Kasra Aarabi, the director of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps research at United Against Nuclear Iran, has said Iran chose the "worst possible option" on the table.

Iran tonight launched around 200 missiles at Israel, an action world leaders have warned is a "significant escalation" in the Middle East.

Mr Aarabi says it is a "significant miscalculation by the regime in Iran".

"There were no good options for the IRGC, it was a lose situation for the regime, but of all the options on the table they have picked the worst.

"An Israeli response, a retaliation now is inevitable, and they will target military intelligence sites inside Iran.

"This is about to get a lot worse, but as I've said, the regime in Iran - of all the options possible - they have picked the worst.

"And they are going to pay the consequences."

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Why miscalculation? O bama gave them lottttts of cash. For years.

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Yes Looking up for it is neigh

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Iran is just chest thumping. If they could wipe Israel off the map, they would. Israel could cause Iran to cease to exist, but they won’t, because they don’t need to. Iran needs to prove to its proxies that it will fight, even though it really can’t. The 1979 revolution set Iran up for failure, and they have never really found their way back from it because of the backwardness they decided to embrace. There might still be a big war in the Middle East, but this probably isn’t the start of it. It would take truly modern militaries that can actually threaten the existence of Israel for that to be a fact. No one capable of that wants to tangle with Israel and a bunch of loser terrorists aren’t going to get the job done.

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Meanwhile Liz Cheney is all in supporting

All-Red’s bid to eliminate the Filibuster. Stack the Courts, add 4 Dim Senators and stack the House with illegals based Representatives based on biased Census. Which will eliminate all chances of saving the Republic from becoming Mafia Mob Ruled Venezuela Tyranny.

Pray or be prey. 🙏🙏🙏

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Netanyahu: 'Iran made a big mistake tonight - and it will pay for it'

The prime minister of Israel has said Iran will suffer for its attack this evening.

"Iran made a big mistake tonight - and it will pay for it," Benjamin Netanyahu said.

"There is also a deliberate and murderous hand behind this attack - it comes from Tehran.

"We will stand by the rule we established: whoever attacks us - we will attack him."

He added that the attack had "failed", amid claims from Tehran that said some 90% of the missiles found their targets.

Reports on the ground and noises coming out of the US suggest that the vast majority of the missiles were successfully intercepted - and no damage, injuries or deaths have been reported by Israel yet.

Israeli officials have already vowed a "painful response" against its enemy, with the IDF's chief spokesman saying the response will come in a manner and at a time of their choosing.

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Let us see how Israel responds.

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This is what comes to my mind and take note that right after the beginning of the birth pains the saints will be persecuted and put to death by all nations. Where are we in this timeline? Are at the beginning of the birth pains? If we are then the saints need to be ready. :

Matthew 24:6-13

New International Version

6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

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May you live in interesting times

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What will the consequences be from here? ZERO. Remember....:"Just don't."

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We’re not there quite yet, but we’re getting very close. I think the groundwork is being laid, though. Before the Ezekial 38-39 war, Israel will experience a period of peace and safety. The alliance of the countries involved also needs to solidify. Again, we’re very close. Lastly, Israel must have something that God will use to ‘put the hook in the jaw’ of Russia to lure them to attack. Then, that war will happen. What we’re seeing now, I believe, is the precursor to those events.

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No time for games comrade s, it is time to stay vigil and keep your eyes peeled and your ears open !! Pray pray pray and fight fight fight , like they say: You can vote your way into communism but you have TO SHOOT YOUR WAY OUT... I think our man George Washington said that, I m not sure. but ist a good one.

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We stick real close to our Bible and guns and everything in between , good thing I packed a few pounds on, God bless us all . I pray to Yahusha and Yaweh, for wisdom and strength. Amen

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So far, just a warm-up for the IDF. Like playing war games with a bit more intensity. At some point Israel will knocak out Iran's radar/early warning. Then after destroying a few military/weapons facilities, they will wipe out Iranian oil ports. After these moves,

expect Israel to destroy their nuke facilities; you know, the facilities that Barak Hussein O'BamAllah and Joe Corn Row Biden turned a blind eye to. If that doesn't cause the remaining mullahs to soil their pants, Israel has the option to dropping some well placed nukes. Bobbi might even get Biden to lob a missiles from our ships sitting off shore. Will it get nasty over there with a lot of terrorists dying? Absolutely. Armageddon? Not yet. That one is up to God.

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