Oh for fuck sake piss off you fucking idiot.

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Nothing much to do for you Canadian Kamala lover? Bored? That "F" word is just brilliant you feel? I've prayed for the Holy Spirit to break through to your heart, soul and mind to hear the TRUTH. Jesus is our only hope.

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If you're a hard core Kamala supporter, why would you even waste your time reading this article?

This is a Christian based author and your comment (with its F-bombs) is highly inappropriate.

Go ahead and call me names and tell me how stupid I am.

In a battle of witts, you would be completely unarmed.

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Oh look another fucking moron who thinks I care what she says. Piss off!

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I rest my case.

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TDS on full display.

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Are you referring to Governor Walz? Or Kamala Harris who selected him? Or maybe someone else? You statement is unclear. In which case perhaps you were looking at yourself in the mirror when you posted this comment??

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Oh look!!! Another lowIQ Dem, Danielle, has spoken!!!

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Being in favor of Israelis doesn't mean being in favor of a Zionist Israeli Government: a right of self defense never includes the “wrong” of assassinating 20 thousand innocent Gaza children. How could children be a threat !!!

A just war must be proportionate: this retaliation is not. It’s not just the 100x bodycount, the destruction of all buildings and infrastructure, the killing of journalists and humanitarian workers by the Tzahal (Israel Defense Forces). It’s the deliberate starving of the innocent civilian population, especially children, by denying passage to foreign humanitarian aid and hindering its lifesaving work.

They are just brewing anger, revenge and more terrorism, if not WW3.

Peace is the fruit from the tree of Justice. I'd start with a 2 state solution with Jerusalem having an international status... and returning the stolen land violating the UN map.

You can deceive yourself with hundreds of arguments, and you might even be right in some of them (a leader might not reflect the majority of his people, think Venezuela, Cuba), but NO REASON justifies killing thousands of innocent children.

Masons need a global war to justify their global government:



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Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iran don't fail under the same standard? Of course, they do. Even Jesus cursed Israel as a people and nation for rejecting Him as their Messiah, prophesying over them that they would embrace another, who does not come in the name of God, but in the name of man (with the sign of man 666). So even God is not in favor of Israel, yes He is judging Israel to embrace this coming man of sin. That is what is being set up now.

But at the same time, God is using Israel to execute His Judgement on the rebellion of Gaza, God prophesied this would happen, Jeremiah, Amos, Zephaniah, and Zechariah all prophesied judgment on Gaza because of the sin of the Philistines. Amos 1:6–7 adds to it.

So all of this is God's doing. Like Sampson a disgusting evil Jew, God used to save Israel and Judge the Philistines.

God gave Israel much more land than they have today as an inheritance, He told Abraham, that he would give them all the land from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates – the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites." God is totally against a two or three or four state solution because God gave Israel all this land. From the River to the sea should be from the river (Euphrates) to the sea (the Mediterranean Sea).

The Masons are not doing this, God is. God is using them for His purposes and His good and perfect will, just as God used Satan to bring suffering to Job.

There is no such thing as a just war, all men are evil, all wars are about greed, power, and control of stuff. One of the curses on man for the sin in the Garden was Cain who murdered his brother Abel for doing nothing wrong, and jealousy, and we have been killing each other ever since and God has been the very center of this until He returns, just read the book of Rev.

It is God Himself who sends out the spirits of war (three frogs) to gather all the nations to the land of Israel where if the Lord himself did not intervene, all life on earth would end and that is exactly what the unsaved in Christ, death, and hell. That is why the only way to escape these events and judgments, is to repent, believe in Christ who paid the price for your sins and freely follow Christ, time is short.

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Don't get stuck in the Old Testament:

Galatians 3:28 NIV

https://www.biblegateway.com › passage

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Even if you are right, in the Old Testament, God directly commanded Israel through a prophet for war. All other war efforts failed because they were not under God's command, just human error.

Netanyahu is clearly no prophet. Since 33 AC, Israel has no prophet, no Temple, no Sacrifice, no priests, no Levites, no scrolls, no vases, no rain, nothing! Coincidence?

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My main quote was not the Old Test. Paul Romans 11.

You are using Paul's quote, There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." totally out of context. Paul here is talking about our equality before God, we are all sinners needing grace and we are all equally and completely forgiven. In Romans 11 He breaks that thought down even more calling his teaching "a mystery" a new revelation from God. "all of true Israel will be saved in its Jewish root and gentile root. Thus true Israel (is neither Jew or Gentile but united as one for both roots are connected to the same bigger root or trunk, Christ). is not the nation or people of Israel but the True Church, primarily Jewish and then gentile, an unnatural grafting in by grace alone for God's purposes.

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So, if that branch got cut out of the tree of the People of God (Church) to be replaced by the grafted Pagans (our genealogical ascent), then on what right could they claim to annihilate all nations (including innocent children) from the River to the Sea?

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All that are grafted in (by faith in Christ) were once pagans (unbelievers) and all that are grafted out (have abandoned the faith). If we are not in Christ we are all pagans. It's not our righteousness but His perfect righteousness He gives us freely, and covers us so we can stand before God.

