I am a Product Manager for a division of a large, well known manufacturing firm. We service the crushed stone (quarry) industry. Crushed stone production has been dropping for about six straight quarters now and the decline is accelerating. These are U.S government reports, not speculation. The last time this occurred was in 2007/2008 leading to the October 2008 crash. We are not hiring and travel is being drastically cut. At the same time we are raising prices, in some cases dramatically, because raw material prices continue to increase. The disparity between what I know is happening and media reports is shocking.

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Thank you Jeff Beck for your observations.

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I'll second that Carl,

News from the 'Front Lines' is a Priceless Gem that enables us to MAINTAIN a firm grasp of the realities involved...the opposite of the pure SHITE that the MSM continuously attempts to force down our throats, daily.

Be Well Mr Beck, be Safe and most of all, be Blessed...


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This is the next and the last great crash to kill the dollar, and bring the chaos. Usually we have a managed down turn about every 10 years or so but this time its been 16 years. They have kept this going for just the reason to make sure this is massive when they pull the trigger.

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Howdy Y'all,

The 'Kicker' here lies in the following over at ZH,


Dwell on that for a bit...

Be Well, Safe and Blessed,


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We should call this Purge The American Citizen Agenda and destructive tactics what they really are:

------ "Acts Of War"! -----

• Gee, the WH just can't seem to see this Immigration Jihad Criminal Agenda, coast to coast Full Spectrum WAR- they Imported. (Intentional Incompetence Administration)

• The restaurant Economy is in free fall, thousands closing coast to coast. So many necessary -good service, managment, & entry level jobs for "Americans" lost.

Add delinquent overhead - food deserts - supply chain and famine issues getting worse.

• How many favorite generational one of a kind family restaurants gone forever? Priceless-tragic!

• I don't think anyone in America has ever seen that happen in their lifetime. Let's see that chart - the map.

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Yes. The government and all its stats and figures tries to persuade us that things are fine, just fine! Many nations (and others) are stocking up on gold. Now that's not a sign that says things are going well.

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Okay, I get it-- the economy is on a serious downward trend. My question: What is Warren Buffett doing with all that money? He's likely not sitting on piles of cash or buying CDs. It doesn't seem probable he's buying Treasuries (and the bond market is not great). What's the rich old man doing with the proceeds?

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No he is buying hard assets, gold silver, home, business that will survive the crash. He is super smart he knows what to buy. Now he will not keep much cash because cash is worthless and when they crash comes and they default on the dollar, all that cash will become useless and worthless toilet paper.

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The Heavy Duties are buying gold & silver. Money is DOA.

Commercial Real Estate is a gigantic sinkhole for banks, never to recover, all by design. (until The Weffer Reset)

The market is only a fast food fix - or sugar high for only a few, about to blaze like a forest fire.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

The problem is too much government.I estimate,that for every Dollar government takes, in direct taxes and inflation tax,they output less than .33 of useful spending.So,govt is like a massive wealth destruction machine.It has grown so large,it is destroying wealth faster than the private sector can create it.Unfortunately,the majority of voters desire more government,to fix what government has caused.So,better get out of fiat currency and into tangible assets.

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Gee, surprise surprise surprise (as Gomer Pyle would say).

We have an election coming up that will be worse election cycle in our history.

We have a debt ceiling to raise.

We have inflation and job loss accelerating this crash

We have UN Global Summit for the Future

The really smart people are getting out of the stock market (the rats are leaving the ship).

The weather is going bonkers.

We have the FED with their finger on the trigger Just waiting to collapse the dollar for the right event to blame the collapse on.

We are on the verge of war.

We are on the verge of not one but several pandemics spreading at the same time.

All happening at the same time, this is not a coincidence, this has been all planed and all coming together now.

This is truly over.

My Bible tells me these guys do take over the world for a time, we will be persecuted but in the end the Lord will rescue His people when He returns to establish His kingdom, but do we have the agape love and the endurance to run the martyrs' this race to the end.

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Wow thanks. So I missed what is he and all the big wigs doing to reinvest in their country? Or are the rich just all fallen blind to the god of this world while they tuck tail and run meanwhile the average person can barely afford bread soon. That was foretold btw https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/855db2e7-a664-481f-8209-621031c6c45b

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The poor only keep getting poorer because the rich keep pulling shit that keeps making them richer. Sometimes I wonder if this is a closet Socialist page.

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