According to the Apostle Paul we should be contented with food and clothing. Nothing more. And we don't need expensive stuff either. Americans need to adapt. Our inability to do so will make us more susceptible to Mr. Global's schemes.
My parents grew up during the 1930's and experienced the worst of the depression. Then ww2 and Korea, somehow they survived and thrived. I don't see that happening again. The current generation is lacking what it takes for hard times.
We are living in prophetic days. Babylon is rising before our eyes and most people seems to be dead asleep:
Revelation 17:12-14 KJV
12) And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13) These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
A one world government is coming. It is just on the horizon. Remember, the enemy of souls works in darkness until it’s time to spring the trap. Events are further advanced than we realize.
However, here is good news found in verse 14:
14) These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Now is the time to stop quibbling and investigate “the everlasting gospel” (Revelation 14:6) found in the Bible. The sands of time are slipping through the hour glass and eternity draws near. Won’t you seek the Lord while time remains?
We are living what happens when God is taken out of everyday life. Schools, politics, homes and even many churches. Then we slaughter his children and call it healthcare. You can bet the Lord will get the last word. Every bit of what is happening today is clearly spelled out in his word, including the ending. There's going to be a New World Order for sure, just not the one the globalist are planning.
"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." [Revelation 14: 6-7]
An interesting thought from verse 6: the gospel is going to the world at the same time “the hour of His judgment is come.” Yesterday was Yom Kippur-type and anti type.
I went to a Walmart supercenter at 4 p.m. today for more canning jars and a few other items in different parts of the store, including the grocery section. I have NEVER seen a Walmart with so few customers in it.
I went to Sonic after Walmart to get a burger. A plain cheeseburger is now over $5 including tax and before tip. No fries, no drink, just the cheeseburger. . The fancier burgers are now around $7. I left without ordering.
When I moved here 5 years ago, new housing developments had signs that said from the $180s-190s. Now they say from the $300s or from the mid-$300s.
I get the same feeling in my area. We’ve been here 7 years. New developments used to be $300K, but now they are $500K. You drive a few miles down the road to the richy-rich areas and it’s 800K. Blows my mind every time I see the signs.
As has been mentioned before here, this couldn't happen if CEOs and big bosses didn't screw the daylights out of their employees by forcing them to live on obscenely low wages.
Back in the day, employees and their bosses could live in pretty much the same neighborhood. Look at where the Walton family members live versus where Walmart employees live. It's obscene that we permit this. Stop voting for people who keep giving wealthy people all the tax benefits. CEOs are profiting with incomes HUNDREDS of times larger than their hourly workers.
It's up to voters to make life affordable. The more we vote for politicians who take bribes from the likes of Elon Musk, et al, the worse off our American brothers & sisters will be.
I understand what you are saying but at the same time since when does a couple with children, in their 30's need a $500,000 + house and all the toys your could hope for. Seems like the younger generations today wants to start at the top instead of working their way up. My first job was in 1969 when I was 15 and I made $.75 and hour. by 1975 I started my own business and have started several over the years. I have always treated my employers well, they even got a raise in 2022 for sticking with me in these last years of difficult times. I am not getting rich, just trying to stay afloat and keep them on the payroll. Please don't assume every "boss" is out to screw their employees. In my business there are no "bosses" just a team effort of "family" to get the job done, and we do.
My husband used to be a IT manager and he’d regularly come home with crazy interview stories about young grads who thought they were worth a lot more than the going rate. He was shocked that young people with little experience thought they could earn what they were asking for. He would always have to pass over candidates b/c their expectations were just unrealistic or they just weren’t teachable. You simply aren’t going to earn big city wages in a mid-level market. Or be paid as middle management as a entry level professional.
I’ve noticed that a lot of younger people really want the middle aged lifestyle w/o the work and sacrifice. It’s so off-putting as someone who is actually middle aged. I get that it sucks starting out, but Some of this actually has happened to everyone.....the first apartment in the sketchy neighborhood , the not so great car, the horrible commute, the not being able to go out or travel so much (or at all). That’s why it’s called starting out.
