The scare stories are everywhere. Bird Flu is going to kill us all.

Hang on a cotton picking minute, what is the evidence?

One person in the entire world with mild hayfever like symptoms has been diagnosed with H5N1 using a PCR test.

If those tests are as reliable as the “Covid” PCR tests then it is safe to assume a total risk of 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

Like "Covid" you can guarantee that Bird Flu is not even remotely dangerous. The "vaccine" however and hospital "treatment" with Midazolam, Morphine, and Remdesivir will be lethal.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

You've got that right! According to the inventor of the PCR tests (Kary Mullis), they were never designed to diagnose disease. It was the lack of early treatments and the misuse of hospital interventions that caused a vast majority of the Covid-19 carnage. A parishioner at my Church had a lung blown out by a ventilator, for example.

As for the new round of mRNA shots that they're planning to give us, I think that anyone who hasn't taken them, isn't going to start now.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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That's the whole point Sandra, it did not spread and act like a normal SARS virus because it was man made. China was devastated by this virus. The Govt covered up what appears to be millions died. The first wave of outbreak was horrible, but with months it appears as it spread and mutated to America it quickly lost it's deadly impact plus in general American are much more healthy than people in Asia/China, we handled the virus better. actual verified fact, a normal SARS virus when it attacks human lungs shows up in spots in both lungs after several days of infection. When COVID-19 patients were showing within 24-48 of first symptoms, the vast majority of them (almost all) had one lung completely full of fluid. No one had ever seen this before. Dr.s panicked and went to ventilators too soon, but they were flying in the dark, they did not know. I actually talked to an Emergency Dr who was in the heart of this fight in NY when it broke out. To say the Drs did this on purpose or categorized patients as this for money is just simply assumptions and just flat out not true. This was like the fog of war. Yes a lot of people died, my daughter saw the morgue of the hospital overwhelmed, even the freezer vans parked on the street got over run. Yes the ventilators contributed to the deaths. There was one Covid-19 ICU step-down unit in one hospital and they did testing with all the alternative drugs to help treat patients. No one in the ICU step-down unit died they all recovered. And all the alternative medications on this limited study had what was called marginal benefits to recovery. The big thing was we did/responded in the exact same way China did. Was it Faucie and the NIH calling the shots in China and America or was it China calling the shots in both places? There is so much no one really knows. Ya gotta see the HBO/MAX documentary on "In the same breath."


watch and see the conspiracy juices flow in a whole new direction.

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Birdflu? 1 ill bird and they kill millions. Don't believe their propaganda. We are now to fear the foods we need. They want us to eat bugs...

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Fauci put so much of our money into gain of function that he should be executed. Get your immune system as strong as possible.

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Howdy Deb,

The Medical Community's FASCINATION with GoF (Gain of Function) research utterly mystifies me - as I suspect it does you, yourself.

"When words and actions disagree, believe solely the actions you witness...for none ever ACT contrary to thier own agendas."

That (expanded) quote is one whose author I cannot here cite...forgive me on that point.

Increasingly, we are seeing large numbers of "Medical Professionals" functionally acting in a "Jack the Ripper" mode of behaviour.


A potential, realistic answer to VERY much of what we see occurring around us daily lately MAY be exactly found by applying the foregoing adage in every single case in which there appears a clear disconnect between what they SAY vs what we SEE.

To that end I recommend a recent article over at ZeroHedge authored by Jim Quinn of 'The Burning Platform' titled;

"What's so Great about the Great Reset, the Great Taking, Great Replacement, Great Deflation, & next Great Depression"

I would have offered a direct link but each time I attempted to insert that, it was inappropriately relocated randomly through the preceding text (???)

In any event, I think you'll find that article entirely illuminating...relative to the adage appearing at the beginning of the comment.

While I'm here, as something of a 'Public Service Announcement' start watching the price of Gold religiously: Today that broke above $2400/Ounce USD just at the close; that is an historic price for Gold in USD never before breached...

In the current 'Hyperfinacialized' World nothing serves as a better bellweather than that. Once people - broadly - begin to grasp that it is now 'Game Over' for the West then DEMAND for Gold will go stratospheric and it's PRICE will rise accordingly. That $2400 mark is singular...or very near to it. Once it passes somewhere past $2400-2600 mark then it will very likely begin a parabolic rise which you will be able to use to time your responses (whatever those may be...) to what is about to happen...which obviously is 'REALLY NOT GOOD' at present.

