Excellent post Michael Snyder. The root cause of homelessness is in the fiat-money of the US which carries a counter-party-debt with each dollar. Its difficult to explain and I first learned of this in 1997 by reading Ed Griffin's "Creature From Jekyll Island". There is nothing we the people can do to stop the inequities of the fiat-money-system. Only a currency collapse, but that is the plan; crash the present system for the CBDC and global digital ID implant.

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If the Biden administration set out to destroy the country, they sure did a good job of it!

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Sadly, Imo this is partly because of the globalists' grand scheme to get us all packed into 15 minute cities, owning nothing, with cbdc's, little hope and not much more.

The us dollar has been torched --- messing up the costs of everything with no end in sight. I wished someone had answers, but frankly I don't think there any good ones. We are really and truly in big


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My only Hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. I have no hope or faith in fallen man to self-correct!

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I'm a follower of Jesus, so all my hope is in him. And at this point in history, it almost looks like it can't get much worse. But I know that the Bible tells us that it will. Blessings!

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The 2 witnesses?

What exactly is that? I don't think I've heard of it.

Thank you

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See: The Revelation of Jesus Christ - (the last book in the Bible) - Revelation, chapter 11.

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Oh. Okay. The movie is abt that. Thank you

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They are printing $1 trillion every 100 days now. All that empty cash is going to Wall Street (where the rich are investing and getting richer, and the big banks so they can build their base in gold reserves and unload unproductive loans to the FED. All this money is not chasing production thus we have inflation. The plan has been to eviscerate the middle class, and we have a world of the rich and powerful, good jobs for people who have real technical skills, critical public service jobs and then the workers.

The industrial revolution was built on immigrant workers even child labor. Many did not get paid real money and lived in Corp. housing and could only buy from the company store. That got them very rich. They want to do this and are doing this to America and the rest of the world, there is nothing new hear. And the politicians, have no way to stop this. Again this will not end well.

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Maybe millions of Biden illegals will want to go back to their home countries now ?

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That's what they have already done, in their estimation. Everybody is repeating the Aztlan BS, that we stole SW "Murica from them, and they are reclaiming "what's theirs". Sort'a like BLM maybe?

Infecting people's minds can be a very powerful sickness. PsyOp's suck, but they are effective.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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When a Christian says, "There but for the grace of God go I," they're showing gratitude for God's generous grace, as described in Ephesians 1:7–8.

This saying highlights how God's grace helps us resist temptation, get through tough times, and avoid total downfall.

We should be exceedingly grateful for the many blessings and abundant grace our Lord showers us with every day—the breath in our lungs and our very next heartbeat.

I know that my blessings cannot be counted. They are of the sand of the sea. I know that everything I have been blessed with belongs to Him and Him alone.

It is God that gives us the power to get wealth. Without Jesus, WE CAN DO NOTHING.

Thank you, Michael. A great article abdca reminder of the love and grace of our Holy God!

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Teri Franks, in the not too distant future, you will hear the marvelous words spoken by the Word that became flesh: "Well done good and faithful servant."

“For as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the marvelous things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’” [1 Corinthians 2: 9]

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

When Kamala came on TV and blathered something about saving the middle class, I just about choked. Biden has done everything in his power to destroy the common American and she's far more radical than he. But is the deep state doomed?

Information is spreading about D.C. Six thousand marshals and huges buses full of NYPD are headed there as we speak. Giant fences and barricades have been erected. Why? That's a good question.


Do they have the evidence to make holding these governmentofficialsaccountable? Congress can't be arrested while in session, but they go on break tomorrow.

I also hear that whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork to save themselves.

Is this all a coincidence? I guess we'll see.

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Thank You, Biden.

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Right on point again, Carl!😁

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