Open borders is about replacing the US population with non-Americans to have lots of babies to change the face of America.
The destruction of the dollar and inflation was to eviscerate the middle class and cause people not to afford babies.
Abortion is all about reducing the American population while immigrants are having lost of babies and the rest of America the ones left have to pay for it..
The LGBTQ agenda is to destroy the family itself the very fabric of a nation and reduce the number of American babies.
Everything is about fundamentally changing America, so the possibilities of the future are not burdened by the past.
The truth is, it's already too late, we are beyond recovery. The 2024 election no matter who wins will lead to a govt. that ceases to function, opening a door for whoever is president at the time will become a dictator. This will not end well
Add to that the young sterilized by the biosynth modified mRNA spike proteins in their ovaries and testes. And those sterilized by Transitioning and mutilation of genitals.9
This, my friend, is the answer to why women are being sterilised! Them saying they want to do so is untrue, or at least they are using it as an excuse when they realise the jab(s) did it. And of course the mindless fools following the changing of their sex. (But I don’t believe there are as many of those that all media put together is suggesting.) Also the convid jabs are affecting male fertility (I mean sperm count) as well.
Great observation. Like “ok maybe the jab didn’t work as advertised, but I didn’t die (yet)”. Ignoring the vast majority of those who died were jabbed. The rest had co morbidities that Flu and pneumonia kills thousands here any way.
Back in the 50's when I was growing up, kids were an economic necessity, and most family's has 3 to 6 kids. Today, kids are an economic liability, both parents have to work, daycare is super expensive, diapers and formula are unaffordable, and try saving for you kids college......1st year is 28,000 plus 12,000 for room and board times 4 years. Or they can go to Vo-Tech. or community college but it's still expensive. Top it off the future of your employment is always untenable, decent housing costs stresses the financials and public education is riff with unchristian practices.
Full time homesteading mama, who finds all my fulfilment in my family and our farm here... My kids are my treasures and life before them was pale in comparison. However, I hope for their sakes, that my kids decide not to have kids (and Jesus comes before they'd need to consider this) because to bring kids into the world we now live in, will be a truly difficult and heart breaking thing. The Bible tells us... Woe to those women who are pregnant and with babies during this time (paraphrase). As much as I'd have loved them to experience a different life a decade or two earlier, my hope for them is rather to focus on becoming unstoppable warriors of Christ in our terribly evil world. God created them for this time.
I'm 40 years ahead of these women. Now 58 and never wanted to bear a child. Don't regret that decision at all. I could see the way the world was going even back then and before, as a small child. Or rather, I felt it. I've never chased money or had some kind of prescribed career either as i loath 'the system'.
I work enough to get by and am currently watching humanity slowly go to hell in a handcart, as the saying goes. Instead of what would have normally been watching grandchildren grow up in this hellish place, i'm now on hand to help my elderly and increasingly sick parents in the latter stages of their life in this place we call earth.
Total human population had been in the millions since the beginning of human, until right around 1700s, then world's human population just started to jump straight-up, to now - there are more than 8 Billion people on earth now, and growing.
Wow, hard to imagine 8 Billion+ mouths to feed everyday.
Not really that hard. You can fit them all the state of Texas in four bedroom homes. Of course with out man made nitrogen fertilizer from natural gas pulling nitrogen out of the Atmosphere, half will die, Ergo the GoreBullies banning nitrogen fertilizer.
The best population control is consumerism. All developed consumerism nations see their populations level off and start declining. As the need for subsistence farming labor goes away.
It’s not about population control, it is about Power and Greed control. Tyranny is easier with a lot less to control. 🧐
I experienced all of the adverse consequences of having children that that young woman mentioned, but I did it and I'm glad that I did. The worst was the complete failure of my husband to help me. I had no one else, so in essence was a single mother until the boys got to an age where he "enjoyed" them.
My older son is getting married next year, but who knows if they'll ever have kids.I see so many people my age, now raising their grandchildren because their children cannot afford to live on one income or utilize daycare. This generation is feeding right into the depopulation agenda of the elites.
I really wish we could go back to the way things were in the fifties and sixties when I grew up.
I dunno. If I were a girl in my prime fertile years, living in a country that told me one entire political party wanted to see me get raped from the inside out for nine whole months against my will, I am pretty fffffff sure I'd prevent the problem before it could ever happen to me.
It's either they get a permanent solution to their problem, or they just remain celibate and never let men touch them. You decide (since men are deciding for them anyway).
Open borders is about replacing the US population with non-Americans to have lots of babies to change the face of America.
The destruction of the dollar and inflation was to eviscerate the middle class and cause people not to afford babies.