Be well and have a Blessed weekend,


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Way ahead on that score, since I started prepping twenty years ago. I have metals. And everything else you can imagine. I believe in being prepared. I recently bought a gas mask. I hope I never need it, but bio weapons are invisible, and I recently had "the flu" six times in a row and almost died from number six. That was enough to convince me that gain of function has been achieved. I took Ivermectin from the outset, but the virus was replicating so fast that the medicine couldn't overtake it.

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Hi Deb,

I am simply delighted each time I encounter someone ELSE who has also taken to heart the urgings of the Spirit for decades; it is entirely refreshing, certainly.

The respiratory stuff - things transmitted as airborne particulates - are a perniscious beast, to be sure. Without inquiring 'where' you call home, do you reside in a region that experiences real Winter? The following presumes that your respiratory tract is relatively 'normal', if not the following will still help certainly, but may not be the panacea it was in my experience...

I ask as I also used to get full-bore Influenza CYCLICALLY durn near every Winter, and that was 'merely' growing up in Missouri. A friend of mine whose family NEVER got sick in Winter relayed that his Mom consistantly began serious Humidification of thier home each year at the onset of the first seasonal Frost.

To make a long story short here, I began doing exactly the same and V'iola, never another case of Winter respiratory, ever again.

Naturally, if you don't experience real Winter where you are, then the advice given above simply doesn't apply. If, OTOH, you do reside in such a place, in addition to picking up a "Whole House Humidifier" also pick up several cheap, digital Temp/Humidity meters at Wal-Mart (which are wondrously accurate!) and distribute those liberally through your house.

In Winter you target a humidity level of not less than 45% throughout. IF you are in one of the colder sections of the country then you'll be simply AMAZED at how dry your household air in your house is in Winter. Once we began doing that - during Winters in which the temps dipped into the sub-zero range - I was feeding almost 9 GALLONS a day into that humidifier. Imagine that!

But enough on that subject, keep on keeping on Sister; time is now very, very short indeed. Oh, and FWIW, I took up residence in a VERY out of the way place in Alaska several years ago...way, WAY off the 'beaten track', so I do know a thing or two about the Cold weather!

A pleasure to make your acquaintance Deb


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Michael, I mostly enjoy your content but whenever you write about ‘pestilences’ you sound like an extension of the CDC. Please remember that ‘the authorities’ use PCR tests to diagnose anything from covid to purple spotted people eater fever and whatever else they wish to scare us with. Dial up a PCR test high enough and it will prove that tap water has monkey pox. I really wish you would not contribute to the fear mongering!

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My daughter as PA was in NY when Covid 19 broke out. She was a patient care manger for a entire hospital wing dedicated to COVID-19 patients. She worked directly for a viral epidemiologist. The actual medical evidence, symptoms, blood tests and x-rays clearly showed they were dealing with something new that clearly was not behaving like a normal SARS virus. This led to actions that were more harmful, because they were in the dark, this was totally different. Yes the tests, and the vaccines may have issues but that does not discount the actual science of this disease. Remember the virus that caused the global pandemic in 1918 the Spanish (pig) flu, just causes the common flu today. There is nothing new under the sun here. These pandemics have been going on since we walked out of the garden.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 12
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What caused the medieval Bubonic Plague?

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Rats' fleas,carrying yrsinia pestis, which also happens to be endemic in the American southwest,still.

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Good grief, that history is skewed and lied about too! No wonder you're so ignorant!

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Are we 100% certain that viruses even exist? Hasn't the past 4 years exposed just how fraudulent and corrupted the medical community is? Or how easily The Science ™️ can be bought?

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Oh comon people. Viruses were first discover back in the 1890's out of research where diseases were not acting like all known bacterial diseases. We even have the biological and microscopic evidence that there are huge differences between the two bugs and how they play out and are treated. Because of the very nature of viruses, new drugs were needed. But these from the very beginning these drugs needed to penetrate the cell to work and this effects human biology. All antiviral drugs work this way from the beginning. It's the basis for cancer fighting drugs today, they work the same way.

