Michael, I know for a FACT, "they" are ALREADY experimenting on humans right now.

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Duh, Michael, have you been asleep? Have you heard of the COVID-19 "vaccine", "bioweapon", "medical countermeasure". It has been known that these kill shots contain nano-particles (or nano robots) encased in lipids which can breech the blood brain barrier. There are several Substacks that delve into these nano things. They can be seen building and growing inside humans and in food and "medicine" we ingest.

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"Get out of her (Babylon) my people..." maybe it is time to live in a commune on the Snake River, with lots of guns.

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Why would Satan have to get everyone to take another shot (MOB) when everything was in the first shot necessary to control you or kill you?

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RE: Why would Satan have to get everyone (digitally-marked [SS#] chattel within Socialism’s abominable Security System) to take another shot (MOB) when everything was in the first shot necessary to control you or kill you? Kathleen: Because the MOB is taken willfully and with the knowledge that it is an act of rebellion against God.

Apollyon’s ‘woke’ scorpion-tailed demons were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing (via the Social Justice Gospel’s Orwellian Green New Deal), nor any tree, but only the people under God’s powerful Socialist delusion (i.e. digitally-marked [SS#] chattel who are happily corralled within the Marxist Beast’s eugenic Socialistic Security System of Babel’s UN Global Village) who do not have the seal of God on their metaphoric foreheads. And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings/vaccinates a person. And in those days people (i.e. Covid-19 vaccinated, digitally-marked [SS#] chattel who are suicidal while being corralled within Socialism’s eugenic Security System of the Marxist Beast’s UN Global Village) will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death will flee from them! Rev 9:4

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Because the MOB is taken willfully and with the knowledge that it is an act of rebellion against God.

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Kathleen: people were warned that it would change their DNA but were told they had to have the Shot/Mark to get a job, assemble, get medical treatment, get food, or simply survive. All of that just happened……which meets all the criteria for the MOB. I ask you again. Why does he need to trick you into another Shot when you were warned and took the Shots with all the technology to surveil all of humanity already. He’s already done it. He doesn’t need to do it again. 🤷‍♂️🤔

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No one Had to get the shot. People chose to get the shot. Praying to God for guidance showed people they did not have to take the vaccine. Exactly what I did.

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Boom! Someone with a functioning brainstem still exists in the western world?

Hoo knew?

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Don't trust doctors or hospitals and avoid all vaccines.

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Thought police activate

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Or maybe, that's what they WANT you to think?

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Great, just what we need. 🙄

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