I enjoy reading some of your essays, and you definitely show insight into the Middle East conflict. However, this statement of yours demonstrates a deep lack of understanding:

"In the aftermath of the war, I expect that there will be a full-fledged Palestinian state and that they will be given full membership at the United Nations."

First off, you can't predict the shape of the region after the coming war, especially since Iran is likely going to be part of it.

Secondly, you truly don't comprehend the Palestinian raison d'etre if you think the outcome of such horrendous war might lead to a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

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K. Sam your forgetting one factor. Many are the plans in the heart of a man but the will of the Lord will prevail in the end. God has laid out His plan for Israel and the return of His Son to come and reign over the earth. No one knows how exactly in every detail how this will play out, but the outline is in scripture and awe need to just watch and pray and watch God work His wonders.

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Regions around Israel have all demonstrated that it is checkmate by use of hypersonic, ballistic missiles. Even Yemen succeeded in getting one through the iron dome. That missle was mach 10. A bunch of goat herders in sandals have kept the red sea hostage as Israel's economy is dying. Israel is trapped. Will they turn back to God? History shows us, they never do, until they're conquered.

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I never liked using the term Apocalyptic event having to deal with war and destruction.

The word apocalyptic has to do with revealing (how in new detail, how the world will be Judged and Christ returns to bring in the kingdom and reigns from Jerusalem, (that plan is revealed in the book of revealing, somehting previously unknown is revealed for the first time). That is what the theme of the book is not war. the only place in Rev. that word is only used in Revelation is in verse 1.

So what happens when Turkey joins the fight as Erdogan has stated.

What happens when Iran and Syria join the fight.

What happens if the rest of the Arab world piles on fully backed by Russia and China?

As stated this war will spark WWIII. And this war you have two sides who hate each other so much and it's a war of our God vs Your God, you can be sure if someone uses a nuclear weapon it will happen here. In the 1972 war, Israel made it very clear if they can't keep Jerusalem, they will detonate the doomsday bomb (atomic). It won't be Europe, it won't be China it well be here in the middle east.

So when it looks like we are about to blow ourselves up over a country the size of New Jersey and we just had 3 very evil signs cross our skies, what a perfect time for the false prince of peace come, calling fire down from heaven as Elijah did. Stopping all wars and subduing all nations bringing in world peace. The UN will love him, the world will love him, for rescuing us from what appears to be as Michael says the Apocalypse. Israel (the Temple Mount Faithful) embrace him as the real messiah and build the temple for him.

So are Michael's 2 articles directly related? Is he hinting at something that is about to happen.

Daniel does describe this man of sin who does divide "the land" at a price and create maybe not just a two but maybe more states solution, where they make Jerusalem (the temple mount) a city of prayer and worship for all nations and religions to worship God as each sees fit?

We shall see, watch and pray, thy kingdom come they will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

What if he will appear at first claiming to be the actual return of Elijah the prophet doing signs on behalf of the second beast claiming to be Christ. We shall see, watch and pray, they kingsom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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A Palestinian state? Over Israel’s dead bodies!

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"Israel" will cease to exist as a country within 10 years. A new country--Great Jerusalem--will be born for Jews, Muslims and Christians, based on human rights. A framework for this new country is the Antarctic Treaty. A Middle East as a nuclear-weapons free zone.

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The Antarctica treaty has to do with dealing with Antarctica to make it nuclear free and would be claimed by no one nation. This has nothing to do with Israel. How do you now Israel will not exist in 10 years? would really love to see your answer.

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I will reply later today.

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