Because God gave the land to Israel and those pagans were an example of God's wrath for sin, the people in the land were brutal people who practiced child sacrifice. God used Israel (also sinful) to execute His judgment on those people. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. were destroyed by God and Lot was warned ahead of time (grace) and the people in the two cities were not, God's judgment.

War is ugly and it makes animals out of all of us. Both sides have committed horrible acts. Urban warfare will always have high civilian casualties. It's one of the byproducts of war. For example, in WW II about 15 million military died in the war and almost 40 million civilians died, it's almost 3 to 1. So there is nothing new under the sun, unfortunately, these are the byproducts of war.

The heart of the Gospel is that we are all fallen and rebellious people who disobey God's will for our own. It's called sin. The penalty for sin is death and hell. But Christ God's son was sent by the Father to rescue us from this fate. On the cross, Jesus suffered and died in our place, and His unblemished blood cleanses us from our sins. He rose from the dead so if we put our faith in Him for my salvation from myself and follow Him we will have eternal life. If not, just look around you the world is in a mess and the reason for that, is that most of the world is outside of God's grace and the world is reaping what it has sown and one day God will judge the world and true justice will be done.

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In sum, Jews have no right to murder 20 thousand innocent Gaza children.

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I'm not arguing that point. God raised up the Free Mason's/Illuminate etc. for just this purpose as He did Pharaoh and Pilate. The Free Mason's are the ones who created this Govt. and God had His hand on all of it and America is fulfilling God's purposes for her as well and most American Christians won't like or accept what that is.

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Wow. Didn't want to pick the other guy for VP because he is too much for Israel? That says it all for me and doesn't surprise me one bit. God's chosen people, God's chosen land.

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"If Trump wins I think that we will see tremendous civil unrest all over this country."

The Supreme Court might have to decide something very heavy if Trump wins. If you use Discord or Gab then you've already see the "order" to get your lib neighbors removed from the voter rolls before November so they'll be turned away from the polls and they won't get to vote. There's talk of a reward for the so-called Patriot who gets the most blacks or dems removed. MTG is even in on the action to make sure Georgia's blue voters don't get to upset the nation like they did in 2020. The trick is to report or challenge dems' names to the state as either deceased, or moved to another state. Both tricks get the name removed from the voter roll.

It occurs to me maybe not everyone here is young enough to play around on Discord or Gab, but they're both very Trump-oriented chat sites. Think "Twitter", but without liberals messing it up. Anyway if a few hundred thousand blue voters TRY to vote but find out too late that they were removed under false pretenses and Trump squeaks by in those states, how should America respond? It's classic disenfranchisement of voters and you're never alerted that you've been purged because the agency believes you're either dead or you've moved.

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This exposes Harris' flip-flops that they are nothing but Marxist Socialists. Still, they may see they will not win and don't be surprised there is some kind of Oct. surprise as well, all to prevent Trump from winning. We shall see, but this will not end well.

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It will end as well as you want it to. It is still possible for Americans to have a civil election and for the loser to accept the results with grace. That was the case all the way up until 2020.

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Definitely, the Democrats will not do that. They are already drawing up a bill to invoke the 14th Amendment if Donald Trump legitimately wins the election. They will not go quietly into the night, they have already said they will not accept the results with grace.

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Well they'd be spending their time and efforts better on drawing something up if Trump wins the election ILLEGITIMATELY, namely by the movement to have blacks, poor people, and dems in general purged from the voter rolls without their knowledge.

It's kinda hard to believe Trump can still win 'legitimately' after choosing JD Vance (for several reasons). When even Tomi Lahren says that women won't vote a ticket with JD Vance on it, the GOP might be in trouble, you know?

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Oh I don't disagree at all, all of that is a real possibility, but you don't understand, their internal polling showed Harris with her Marxist Socialist positions would lose big time, that is why she flipped-flopped to all moderate Dem/Rep. position to expand her appeal base, to give her a chance of winning, then she picked another far-left liberal Tim Walz to be VP to appease the far-left liberal of the party, to not lose them. But he has lots of baggage as well, many think he ruined the state of Penn. They are walking a type-rope.

Besides whomever is president will be the Capt. of a sinking ship I would not be surprised if we did not make it to Nov. with an election.

Isaiah said, " I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them And the people will be oppressed, Each one by another, and each one by his neighbor;

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I dunno how Walz would've messed up Pennsylvania, but OK.

It's always been kinda weird to me that some people see KH as Marxist or socialist when the giant problem everyone had with her back when she tried to be the nominee in 2020 was that she was a "top cop" arresting blacks and browns and anyone involved in minor drug crimes (pot possession). She also got falsely accused of keeping blacks in prison past their parole dates so that she could get more free (prison) labor out of them. It wasn't a valid accusation, but it's also the exact opposite of socialist or marxist. Some people just like to accuse her of whichever extreme they think will piss off more voters.

