I disagree that this is due to "desperation"; rather it's due to lack of discipline. In the 1930s Americans, like most of the world, were desperate. Robberies and thefts were up, but crimes were prosecuted. These days, prosecutors refuse to prosecute criminals and large gangs are rampaging through stores, but they aren't stealing necessities; they're stealing luxury items, en masse. That's not "desperation"; food, basic clothing perhaps, medicine, that's desperation. High end electronics, and the like are just unbridled sin, theft because they can, and no one will stop them. Gov't's are calling it "equity", but it's not that either. "Equity" is the re-education camps, gulags... equal misery and poverty. It's not stealing from hard working businesses just because you won't be stopped.
Yeah...Desperation for that popular nail col;or. These children would benefit with a trip to the woodshed. (OMG! Now that might damage their self esteem!) The should find out what they are entitled to for not working and being thugs. Zip, Zilch. Nada.
People still aren't starving. I believe that's on the agenda. But right now they're bored and want to amuse themselves with lawlessness and "five finger discounts." It's a very bad hobby.
I don't know anything about Donnie McClurkin. But the song itself is theologically sound. Many of the lyrics are lifted straight from the Bible. Good song. I've sung "Days of Elijah" at my own church.
Please elaborate? Are you implying signing praise songs to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as King of kings is Satanic?
My only hope for fallen man is the Return of Jesus Christ. At His Return, Jesus will cast Satan into the bottomless pit and the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on a restored earth for 1,000 years. Entrance into the 1,000 year Kingdom of Heaven is limited, in these "Times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21-24), to those who have chosen Jesus as the Messiah of the Creator of the Universe. During the Millennium each of us who chose Jesus as Lord, Savior and Teacher will be given a new name, given a new language and instruction by Jesus Himself. After the 1,000 years, Satan will be released from the bottomless pit for a final test and those who refuse Satan pass the final test and will become Sons/Daughters of the Living God - and the Creator's universe will be our new home for eternity.
That said, please know that I am 75 years old and when I was 33, I was given a Revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He is Emmanuel, He is God with us. He is God in the Flesh. After studying the Holy Scriptures for over four decades, I have grown my faith in the Word of God through the process known as "renewing your mind" (Romans 12:2). Accordingly in my renewed mind, I have no faith in any religious system or government fallen man can conceive. My only hope is Jesus Returns.
Because I have been crucified in Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me and for me to live is Christ - and to die is gain. Thus, I do not fear the first death of the New World Order because my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And statistically speaking my future is probably numbered @ Revelation 7: 9-14. [FYI: I will refuse to the death any implanted digital ID.]
In closing, I posit the current Pope Francis with his recent outreach to Islam could be "The Beast from the Earth" as was prophesized @ Revelation 13: 11-12. Furthermore, with the recent public disclosures that Barack Hussein Obama is homosexual/bisexual, it is not a leap to place Obama as was prophesized @ Daniel 11:37. Obviously, the young prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia is one of the "Ten Horns-Crowns" in the "Beast from the Sea" @ Revelation 13:1. And as a wildcard, consider Jared Kushner.
No, but I AM saying not all contemporary "praise" songs are honoring Yhwh God and His only begotten Son. The sound quality of the underlying "music" is as important as the words,and has been for decades now, a deceptive trap. Ask yourself this: is the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit the author of that which does physical, psychological, or spiritual harm to His creatures? Would they be honored by that which does such harm?
Before you jump off the deep end at me, understand the sound quality of which I speak is as addictive as alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs, so if you are immersed in it, you re almost certainly addicted to it, and WILL react, naturally, exactly like any addict whose next fix is threatened by someone. But again, ask yourself if our Creator is the Author of addictions? Would that please or honor Him in any way? "Music" changed dramatically in the early post WW II years, both popular, and a bit later " religious/ worship music". The change was subtle, at first, but t has not been subtle since the mid-'60s, and it was about that time it crept into the churches, slowly at first, but has almost completely permeated the US churches, and those in Europe as well. I was young, but not so young I was unaware of, or don't remember, the changes happening. The science studies began n the early '60s, and culminated in the mid-'80s. The change in music patterns coincides with decreasing attendance, largely, and with decreasing Biblical accuracy, literacy, and religious practice in public life as well as churches. I don't believe that's a coincidence.
