Well according to meetings the FED had with all bank executives about 9 years ago, the economy breaking won't be by accident it will be deliberately timed to blame the tree branch breaking on others rather than the idiot in the tree (us). In 2018 the FED macro expert predicted all these zero interest rates and massive QE would fail, but she would not say what they would do when this fails, the reason being stating ahead of time will cause bank runs and crash the system before they are ready, thus it will be a big surprise, probably on a Fri. Afternoon just as the banks are closing and be closed for the weekend. Just look at Greece's sovereign default, with massive underreported debt and default on its obligations to the IMF loans to Greece. Greece had a history of healthy GDP growth and until 2008 Greece had one of the lowest debt-to-GDP ratios in all of Europe. But they started spending too much money and hid how bad it was. Austerity programs were given but they were voted down, in pure denial they had a massive default that affected everyone. We are on that same path.

Govt always fail and so will this one

Ps 146

Do not trust in princes, In [c]mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. 4 His spirit departs, he returns to [d]the earth; In that very day his thoughts perish. 5 How blessed is he whose help is the God o Jacob,

Whose hope is in the Lord his God, 6 Who made heaven and earth, The sea and all that is in them; Who keeps [e]faith forever;

Our only hope is salvation in Christ and His coming kingdom and kingdom not made by human hands and not of this world.

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Hopefully, the newly arrived 10+ millions Biden's illegals realize that coming to America was a baaad idea, and leave the Country.

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Wow Tonka trucks, Care Bears....my kids are in their 40's and were favorites of theirs way back when...sad! And that video, WOW! Reminded me of stories in the past where teens were diving in to shallow water and some ended up paralyzed for life due to broken necks. Well Biden's still in yippee! (not)

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It was a shock and a delight to see Mr Snyder use a real and normal image for today's article.

That one about "Authorities Literally Losing Control..." gave me nightmares with that bizarre, no cost A.I. generated image of the redheaded sexdoll that fell off the back of someone's truck: https://michaeltsnyder.substack.com/p/authorities-are-literally-losing?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1520363&post_id=146412322&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=3qdut&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Nice to see someone getting paid for their work again rather than going the A.I. generated route.

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We the people will reap what the elites sowed. The finance-elites in our society are making more money than ever from our debt.

I am so thankful to have found Michael's substack. There is a glaring lack of discussion of the dreadful state of the average person's bank account. The corporate news PURPOSELY avoids it, not just to prop up the Biden regime, but to make us all feel like we are alone.

But we are not alone. And columns like this one here help a lot of us stay sane, knowing that our situation isn't abnormal.

There is only ONE other analyst who speaks honestly, openly and often about the American economy, like Michael does here in his substack. His name is Jack Rasmus. Does a weekly podcast and breaks down all the bogus stats the elites put out, explaining in detail how they are lying with statistics. Highly recommend listening to him also, in addition to reading Michael here.

Thank you, Michael. You are doing the people a great service.

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Do you not receive ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, etc. where you live? Some of my tenants are elderly and count themselves as SSI-reliant. They don't have cable or satellite and they rely on the above channels for all news and they absolutely discuss the economy and how the poor are getting poorer. But the above channels DON'T really focus on the rich getting richer as part of it. But the MSM (in America anyway) absolutely does discuss and lament the way that the middle class is struggling and how the already-poor are struggling harder. Sites like this make it seem like the MSM is keeping it all secret but that's never been true.

OOPS I SHOULD ALSO ADD: "a glaring lack of discussion of the dreadful state of the average person's bank account. The corporate news PURPOSELY avoids it". I just had a niece join the MSNBC team as production asst. So I began watching the financial show she's now part of. MSNBC very DEFINITELY does talk about the dreadful state of the average person's bank accounts. I think most people who make really broad claims about entire swaths of groups (like MSM/corporate news) never really watches or reads the channels/sites they talk about. MSNBC gets really riled about the "dreadful state" of individuals' personal finances. I bet the other sites you've never watched a day in your life do the same.

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