Sort of glad I don't have a whole lot of time left on earth when I see how the left is ruining our nation. My Grandpa, Dad & I all fought communism, now we're infested with them in schools, media, unions, politics-very disgusting to see how kids are brainwashed into accepting this crap w/out thinking.
Besides most all patriot folks have passed on in recent years. Tiny few alive now who will fend for family and themselves. America has fallen. Anarchy will increase city to city.
I saw a call on social media recently for all of the conservatives to move out of California and just let it implode on itself. That seems like as good of a plan as any. Newsom is an insane tyrant.
As a former AZ resident we saw the Californication of the state-many of these ignorant twits brought their socialist crap w/ them & ruined the environment [planting non-desert foliage] & screwed up roads, cost of living, etc.
"Shigella is a bacteria that spreads through human feces. People transmit the infection after getting the microbes on their hands and then touching their mouths."
So where are the homeless going to the bathroom? in public restrooms. You need to avoid the public restroom at all costs. If you must use one, use at your own risk. Come prepared with disposable gloves and disinfectant. Even if doing number one, wash hands thoroughly. Don't rely on air hand dryers. When finished open the bathroom door with a paper towel to protect your hand. Hopefully they have a trash can near the door to dispose of the towel, otherwise just throw it on the floor as you leave (or attempt to make a three-point shot to where the trash receptacle is located), don't take it with you. Welcome to third world America.
Womens restrooms in businesses like stores or restaurants seem cleaner than the mens, I have been told by a worker. I wash hands then paper towel to open door.
But now is the final acceleration. For some odd twist of fate I ended up in a senior community of liberals in East TN which is 75 pct red.. I told them all in an email that we needed gated security here.
The liberals don’t want to look too elite and they don’t want to face reality. So I am preparing water collection (already have filters), making sure I have 1,000 round for each gun, got storable food, door barricades ready to install and getting quotes for a backup battery solar power system. We don’t have much time. I went to Home Depot yesterday and was shocked at multiple groups of 9-12 chinese, latin Americans and other illegals buying construction materials. More than I had ever seen.
My guess is that they were pooling their $5,000 apiece money to fix up their semi rural shacks they moved into. Now it’s just a matter of time before they can’t get jobs, go hungry and start robbing homes.
Get ready, cause after March we are in for it. Civil War. The Dems, at the direction of globalist powers, do not want an election. The best any of us can do now is prepare.
They're infesting TN and TX from NY and CA, to escape the high taxes in their leftist enclaves, and, unfortunately, bringing their crazy with them to our polls at voting time! Just make sure you have oil in your lamp; that's the "prep" you need!
Paid security won't risk their lives against mobs; police already won't go into certain areas. I live in a seniors apartment complex, and socialize little, only with fellow Christians.
I am in a senior community and do not interact/socialize w/ anyone, besides it is somewhat transient like all of senior housing is.. Keep your preps to yourself and only assoc. with informed folk, others will drag us down.
Well... ours is fairly well to do. Lots of professors and doctors and professionals. House turnover is very low. But because of all the professors and doctors it’s liberal. I have a few friends that are staunch christian and conservative but only a couple. I hear you. Biden voters will see none of my preps. Saving for my Christian conservatives. You can trust THEM.
People must be responsible and buy their own preps, it is more secure. By transient I mean some died or moved back with family for health reasons or to rehab facilities. Most here are uninformed , several that are I never reveal what I have in my stash. Most will stay with their children if things get bad enough anyway. America has fallen, now under agenda 2030 (congress has no power)
politicians are all puppets of the system, we haven't voted since Reagan.
Why are we so worried about the politics, economics and culture being destroyed here in America?
The Bible clearly teaches these are the things that would happen in the last days (Chaos) globally.
So, our answer to the Chaos is to run away? Or stand up and fight to fix it?
Jesus said flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”
Our hope is in the coming resurrection, and until then to endure persecution and live out and preach the gospel. Are we so earthly minded we become no heavenly good?
Why would anyone try to come in legally? Maybe they just want to, oh I don’t know, spend some time with their families and have a nice vacation? I know personally at least two people who have been denied visas just because. Musk is an asshat, why do people think he can be trusted?
Why would patriot folks want to stay in California (or several other leftist states with dysfunctional gub- ment?) California has toilet to tap drinking water also, (recycled sewer water) announced by gov. Newsom. Insanity rules.