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Of course viruses exist, but some of "these" people also believe the earth is flat 🤷

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OK I get it lol

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Show me an isolated virus. A concocted mix of various cell types and host materials doesnt count. The virus itself, absent of host materials, has never been isolated.

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True, but this 1 disease was NOT an actual virus. How else do you explain that not a single level 3 or 4 biolab was ever able to isolate it, except Wuhan? There was no lack for subjects from whom to obtain samples! Did they ALL go stupid, at the same time? Doubtful! How the initial outbreaks were induced, I don't yet know, but infectious virus is not the vector. I survived at least 5 infectious viral diseases myself, before there were anti-virals or vaccines for them.

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Sandra, this virus, if it's not a virus by definition what was it? What is the scientific name? The labs my daughter sent 100's of blood tests to her patients as patient care manager, they all came back as a corona 19 virus. This 19 is just one of a series of types of SARS viruses that are already known. Obama knew we were working on this man made (manipulated) corona virus here in the USA and banned the research here and it went to Canada, where the Chines were doing the same kinds of things with other viruses. Low and behold it ends up in the Wuhan lab. And low and behold surprise surprise it got out. Low and behold we get a vaccine that was not properly tested at all and unleash that on the world. We even sent people to observe the research in the Wuhan lab. Everyone knew this was bio weapon research, this is real!

You must watch, the HBO/MAX documentary on how the virus spread in China from a Chines Dr who was in China when it got out the title is "In the Same Breath." The effects on China were devastating and of course China lied about it. You must watch it! A relaible firdt hand account a must watch. And see how we responded in the same way as china did and lied (thus-in the same breath). Look 1000s of people in china were lab tested and found to have the Covid-19 virus. The story you quoted is an internet hoax, probably a CIA psy-op to do what it has done, blind people to the truth and get people arguing about something that is not an issue, this is what they do.

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So why could none actually isolate the virus to study? I don't know, but I think it was a combination of toxins introduced into areas of population, as needed to keep the fear levels up. I know our gov't and others are devious and heartless enough to do it. I know it's a bioweapon; like HIV/AIDS and Ebola it originated in Ft Derrick, before being farmed out for development to allow plausible deniability, since we allegedly were not creating such weapons.

I saw the news about the people dropping dead on the streets in China, when it 1st started there, but even there it didn't spread like a virus; SARS-1 at least did that. As for the CDC, that's not their 1st such admission and long term cover up; not even for Fauci, it's not. Did they tell about part about PCR tests not being specific for any virus? Or about their lies and cover- ups in connection too? I'm sorry, but I don't have the money to waste on more mainstream lies.

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Again, you're repeating the easily debunked lie: https://factcheck.afp.com/report-falsely-claims-us-health-protection-agency-admits-covid-19-does-not-exist

👉“Shortly after we started diagnosis in the US, we started to isolate the virus and develop stocks to use as controls. Thousands of cases are diagnosed daily and many labs have a lot of isolates that match or very close to the initial Chinese isolate.”

John Hopkins, a leading institution tracking Covid-19 in the US, and the CDC have recorded over 9.9 million confirmed cases of the virus in the US as of November 10, 2020.

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CDC admitted recently admitted there is no Covid-19 virus. As Daniel Benson stated, his daughter observed, it never acted like a "regular" virus, an observation I had also made, some while back. I may only be an old retired, hospital school trained RN, but we did have experience with viral diseases, and were trained to observe patterns too, and that 1 just never fit, so I was not surprised, just vindicated, by the CDC admission.

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Did most of your patients die? Because you are easily fooled by utter, obvious nonsensical lies: https://factcheck.afp.com/report-falsely-claims-us-health-protection-agency-admits-covid-19-does-not-exist

A photo of an article reporting that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “admits there is no Covid-19” has been shared in multiple Facebook posts. The report cites an agency document which explains how a virus test works as its source. The claim is false: a US pathology expert said the CDC document was misinterpreted, stating that “there is no question” Covid-19 exists.

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No, and neither did I, and your ignorant questions serve no point!