I'm not addicted to the music but the word's. There is no God like Jehovah, and He is coming with salvation in his wings, how can you not say that and not shout PS 27:6
Latin America looks better by the day. We are planning a trip to Paraguay soon. They don’t put up with that nonsense over there. Plus the cost of living is less than 1/2 of what is is in the US. Having sailed 1/2 way around the world over the past decade and visited many countries, we discovered that the US is basically an ultra expensive cesspool of intolerant wokeism.
So many other places in the world with warm friendly people and lower cost of living.
Elitist hit the Ma/Pa stores during pandemic...now elitist are closing down their own stores. They"re allowing and telling these people to rob these stores...most likely paying them to do so. It's orchestrated so we "physically" can't find anything...so we'll soon have to purchase everything online...which is where they want us. Everything that's going on in this world is so massive, so big, so intricately planned...there's no way a human planned all this.
There are multiple contributing factors to this mess.
In the name of equity and inclusion, our judicial system has morphed from punishing crimes to some kind of catch and release program. There are little, if any, consequences for crimes, even after multiple offenses. That's why laws have deterrents. Otherwise why even have them on the books? A case in point is here in Wisconsin. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, an 1849 ban on abortion took precedence. Some liberal judge said that the law was unconstitutional and just like that, Planned Parenthood is back killing babies. No legislative imput whatsoever, just one judge.
The demonization of police has also contributed to the deterioration of our legal system. Every force in the country is short on officers and stretched to the breaking point. I live in a very safe area, but I'm not naive enough to not take precautions. I have my concealed carry license and insurance in case I need to use it.
The deterioration of the family is yet another base cause. Many of the young people today are from broken homes where discipline is sorely lacking. Parents are exhausted and have little energy to invest in their children. The kids hang out in gangs. My brother in law used to say, that for every teenager you add to a group, you half their brain power. I think that's pretty true.
Of course the most important issue is taking God out of our society. Laws, police and prison can only do so much. Without a strong sense of right and wrong, we will devolve into chaos. This whole concept of separation of Church and state was not what our forefathers had in mind. They wanted to ensure that the Church was not run by our government, NOT that faith should be kept out of our administration.
There are still multitudes of God fearing citizens in our nation, but we need a leader to get us back on the right path. Someone to root out all the corruption in our society. I don't know if that will happen, but I pray for it daily.
yes and the only solution is the second coming of Christ. It's spiritual pride that we think that somehow we can fix this in our fallen state. These things have plagued us since Cain murdered his brother Abel. As the Preacher has stated, there is nothing new under the sun what was what is and what will be will not change. Outside of Christ it is all vanity, it is all vanity vanity.
Civilized Life Matters! Who is allowing these savages and freeloaders to overrun "our" society? Who has the courage to call them out and put a stop to it?
Black looters were grabbing expensive iPhones, then just smashing them on the sidewalk. See video from this obese, foul-mouth cheerleader live streaming the "event" for $$$ like it was some kind of game show: bitchute.com/video/TwFydh1CmmWP/
You did not listen to a word I said and talked right past me. You ignored my point and went back to yur mantra.
Music and dancing was a central part of worship toward God.
Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! ...
I understand that 80% of modern Christian music today is garbage, mostly due to it's content and it the combination of uplifting music that is the deception.
David Danced before the Lord. You cant tell me that when Israel shouted their praises to the Lord
"And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord."
There is no emotional response to that? Agape Love goes to the heart and our emotions are affected.
With shouts of Joy.
When we see Christ it will effect our emotions.