I have empathy b/c I remember those days of trying to put part time jobs together to make it work and our economy is so much worse. But sometimes I find it hard to muster it up when their expectations simply don’t connect with reality.
That's fantastic of you. I do the same with my tenants and the property management companies I use. Charge low rents, pay for great property managers. Keep everyone happy. I don't get rich either. But just because you & me aren't living huge like the Waltons & the Trumps doesn't mean that the Waltons, Trumps, Musks, et al AREN'T living large off the low pay they dole out (or refuse to dole out). I'm griping about them. Them.
As for young people & families striving to get all that they want, well one foster home I had in my early teens, the dad had 30 guns. Nobody needs 30 guns, especially when you're so poor that your only income was pretty much fostering children. But it's a free country still, so he wanted it & he did it. I had 4 foster brothers & once we learned that they were getting money for US, we all begged for a gaming system. He kept telling us we were too poor, and for real we were scamming local churches & Salvation Army for food. He didn't want to work AT ALL. It was the 80s. Wages were a dollar something.
I agree w/ you that young people are eager to have everything all at once like a starter pack that includes all the things we work hard for before now. But the income you first earned has barely raised. The prices for services & goods have all gone up though & that money is all going to the top - the bosses, the CEOs. The only people who should be billionaires are people who, well, NOBODY should be a billionaire. You only get to be a billionaire by screwing employees out of $ at every turn. Ugh that Taylor Swift person is an exception maybe, because I hear all the time how well she pays her people & her staff. But maybe she's not a billionaire then because she's paying her people so well. Again, free country. Let people do all they can afford.
The top 1% pays 40% of all federal income taxes. 40% of households, pay NO federal income tax! Stop thinking that you can have equity, or equality it doesn't exist on this earth.
LOL, yeah well a minute ago you were also sure that the richest 1% was paying 40% of fed taxes and you fell pretty damned flat on your face then too.
I wish you lots of success in whatever business venture you decide to enter, but please don't put on a turban and try being a soothsayer. You'd be rotten at it.
Just like a good liberal. Don't confuse them with the facts. When they lose an argument, they resort to name calling. I've gotten in a couple of discussions with this guy and it's a waste of time.
History shows that this is the normal progression of a nation as it is in its decline and soon end. The Federal government is still spending money as though it will never run out. Our national debt is in the 33 trillion-dollar mark and our leaders are doing everything they can to start another world war so that we do not lose our power and control. It is all the same as those that came before and will end in the same way. The US will totally fail and be taken over by some other world order. Enjoy what time you have left.
When I was young, I remember my mother going to the grocery store, to feed a family of seven, with a twenty dollar bill, and getting change. Yes, things have changed, but you ain't seen nothin' yet. Inflation is only one piece of the puzzle.
Has anyone else noticed the large number of bank branches closing? Financial Institutions are hemorrhaging money and the more people default on their loans and credit cards, the worse it will get. It will be just like "It's a Wonderful Life".
Is anyone talking about how the stock market had its worst day since March yesterday? The Dow was down 388 points.
We are being invaded by illegals who will take any job for any amount of money and will do anything they are told to stay in the US. Legal US citizens are being replaced and eliminated.
"Dark days, and the fog is getting thicker..." The good news: some are presenting a compelling argument that THIS sukkot season is the kickoff of a Jubilee year and global debt cancellation (as was 50 years ago also when the Yom Kippur War kicked off). Details on today's Living By The Sword radio program. Search GospelGunslingers for the archive link.
According to the Apostle Paul we should be contented with food and clothing. Nothing more. And we don't need expensive stuff either. Americans need to adapt. Our inability to do so will make us more susceptible to Mr. Global's schemes.
My parents grew up during the 1930's and experienced the worst of the depression. Then ww2 and Korea, somehow they survived and thrived. I don't see that happening again. The current generation is lacking what it takes for hard times.
That is why they will willingly take the mark.
