God promised when he put HIS rainbow in the sky to never destroy the world again by flood. As far as I know, he never promised he couldn't take some evil out with a good drenching.

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Or plague or famine… is it from the Bible “the wages of sin are death?”

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

So sick & twisted I can't tell you.

So dr-doom synder, have you ever actually been to a burning-man party? at black rock? during the labor day week??


Sure its sick & twisted but really no different than any weekend at a homo fairy ring in golden-gate park any night of the week; They even have hookup app's

Burning man is for the rich, the average person spends $10k on their campsite entry is now $100's of dollars and most tickets are sold-out first day; Tons of camps have $1M USD buildings where everybody billionaire in San-Fran comes to burning-man to show who can spend the most money.

Yes, there are tents with 1,000's of people naked and having sex, real-live sodom&gomorah orgys,, but again they do this in San-Franciso daily as well. Not just one 'tent-dome' Michael, there are 100's of orgy tents and they're all themed and sponsored by different PORN influencers.

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Revolting.... i have no words for people like you trying to normalize the revolting part of society, and i agree with the author of this substack. The Bible is there to teach you how to behave in a decent way.

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jeebuz-xmas I just report the news, I don't make it, I haven't been back to burning-man for twenty years, but I spent much of my life exploring that part of the 'great basin' deserts of NW USA; So I know that area like my wifes ass.

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The bible is there to keep fools aligned;

Intelligent humans don't need the satanic bible to tell them how to live, only fools need a leash.


90% of the earths population has never heard, nor seen a 'bible', we call this dogmatism, believing your way is the only way, the way of fools

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“Did he really think that this was a good idea?”. He was probably being ironic- after all it was a dream of his to build it. A lot of people think it’s funny to mock God and religious people. I am not proud to say that I was one of them. But I know that evil exists, and even you think that the Tower of Babel, satan etc is completely BS the practitioners of evil believe in it.

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Make no mistake, Evil is real and many have sold themselves to Satan. People that mock God have no clue to the fact this has been a spiritual war since Genesis. You can't have one without the other. Pick your side....carefully....

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Though this may be a microcosm of our society, I still believe that most Americans are hard working, God fearing, family oriented people. I am sorta glad (does that make me bad?) that He decided to give these perverts a taste of God's wrath. Actually that tower was pretty cool, but the name he chose was unfortunate. I suppose all the ultra rich who are there can get helicopters to remove them if necessary. While the more normal people are stuck with no food, water or power. I will pray for them, despite their sins.

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Most Americans are not hrad working, look at all the tent cities. There are job openings almost everywhere. The breakup the family core has been falling apart for decades. Church attendance is falling like rock and those who they are being fed lies. Not truth.

I have no idea what god fearing means. What counts is being born again. We must remember the righteousness in our lives comes from God by His grace alone, I can't boast in anything but Christ for without HIM I can do nothing. Paul boasted how he was perfect in his righteousness. But when met Christ he had to repent and realizing his human righteousness, that may look good to men on the outside, but on the inside is full of dead men's bones.

Jesus said when He comes He will judge all, that includes the USA. There is nothing Biblically special on the righteousness side.

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Suppose ye that these...were sinners above all...because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower of Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. From Luke 13:2-5

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Looks like God is working in mysterious ways. Are these fools going to heed the warning? What? Give up their lives of sin, evil, money, power and fame??? Probably not.

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The page has now been removed. As I recall the symptoms described were those associated with the stomach flu rather than insides liquifying.

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It was a prank to mess with "old people". There was no outbreak, other than the rainbow that graced their entire stay.


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That kind of sticky mud gets everywhere and when it dries it is like concrete. Absolute misery ! Ed Dowd sid today that we are living into a0 Mad Max scenario in the U.0

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I hate music, crowds and loud noise so I'd hate this party. But checking out instagram you see hundreds more kids posting happy, laughing things than the single grumpy one mentioned here. They're calling it their own woodstock and saying they can't wait til they have kids so they can tell their kids about it :/ Looks like they're having a better time than those folk who traveled to that freezing cold Trump rally and got abandoned there https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2020/10/28/thousands-of-trump-supporters-left-stranded-in-freezing-weather-after-omaha-rally/

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

First of all, who would bring kids to something like this?

I would guess that you've never organized a big event like that. Neither have I, but I have put together plenty of smaller banquets, etc. No matter how well you plan, there are a multitude of things that can go wrong. You are completely dependent on the people you hire and sometimes they aren't so hot. Good God! That was almost 3 years ago. Are you focusing on that so you don't have to look at the mess that Biden is making of the country? What's he doing to help those poor people in Lahaina. What's he doing for the rest of the middle class who's being systematically destroyed?

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Who would bring their kids to this? Probably someone who loves their kids a lot. It's camping and music and food and a whole scene apparently. It's akin to a 3 day Trump rally but without a lying, grifting, cheating, whoremongering abomination unto God rambling incoherently behind a podium. Again, not my kinda place but I'm not God so I'm not able to judge it.

As for the event where Trump's elderly sheep were left to freeze in a Nebraska winter evening, many of them had to be rescued by police and treated for hypothermia, so what if it was 3 years ago! This Burning Man crap will be 3 years ago in 3 years too! As for Biden, the topic of Michael's article was an event that he says went far worse than is actually true. It has nothing to do with politics and neither did my inclusion of the Trump rally where elderly people were left to die while a supposed billionaire flew off in his nice warm mega jet laughing at all the suckers throwing their social security checks at him. I also realize that some people enjoy believing that Biden isn't helping people, while other people enjoy believing he is helping. The people I know are doing well. Doing better and better. Not being victimized by the stories and claims that people like yourself like to believe. I'm sorry if your life isn't doing well right now but many people's lives are doing great, and I'm talking about the middle class. I'm a landlord with several rental houses in several states. If ever there's a Litmus test for people being affected poorly by the economy, it's 2 dozen renters crying that they can't pay on the 1st of the month. And I haven't seen that since that last guy was in office.

Good day.

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I am pretty sure that you are a liar

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And I'm pretty sure you're not a good psychic, just a mouthy one.

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I don't argue the ridiculous.

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I certainly do.

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What you fail to understand is that everything brought to burning-man is burnt, people are constantly lighting shit on fire and sending up by rockets and balloons, its raining down fire 24/7, you have been 100% vigilante if your in a tent that its not burning.


They try to discourage children, and ban 'pets' years ago, because the constant fire&explosions cause children & pets to panic;


The thing is that most of burning-man is SV rich people, and they're generally WOKE&HOMO, and most die from HIV from unprotected sex at these events, just that this time it appears they're all going to die.

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The magatards and the Babylonian tower builders both worship false gods and will be brought low

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Burning Man is a prophecy. A city where everyone is in total rebellion from God. They build a demonic tower, and God makes it rain. What happened at buying man is very symbolic of God's judgement coming. He will do it in His time and that is not far off.

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well, like it or not, they were not protected, now were they?

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This seems like an extension of the "Bohemian Grove" where the rich and presidents have been preparing for years, to bring this sort of demon worship to the public. Where Richard Nixon "occasionally" attended, and called it the most "faggy God damned place you could ever imagine" Fall of the western Roman empire, with a little Sodom and Gomorrah thrown in to keep people distracted on the way down. Is it working yes, just as it must in order to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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