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You repeated the LUDICROUS lie that the CDC said that there's no COVID-19 virus. Hang your head in shame and wise the hell up. Respect yourself better in the future and verify Facebook memes, 99% of which are pure garbage.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

I grew up in Iowa, so that's similar to your experience. But 20 years ago, after extensive travel, my husband and I decided to move to Ecuador. We still think it's the best survival platform. The temperature rarely varies more than 20 degrees year round. The growing season is 365 days a year. I have a condo in the High Andes and it's dry here. I spend my day pouring gallons of water into our humidifiers. But the condo on the beach is warmer and more humid. I would be there now, but denge fever is bad this year in South America and 128 people have died. So I'll be staying in the mountains at an elevation where mosquitoes don't live. It's a socialist country. The economy is poor, although a great deal of wealth is under the table. Most people grow food and don't spend money on herbicides and pesticides. The produce is organic, plentiful and only a few cents more than conventional. My husband came back yesterday from the market with enough vegetables to feed us for a week for $5. The beef is grass fed, and the dairy is out of this world because they don't use antibiotics or growth hormones. You can taste the difference. My husband and I are a couple of foodies...we love to cook and bake. We hit the jackpot here.

When I first moved here for three years in a row I got a respiratory infection and required a couple weeks of antibiotics. The fourth year I got it again and my Ecuadorian cleaning gal saud, "You need TILO!" and she sent the supervisor up a tree at the edge of the development and he picked a bag full of white flowers. (You know what a lilac looks like? Tilo is like a lilac only white and flat like the palm of your hand. It grows wild as bushes and small trees often by rivers ponds and springs.) She put a stock pot on to boil, added a brick of dried cane juice and dunked the tilo flowers in the boiling water for three minutes. It was pale green and tasted like sweet corn. I felt better after the first mug. I was told to drink it all day and by three in the afternoon it was gone and never came back.

God works in mysterious ways, eh? 😇 ...so if God ever tells you to climb a tree and pick flowers for a foreigner, just do it. 😁

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I remember another avian flu scare when I was working as a pharmacist. We were warned by the CDC that we were all going to die. We couldn't keep the antiviral drug Tamiflu in stock. Of course it ended up being a big nothing burger. This is just another scare tactic to steal the November election.

Eventually, they will create a super deadly virus. Watch the movie or the series "Twelve Monkeys". It doesn't end well.

Fortunately, hydroxychoroquine (with azithromycin and zinc) and ivermectin are very effective at treating ALL viruses. If you are afraid to use the OTC horse paste (multiply your weight by .75 and give by mouth, according to the markings on the plunger. Repeat in 12 hours if necessary), buy yourself an emergency medical kit:


Use the code "Phil" to get 10% off.

Of course, it's important to have your heart right with God, but God also helps those who help themselves. Don't just sit there waiting to die. The liberals will do that for us.

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Multiple FAKE pestilences, that is. We have been here so many times that this clown show is really quite boring and easy to ignore. If there were EVER any true pestilences, mankind would have perished long, long ago. This is all part of the BIG LIE that wants to either control you or murder you. Refuse to be a part of this fake medical terrorist show.

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This is how they will reduce the population of the planet, disease, with food and water shortages. All planned all controlled and made in the lab for you and me. This is all part of the agenda and to remake human DNA into their own image not God's. Now this does not mean the vaccine is the mark of the beast, or if you take it your going to hell as the unforgivable sin is just Biblically grounded. What it does mean Biblically is all the things Jesus talked about causing the end of this age. Remember all of this is happening under God's total sovereign hand, He is in control, Job found that out the hard way.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Viruses have always been around. The Black Plague was the bubonic virus. Viruses aren't new.

What is also commonly known is how viruses exist, spread, and mutate the most in warmer climates. America's pretty lucky that we're more northern latitude-wise and we generally miss out on the worst viral activity. Colds, flus, COVID (whether you believe in it or not) proliferate in our colder seasons not because of the temperature but because of how we tend to congregate indoors when it's cold outside.

The worst news is that the warmer it gets -- even by a degree or 2 -- viruses will mutate and evolve so they can species-hop. I get the feeling that people who don't believe in COVID also don't believe in global warming/climate change, but facts don't care about your feelings 🤷


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Removed (Banned)Apr 12
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Doubtful! Dengue is a tropical disease, similar to malaria,that has been around a?it longer than Gates has, let alone his fake mosquitos!

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