We are headed into the Biblical Great Tribulation..

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I currently live in N. Idaho and and can agree with Michaels article. There are people moving here that make more in one year of retirement then i ever made working. The locals that are left say, first the millionaires forced out the locals, now the billionaires are forcing out the millionaires. So Idaho is the state for wealthy conservatives. Come spring i'll be looking for a more affordable conservative local.

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Here in Washington, I've figured out how the Gov. will take our property, we are being taxed out. I feel your pain.

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For almost 2 decades I was a RE broker/owner and consulted banks. Mostly on local foreclosures. Watching the tax rates rise 10% in one year, then 25% the very next, and continue with reckless abandon, I tried to get reporters on this money grab taking place nationwide. No one would touch it. No laws implemented to prevent it. All part of the plan.

Worse, we have allowed land grabs from both natives and foreign nationals to cause multiple national security crises. These lands...and you all know just what I mean...should be seized through eminent domain or the like in the interest of national security yet that will never happen.

We know this because these transactions have continued unabated; unchecked and mostly with the blessing of those whom should have otherwise been looking out for the interests and security of the people.

Traitors. Nothing less. Nothing more.

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Please consider THE REFUGE end times retreat in PR.



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Thank you. I will.

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I fully understand the need and natural desire to flee to safety. Scripture supports prudence in the face of (evil) but not necessarily danger.

I have moved from the city into a rural area 25 years ago knowing this day was coming, as a step of prudence, I get it.

Scripture seems to support that idea,

Pv 27:12 & 22:3 A prudent man sees evil and hides himself, The naive proceed and pay the penalty.

So what is the evil we are to avoid, hide from? It seems there are 3 kinds

Evil can be natural, that witch causes pain, distress, loss, death or "calamity" (danger)-destroy the body

Evil can be moral, it is any deviation from God's commands, moral law or will (sin)-destroy the soul

Evil is All wickedness, all crimes, all violations of law and right are moral evils. (lawlessness)-destroys society, culture, the family and or nation. (Abortion is a deep evil since it violates all three).

On the other hand Scripture seems to says the opposite,

Ps 94:16 Who will stand up for me against evildoers? Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness? (clearly this is not a call to flee but make a spiritual/moral stand and that standing up

is spiritual (we fight against not flesh and blood...)- Eph 6

Instead of prescribing or calling everyone (who can) run for your lives if you can. To me that is too natural or reactionary. It's too much self preservation mode (it can be a selfish act).

Instead my call is to do what the Holy Spirit lays on your heart to do.

God may provide a way for some to flee and others not.

And what about ministering and sharing the Gospel and providing comfort to those in the midst of real evil and in the face of it and doing it with boldness, not fearing death.

There is no such thing as a God forsaken place or event, for God is in the midst of the calamity and should we not also be there there for Him, with Him and over come by His Spirit?

I have an adult daughter that is ministering the Gospel and has ministered in war zones. She has been shot at. At one point she was in so much danger she called me on a satellite phone to tell me she may not come home, (to say goodbye) but she was at total peace knowing she was in the very center of God's will for her. She told me not to pray that she gets out of this alive for it may not be God's will, this may be the end of the number of my days known before time. If so, she said to pray that I'm not shot in the back but in the front, (not running in fear but standing boldly in the face of death itself)!

We praise God that last day was not then. She is now in another war zone serving without fear, knowing God is with her, and I as her father (even though advised -by pastors- to get her home it's too dangerous) I am in perfect peace and fully trust God's sovereign Hand in her life.

She was and is in the safest place to be and that is in the very center of God's will.

That should be the call for all Christians; (find what God's will is for you and do it no matter what).

For what ever you you do, do it not in fear or self preservation, but fasting and prayer seeking God's guidance, asking the Holy Spirit to lead your heart on not what you want to do but what He wants you to do for Him. For every person that will be different.

Use this time to draw closer to the Lord a time to repent, a time for sanctification, a time of selflessness, at time of sacrifice, a time of boldness with wisdom (prudence vs foolishness).

May God's will be done in all our lives no matter what that is so the He is glorified in all our lives as a testimony to the truth. And God will say no matter what the outcome, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Should not this be what motivate us instead of self preservation and just survival?

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I live in an upscale suburb near Milwaukee. I'm just too old to pack up and start over somewhere else, so I'm staying put. I'm not sure even highly conservative states will be safe when the poo really hits the fan. I also see a lot of previously liberal people questioning the actions of the current administration. They are beginning to see through the lamestream media's lies and spins. I have even heard that this is a "white hat" plan to show the American people just what the Democrats had planned for the country. They are intentionally "red pilling" the public. If you don't know what that means, watch "The Matrix" or just look it up on the internet. If this is the plan, I'd say it's working pretty well.

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I would guess if a confused 'Murican feels their most effective plan of action is to discuss their issues with a libtard psychologist, they really are in trouble. Psychology = total hoax scam in my book.

Most psychologists depend so heavily on gubmint funds to pay their services for "poor" clients they may as well be gubmint employees. One good thing, the jab rate was likely high as heck for them.....

"God Loves Liberty!"

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Those who remain in the large cities will not have a shelter when the storm breaks. Remember the story of Lot and his family!

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Michael, I need contact info for your assistant or scheduler. I'm a booking producer for a livestream show hosted by a famous CA-based physician. I just cross-posted this BTW, because I'm stuck in CA. They're going to turn off the taps, too. Alas, if there's a way to DM me on Twitter, that's an option @EmilyTVProducer.

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CONUS will become uninhabitable virtually overnite.

Yet of the hundreds of views to THE REFUGE off grid ecovillage end times retreat site, there are only 10 subscribers whose authenticity I question since there are No Likes. Well, mine...But I wrote the thing.

Won't you consider this option for yourselves, your families? Does someone have a better plan?

I second Mr. Snyder's question. Is it the last chance to get out of dodge?

I believe his question is rhetorical. Presented here is a no passport option which makes practical sense for now.

We're infinitely more resourceful and empowered together.

You're constructive feedback is greatly valued.

Love Always,

Jane Adams

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