served any meat unless I was absolutely sure the meat was fully cooked, and no blood in the meat, the same goes for poultry (we know about the bird flu).

However according to Harvard Health, "there is an accumulated body of evidence showing a clear link between "high intake" of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes."

So what is God telling us in his Word? Eat healthy, safe foods, eat a balanced diet, and avoid processed meats (eat naturally as God made it for us). Back then the preparation and handling of food was pretty primitive and there was a real risk of contamination and sickness, i.e. the idea of washing was about health and preventing illness.

This goes along with all the things considered unclean in the Old Testament,

skin diseases, discharges of bodily fluids, touching something dead ( Num 5:2 ), it's all about common sense health practices to honor your body and this glorifies God!

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Not All. Just a fortunate coincidence.

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There is no such thing as fortunate coincidences. There is a time, a reason and a purpose for all things under God's Heaven, thus says the Teacher.

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The Creator of our Universe created Science as the method to unfold a Universe.

No magic wand. All followed the plan.

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In the Bible there is no word that can be translated as creating out of nothing.

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Two rather large (for Texas) earthquakes in West Texas. A few days before the Yellowstone event was a 4.9 quake. Then Yellowstone. And now a 5.1 in West Texas. A few weeks back a 7+ out off of Seattle where the “big one” will come.

I have never heard of earthquakes this large in Texas. Even the fracking quakes in Oklahoma ran about 3.4-4.2.


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Science has proved itself unworthy, so I always take that with a grain of salt. As far as scripture, I have learned what it really says, and go by what I know, not about what everyone is professing. Modern society finds itself in quite the same place. Doubter? Nope. I just know corruption when I see it, and I thank the Supreme One everyday for my analytical mind. What Yeshua told his disciples to do is the most important matter. It's up to disciples to do that. The rest is above our pay grade.

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Science unworthy of what. It is a method.

It has found marvelous facts about our universe.

Reproducible is one criteria. Is that unworthy.

Observable, unworthy?

Someone better than me said; it is not what you put in your mouth; it is what comes out of it.

Tools don’t use themselves. How it is put to use may be unworthy.

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Perhaps "scientism" is better used here - HOWEVER, I am not one that is making science into God or perverting it's use. I use the big G because that is what it is to them in the public arena.

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Yes, 100%...but I still eat bacon.

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Yes, yes 100%. But give up bacon? Not happening.

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Switch to turkey bacon. Eating in compliance with Torah is not only healthy, but your following of Torah shows respect for your Creator.

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This is a refreshing and encouraging read and reminder of a Good God and most welcomed at this time of upheaval and sheer satanic blatancy in His precious world; thank you.

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I agree with you, we are in apocalyptic times. But I do not agree with you, because I do not know which God you are referring to.

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The Bible is a fascinating book, if you know how to read it, of course. If you avoid bad translations, false data, plagiarism, and theological interpretations, you get the essence. That is why I always recommend reading the original text, going to the original source to understand everything. Reading the text in Hebrew, as the Old Testament was written, makes you see the Bible as it is.

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Psalm 111:10

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If we are on a ball in a vacuum spinning a 1000 mph, why do the stars not appear as a blur? Why doesn't the vacuum suck off our atmosphere? Why don't we have any sensation of movement? Why is the firmament mentioned so many times in the Bible? If astronauts went to the moon nearly sixty years ago, why does NASA claim they lost the technology to do so again?

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Well done though good & faithful servant 🙏🙏🙏

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Yes they do! And the way Back to our Republic anchored to the Declaration of Independence, and defeat Lawyer atheist moral relativity is to first show scientifically Our Creator IS. And that our Creator is Not a Clock Maker God who wound us up and left. Then we can discuss personal consequences and the scientific validity of those. From there, once Free Will is aligned to the Holy Spirit, we can Unify as Americans. And then lead the unification of Humanity. Under God.

If there is No God, or just a clock maker God, harmonics over linear time would decay. Meaning music and language would decay into Atheist gibberish.

Every time Ave Maria or a recording of an Atheist is repeated and does not decay into Atheist gibberish, that is current and hard scientific validation that God is present here in the Now. And Atheism needs to be put on the shelf (along with it’s Marxism) with Flat Earthism, and proportional velocity.

God is here now. Q. E. D.


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Circumcision! Seriously! And then the next paragraph you say bleeding is a barabiac practice! Peace out…

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