Uh, no! I don’t buy this woman’s NDE story for numerous reasons, mainly that there is nothing this woman said that can’t be found in the Word of God.
Who needs John or Daniel or any of the prophets when you have 21st century NDE tale tellers that meet Jesus, have a little chit chat with him and are told they MUST return” to tell the world what we all should already know by reading the scriptures and seeking the face of Jesus face in prayer.
Isn’t it interesting how there is such a lack of detail in NDE stories and they are monotonously similar. Of course, there is a LOT of money to be made selling snake oil these days. And NDE tales fit nicely into this category.
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.” 1 John 4:1-3
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27
The NDE trend is all the rage today. Chalk it up to the new age and the occult—aiming to know secret knowledge that belongs to God and Him alone.
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29
And finally, consider that the Bible does NOT record near death experiences. What follows is a list of people who died and were brought back to life in the Old and New Testaments. It’s clear from the accounts that these people actually died and DID NOThave NDEs. In none of these situations did the person come back to life and report what he or she saw or experienced “on the other side.
Elijah and the widow of Zarephath’s son (see 1 Kings 17:17-24)
Elisha and the Shunammite woman’s son (see 2 Kings 4:18-37)
Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones (see Ezek. 37:1-14)
Jesus and Jairus’s daughter (see Matt. 9:18-19,23-26; Mark 5:22-24,35-43; Luke 8:41-42,49-56)
Jesus and the widow of Nain’s son (see Luke 7:11-15)
Peter and Tabitha (see Act 9:36-42)
Paul and Eutychus (see Acts 20:6-12)
Unnamed saints (see Heb. 11:35)
The safest place to be is grounded in the Word of God! Discernment is key!
I agree with you. Just posted it as such before reading yours. I want the twinkling of an eye, the Come up hither too - shout out. I felt this NDE thing was slightly bent in what was represented. And that was a red flag to me.
There are so many other red flags about NDEs that I did not mention.
Jesus is the King of the Universe, yet these people with their NDE tales describe the God of Glory as if they just bumped into Him at a brightly lit Starbucks for a quick cup of joe.
It’s genuinely astonishing to me how few people, especially professing Christians, fail to challenge these NDE tales. They are readily swallowed hook, line and sinker.
But then again, false prophets abound and Satan is the Master of Deception.
This is not the way God works. This is of the evil one. Michael, I think you have gone over the edge. We cannot depend on NDE. Demons influence people during such times. We trust God and his Word for direction., not NDE.
I believe you will see its reality and wish that it was only that, fearmongering. Have the courage to read the Revelation and see if it fits. Don't just throw this off. Blessings to you!
No thanks I prefer modern day revelation sources. Cliff High, Dick Allgyer, Martin Armstrong to name a few. But I won’t be condescending and tell you to have the “courage” to read them.
Hey...I'll see what Martin has to say. Just saw a post of his on a channel I follow. I'm sorry to have come across condescendingly...wasn't my intent but surely see how it could be taken that way. We are living in more than interesting times!
My son and I were talking recently about what would take place during a magnetic pole shift and how the earth's core will decouple from the crust and how it will be moving at a fast rate causing exactly the things she described. I wish I had it written down.
My own personal experience recently stopped me from any more laps around Mt. Sinai.
A pastor was relating his experience with trying to make people happy. This was my response:
If only I was guilty of trying to please OTHER people. I my case it was trying to PLEASE myself at the detriment of other people. It took 18 years of walking around Mt Sinai and finding a case of CD’s that had been stored in the wrong place where I took out a CD, put it in my car player and as I listened to the song I post here, pulled to the side of the road and at the age of 70 cried my eyes out for a half hour asking WHY I had stopped blessing God’s people 18 years ago? I KNEW why, the song I was listening TOLD me why. Since then turning my mind around and following the lead of the one who has actually been dwelling in me even during those 18 years I am working as hard as I can to make up for those lost 18 years. You see, I saw folks blessed by my gift. I saw tears, I saw standing ovations, I heard testimonies of how my gift blessed people and yet I SQUANDERED that gift for 18 YEARS. I’m now an old man who looks back at those years in sorrow. Realizing how much the adversary through the flesh had been ruling my life. Here is the song that brought me back. The amazing thing is that God used himself THOUGH MY OWN GIFT to bring me back from my trip around Mt Sanai! BE BLESSED by my version of Don Francisco’s “I Don’t Care Where You’ve Been Sleeping” https://bornagainclassics.com/MarkReynolds-MP3s/YoursAlone/IDCWYBS-MarkReynolds.mp3
So we wont rapture in the twinkling of the eye? When the Father removes the Spirit from the Earth we get to stay behind and endure the Trib? No shout out - Come hither too? This ladies experience is really loose without any details. I think she has said "stuff" is going to happen, and thats it. Which is still consistent with the Word. She really didnt say anything but that "stuff" is going to happen.
Was going to link this, but decided to pass after doing some research. Basically what she talked about over 7 years ago on A Minute To Midnight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC4MrKu2MB4
So is this old news, fearmongering, click bait. Or is it coming to fruition?
