World govt has been here for decades, but it's been in the womb and now it's about to be birthed.

Our political system will not and can not say or do anything about this because the UN Charter makes it the stand alone instrument for world peace, equity and unity under the authority of no nation.

What we are seeing formed in just weeks could very well be, the birth with new power and authority a true World Govt.

In order for that to happen, the dollar must die and be replaced by the IMF gold backed super currency. When that default happens, our economy will crash and it will be real chaos and all the enemies of the west will make their move via war to stop it.

These are the global shocks they are talking about to prepare for in the coming months into 2025.

So this is not far off.

Out of this, America will be remade as well as Europe, both are failing politically and economically. When they crash the UN will come in and manage the global dumpster fire. They are drawing up the guidelines now.

This is why the far left has said over and over again Trump can not be in the White House in Jan of 2025 and he must be stopped at all costs.

So obviously, since Harris is losing ground and if the debate in two days is also a dumpster fire for Harris and everyone knows it, I don't even want to think about it.

Thus the election will lead to civil war and whoever wins the presidency will have no choice to declare martial law, suspend congress, and bring in the blue helmet guys to bring order.

This is exactly what the guidelines are they are drawing up in literally days.

We must remember, The God of heaven who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, has His sovereign hands on all of this, He is in control.

I can be like Peter when my dreams to restore America, becomes Like the Apostles dream of Jesus freeing Israel from the Romans; and out of fear, disappointment my wounded ego pride and disrepair I rise up to fight back because God did not fulfill my expectations and fight wildly and ineffectually as I take matters into my own hands like Peter did in the Garden. Or be like the other Apostles who saw Jesus was going to submit Himself to rulers to be killed, out of fear and disappointment, they ran for the Hills to save themselves. (Both are acts of fear not faith).

Or I can be like Christ, that this cup of persecution was meant for us at this time and we accept it, in the calm assurance As Jesus did, that His Father's good and perfect will, will be done. Jesus and the Bible tells us what the Saints will happen to them (us) in the days to come.

For all of us have been called to this purpose 1 Peter 2:21-25.

We need to rest in God's sovereign hand in what is to come, live in faith not fear.

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Thank you Daniel for your comment and your faith. You are an encouragement in these dark times. I know these things have to take place but I was really hoping not to be here for most of the chaos.

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RE- "Peace and Security(Safety)"

Pro Tip- The Redeemed of The Lord are not the "They/Them" referred to below...

1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 KJV

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3 For when they 👈 shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, 👈

as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 👈

Birth pangs and more fore-shadowing of the soon coming Beast System…

Praise God, The Bridegroom has already rescued His Bride, out of the world, where His Redeemed are attending the Marriage Supper of The Lamb!

“… as it was in the days of Noah…”

We are there…


The Spirit and The Bride say, Come…

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Republican Governors signed letters against this... they will not comply. If Biden signs this he is breaking American law. They are playing with semantics but there is no way this is not a treaty and legally requires 2/3 Senate majority to be approved. If Biden signs it he should be impeached. We cannot give in to this U.N. power grab. I would like to see them kicked out of the U.N. building and sent packing.

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Biden will sign anything I think. He is not mentally there.

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I believe that too.

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From the website, (our UN Ambassador will vote on it for us, we have no voice.

"The immediate outcome will be a finalised version of a Pact for the Future, with a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration for Future Generations in annex, all of which are expected to be adopted by Member States during the Summit."

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I have no doubt that will happen. My only hope is that there are enough Americans left to fight this in any way possible, hopefully by forcing our congress to declare the signature illegal. If not, chaos will follow.

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No problem they break the law and Constitution constantly.

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If President Trump or when President Trump becomes president again will he have the ability to take us (America) out of the UN and nullifying this?

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No He has now power to do that plus there are too many people on both side of Congress that are in on the plot. Even if we did do that the world would collapse anyway, they will collapse the dollar and blame him. It is truly a "Catch 22."

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Indeed… in our lifetime.

Israel is God's time-piece…

All these prophesies fulfilled

1948 Israel re-born

1967 Jerusalem no longer divided

1973 Golan Heights Judea Samaria

Fast forward to Oct 7th.

Which The Imams say they attacked because of 5 Red Heifers now in Israel…

We are the Generation that “shall not pass from the earth until all things are fulfilled…”

As it was in the days of Noah…

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Who will be in charge during a world health crisis (a "pandemic")? Will it be the bastard son of the UN, the WHO? The WHO is in the process of trying to consolidate its global power. Or will that power be turned over to the whore mother, the UN? The powers that control the WHO will not willingly relinquish their control to anybody. Will there be some type of civil war between the UN and the WHO? These power hungry, money hungry wealthy banker global tyrants, it appears, are still planning their plans. What to do-- every person should declare their own sovereignty. Declare that you are not a world citizen, a US citizen, even a state citizen. Tell them all you are an independent human being with free will. Tell them that you will not be ruled, not be under the command of any government, agency or organization. You were born through the omnipotent power and grace of the one God, whose image you were created in. You must not comply with their edits. You must resist all attempts to control you. You must never give up the power to control your life. You must be able and prepared to fight with and to your dying breath. Fight, or submit to being a global slave under the control of persons or groups that you have ceded control of your life to.

