With Biden’s abdication of his constitutional duties to protect the border and his 24 hour threat to Texas; it comes down to a choice We the People must now make. It's either freedom, a real constitutional republic and the rule of law; or it’s enslavement. There is no such thing as a little freedom, a little democracy, a little rule of law, just as there is no such thing as a little enslavement. So that's the choice it comes down to in Texas and several other sovereign states. It’s either We the People are the sovereign or it’s enslavement by Washington’s “Deep State Leviathan”. It's either us or them.

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Notice there are not enough votes in the house or senate to impeach Biden on the Policy but they will go after (impeach) the Secretary that is implanting that policy. Do we not know where the buck stops? Truman did.

Just another fact to prov the republic is dead. The political parties run the govt and they are just two lodges of the same fraternity, owned by the banks and major corporations.

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We are not sovereign as one of the commenters stated above. In 1871 after the country’s fall because of the war between the states, America was transitioned into a corporation via the Vatican-Crown Corporation Act of 1871. America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of European interests, which makes the citizens assets in that corporation, chattel, if you will.

Secondly, the Constitution was deliberately written as a weak instrument and concocted only to replace the Articles of Confederation, which itself wasn’t great but gave the states more rights. Ask yourself if these wealthy, educated, and self-serving founders had not anticipated such a move to secession as the Southern States accomplished, then why institute the alien and sedition acts of 1798 while the ink was nearly still wet on the constitution?

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Addendum: The Constitution is window dressing and a museum piece TPTB pull out and dust off to appease the cattle when they get restless.

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Thank you for the information.

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Further, how could the Constitution coexist with legislation like The Patriot Act and/or NDAA? How can you have it both ways? Supposedly, the Constitution = freedom but yet allows a bloated governing oppressor that has the latitude to appoint unelected bureaucracies and agents; and The Patriot Act and NDAA = restriction of freedoms including violations of The Bill of Rights.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Well, now! Presently, the ENTIRE former CSA, plus several former Union territories/ states have joins in support of TX, fully 1/2 the states. "Texit" has been brewing here for a long time, mostly due to the Feds' lunatic policies! I guess the PTB really does want a full on- shooting war here again! Glad I converted what monies I could to real metals and insisted on the TX repository for their location!

That said, to my fellow vets, if you don't yet know it, you will sooner or later notice YOUR EARNED services and clinic time are being GIVEN to these criminal invaders!

The Constitutional crisis occurred 1st in 1871, again in 1913, and again in '63, '08 and ' 12, and finally in '20! Congress unlawfully voted DC and our gov't a PRIVATE corporation; if that's not a Constitutional crisis, nothing is (the anniversary of that is coming up on 14 February again)! The severing of the last shreds of control and genuine sovereignty were removed by Amendments 16 (Federal Reserve is a PRIVATELY, and FOREIGN NATIONALS' owned bank), and 17 (removing the selection of Senators from the states' legislatures, and thus freeing them of any oversight by "we the people"). What's happening down here was an entirely Constitutional action, by a state's duly elected governor to defend his state and citizens from a ongoing foreign invasion, when the Feds are unable, or in the present situation unwilling, to DO their Constitutionally assigned duty! What the northern, declared "sanctuary" cities and states don't seem to yet comprehend is that they see only a FRACTION of the actual invasion, and can't manage that; while they somehow think the 4 border states CAN manage multiple times the numbers they are seeing, without Federal assistance either! If you are a leftist governor or mayor up in those cities and states wailing about the hardship you face, DIGEST that fact before you utter another syllable about it!

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I have lived in border states for the past 45 yrs; the gov't has been under numbering the invaders and ignoring extant laws that entire time; I suspect you could double that 6mil and be closer to accurate!

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Yes you are correct

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I love how the whole thing is being framed as Texas stopping the border patrol from “rescuing migrants.” And asylum seekers. What a joke. Isn’t the whole point of the border patrol to protect the border? They are not supposed to be social workers or EMTs for border crossing parties who start to drown. Sorry not sorry.

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The CBP wasn't "stopped" from anything, according to them, but FREED to patrol areas where most of the "got aways" are coming through!

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I'll say it again, back in 2018 I had access to an intel briefing that warned before the 2024 election, things in America would get so unstable the comes to a point of not functioning and the President (whoever he or she is) will declare a national emergency and invoke the emergency powers act.

This threat by Biden if carried out may be fuse to blow up the continuity of Govt and the liberal Dem party will declare martial law.

We shall see.

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In his strongest statement yet President Biden stated "asuftimaehaehfutbw", he then asked if it was time for his ice cream.

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Wow, so he does Donald Trump impressions too?

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I'm not pro Trump or anti Biden, but i do look at Biden as a puppet and dislike those pulling his strings.

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I tend to agree with you on that. Although I think it's a problem we can't escape in American politicians over the age of 60 or so.