There is nothing wrong with songs that lift the emotions, as long as the message is truth, we worship God in Spirit (that will effect our emotions) and Truth, both are needed. Like when convicted of sin (by the Spirit, there is repentance with weeping and Godly sorrow, our emotions are effected by the spirt moving in negative (repentance) and positive ways (worship).
That which glorifies Yhwh God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit without doing harm to His creation. It's been around for thousands of yrs, even before Jesus called among humans. The Psalms were the "hymnal" of the Temple, and there s a ide range of healthy "Christian" music, most composed before 1960, before the Satanic corruption of the world's "music" was carried into the churches by unsaved, worldly, minions of Satan. Try listening to the entire composition of Handel's "Messiah" for example, or Beethoven's 9th symphony, or Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", or the old hymns from the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries that are both musically as well as scripturally more edifying. There are songs and chants from Hebrew as well, going back to the Exodus in fact, that praise the God of Creation. Sound praise music is not missing, we humans are largely choosing to not listen to it, preferring the addictive worldly "music" that isn't truly. Look up the root word "muse" from the Greek. You can find it in Strong's exhaustive concordance dictionary. The question is can you discern which spirit is doing the inspiring... your words in these posts suggest not.
This is due to a morally corrupt world outside the Gospel. You can't beat morality into people. People are starving in the inner cities. Just talk to the food pantries in these cities. There is no earthly solution, God is doing this to wake us up from our spiritual pride that we have an earthy answer to what's wrong. It's the gospel and the calling of Christ!
I disagree that this is due to "desperation"; rather it's due to lack of discipline. In the 1930s Americans, like most of the world, were desperate. Robberies and thefts were up, but crimes were prosecuted. These days, prosecutors refuse to prosecute criminals and large gangs are rampaging through stores, but they aren't stealing necessities; they're stealing luxury items, en masse. That's not "desperation"; food, basic clothing perhaps, medicine, that's desperation. High end electronics, and the like are just unbridled sin, theft because they can, and no one will stop them. Gov't's are calling it "equity", but it's not that either. "Equity" is the re-education camps, gulags... equal misery and poverty. It's not stealing from hard working businesses just because you won't be stopped.
Yeah...Desperation for that popular nail col;or. These children would benefit with a trip to the woodshed. (OMG! Now that might damage their self esteem!) The should find out what they are entitled to for not working and being thugs. Zip, Zilch. Nada.
People still aren't starving. I believe that's on the agenda. But right now they're bored and want to amuse themselves with lawlessness and "five finger discounts." It's a very bad hobby.
It's an habit harming all of us.
This is what happens when a nation forgets God.
Amen, and Amen!
Sir, I heartily suggest you get your messages from sound churches, not those playing with Satan, like FAR too many these days are.
I don't know anything about Donnie McClurkin. But the song itself is theologically sound. Many of the lyrics are lifted straight from the Bible. Good song. I've sung "Days of Elijah" at my own church.
The underlying "music" is not, however; it opens spiritual doors to places no Christian following Jesus should seek to enter.
Please elaborate? Are you implying signing praise songs to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as King of kings is Satanic?
My only hope for fallen man is the Return of Jesus Christ. At His Return, Jesus will cast Satan into the bottomless pit and the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on a restored earth for 1,000 years. Entrance into the 1,000 year Kingdom of Heaven is limited, in these "Times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21-24), to those who have chosen Jesus as the Messiah of the Creator of the Universe. During the Millennium each of us who chose Jesus as Lord, Savior and Teacher will be given a new name, given a new language and instruction by Jesus Himself. After the 1,000 years, Satan will be released from the bottomless pit for a final test and those who refuse Satan pass the final test and will become Sons/Daughters of the Living God - and the Creator's universe will be our new home for eternity.
