My last day at my current contract is March 29. You guys gave me some great advice last year- thank you- and I looked into the safe cities you told me about. I think I landed on moving to a rural area where I have some distant family. I can cash out and have no debt. It’s scary to leave a life I built for 20 years but I think it’s the smart move. The job market is awful and will get worse. Can’t imagine the next few years trying to pay for my house in the city.
The whole thing is geared towards making middle class take on more debt, in order to maintain the illusion of keeping up. They are being told that the economy is strong, so they think maybe they are just down on their luck. As we sink deeper and deeper, everyone is alone, because,after all, the dow Jones industrial just reached a new all time high.
This is the systematic destruction of the high standard of living in America. Our cost of living and salary income per capita was the highest in the world. This made our goods way too expensive for overseas markets. The corporations, the banks and yes even the politicians understand this current global dollar system is about to end and this new digital gold backed system is about to start. In order for America to be competitive, our cost of providing goods and services must come down. So flooding the workplace with cheap labor is what is doing this. About 7 yrs ago I talked with a home developer on Houston TX. I noticed back then that new home prices were pretty good considering the national average. He said that is because of the heavy use of immigrant workers, the cost of construction goes way down.
So this has been going on a long time and all those in power are behind it. We are going to go through a very dark period, but America will not go away, but it will be very different.
This is also a big part of the great reset. The reset of the costs of making stuff here in America. This is another indicator the reset is not far off. A new world order where everyone's wages, and costs of living will be leveled in this new socialized global system. This is what the Dem call democracy and equality. American technology (the super technology) that is in the black will come out and it will change the world but most of us will be the cogs in the wheel. Actually life in some ways may actually be better but there will be no religious, economic, personal or political freedom. If you want to eat work live and enjoy this new life you must conform. So many dystopian movies have given us a gimps of this and this is what is coming at the hands of these globalists.
Michael, I love your optimism: "The remainder of 2024 will be excruciating, and 2025 will be even more painful." This tells me that you anticipate making it through the elections in November and past the inauguration. I certainly hope you are right. Given that the middle class is rapidly sliding into the poor class and they are also sliding downwards, I anticipate massive social upheaval. I wouldn't be surprised to see rioting and something akin to a civil war. I guess I'm not as optimistic as you. The fall of the country's economic system (and much more) has been well planned and efficiently executed by the global cabal of wealthy Satanists. There are many among us that have awakened. I am not sure if the resistance numbers are not high enough or if the freedom lovers are not active enough, but the pace of the destruction does not seem to be slowing. I hope we, the people, will react very soon in a fashion that will put a stop to the "Great Reset".
The unemployment stats are always misleading. Of that 107 million, how many are retired, disabled, between jobs, not needing to work (as in living off support from someone), or otherwise not engaged in the labor market? How many are illegals not even thinking about ever getting a job?
A 160 square foot house, almost the size of my bigger bedroom at $950/month? Only a liberal would subject themselves to living in a tent sized house for such exorbitant costs. The illegals are living in bigger motel/hotel rooms for free. Follow them to the promised land!
Not counted as unemployed if they are not looking for work; also, sooo many disabled, either legit or not. Really ramped up with covid for some reason.
I think when we talk about employment we really must include the number of people who were employed who had to go on disability each year since these shots came out!! Edward Dowd brings out these figures in his book and the number of people who no longer can work right now clearly impact these numbers!!!
My last day at my current contract is March 29. You guys gave me some great advice last year- thank you- and I looked into the safe cities you told me about. I think I landed on moving to a rural area where I have some distant family. I can cash out and have no debt. It’s scary to leave a life I built for 20 years but I think it’s the smart move. The job market is awful and will get worse. Can’t imagine the next few years trying to pay for my house in the city.
The whole thing is geared towards making middle class take on more debt, in order to maintain the illusion of keeping up. They are being told that the economy is strong, so they think maybe they are just down on their luck. As we sink deeper and deeper, everyone is alone, because,after all, the dow Jones industrial just reached a new all time high.
This is the systematic destruction of the high standard of living in America. Our cost of living and salary income per capita was the highest in the world. This made our goods way too expensive for overseas markets. The corporations, the banks and yes even the politicians understand this current global dollar system is about to end and this new digital gold backed system is about to start. In order for America to be competitive, our cost of providing goods and services must come down. So flooding the workplace with cheap labor is what is doing this. About 7 yrs ago I talked with a home developer on Houston TX. I noticed back then that new home prices were pretty good considering the national average. He said that is because of the heavy use of immigrant workers, the cost of construction goes way down.
So this has been going on a long time and all those in power are behind it. We are going to go through a very dark period, but America will not go away, but it will be very different.
This is also a big part of the great reset. The reset of the costs of making stuff here in America. This is another indicator the reset is not far off. A new world order where everyone's wages, and costs of living will be leveled in this new socialized global system. This is what the Dem call democracy and equality. American technology (the super technology) that is in the black will come out and it will change the world but most of us will be the cogs in the wheel. Actually life in some ways may actually be better but there will be no religious, economic, personal or political freedom. If you want to eat work live and enjoy this new life you must conform. So many dystopian movies have given us a gimps of this and this is what is coming at the hands of these globalists.
Michael, I love your optimism: "The remainder of 2024 will be excruciating, and 2025 will be even more painful." This tells me that you anticipate making it through the elections in November and past the inauguration. I certainly hope you are right. Given that the middle class is rapidly sliding into the poor class and they are also sliding downwards, I anticipate massive social upheaval. I wouldn't be surprised to see rioting and something akin to a civil war. I guess I'm not as optimistic as you. The fall of the country's economic system (and much more) has been well planned and efficiently executed by the global cabal of wealthy Satanists. There are many among us that have awakened. I am not sure if the resistance numbers are not high enough or if the freedom lovers are not active enough, but the pace of the destruction does not seem to be slowing. I hope we, the people, will react very soon in a fashion that will put a stop to the "Great Reset".
The unemployment stats are always misleading. Of that 107 million, how many are retired, disabled, between jobs, not needing to work (as in living off support from someone), or otherwise not engaged in the labor market? How many are illegals not even thinking about ever getting a job?
A 160 square foot house, almost the size of my bigger bedroom at $950/month? Only a liberal would subject themselves to living in a tent sized house for such exorbitant costs. The illegals are living in bigger motel/hotel rooms for free. Follow them to the promised land!
Not counted as unemployed if they are not looking for work; also, sooo many disabled, either legit or not. Really ramped up with covid for some reason.
I think when we talk about employment we really must include the number of people who were employed who had to go on disability each year since these shots came out!! Edward Dowd brings out these figures in his book and the number of people who no longer can work right now clearly impact these numbers!!!
Sad but true