Compounding the problem even further, homeless Americans have been displaced from shelters in some cities for the benefit of the illegal aliens. Obviously, this puts more homeless Americans back on the streets. Needless to say, as the number of illegals increases and as the economy further contracts, the situation will become far worse. There will be an increase in crime caused by people seeking shelter, food and money. Eventually, there will be a spread from the cities to suburbia and even rural areas. People leaving supermarkets will be attacked. Nobody will be safe in their own homes (unless they are armed and prepared to defend themselves). Our elected politicians will be mostly safe in their protected Washington cocoon, so don't expect any effort from them to alleviate this situation. Election Day is November 5th-- get out and vote intelligently.

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Not just shelters, but low cost apartments, nursing homes, and other places!

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The purpose of O'Biden infusion of massive number of migrants ?

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Maybe even recruits for possible war ?

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It's not an American problem: it's a deliberate destruction of the west problem.

Recently in Germany a girl of 15 was walking through a park in Hamburg where she was ambushed and raped multiple times by each attacker - there were 6 of them. She managed to get away only to be accosted again by two other men who also raped her. They called their friends....

In the end I think police found semen from 9 different DnA from different attackers, and all those guys were caught: Armenian, Kuwaiti, Afghan, Iranian, and a bunch more. And here's the kicker:

Only one was convicted - the Iranian, and he gets 24 / 27 months or so in jail. All the rest were released to community service. FOR RAPE!

And it gets worse.

Somehow, someone got the rapists' phone numbers, and released them to the public. One 20 year old woman wrote to one guy and in all honesty gave a very mild call out, calling him a freak.

Well, he complained to the authorities, and she was arrested, convicted, and spent 2 days in prison....

She hurt some rapists feelings, and she gets more jail time than guys committing gang rape....?

If anyone out there doesn't understand that the take down of western society is deliberate, then go look in the mirror and shout MORON!

Because you are.

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Like we could have stopped this? Yes it's moronic and planned, yes it's bad, but all of this God said would happen in the last days, we need to put our hope in a kingdom not made human hands that will be destroyed but a kingdom Christ will bring when He returns.

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Ephesians 6:12 explains it all. I agree with you, there's little or nothing we can do on the earthly realm that will change anything. This will go to its appointed end. But when I read of egregious travesties of justice like the above I do get angry. Angry and frustrated.

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From all around the world, people believe what their government or some other government tells them. 99% of the time, it's all lies and propaganda. The experiment with governments ruling people is over. The master-slave equation has never worked. All governments fail over and over again and again to earn the trust of its citizens.

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This Biden open border policy is nonsensical. The only possible reason to do it, is his plan to grant all of these illegal aliens citizenship so they can vote for him in November. Meanwhile, these interlopers are destroying our country: sucking off resources, adding to higher taxes, and increasing crime rates.

I saw a video on X yesterday that showed Mexico building a wall to keep people from coming back. I wouldn't blame them if it were true.


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It will be the real zombie apocalypse, with millions having no food, no shelter, and no hope I don't think we can put our minds around what that will look like

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I want to add another comment, one that isn't going to be popular among the American community. But it's true nonetheless, and needs said...

The US / NATO (same thing) destroyed Libya, Afghanistan, and Syria (among a bunch of others - looking at your bloody hands, Uncle Sam!), and with Soros assistance and funding we suddenly had the invasion (and rape - see my previous comment!) of Europe.

May I take the opportunity to advise those of you open to out of the box thinking to go check the writings of Albert Pike (33 degree Mason) from 1871. His correspondence provides an absolutely accurate description of the lead-up to WW1, how this would produce WW2, and how WW3 would be instigated. This has been called a 'conspiracy theory', except that those letters were available in the British Museum until 1978 or something (I forget that date, but I got it from my Pastor).

We live in a box, people. We're controlled. They laugh at us. We're marching, like lemmings, off the spiritual and physical cliff. And they're happy for us to do so. Our women abort our children, a 70 million blood sacrifice to Molloch. It's state-sponsored. Wake up, folks. This is a total destruction of everything you hold dear. Go research the Deagel Report, and its predictions of the US population in 2025....

This stuff is PLANNED!

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Better yet read the Bible and the prophetic scriptures there is so much more about today than what Pike wrote. The Bible is verified what Pike wrote has always been questioned.

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I read my Bible. But I don't think that everyone coming to Michael's substack is Christian either, and I also don't think that they will read their Bible until they start to realize that the things they read about in history are part of a generational war on humanity, and that it's all laid out in Scripture.

As I mentioned elsewhere, Ephesians 6:12 provides guidance about who controls what's happening. Hopefully some will start to connect the dots sufficiently to see their peril and decide it's time to get on the right side of God.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

The "something" that needs done is lock down the border and return ALL criminal invaders whence they came, whether that gov't wants them back or not; they are NOT the US' responsibility! Neither do we "owe" criminals anything! We accept over a million lawful immigrants annually, a number we can assimilate reasonably. These hordes of invaders' ONLY purpose is the destroy our nation!

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Unfortunately, that won't happen.

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I know.

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