We are living in prophetic days. Babylon is rising before our eyes and most people seems to be dead asleep:
Revelation 17:12-14 KJV
12) And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13) These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
A one world government is coming. It is just on the horizon. Remember, the enemy of souls works in darkness until it’s time to spring the trap. Events are further advanced than we realize.
However, here is good news found in verse 14:
14) These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Now is the time to stop quibbling and investigate “the everlasting gospel” (Revelation 14:6) found in the Bible. The sands of time are slipping through the hour glass and eternity draws near. Won’t you seek the Lord while time remains?
We are living what happens when God is taken out of everyday life. Schools, politics, homes and even many churches. Then we slaughter his children and call it healthcare. You can bet the Lord will get the last word. Every bit of what is happening today is clearly spelled out in his word, including the ending. There's going to be a New World Order for sure, just not the one the globalist are planning.
"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." [Revelation 14: 6-7]
An interesting thought from verse 6: the gospel is going to the world at the same time “the hour of His judgment is come.” Yesterday was Yom Kippur-type and anti type.
Several observations:
I went to a Walmart supercenter at 4 p.m. today for more canning jars and a few other items in different parts of the store, including the grocery section. I have NEVER seen a Walmart with so few customers in it.
I went to Sonic after Walmart to get a burger. A plain cheeseburger is now over $5 including tax and before tip. No fries, no drink, just the cheeseburger. . The fancier burgers are now around $7. I left without ordering.
When I moved here 5 years ago, new housing developments had signs that said from the $180s-190s. Now they say from the $300s or from the mid-$300s.
None of this is good...
I get the same feeling in my area. We’ve been here 7 years. New developments used to be $300K, but now they are $500K. You drive a few miles down the road to the richy-rich areas and it’s 800K. Blows my mind every time I see the signs.
As has been mentioned before here, this couldn't happen if CEOs and big bosses didn't screw the daylights out of their employees by forcing them to live on obscenely low wages.
Back in the day, employees and their bosses could live in pretty much the same neighborhood. Look at where the Walton family members live versus where Walmart employees live. It's obscene that we permit this. Stop voting for people who keep giving wealthy people all the tax benefits. CEOs are profiting with incomes HUNDREDS of times larger than their hourly workers.
It's up to voters to make life affordable. The more we vote for politicians who take bribes from the likes of Elon Musk, et al, the worse off our American brothers & sisters will be.
I understand what you are saying but at the same time since when does a couple with children, in their 30's need a $500,000 + house and all the toys your could hope for. Seems like the younger generations today wants to start at the top instead of working their way up. My first job was in 1969 when I was 15 and I made $.75 and hour. by 1975 I started my own business and have started several over the years. I have always treated my employers well, they even got a raise in 2022 for sticking with me in these last years of difficult times. I am not getting rich, just trying to stay afloat and keep them on the payroll. Please don't assume every "boss" is out to screw their employees. In my business there are no "bosses" just a team effort of "family" to get the job done, and we do.
My husband used to be a IT manager and he’d regularly come home with crazy interview stories about young grads who thought they were worth a lot more than the going rate. He was shocked that young people with little experience thought they could earn what they were asking for. He would always have to pass over candidates b/c their expectations were just unrealistic or they just weren’t teachable. You simply aren’t going to earn big city wages in a mid-level market. Or be paid as middle management as a entry level professional.
I’ve noticed that a lot of younger people really want the middle aged lifestyle w/o the work and sacrifice. It’s so off-putting as someone who is actually middle aged. I get that it sucks starting out, but Some of this actually has happened to everyone.....the first apartment in the sketchy neighborhood , the not so great car, the horrible commute, the not being able to go out or travel so much (or at all). That’s why it’s called starting out.
I have empathy b/c I remember those days of trying to put part time jobs together to make it work and our economy is so much worse. But sometimes I find it hard to muster it up when their expectations simply don’t connect with reality.