That said, please know that I am 75 years old and when I was 33, I was given a Revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He is Emmanuel, He is God with us. He is God in the Flesh. After studying the Holy Scriptures for over four decades, I have grown my faith in the Word of God through the process known as "renewing your mind" (Romans 12:2). Accordingly in my renewed mind, I have no faith in any religious system or government fallen man can conceive. My only hope is Jesus Returns.
Because I have been crucified in Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me and for me to live is Christ - and to die is gain. Thus, I do not fear the first death of the New World Order because my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And statistically speaking my future is probably numbered @ Revelation 7: 9-14. [FYI: I will refuse to the death any implanted digital ID.]
In closing, I posit the current Pope Francis with his recent outreach to Islam could be "The Beast from the Earth" as was prophesized @ Revelation 13: 11-12. Furthermore, with the recent public disclosures that Barack Hussein Obama is homosexual/bisexual, it is not a leap to place Obama as was prophesized @ Daniel 11:37. Obviously, the young prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia is one of the "Ten Horns-Crowns" in the "Beast from the Sea" @ Revelation 13:1. And as a wildcard, consider Jared Kushner.
No, but I AM saying not all contemporary "praise" songs are honoring Yhwh God and His only begotten Son. The sound quality of the underlying "music" is as important as the words,and has been for decades now, a deceptive trap. Ask yourself this: is the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit the author of that which does physical, psychological, or spiritual harm to His creatures? Would they be honored by that which does such harm?
Before you jump off the deep end at me, understand the sound quality of which I speak is as addictive as alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs, so if you are immersed in it, you re almost certainly addicted to it, and WILL react, naturally, exactly like any addict whose next fix is threatened by someone. But again, ask yourself if our Creator is the Author of addictions? Would that please or honor Him in any way? "Music" changed dramatically in the early post WW II years, both popular, and a bit later " religious/ worship music". The change was subtle, at first, but t has not been subtle since the mid-'60s, and it was about that time it crept into the churches, slowly at first, but has almost completely permeated the US churches, and those in Europe as well. I was young, but not so young I was unaware of, or don't remember, the changes happening. The science studies began n the early '60s, and culminated in the mid-'80s. The change in music patterns coincides with decreasing attendance, largely, and with decreasing Biblical accuracy, literacy, and religious practice in public life as well as churches. I don't believe that's a coincidence.
I'm not addicted to the music but the word's. There is no God like Jehovah, and He is coming with salvation in his wings, how can you not say that and not shout PS 27:6
He gets the last word and the vermin will scurry for the hills. good Luck with that children.
I'm sure this is organized crime, if not the cartels.
I'm wondering when it becomes open season on the looters.
Latin America looks better by the day. We are planning a trip to Paraguay soon. They don’t put up with that nonsense over there. Plus the cost of living is less than 1/2 of what is is in the US. Having sailed 1/2 way around the world over the past decade and visited many countries, we discovered that the US is basically an ultra expensive cesspool of intolerant wokeism.
So many other places in the world with warm friendly people and lower cost of living.
Elitist hit the Ma/Pa stores during pandemic...now elitist are closing down their own stores. They"re allowing and telling these people to rob these stores...most likely paying them to do so. It's orchestrated so we "physically" can't find anything...so we'll soon have to purchase everything online...which is where they want us. Everything that's going on in this world is so massive, so big, so intricately planned...there's no way a human planned all this.
There are multiple contributing factors to this mess.
In the name of equity and inclusion, our judicial system has morphed from punishing crimes to some kind of catch and release program. There are little, if any, consequences for crimes, even after multiple offenses. That's why laws have deterrents. Otherwise why even have them on the books? A case in point is here in Wisconsin. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, an 1849 ban on abortion took precedence. Some liberal judge said that the law was unconstitutional and just like that, Planned Parenthood is back killing babies. No legislative imput whatsoever, just one judge.
The demonization of police has also contributed to the deterioration of our legal system. Every force in the country is short on officers and stretched to the breaking point. I live in a very safe area, but I'm not naive enough to not take precautions. I have my concealed carry license and insurance in case I need to use it.