California doesn't have Toilet To Tap Water. YET. It'll take a decade or more to get it up and running. California's about 1/3 Republican and the idea that it's a liberal state has never been honest or accurate.
Anyway what I came here to say was ------- Trump sucks so much that even Fox and OAN only have him ahead of democrat Biden by a point or two. And Biden's surely to blame for all the identical stories Mr Snyder likes to recycle via ChatGPT over and over. Next November is anybody's election to blow.
America is unfixable, I don't care who runs for office. This country is ruined and we won't be voting anymore. Over and done. Americans won't act until they are forced into detention centers, but most won't even act then. So few patriots alive now, it won't matter, everyone is on their own. Younger generations are woke leftists and embracing nihilism.
Keep drinking the koolaid. 1/3 conservative? = 2/3 not, hmmmmm I'm not good at math however that seems liberal to me. If so many people have returned, why are now pockets of Californians in Montana, Idaho? Washington was over run in the 1970's, and I was here to see it happen! Now they are leaving the coast and coming to the east side. Trump is obnoxious, however Biden is evil. Remember, Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated. He is possibly the evilest president in our history.
<"But most of our politicians don’t seem to care."
"Most of them seem convinced that everything will work out just fine somehow,..."
Well, thanks to the uber-RINO bushie cartel, we were blessed with the novel CoG ("Continuity of Government") regulations as part of that tyrannical "patriot act".
That legislation practically ensures that everything will be just fine with gubmint entities, however there is no mention regarding safety and security for the rest of us.
So, everything will work out just fine for "officials", in their below-mountain secured "retirement chambers".
Us? Well, not so much.
I feel this statute is significant as it applies to recent lawmaker decisions, including all that appear to be self-destructing to our Nation.
Sort of glad I don't have a whole lot of time left on earth when I see how the left is ruining our nation. My Grandpa, Dad & I all fought communism, now we're infested with them in schools, media, unions, politics-very disgusting to see how kids are brainwashed into accepting this crap w/out thinking.
Besides most all patriot folks have passed on in recent years. Tiny few alive now who will fend for family and themselves. America has fallen. Anarchy will increase city to city.
So where does California expect to get the money to provide Medicaid to all the illegal immigrants?
I saw a call on social media recently for all of the conservatives to move out of California and just let it implode on itself. That seems like as good of a plan as any. Newsom is an insane tyrant.
Maybe they have their own printing press?
Probably from the state's ten figure surplus cash.
They no longer have that surplus; Newsome has sent them into the hole too, especially with the tax payer exodus!
Newsom drinks toilet (sewage) to tap water thinks it's cool. A whacked out governor indeed.
He thinks that because there is no more water to get from the Colorado River, and all those invaders are demanding water to drink too.
If you pay attention to the second half of that exodus you'd know that the people who left came back vowing never to leave again.
Not so we've noticed down here in Texas, nor so my friends in CA have either...
As a former AZ resident we saw the Californication of the state-many of these ignorant twits brought their socialist crap w/ them & ruined the environment [planting non-desert foliage] & screwed up roads, cost of living, etc.
I know; I'm also a former resident of AZ. I watched it happen for over 40 yrs.
"Shigella is a bacteria that spreads through human feces. People transmit the infection after getting the microbes on their hands and then touching their mouths."
So where are the homeless going to the bathroom? in public restrooms. You need to avoid the public restroom at all costs. If you must use one, use at your own risk. Come prepared with disposable gloves and disinfectant. Even if doing number one, wash hands thoroughly. Don't rely on air hand dryers. When finished open the bathroom door with a paper towel to protect your hand. Hopefully they have a trash can near the door to dispose of the towel, otherwise just throw it on the floor as you leave (or attempt to make a three-point shot to where the trash receptacle is located), don't take it with you. Welcome to third world America.
Womens restrooms in businesses like stores or restaurants seem cleaner than the mens, I have been told by a worker. I wash hands then paper towel to open door.
There's no "migrant" crisis! We are being criminally invaded, and it's been going on for the past 45+ yrs!
But now is the final acceleration. For some odd twist of fate I ended up in a senior community of liberals in East TN which is 75 pct red.. I told them all in an email that we needed gated security here.
The liberals don’t want to look too elite and they don’t want to face reality. So I am preparing water collection (already have filters), making sure I have 1,000 round for each gun, got storable food, door barricades ready to install and getting quotes for a backup battery solar power system. We don’t have much time. I went to Home Depot yesterday and was shocked at multiple groups of 9-12 chinese, latin Americans and other illegals buying construction materials. More than I had ever seen.