Abortion is all about reducing the American population while immigrants are having lost of babies and the rest of America the ones left have to pay for it..
The LGBTQ agenda is to destroy the family itself the very fabric of a nation and reduce the number of American babies.
Everything is about fundamentally changing America, so the possibilities of the future are not burdened by the past.
The truth is, it's already too late, we are beyond recovery. The 2024 election no matter who wins will lead to a govt. that ceases to function, opening a door for whoever is president at the time will become a dictator. This will not end well
Add to that the young sterilized by the biosynth modified mRNA spike proteins in their ovaries and testes. And those sterilized by Transitioning and mutilation of genitals.9
This, my friend, is the answer to why women are being sterilised! Them saying they want to do so is untrue, or at least they are using it as an excuse when they realise the jab(s) did it. And of course the mindless fools following the changing of their sex. (But I don’t believe there are as many of those that all media put together is suggesting.) Also the convid jabs are affecting male fertility (I mean sperm count) as well.
Great observation. Like “ok maybe the jab didn’t work as advertised, but I didn’t die (yet)”. Ignoring the vast majority of those who died were jabbed. The rest had co morbidities that Flu and pneumonia kills thousands here any way.
Yep, agree
Back in the 50's when I was growing up, kids were an economic necessity, and most family's has 3 to 6 kids. Today, kids are an economic liability, both parents have to work, daycare is super expensive, diapers and formula are unaffordable, and try saving for you kids college......1st year is 28,000 plus 12,000 for room and board times 4 years. Or they can go to Vo-Tech. or community college but it's still expensive. Top it off the future of your employment is always untenable, decent housing costs stresses the financials and public education is riff with unchristian practices.
"Back in the 50's when I was growing up, kids were an economic necessity..."
Only if you were living on a farm.
With everything going on in the world, if I were that age, I'd be doing the same. Can't imagine bringing a child into the world at this time.
Totally agree.
Full time homesteading mama, who finds all my fulfilment in my family and our farm here... My kids are my treasures and life before them was pale in comparison. However, I hope for their sakes, that my kids decide not to have kids (and Jesus comes before they'd need to consider this) because to bring kids into the world we now live in, will be a truly difficult and heart breaking thing. The Bible tells us... Woe to those women who are pregnant and with babies during this time (paraphrase). As much as I'd have loved them to experience a different life a decade or two earlier, my hope for them is rather to focus on becoming unstoppable warriors of Christ in our terribly evil world. God created them for this time.
I'm 40 years ahead of these women. Now 58 and never wanted to bear a child. Don't regret that decision at all. I could see the way the world was going even back then and before, as a small child. Or rather, I felt it. I've never chased money or had some kind of prescribed career either as i loath 'the system'.
I work enough to get by and am currently watching humanity slowly go to hell in a handcart, as the saying goes. Instead of what would have normally been watching grandchildren grow up in this hellish place, i'm now on hand to help my elderly and increasingly sick parents in the latter stages of their life in this place we call earth.
Total human population had been in the millions since the beginning of human, until right around 1700s, then world's human population just started to jump straight-up, to now - there are more than 8 Billion people on earth now, and growing.
Wow, hard to imagine 8 Billion+ mouths to feed everyday.
Not really that hard. You can fit them all the state of Texas in four bedroom homes. Of course with out man made nitrogen fertilizer from natural gas pulling nitrogen out of the Atmosphere, half will die, Ergo the GoreBullies banning nitrogen fertilizer.
The best population control is consumerism. All developed consumerism nations see their populations level off and start declining. As the need for subsistence farming labor goes away.
It’s not about population control, it is about Power and Greed control. Tyranny is easier with a lot less to control. 🧐
I experienced all of the adverse consequences of having children that that young woman mentioned, but I did it and I'm glad that I did. The worst was the complete failure of my husband to help me. I had no one else, so in essence was a single mother until the boys got to an age where he "enjoyed" them.
My older son is getting married next year, but who knows if they'll ever have kids.I see so many people my age, now raising their grandchildren because their children cannot afford to live on one income or utilize daycare. This generation is feeding right into the depopulation agenda of the elites.
I really wish we could go back to the way things were in the fifties and sixties when I grew up.
I dunno. If I were a girl in my prime fertile years, living in a country that told me one entire political party wanted to see me get raped from the inside out for nine whole months against my will, I am pretty fffffff sure I'd prevent the problem before it could ever happen to me.
It's either they get a permanent solution to their problem, or they just remain celibate and never let men touch them. You decide (since men are deciding for them anyway).
If you know of a place where women are among those willing "to mate like rabbits without consequence", please share.
In America at least, that cohort is roughly at 99.99999% all male.