The deterioration of the family is yet another base cause. Many of the young people today are from broken homes where discipline is sorely lacking. Parents are exhausted and have little energy to invest in their children. The kids hang out in gangs. My brother in law used to say, that for every teenager you add to a group, you half their brain power. I think that's pretty true.
Of course the most important issue is taking God out of our society. Laws, police and prison can only do so much. Without a strong sense of right and wrong, we will devolve into chaos. This whole concept of separation of Church and state was not what our forefathers had in mind. They wanted to ensure that the Church was not run by our government, NOT that faith should be kept out of our administration.
There are still multitudes of God fearing citizens in our nation, but we need a leader to get us back on the right path. Someone to root out all the corruption in our society. I don't know if that will happen, but I pray for it daily.
yes and the only solution is the second coming of Christ. It's spiritual pride that we think that somehow we can fix this in our fallen state. These things have plagued us since Cain murdered his brother Abel. As the Preacher has stated, there is nothing new under the sun what was what is and what will be will not change. Outside of Christ it is all vanity, it is all vanity vanity.
All in "Ze Plan".
To destroy human serving entities: medical and pharmaceutical services, police force, entertainment, sports, retail, food. Yes, especially food.
By 2022: 103 Food Related Processing Plants Destroyed.
Poverty has increased 60%:
Civilized Life Matters! Who is allowing these savages and freeloaders to overrun "our" society? Who has the courage to call them out and put a stop to it?
Black looters were grabbing expensive iPhones, then just smashing them on the sidewalk. See video from this obese, foul-mouth cheerleader live streaming the "event" for $$$ like it was some kind of game show: bitchute.com/video/TwFydh1CmmWP/
You did not listen to a word I said and talked right past me. You ignored my point and went back to yur mantra.
Music and dancing was a central part of worship toward God.
Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! ...
I understand that 80% of modern Christian music today is garbage, mostly due to it's content and it the combination of uplifting music that is the deception.
David Danced before the Lord. You cant tell me that when Israel shouted their praises to the Lord
"And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord."
There is no emotional response to that? Agape Love goes to the heart and our emotions are affected.
With shouts of Joy.
When we see Christ it will effect our emotions.
There is nothing wrong with songs that lift the emotions, as long as the message is truth, we worship God in Spirit (that will effect our emotions) and Truth, both are needed. Like when convicted of sin (by the Spirit, there is repentance with weeping and Godly sorrow, our emotions are effected by the spirt moving in negative (repentance) and positive ways (worship).
That which glorifies Yhwh God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit without doing harm to His creation. It's been around for thousands of yrs, even before Jesus called among humans. The Psalms were the "hymnal" of the Temple, and there s a ide range of healthy "Christian" music, most composed before 1960, before the Satanic corruption of the world's "music" was carried into the churches by unsaved, worldly, minions of Satan. Try listening to the entire composition of Handel's "Messiah" for example, or Beethoven's 9th symphony, or Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", or the old hymns from the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries that are both musically as well as scripturally more edifying. There are songs and chants from Hebrew as well, going back to the Exodus in fact, that praise the God of Creation. Sound praise music is not missing, we humans are largely choosing to not listen to it, preferring the addictive worldly "music" that isn't truly. Look up the root word "muse" from the Greek. You can find it in Strong's exhaustive concordance dictionary. The question is can you discern which spirit is doing the inspiring... your words in these posts suggest not.
This is due to a morally corrupt world outside the Gospel. You can't beat morality into people. People are starving in the inner cities. Just talk to the food pantries in these cities. There is no earthly solution, God is doing this to wake us up from our spiritual pride that we have an earthy answer to what's wrong. It's the gospel and the calling of Christ!
Could this be coming ?
Brighteon Broadcast News Sep 28, 2023 - America's Democrat-run cities about to go FULL MAD MAX
The only answer:
Time to exterminate all the rodent vermin. 2 and 4 footed ones.