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It wasn’t a civil war. The South had already seceded. It was “The War Between the States.” And there was nothing civil about it. Also, I wouldn’t be too hasty in thinking Abbot has anyone’s best interests at heart except his own. This is probably a high-profile dog and pony show or false flag. America’s leadership no matter what jurisdiction, federal, state, county, city, etc., are all bought and paid for and in somebody’s black book. Who would undertake a grandiose game of chess like this without making sure all the chess pieces were their color?

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Very thoughtful comment, and you be absolutely right!! We will have to wait, watch, see// good points

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Biden not ruling out seizing control of Texas Nat’l Guard

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He might get his butt shot trying... They LIVE here too, with their families!

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I know that military follows orders, but I pray that someone high up in the Texas National Guard sees this for what it is - a ruthless, unconstitutional power grab by the Biden regime.

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Watch Flaspoint 1/26 on Victory utube where they site the constitutional right for states to defend themselves!! G

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Michael Yon warns that Abbott is WEF. He says this whole thing is some sort of trap. We'll be watching

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Most of our state governors and government are on the Chinese payroll. So....I don't believe anything except The Word of God. Since we're speaking of freedom after this article...true freedom only comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not our war. I am a Christian and the only battle that I will fight is for my Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters. What we are hearing and seeing in our country and the world has been prophesied. It will get worse as time goes on, our country will be taken down in 24 hours, and there's nothing we can do about it. You won't have enough ammo, you won't have enough food and water, you won't have enough medications, you won't have enough gold and silver...all you will have is God's protection. You may see a hundred Chinese troops heading towards your home? It's God's Will if he allows them to attack your home or make them go around....and they won't even know why. I know...I'm a serious pepper since 2009. God decided to pull me in and I realize over time...and believe me, God had to slap me a couple times and shake me silly, I'm stubborn and a fighter....that my earthly fleshy self can not fight was is to come....but my spiritual being can with God. It's an exciting time we are living in. God put us here, at this moment and time, for his perfect plan! Love you guys

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"God put us here, at this moment and time, for His perfect plan!"

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I know this is off topic, but there is an impression the US military is weak and totally woke in cluding the USMC? Humm really?

Just watch the video in the article below and tell me what you think?


Can you see they are teaching what agape love is on a horizontal level?

Giving expecting nothing in return seeing everyone better than myself.

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I have dealt with a large number of these immigrants both at the Mexican/Guatemalan border as well as at the airport in Laredo and Houston. With no exceptions every single immigrant explained that they wanted to come to the US to work and maintain their families. A few Venezuelans who mentioned persecution confided to me that they had been coached by the NGOs who operate along the migrant trail. I encountered an American NGO worker at the Mexican border with Guatemala so I know they are there.

I have lived in Guatemala and I have traveled throughout Central America for years. Every single country in Central America, bar none, has areas that are much safer than cities like Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, etc. yet many of the Central American immigrants claim they are fleeing violence. If violence is their motivation, they could find safer places in their own countries and they definitely would not make the trek through cartel country in Northern Mexico. Last weekend I was in the capital of the state of Tamaulipas. The entrances to the bus station are completely plastered with posters of missing persons. All of the available space on the doors and windows is used. This is the area the majority of these immigrants must pass through. I have a Mexican friend who has her own NGO that searches for missing persons in this state. She and her coworkers have created a DNA database of Mexicans and Central Americans who have gone missing. Check out the movie Noise on Netflix; much of it is based upon her work.

So no, I am not making up a claim; I know the facts from extensive first hand knowledge on the ground.

Are you familiar with the region?

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"none of this is going to be good for Biden’s chances of winning in November" --- Don't be so sure. The pro-Palestine Twitterers who have been threatening to withhold their Biden vote are turning around and returning their positive opinions of Biden again with this move.

"The Biden administration appears to be determined to keep the border wipe open" --- OK I don't like Biden but that is NOT Biden's end goal with this. He is the one asking to close the border but House GOP won't let it happen. They even SAID IT OUT LOUD that they're helping Trump by confounding Biden's presidency. Time after time GOP keeps voting for zero dollars border security. The reason Biden is intervening in Texas is because Dead-Below-the-Waist, Dead-Above-the-Shoulders Abbott is killing children with razor wire. Biden is seeking some sort of humanitarian compromise where illegals are stopped from entering, but not by being freaking murdered.

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Every American needs to install the CBP One app on their phone and start making appointments as if they were asylum seekers, thus making it nearly impossible for those outside the country to gain access to an appointment.


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I think that providing false information to a government agency is still a jailable felony.

Some of us have lives we don't want to put on hold over fraud.

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Yet nearly everyone of these immigrants files a false asylum claim and they are simply released. The whole system is rotten to the core.

Maybe Abbot and his team can manipulate the app; clearly they will not be going to jail.

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"nearly everyone of these immigrants files a false asylum claim"

I don't know that and neither do you. It feels good to make up a claim and then believe it despite a lack of evidence, but it's still a made up claim. It's conclusion-jumping scare tactics like yours that belittle the pursuit of facts and also destroy reasoning skills.

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