"Our world is witnessing apocalyptic events so frequently that many of us are starting to become numb to it all."

Many are simply oblivious to what is transpiring around us, certainly. However there are those amongst us who 'NEVER drank the Koolaid' which is the MSM and much like 'Combat Fatigue' effects Soldiers, eventually it begins wearing you down...bit by bit.

I have slowly learned how to divide my attention between 'Staying abreast of things' and ACCOMPLISHING the seemingly endless litany of tasks which those who have "...ears to HEAR and eyes to SEE." simply must ATTEND to, now...

No one can remain 'plugged in' continuously; that road leads to either Despair OR Madness, surely.

Instead, attempt - as best you may - to SHIFT your focus onto that WHICH YOU CAN CHANGE, beginning with your own individual, personal life.

Certainly, we must remain 'plugged in' to some extent...but LIMIT that as and when you must, by shifting your focus as described. It IS a learning process, yes...but you'll soon find the point of balance that suits your temperment and sensibilities best.

We are only flesh containing a spirit and the Flesh IS weak as all know.

It will get MUCH worse soon enough, and as such you need to 'Steel' yourselves now as suggested.

My Prayers - again - are now for everyone, everywhere.

Be Well, be Safe - as safe as you can! - and be Blessed, each and everyone deserving of such,


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Our prophet said in 2018, "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2018/04/revelation-for-the-church-revelation-for-our-lives?lang=eng

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You left out 'false prophet'.

One thing that Joe Smith followers and Muslims have in common is they follow false prophets and push their false books written by demon inspired blind guides.

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False prophet.

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Do you want to know what makes a heart cold? When you warn family members and friends not to get an experimental shot, and they disown you, and then they get disabilities and some die...and no one has apologized yet. So, that's one way.

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I am truly sorry for you Rich...more than words can express, rest assured.

We were warned that in the Last Days Hearts would grow Cold, Vile Affections would replace Natural ones, Fathers turning against Sons...and much more also.

To see it first-hand is another matter entirely though isn't it? Words on paper are one thing...to experience it quite another.

My condolences for your trials Brother...


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Don't feel sorry for me guy. I'm the healthy one. My trust is in the Lord, not man. I am constantly learning to feel the prod of the Holy Spirit. Don't feel sorry for me.

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It was not intended as a matter of pityfir you Rich, instead it was intended to convey my sorrow for HAVING to gi throught THAT with Lived Ines, Friends and etc...

Like you, I REFUSED those damned vaccines immediately...and it wasn't for LACK of VA desperately attempting to convince me HOW IMPORTANT those things were; my ASS...

Unlike you, my entire family fell entirely in line with rejecting those...for which I am eternally grateful. Yet, many friends - whom I warned vociferously against allowing those 'Killer Shots' - ended up doing just that, to my everlasting HORROR; 3 such are now DEAD and PLANTED, FWIW.

No, I was just saddened that anyone would be compelled to go through THAT with thier own FAMILY members Sir.

Truly, that is all I was attempting to convey unto you Rich. I am - however - delighted that you were Stalwart in your pure refusal of that poison...for poison it has proved to be, certainly.

Be Well Sir, BLESSED and Safe as you can in the coming days,


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So right. We knew these days would come, but WOW. I remember when I read the Left Behind series and wondered "what would make people blindly bow down in worship and take a mark on their head or right hand so easily?" That was in 1999. Fast forward 25 years later and now we know. I try to tune out the gaslit deluded people as best I can. My heart hurts for them. They laugh at us and stand so sure that they are right. One day they are going to find out the truth and it isn't going to be what they thought.

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They bow down and take the mark as Jesus said the man of sin come, claiming to be the second coming of Christ, with signs and wonders even raising from the dead. He does not come wanting to kill billions but to appear to rescue the world and fix all this (heal people) from the effects of what the world has done for decades. He will appear to heal all of our diseases as Jesus did, of course the world will run after him, but the price is the mark. Like Esau sacrificed his inheritance for a bowl of food just to survive, the world will do the same just to save their own butts.

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Thank you, Daniel. But I know that. My point was how fast the move to apotasy has happened.

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Oh indeed, I HEARTILY agree with your vantage point TC; it is - in fact - literally 'Breathtaking' to consider the changes across just a single generation. Woe unto all Humankind in the days ahead...

Be Well, SAFE as you may and be Blessed also,


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Forgiveness helps keep a heart from growing cold. Hopefully you can forgive them.

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Forgive them...I know...but it's incomplete if they're still mad at you.

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Forgiveness is for you. You can't demand anything of them. It allows you to show love for them, despite what they do.

This is not easy.

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Psalm 147:3

Every word, every page.

Good food for a sinking soul.

You're not alone.

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Wow, this has been so divisive and hurtful for so many.

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Yhwh God has been trying for decades to get our attention; too few have been paying attention, for too long. Do you think all these "natural" events are entirely natural, or tied to cIimate change? Not likely. Yeshua's used natural occurrences to gain attention, chastize, or even "rain" judgment down on humans, through the ages, quite effectively, and He is still doing so. His Word tells us there is much worse to come for those who don't listen up and get straight with Him!