I've been reading all day about why they picked Walz as her partner and everyone's saying it's because he's a pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment hunter with loads of centrist policies to give ambivalent Republicans an alternative to vote for. They didn't choose someone they thought of as too far left. He's former military, and not just a quickie war correspondent like JD Vance was.

Off topic but the funny thing is that if Trump would have as much integrity as Biden did and he stepped off the ticket, I wouldn't mind seeing a JD Vance type going up against KH.

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Waltz? He made Pennsylvania a sanctuary city, was slow to respond to riots and pro to defund the police. Why? To unburden us from the past. Thats Harris speak, to tear all this down and start over, with a new CT view of the world and not hindered by the Bible, and Judaeo-Christian worldviews.

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PT I get it yes this is politics and it gets messy on both sides and American Politicians have complex and often conflicting points of view and moving points of view based on the circumstances.

Harris is basically a supporter and advocate of "Critical Theory"

Critical theory was born in the Social Institute at the Frankfurt School in the 1920s. As the Nazi party gained power in Germany, critical theorists fled Hitler's Germany to Columbia University and developed their notions of power and justice, (Social Justice).

Critical theory is inspired by like Marx, Hegel, Kant, Foucault, Derrida, and Kristeva. These are all socialist/communist thinkers.

Critical theorists seek to understand human experience as a means to change the world. This is where Harris' theme of “Going forward unburdened, unwavering, and undaunted by the past.

The idea of America is based on Judaeo-Christian, morals values and ethics, is not inclusive enough, other views must be embraced as equal. Family structure needs to be more than just Patriarchal, where other family structure views are equal. It's not about we being equal in status but also we need equal outcomes as well. (I've heard her say these things). CT sees the world through the clash of world views to come up with new world views. As the class conflict of Marx to produce a new unified worldview of true communism. Conflict and right and wrong are not seen as an individual issue but the group issue. Some whites are racist and use that to gain power over blacks, thus all white people are privileged thus racist. This is pure Marxist Leninist thought.

They want to destroy everything America was and create a new America. Democracy means to them that everyone has an equal voice, thus everyone living and working in America should vote. The #1 reason to open the immigration floodgates. Abortion and economic hardship is to lower the white population whereas immigrants are used to living at a much lower standard of living and and having big families. In time like in Russia there are multiple political parties but the RU is huge and runs everything and there is only one policy and party line. That's what the Dem want here. And to be like China, with social credits and technology to control everyone where the govt controls everything. Where in early America the idea was that the states would be the big power. If that's what you want PT that is what is coming.

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Oh please.

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The fact that she chose Walz suggests that the Dems are not aiming to win by the ballot box - even by using election fraud. They just want their ultra-radical agenda ready to go with no potentially dissenting voices in any position of power. This gives me a feeling of dread that after the failure of assassination attempt #1, they still have a Plan B in the works. After all the globalists have got an outcome quite suited to their goals in the French elections, and then in the British elections - so why wouldn't they go for the big trifecta?

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The law for emergency custody for gender affirming care is about making eunuch s out of other people's children. A barbaric practice in occultism.

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If you honestly truly believe that the last election was stolen...How can there ever be another?

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Why is it negative that he likes to visit China?

China has lifted 700 million Chinese out of poverty, while our politicians sink us INTO poverty. China has all the technology we would have, if our economy had some an organizing principle beyond the profits of a few financiers.

I like this column. But the China hate is ridiculous. Be angry at the people who screwed us- all the American politicians. Direct your anger at the American politicians and financiers who legalized sending our factories to China, all our jobs, so those ultra rich Americans could have bigger profit margins.

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You must be over the target Michael because there are sure a lot of bots and trolls in the comments section whenever you post. Kane is so extreme he outdoes the Babylon Bee. He's satire of himself! What a clown!

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Trump dodged another bullet with Cackles selection of jihadi-lovin' Tim.

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In case you are wondering how we ended up back at the Waltz on the Danube where Fascist Socialists and their Pseudo “Equity Build Back Better” Minions made 20,000 Jews take off their shoes before they shot them dead into the River, floating them down to Lake

Woe🐝Gone~ism, you need to review the Sunday Comics brought to life by the Powers that 🐝.

Dick Chaney Tracy and MoonMaid, Bush 41

Lil’ Abner, the ArcCanUs Clintonistas

Lil’ Orphan Anne and Daddy War$, W 43 Iraq&Afghanistan $7 Trillion 9-11 unPatriot FISA spy act

Boondocks meets Karl Marx at Blackish, the ObamaNations Iran Treason Deal even Iran never signed, while Arming and Funding ISIS through Benghazi until 9-11

Lucy and Charley Brown play football with our Peanuts$ after Orange Man Bad Trump beats Scooby Doo, great economy and energy independence until the Co Vi D Grinch stole all the Who’s presents from Whoville

Which gets us to Lake

Woe🐝Gone and the Dagwood Bumstead Ticket, a “White Privileged Upper Middle Class Canadian” Woman pretending to be Indian now pretending to be Black while her family owned sugar cane slaves, and a BLM Quisling WoeMan peddling Equity Snake Oil


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