All 100% true, but they are not all like that. My two oldest grandchildren have worked for several years, while in high school and college and they would never “ghost “ a job. My daughter, their mother, would kill them!!

But I definitely agree with you.

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Gen Z is the victim of the false prophet of digital reality. They are now slaves to Meta Markie and the goog (gulag) and the poison apple.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

That's a bunch of pretty good opinions that most would agree with (and have already read ad nauseum on a thousand other sites). And you chose a nice little set of nine horrifying AI youths too!

The only flaw was your lack of research on homeschooling vs. public-schooled kids and the seeming disparity in their competence. This page describes why homeschooled children only appear to be better-educated: https://parentingscience.com/homeschooling-outcomes/

As a victim of the foster care system, I got homeschooled and I got public schooled. Public schools rooms have one teacher and dozens of students. Homeschooling has one teacher and often one student. Sometimes that one home teacher is a lazy sack of obese DNA who's just in it for the cash. Anyway, the link explains the problem with believing homeschooling does a better job than standard schooling.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Who raised those kids Michael?… and who let things get so bad? ….<crickets>

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Oh I know who raised those kids, their parents did. I know that because I looked it up on the internet.

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Too funny!

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Duh 🙄

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People allowed them to take God our Lord Jesus Christ out of our schools. They allowed sex education in our schools. They allowed transgenders to compete on girls teams. They allowed abortions. They allowed schools to help children start the hormone transition. They allowed same sex marriages. They allowed legalizing beastiality. They allowed pedophiles to teach and work in our schools. You allowed and asked for this..."You Got It!!" Now...wait for the wrath from the Almighty God.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

It's not just the Gen Z that have no work ethic. I worked the Polls yesterday in a small, local Adermanic race. Our workers are composed of ALL senior citizens. I was told that 30% of the people scheduled to work either call to cancel last minute, or just don't show up at all. I was stunned.

I was working on site registration and had three young people as new voters. That made me feel a little better.

As for our education system, it has been a failure for a very long time. As a child, I taught myself to read. By the time I entered first grade (circa 1962), I was reading at a college level, but I was forced to read the "See John Run" books. I was so bored that I began to hate school. I was finally seated next to another really smart kid, in around 6th grade, and began to compete with him. Otherwise, I probably would have dropped out of school altogether. It seems that the more money we spend on education, the worse it gets. We really need to privatize all schools (school choice) and let them compete for students as they do in other countries such as Sweden. Of course our powerful teachers unions would become unhinged at the very idea. Because so many families have to have both parents working, school has become a glorified daycare and they don't have the means or energy to home school. It breaks my heart.

Fortunately, we were able to afford private grade school for both my boys and they are both hard working and successful. Thank God!

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It is deliberately orchestrated to end the American Era ?

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Kunstler nailed it a few months ago "Why they killed the USA", note that Kunstler is the Progressive Jew of the USA a widely followed leader of Jewish thinking that has moved away from the left;

( The young people are a product of Hollywood MSM advertising and product placement )


Then of course there are the non-binary, ... just more divide&conquer of humanity;



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Interesting self-promotion!

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Yep, I get 5,000 shekels a day from Rabbi's for promoting my self-hating jew shit :)

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No one should hate themselves. Maybe this'll help.


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"A foreskin is a terrible thing to waste" - HRC

If the witch says its edible, that's good enough for me.

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Puddin-Jew, my momma jew was born& raised on an Israeli-Kibbutz, she refused to allow them to cut me, me momma was a black-jew, she said circumcision was a satanic practice, over her dead body, ... to this day, I'm still 100% intact;

Lord works in strange ways :)

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A foreskin is terrible thing to waste, I kid you not here in Israel the GOV has offered to Freeze the sperm of all dead IDF soldiers and impregnate Gazan females so as to begat little faux-jews, but they'll have to call the mother 'kosher'

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Hmm. Sounds a bit assur to me.

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Nobody ever said that Isra-Hell was rational, or intelligence, in fact what is a known-known is they have shit for brains, they even say their brains are in their ass hole, the ZOG 'first brain theory' google it;

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hey its kosher deal with it, besides every IDF cuck that dies comes back 10x to avenge the anti-ZOG

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