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Jesus warned us all about Lawyers and their moral relativity that always ends in the Lawfare that Crucified him. You say Treaty, they say Pact. You say Nebuchadnezzar, they say Nebuchadrezzar.

Pray or be prey. 🙏🙏🙏

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Maybe the several states can get off their rears and reinstitute those first 13 words of the 2nd amendment. And then what will the UN do? Invade the several states? FINE!!

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It won't matter what we do internally. There are not enough vote to do that, those days are gone, it will not happen. This pact will control how all nations work internationally with each other.

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Hello Daniel!

As always, a pleasure Brother...

The US CAN - at any point - elect to defund ALL activities associated with the UN...including all maintainence on the UN Headquarters. All it takes is a VOTE in the US House to do so...

Sooo, let's put that 'to bed' forthwith, shall we? The net effect of that would be an immediate 'collapse' of sorts of the UN since the US is one of the largest Funders thereof, FWIW.

That said, while I do personally BELIEVE in God the Father and very much also believe that 'The End is Written', I firmly believe that we yet have a distinct role to play...and not neccessarily an entirely passive one; far from it in fact.

A very close Friend of mine, someone who is a far GREATER Christian than I coined the following quote,

"Yes, the LORD CAN move Mountains, but He expects us to bring our shovels..."

I am not inclined in this Life to stand idly by as EVIL does as it will upon the Innocent around me. Yes, I am aware that THAT statement contradicts Scripture...however, I AM as I was MADE and in all time since I was formed in the Womb, I was uniquely crafted to be a Sentinel, a Warrior...a Protector. As such then perhaps I will face a unique, personal challenge in time to come...we'll see soon enough.

The following is what I STRONGLY recommend to everyone who has 'EARS to HEAR and EYES to SEE'.

Start immediately looking for a place WAY OFF the beaten path and begin engaging yourself - with a WILL - to getting out of the path of the oncoming 2000 foot high Juggernaut. Whomsoever elects to REMAIN embedded 'IN the Matrix' - WITHIN 'Civilization' - absolutely has NO HOPE WHATSOEVER of seeing Our Lord returning IN TRIUMPH over Evil; you will be murdered by the violence that is coming to a boil now.

For more than two decades I have been 'assaulted' ceaselessly by the Holy Spirit and unequivocally given a single, singular COMMAND: PREPARE and LEAVE Civilization.

I have - I hope - almost accomplished the fullfillment of that, now. Even IF you CHOOSE to NOT do thusly - and it IS a monumental task, ASSUREDLY - I strongly recommend - in light of the various criminal takeovers of land and real estate lately illuminated in the greater Media - that you get your Firearms related Preps MAXED OUT ASAP; make no mistake, what we are seeing now WILL presently become true "CW II" with all that is entailed thereby, almost exactly as the finish line of the Elections lies directly in front of us all.

I do truly Love ALL my fellow CHRISTIAN Brothers and Sisters and regardless of WHAT you personally decide as the path of your response, please be Well...be SAFE (PLEASE) and be BLESSED beyond measure,


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God does not need me (or anyone else) to stand against evil. Jesus himself totally defeated Satan, Evil, death, Hell and the Grave on the cross and in the Resurrection. "It is finished" (that word finished-tetelestai, has to do with all debts are paid, the enemy has been totally defeated, Thus Satan has no hold on us, thus defeated).

God has total control over all evil. If we believe God needs us to stand against evil your saying the cross is not enough. God's perfect sacrifice is not enough, God's perfect wisdom and power is not enough. He needs imperfect Christians who know and prophecies in part to finish what He did perfectly or lay a foundation for what He will bring perfectly when He returns?

Satan can do nothing unless God allows him. Satan did everything evil to Job. But when Job complained to God about what Satan did to him, God said why are you complaining about what I'm doing in your life, you just need to trust ME, I'm totally in control. And what was Job's response?

Job 42

“I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.

3 ‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”

4 Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me.’ 5 “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; 6 Therefore I retract,

And I repent in dust and ashes.”

Job's confession of repentance needs to be ours! (because we are all going to go through our own Job's experiences for our good to perfect us!

(James 1 Consider it all joy, my brethren, (when God treats you like He treated Job) when you encounter various trials, (theft, natural disasters and sickness) 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect [f]result, so that you may be [g]perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

The only thing that will stop evil is the Gospel and the Holy Spirt as it convicts the world of Sin and repents. But Rev 14 tells us the Gospel is preached over all the earth and what is the result? God's Judgement and Armageddon for the world does not repent or believe Rev 9:20-21. It's not pretty Evil rules via the Anti-Christ and we are persecuted until the Lord returns Daniel 7, Rev 13.

