Obama came on the scene seemingly out of nowhere and openly stated his goal was to fundamentally change America. Nobody stopped him and the party of worthless sat on their faces for 8 Obama years. Now his hand puppet the creep Joe's Town Joe has had their border invasion wide open for most of his high crimes regime and the useless Republicans sit on their faces and talk empty babel.

I think by now even a blind man can see that we are under the well deserved and long overdue judgments of an angry God who will no longer be ignored as the little pervert gods shake their puny fists at the Creator of the Universe and celebrate their Sodom & Gomorrah Arrogance and Pride that ALWAYS leads to destruction since time began.

""He makes the nations great, then destroys them;

He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.

24 He deprives the leaders of the earth’s people of intelligence

And makes them wander in a pathless wasteland.

25 They grope in darkness with no light,

And He makes them stagger like a drunken person."'"

Job 12

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After reading a few more of your wandering, meandering posts, I see now that English isn't your first language and that you may never have stepped foot in the U.S.

But I'm going to point out the following anyway so that your employer can update your spam efforts in these (and presumably other) American blogs: "Joe's Town Joe" (did you mean JONESTOWN?) has been following the laws about permitting in asylum seekers. The border isn't any more "open" than it has been since the dawn of the nation. Check your Constitution. Oops, I meant, check AMERICA'S Constitution. Seeking asylum is legal. Still, Biden has been trying to get Congress to send him *anything* to make sure that those claiming asylum are in fact who and what they say they are, but the Treason Caucus has been following their Fuhrer's orders to deny the Democrats' attempts to curtail unwatched immigration.

Donald even admits that he's told his mindless slaves to deny and impede any progress against the border... because it will help him on his campaign trail now that he has nothing else to run on. If the Dems (and Biden) are stymied, Donald gets to pretend that Biden is "doing nothing" to address the border. Donald can't run on abortion/Roe V Wade anymore since it made so many Republicans and especially Independents dislike him. He can't run on law and order, since he's a felon and a serial sexual assailant. He can't run on family values since he can't get his own family to even acknowledge he still exists. Melania refused to even appear near him on MOTHER'S DAY.

We (we Americans, not you FOREIGNERS) will see how Biden's executive order goes over, and maybe he can bypass Congress' anti-American attempts to stymie the president's desire to keep the border secure.

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Saying Obama just means the Bush's and the CIA.

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Saying Obama means his sock puppet Dementia Joe brings America's final destruction from Russia, China, Iran Cuba, Nicaguara Venezuela etc.

Vote early for your Apocalypse !

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WELL SAID!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 Welcome to the party, to everyone who hasn't been reading liberal blogs for the last 20 years! Democrats have been saying the above warnings for at least a couple of decades, and they've been especially shrill about it in the last ten years alone. They don't insert the misinformation about the politicians having anything to do with it; instead they correctly lay the blame at the feet of capitalism and Profits Uber Alles.

2 Rubios is indeed closing 48 of their restaurants (I've never heard anyone call them "fast food"), but they're leaving open 86 of them -- the ones in nicer areas because the locations in poor areas were -- surprise surprise -- under-performing.

3 Other nations laugh and scowl at the US every time we falsely blame our [American] leaders for the same identical financial/economical problems that THEY are also going through in THEIR countries. They're correct about America thinking that we are the only country on the planet.

To everyone who enjoyed the very Socialist article that Mr Snyder just snatched almost word-for-word from dozens of liberal writers, please check out Robert Reich. Robert Reich speaks often on how corporations have been sticking it to us all, except for their fellow billionaires of course.

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Capitalism is like owning a gun. Guns in of themselves are not evil, they have very useful purposes. The problem is when capitalism is used for the wrong reasons. Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil, and that is true just look around. If Jimmy murders his friend with a gun, that does not make the gun evil. Men's hearts are evil and money becomes a tool for power and control. This is why this world is doomed, outside the return of Christ and His kingdom, our only hope is the Gospel. How do I know? Again just look around us, this is the the truth we can hold as self evident, that all men are created evil. How do I know that? Easy, how many of the moral commandments of God (all ten) have we all broken. All of them either in actual dead or intent.. Since we all have fallen short of the glory of God, our only hope to stand before Him is to embrace what God has provided us with a way out, what Christ did for us, what we can not do for ourselves and that is to cleanse our evil and wicket hearts.

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Perfectly said. 100% agree.

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It really helps to cook and eat at home. Much cleaner, healthier, and much much cheaper.

We have 30 egg laying chickens, and a small garden.

Hubby just calculated our breakfast cost maybe $3 each person, coffee, eggs and sausage.

Dinner with small amount of different variety of meats, costs around $4 or $5.

I can throw a pack of chicken legs into a soup pot, with some veggies, then make chicken noodle soup for days and days. Ha.

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THATS what I'm talking about!

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Well not quite everyone. We paid off most of our debt and have increased monthly cash flow by over 40%. And that on a fixed income. It's not so dire, even with a steady stream of medical bills since we are in our 70's.

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Then you are very Blessed :)

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There is no doubt that the cause of this inflation is the Fed and its partner in crime, the DC Swamp. Too much money, worth too little, coveted by the rich and denied the poor. The blame, a separate entity to the cause, is ours. We have been asleep at the wheel, enjoying bounty and luxury. We have been blind, or apathetic, to our failing financial system. It's just so easy to sit on the couch, watch the sports and suck down a few brews. It would be harder to pay attention, be educated and write a letter or make a call to our Uni-party elected officials. Now, we will pay the price, and it won't be cheap.

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Little by little, you will come to understand that the ruling zionist Jews, the apostate children of the harlot, mystery Babylon are the man behind the curtain. They are about to be exposed and purified by the beast system. 16 And the ten horns which you [a]saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” revelation 17

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