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Just read "Word tells us there is much worse to come for those who don't listen up and get straight with Him!"

......after I shared Revelation 6

The majority will wake up too late because they put their trust in garbage & dung instead of the Living God and never took the time to seek Him.

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I know they will. I guess that was the message for today, then. He does things like that. Good to know we're"tuned in" still.

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I totally agree. Every time I heard of a "never seen before" storm, earthquake, etc I always say "God keeps trying to get our attention."

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"Our world is witnessing apocalyptic events so frequently that many of us are starting to become numb to it all"

The numbness will wear off, replaced with terror never felt or seen before by the arrogant, unthankful, fool little gods who expelled God from Earth, tried to destroy his Israel, and chose to rebel in everything, every day.

""" Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!

For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

Revelation 6

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Hello Marcel!

"And the Rock Cried Out, No hiding place!", surely.

How has your week been my Friend? It is GOOD to occaisionally ask EXACTLY that of our fellows (and our fellow-etts too!) since that is exactly what our Lord spoke of saying,

"But also loveth Thee thy Neighbor as you loveth Thine own SELF.' which I am entirely sure you'll recognize instantly, learned as you are in matters Spiritual.

Naturally, I hope that your week has proved to be productive and satisfying also; for that simple inquiry lies at the Heart of Fellowship, does it not?

Be Well and Blessed abudantly my Brother, throughout the coming week...


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"Thou will keep him in PERFECT PEACE whose mind is stayed on Thee"


Reminded of Ezekiel 33 and all the phony love going on in Christendumb.

If Christian's really loved 😍 they would warn and rebuke the wicked.

God is not fooled by the snowflakes and their fake love.

Just had my early morning message. Wasn't planning to publish but....


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Oh , Game, Set AND MATCH on the article at the link Marcel! Kudos therefor!

I about laughed myself out of my SEAT reading through the super-dry HUMOR you couched that in my Friend: Made my entire Day my Brother.

FWIW, I'm still wiping tears of laughter from my eyes!!

Be well Thou my Good Friend...and BE BLESSED abundantly also,


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But you did not listen to me,” declares the Lord, “and you have aroused my anger with what your hands have made, and you have brought harm to yourselves.”....

This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me: “Take from my hand this cup filled with the wine of my wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.

16 When they drink it, they will stagger and go mad because of the sword I will send among them.”

This is what the Lord Almighty says:

“Look! Disaster is spreading

from nation to nation;

a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth.”

33 At that time those slain by the Lord will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground.

34 Weep and wail, you shepherds;

roll in the dust, you leaders of the flock.

For your time to be slaughtered has come..... From Jeremiah 25

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Here are some other thoughts on how Russia is driving all of this conflict, and it revolves around Sergey Karaganov,


It's like this guy is the mouthpiece of God for American judgment and nothing could be further from the truth.

The article below does a great job showing how Karaganov is behind everything on what Russia and China want to supplant the West as the world power and will do it by force, even preemptive nuclear attack


Here is my summation of this

So Sergey Karaganov is the mouthpiece of or prophet of God for the West?

This is the guy who is advocating for his Sergey Karaganov Doctrine,

which states that Moscow should pose as the defender of the human rights of ethnic Russians living in the 'near abroad' to gain political influence in these regions Europe and all of Eurasia.

The idea they need to protect ethnic Russians is the same principle used by Hitler to annex Austria, this is exactly what Russia did to Ukraine.

He also has advocated for a united Sino-Russian strategy to unify a Eurasian bloc. Along with China to economically, and politically integrate the entire Eurasian Continent. But, this would hinder Russian's desire to become a great empire again since China's economy has vast more economic potential than Russia's. (set up for more conflict between the two in the future).

Karaganov defined Russia's main foreign policy goal as forcing its dominance on the globe and breaking the security order that was put in place at the end of the Cold War in 1991, the old post WW II fear and desire to stop the west. He said this just before starting the Ukraine war and lied about attacking Ukraine.

He said joining NATO was a huge mistake and should have happened, but the problem with that was that to Join NATO you had to have a multiparty democracy and Karaganov said "Russia is genetically an authoritarian power. Russia’s authoritarianism was not imposed from above but is the result of our history which has formed our genetic code. (this the historic and Russian nature that must be protected) if by force if needed. (Perfect formula for war).

Karaganov defined Russia's main foreign policy goal as forcing its dominance on the globe and breaking the security order put in place at the end of the Cold War in 1991. The process of restoring Russian statehood, Russian influence, and Russian power, which had been going on for quite a long time, had simply come to the surface … Now as our strength, especially military strength, has accumulated and the geopolitical situation has changed, we felt the right to demand things, not to ask for them. This will be the foundation for war on who will dominate the world from the wars in the Pacific, Middle East, and Europe. Russia will use force (nuclear weapons) to get what it wants and eliminate the threat of the West. The expansion of NATO along Russia only involves 6 of the dozen nations that border Russia so the NATO threat is minor and thus more Russian propaganda for war.

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Mpox is supposed to be a homosexual disease, but 2/3 of people are children? That is really sad to think of what is being done to these children.

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