After we are taken home, the living and the dead, and are made perfect, will we return with Christ, commanding angels will we stop evil and watch Jesus judge it and cast it all into hell, death and the grave.

YES, We are not to stand idly by, we are to be witness to the Gospel in life and preaching the Gospel, we are to be about the Lord's business when He returns, that's evangelism and discipleship.

This is the great commission,

1. All authority has been Given to Me (Jesus) on heaven and earth (this includes all authority over Satan).

2. make disciples of all the nations, (preach the Gospel)

3. teach them to observe all that I commanded you; (disciple believers in Sanctification).

This is our Job to rescue people from evil not defeat it, because it's already defeated.

The only thing that is missing is Judgement day and we are wait for that and until that day comes we are to be busy about the Lord's business (the great commission) until the end of the age (judgment day).

So my response Is Johns after seeing everything in Rev Amen come Lord Jesus, bring it on the only thing you can do to me is torture me and kill me, and that's all you got, you can't defeat me even if you kill me because you are already defeated Loser!

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Hello Daniel,

Forgive me if the following is more brief than I would ordinarily deliver; I am not feeling particularly Grand today...seemingly as a matter of Potassium depletion post-surgery.

All that you say in your missive is certainly True; I contest none of it with you. However, since before the making of the Creation, each of us - especially those living TODAY - have individually been given our 'Assignments' as to HOW we are to proceed hereafter.

As it happens, I DO 'Know' exactly what my task going forward is...by virtue of almost constant admonishment by the Spirit, Lo these last few decades...

Again, EACH of us - INDIVIDUALLY - is being counseled as to our part in what now comes. I do not - per se - take it upon myself to DECIDE for others what THIER path through what approaches us now IS; I only, solely KNOW my own...

Be Well Brother...I am horribly fatigued this day, be Safe, be BLESSED...


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And also forgive me for being more brief as well. I appreciate your response and what you have said, I get it. Really.

I also know exactly what God has called me to do going forward is as well, by the admonishment of the Spirit and the very Words of God, being the two anchors for all I do. And that is exactly what I am doing as well.

In no way was taking upon "myself" to decide for others and what their path and approach should be. I said nothing that was of me or from me. Everything I said was based solely on very Words of God and confirmed by the Spirt, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works, verified by the Spirit and I have actually heard God's voice directly to guide my path. That was my whole point. And that plays itself out in so many ways, my 25 years as a cop, 10 years as a teacher, my Daughter Running a multi million dollar program of medical aid to the victims of a Major war and she has been shot more than once, and what drives all these paths? To glorify God and be His witnesses to the the truth (the Gospel) that we have all been called to by Jesus himself. That has to be the core purpose for all we do no matter what individual path has called us to.

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Thank you Daniel,

As always Brother you are a true treasure; holding forth for the 'Straight and Narrow Way' which most of us - possibly even myself - can and DO stray from, all too often...

Your 'manner' is what I regard as a Treasure; it is wholly non-combative and GENTLE and THAT in my estimatipn wins far MORE to His Banner - just as Jesus Himself did - than any other approach, PERIOD.

I am yet exceedingly fatigued my Friend and will abbreviate this missive accordingly.

Be Well, please be SAFE in coming Days and be BLESSED beyond measure, Thou my Good and Faithfull Friend...


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Totally agree with everything you've said Jog. We are all to be lead by the Holy Spirit to attain to fullness of Christ.

So that we will be able to stand in these dark days & hear the only words that really matter at the end of it all.

Well done good & faithful servant for everything else is a chasing after the wind.

Rest up my friend & thank you for being you 😇

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Nations are not anything but a fiction. PEOPLE, particularly PSYCHOPATHIS run the nations. The worse one being the USA with it’s insane psychopathic control freak parasite rulership. I don’t give a flying rats ass what the UN or any other group of psychos does. I’m more concerned with who is going to ENFORCE their edicts. Those people are my enemies. When a local police chief forced the closing of a gym due to the BS scamdemic nearby, HE was the enemy. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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One more time…WE SHOULD KICK THE GODDAM UN OUT OF NYC AND BLOW THE DAMN BUILDING UP!! FUCK THE UN, Bill Gates, Kraut Schaub,the WEF and all the rest of the globalist pricks! NO BLUE HATS ON AMERICAN SOIL!!!

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Thank you - we have been warned!

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I don’t put much stock in the UN and globalist trash any longer. It’s a fantasy on their part. They can’t even fix the most fundamental problems in our world and think that they can somehow shape a future. They have run out of runway and what comes next will shatter our modern civilization.

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Yes they didn't fix the problems they created them, all for the purpose to create chaos and when it all goes to hell, they will be there to pick up the pieces and start the world over.

A key part of this is collapsing the dollar and civil unrest here, then watch what happens.

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