My guess is that they were pooling their $5,000 apiece money to fix up their semi rural shacks they moved into. Now it’s just a matter of time before they can’t get jobs, go hungry and start robbing homes.
Get ready, cause after March we are in for it. Civil War. The Dems, at the direction of globalist powers, do not want an election. The best any of us can do now is prepare.
They're infesting TN and TX from NY and CA, to escape the high taxes in their leftist enclaves, and, unfortunately, bringing their crazy with them to our polls at voting time! Just make sure you have oil in your lamp; that's the "prep" you need!
Paid security won't risk their lives against mobs; police already won't go into certain areas. I live in a seniors apartment complex, and socialize little, only with fellow Christians.
I am in a senior community and do not interact/socialize w/ anyone, besides it is somewhat transient like all of senior housing is.. Keep your preps to yourself and only assoc. with informed folk, others will drag us down.
Well... ours is fairly well to do. Lots of professors and doctors and professionals. House turnover is very low. But because of all the professors and doctors it’s liberal. I have a few friends that are staunch christian and conservative but only a couple. I hear you. Biden voters will see none of my preps. Saving for my Christian conservatives. You can trust THEM.
People must be responsible and buy their own preps, it is more secure. By transient I mean some died or moved back with family for health reasons or to rehab facilities. Most here are uninformed , several that are I never reveal what I have in my stash. Most will stay with their children if things get bad enough anyway. America has fallen, now under agenda 2030 (congress has no power)
politicians are all puppets of the system, we haven't voted since Reagan.
It was a steady erosion until the last 4 years of rapid acceleration.
Why are we so worried about the politics, economics and culture being destroyed here in America?
The Bible clearly teaches these are the things that would happen in the last days (Chaos) globally.
So, our answer to the Chaos is to run away? Or stand up and fight to fix it?
Jesus said flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”
Our hope is in the coming resurrection, and until then to endure persecution and live out and preach the gospel. Are we so earthly minded we become no heavenly good?
Why would anyone try to come in legally? Maybe they just want to, oh I don’t know, spend some time with their families and have a nice vacation? I know personally at least two people who have been denied visas just because. Musk is an asshat, why do people think he can be trusted?
Why would patriot folks want to stay in California (or several other leftist states with dysfunctional gub- ment?) California has toilet to tap drinking water also, (recycled sewer water) announced by gov. Newsom. Insanity rules.
California doesn't have Toilet To Tap Water. YET. It'll take a decade or more to get it up and running. California's about 1/3 Republican and the idea that it's a liberal state has never been honest or accurate.
Anyway what I came here to say was ------- Trump sucks so much that even Fox and OAN only have him ahead of democrat Biden by a point or two. And Biden's surely to blame for all the identical stories Mr Snyder likes to recycle via ChatGPT over and over. Next November is anybody's election to blow.
America is unfixable, I don't care who runs for office. This country is ruined and we won't be voting anymore. Over and done. Americans won't act until they are forced into detention centers, but most won't even act then. So few patriots alive now, it won't matter, everyone is on their own. Younger generations are woke leftists and embracing nihilism.
Keep drinking the koolaid. 1/3 conservative? = 2/3 not, hmmmmm I'm not good at math however that seems liberal to me. If so many people have returned, why are now pockets of Californians in Montana, Idaho? Washington was over run in the 1970's, and I was here to see it happen! Now they are leaving the coast and coming to the east side. Trump is obnoxious, however Biden is evil. Remember, Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated. He is possibly the evilest president in our history.
You appear to be highly susceptible to the lamestream media's psy-op's.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
I saw this video on "X" yesterday. I know that these illegal immigrants are breaking the law, but this is just heart breaking:
Michael wrote:
<"But most of our politicians don’t seem to care."
"Most of them seem convinced that everything will work out just fine somehow,..."
Well, thanks to the uber-RINO bushie cartel, we were blessed with the novel CoG ("Continuity of Government") regulations as part of that tyrannical "patriot act".
That legislation practically ensures that everything will be just fine with gubmint entities, however there is no mention regarding safety and security for the rest of us.
So, everything will work out just fine for "officials", in their below-mountain secured "retirement chambers".
Us? Well, not so much.
I feel this statute is significant as it applies to recent lawmaker decisions, including all that appear to be self-destructing to our Nation.
Onward, Christian soldiers!