I'd tell my kid to identify as a school administrator and tell those teachers to get the heck out of the classroom because they sure as heck can't teach responsibly.

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Thank you for the excellent article. In these disturbing last days I find peace only through the Lord Jesus, God Almighty, and the Holy Spirit of Jesus that lives Within Me. Therefore I do enjoy peace each day. Praying for everybody close to me, and my enemies as well, is part of my daily life.

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It is truly a crazy world. The insanity unfolding before us us almost unbearable. The only thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that the Entimes draw close. I believe that God is angry and will become more and more vengeful.

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opening the door. when it's ok to identify as cats, horses, birds, ect., it opens the door to identify as a trans human, which is the direction in which this is all headed. the powers that shouldn't be, in the near future, want a technocratic society filled with altered humans. half human/half machine connected to the metaverse. does this sound normal? does this sound real? does this sound like fantasy? it's just as abnormal, unreal and fantasmigorical as being a cat, a horse or a bird. that's why it's being taught in schools that you can identify as ANYTHING you want. and once the agenda for altering the human being is implemented, so it has no soul, transhumanism will be accepted - NO ONE will blink an eye because they have been influenced to accept this theatre of the absurd as our new normal. it's dangerous to accept being altered as a human being. but, people lined up in cars, rolled down their windows, stuck out their arms and accepted being injected by a new medical technology. mRNA, gene altering, no liability "safe and effective" injections and boosters ( "safe & effective", a bold face lie) in order not to die, another bold faced lie accepted by MILLIONS perhaps BILLIONS! now humans are walking around with multiple injections coursing through their bodies doing who knows what to them? I doubt the cvd narradigm was what we were told it was. I think it was something much more sinister and evil. now, children are being taught gender identity in school. they are being taught and influenced to question their gender and to identify with their proper pronouns. I know personally a kindergarten child who was read a book, then told that "sometimes girls feel they are boys and sometimes boys feel that they are girls". The child then was asked "what are you, a boy or a girl". The child responded "I'm a girl", which she is. She was given a round sticker, asked to draw a picture of herself, and instructed to write her proper pronouns. She was instructed, because she identified as a female, to write her proper pronouns as she, her, hers! Her grandmother, who picked her up at school, later found the sticker that was put onto the child's dress. Needless to say the child's grandmother was appalled! I don't identify as a a dinosaur but as a seventy two year old grandmother, I'm old school. What is being taught in schools is no longer old school. It's now new school normal. New school normal is BS! This BS needs to be stopped. It's the grandmothers and grandfathers who need to show up at school committee meetings and say, "how dare you instruct my grandchild to put a gender identification/proper pronoun sticker onto her dress". This is where we are at now living on planet chaos in the theatre of the absurd. This BS is an agenda being rolled out by those that run the planet as their personal empire. There isn't anyone you could possibly vote for that will stop this. We, as a global community, need to stop this foolish and utter nonsense. Otherwise, we will be taken over by the dark side if we continue to ignore and accept what is so terribly wrong that is now accepted as the new normal!

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My God in Heaven, the level of Demonic deception in this age is unbelievable. Our kids face a very scary future indeed. I pray for your soon return Lord Jesus. Amen 🙏.

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Total lunacy. There are no words. .😭

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I didn't think animals were allowed in schools. When they identify as human they can go to human school otherwise their parents can leave them at the kennel.

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These children are searching for identity. When children are home schooled and taught about God, and that God created them as a boy or girl, and for a purpose to honor Him - then those children grow up being responsible children of God. You can't put garbage in and expect anything but garbage to come out.

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If any sane teacher gets a meow for an answer, they should just say ‘wrong answer’ and move on. Grade the kid accordingly, even if it means failing them. Never met a cat yet that could do math or read.

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These teachers are reaping what they have sowed. The liberal educational systems, especially in blue states, have gone full on bat crap crazy. But we, as parents allowed this to devolve into lunacy. If I had school age children, I would be home schooling them rather than subjecting them to this insanity. I have heard of parents setting up their own school co-ops which seems like a workable solution. How about we go back to teaching reading, writing and arithmetic and leave all this identifying craziness out of the curriculum? I know in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, near where I live, 70% of students were not able to read at grade level. SEVENTY PERCENT!

Good grief!

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Truth needs to objective based on facts that are known and or provable. Life has become a beauty pageant where what looks and feels good is graded as good, totally subjective (like beauty is in the eye of the beholder). There is no standard barer to say what is truth, Judges17 In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes. Prov 21:2 Every man’s way is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.

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