That's fantastic of you. I do the same with my tenants and the property management companies I use. Charge low rents, pay for great property managers. Keep everyone happy. I don't get rich either. But just because you & me aren't living huge like the Waltons & the Trumps doesn't mean that the Waltons, Trumps, Musks, et al AREN'T living large off the low pay they dole out (or refuse to dole out). I'm griping about them. Them.
As for young people & families striving to get all that they want, well one foster home I had in my early teens, the dad had 30 guns. Nobody needs 30 guns, especially when you're so poor that your only income was pretty much fostering children. But it's a free country still, so he wanted it & he did it. I had 4 foster brothers & once we learned that they were getting money for US, we all begged for a gaming system. He kept telling us we were too poor, and for real we were scamming local churches & Salvation Army for food. He didn't want to work AT ALL. It was the 80s. Wages were a dollar something.
I agree w/ you that young people are eager to have everything all at once like a starter pack that includes all the things we work hard for before now. But the income you first earned has barely raised. The prices for services & goods have all gone up though & that money is all going to the top - the bosses, the CEOs. The only people who should be billionaires are people who, well, NOBODY should be a billionaire. You only get to be a billionaire by screwing employees out of $ at every turn. Ugh that Taylor Swift person is an exception maybe, because I hear all the time how well she pays her people & her staff. But maybe she's not a billionaire then because she's paying her people so well. Again, free country. Let people do all they can afford.
The top 1% pays 40% of all federal income taxes. 40% of households, pay NO federal income tax! Stop thinking that you can have equity, or equality it doesn't exist on this earth. Don't tell me to stop doing something I'm not doing. Equity & equality aren't the same thing btw. I'm just looking for hardworking American souls to be paid what they're actually worth, and not working to make BILLIONAIRES even richer while those billionaires are the ones blowing $ on all the stupid sh_t.
I'm sure you're voting for the people that are making things worse.
LOL, yeah well a minute ago you were also sure that the richest 1% was paying 40% of fed taxes and you fell pretty damned flat on your face then too.
I wish you lots of success in whatever business venture you decide to enter, but please don't put on a turban and try being a soothsayer. You'd be rotten at it.
You're part of the problem. you will never find a solution on this earth.
Thanks for such a stellar solution. /sarcasm
If I have to wait til heaven then so be it, but I'm not as negative as you are. I think God wants us to have better than this, you don't.
Just like a good liberal. Don't confuse them with the facts. When they lose an argument, they resort to name calling. I've gotten in a couple of discussions with this guy and it's a waste of time.
You're a waste of time
Here I am asking for intelligent solutions, and there you are acting like a child with the nasty name-calling. It isn't *me* who's the waste.
History shows that this is the normal progression of a nation as it is in its decline and soon end. The Federal government is still spending money as though it will never run out. Our national debt is in the 33 trillion-dollar mark and our leaders are doing everything they can to start another world war so that we do not lose our power and control. It is all the same as those that came before and will end in the same way. The US will totally fail and be taken over by some other world order. Enjoy what time you have left.
When I was young, I remember my mother going to the grocery store, to feed a family of seven, with a twenty dollar bill, and getting change. Yes, things have changed, but you ain't seen nothin' yet. Inflation is only one piece of the puzzle.
Has anyone else noticed the large number of bank branches closing? Financial Institutions are hemorrhaging money and the more people default on their loans and credit cards, the worse it will get. It will be just like "It's a Wonderful Life".
Is anyone talking about how the stock market had its worst day since March yesterday? The Dow was down 388 points.
The bubbles, they are a bursting.
Thanks Michael
We are being invaded by illegals who will take any job for any amount of money and will do anything they are told to stay in the US. Legal US citizens are being replaced and eliminated.
I'm a business owner and illegal aliens need not apply.
"Dark days, and the fog is getting thicker..." The good news: some are presenting a compelling argument that THIS sukkot season is the kickoff of a Jubilee year and global debt cancellation (as was 50 years ago also when the Yom Kippur War kicked off). Details on today's Living By The Sword radio program. Search GospelGunslingers for the archive link.