People have been talking about the end for hundreds of years, however the Bible says:
Mark 13:32-33 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
Its worthwhile, and if correct, the US must fall in the next few years and if anyone has been paying attention to what went on the last few years its like they were setting us up for destruction (pipeline shutdown, reserves emptied, money and military weapons given to Ukraine,etc) . Michael's prophecy book showed it would happen when the conservatives are in charge, and that just happened, so if Jan20 doesn't go well I'd definitely watch. Oh and Sweden and other countries are preparing their citizens for ww3 while we pretend Trump will save us.
Michael, I may be a “newbie” when it comes to all of this but I see the pole shift in this. I thoroughly enjoy when you put the scripture in your articles, so I can read up in the Bible. Thank you.
She’s an anti Trump wacko. I listened to some of it but then I found the dream she posted about that she claims came directly from God about Trump being the antichrist and locking her and her husband in a trump hotel and forcing them to be branded with the “mark”. Come on, seriously?
Same garbage like when the recent eclipse was going to mark a big X across the US. And when is it exactly going to be when the financial markets implode?? I'm all for being cautious (I work in the biz), but all this doomsday stuff that doesn't happen falls under the category of false prophecies.
It comes from the new testament from Paul the apostle - the greatest moment of Christianity when Jesus will take all christians alive or dead in Christ to heaven in the blink of an eye in the resurrection of the dead in their new bodies - for a short period of time .
Then Jesus will return with these same christians to judge the world being clearly seen in the sky by 'even those who pierced him.'
Then He will reign from the 3rd temple for 1000 years until the great white thrown judgement - then a new heaven and new earth and temple for eternity.
The millennium is when the existing earth is renewed and people can live the whole 1000 years unless they continue to sin . So it is the rule ' with a rod of iron '.
The 144 thousand will administer this reign . They are from the twelve tribes but of course are worshippers of Jesus.
Before all this happens the 3rd temple will be rebuilt and Daniel's 70th week will begin
aka the 7 years of tribulation . The two faithful witnesses who never died - Enoch and Elijah will go round the world preaching the gospel for 3.5 years to give everyone the chance to repent .
Israel will have signed a seven year covenant for protection with the antichrist - unbeknown to them . He will break this covenant at the 3.5 year mark and declare himself to be god - this is the abomination of desolation that Jesus and Daniel the prophet speaks of .
This abomination has happened before with Antiochus Epiphanes - with Titus 70 AD .
I think we are near the 6000 year mark ;
No law - leading to the flood
The ten commandments from the exodus era - the laws of God in Leviticus Deuteronomy
The christian 2000 year era
So 6000 years of rebellion then the 1000 year millennium of peace
I think the millennium will be vegetarian IMO - like antediluvian if you read Revelation
Lion's eat grass like an ox - a child will play with a snake - no high mountains or deep valleys etc
The scofield bible will have the rapture - but it should have but the rest of its commentary I have not read - his lifestyle was awful .
She saw things that would happen late in the Tribulation period, but I feel I was shown, what will happen, on the day that Trump left office last time, until the peace treaty is signed between the two leaders of Israel and Palestine, and with that signing, brings on the 7 year Tribulation!
As most people already know, a peace between these two countries, started with Pres. Carter, and with every president that has followed after him, has tried and and failed also.
If you think about it, it seems to be a question of WHY....why did each president try to have these two leaders make peace with each other? Why did each president think that they had to take time out of their busy schedule, to make this peace happen? Of course it stopped with Pres. OBiden (my name for him, lol). I don't believe he tried once to get those two leaders together to try to get them both together in some sort of a peace agreement.
Now Trump made a peace document, went over to the Middle East, and had a few Middle East leaders sign this document, saying that they would like to have peace with Israel. But this is also the time when Trump had to leave office right after that.
I take a break here, to say that I felt that God was showing me, that He is going to use Trump, to help bring in the 7 year Tribulation period. And I know the process of how it's going to happen.
First, on the day Trump had to leave office, last time he was president, I feel that I was shown, that against all odds, Trump had to be president again. So after Trump left office, I tried to tell as many people as possible that Trump HAD TO BE, and WOULD BE President again. Because God was going to use him, as as God has used other sinners in our bible, to do His will, and have His name proclaimed!! So when Pres. Trump announced he was going to run for Pres. again, I was estatic! I could of jumped up and down, because I knew this was going to happen
I mention the subject of God using sinners in our bible, to do His will, and so it will be the same for Trump. If anyone believes Trump is a Christian, because he said so, needs to think about this. Again, since Pres. Carter, EVERY Pres. after him, claimed to the American public, and the world, that they were Christian, but they only said that, to get that group's votes. I could mention here, some acts that Trump has said and done, to prove that he is not a Christian, but I'm here to talk about how Trump only starts the Tribulation. But let's talk one sign that I think might be stretching it a bit, but it does make sort of the first sign I felt, and that is Trump's name. Doesn't it seem like his name could be short for "trumpet", which many are blown, in Revelation?
So, against the hatred and anger that it seems that so many people had against Trump, with the elite, trying to get him off the ticket so he couldn't run for president at all, to getting shot, almost killed, against all odds, Trump made it! (I only pulled out half my hair, and I don't have anymore fingernails, but they all grow back, lol)
So, he's now in office, and probably, more than likely, he still has that peace document, that he got a few signatures on. Between now and the end of his term, I know he will pick up that document again, and announce that he's going to the Middle East again, to get more signatures on his peace plan/treaty...and so he gets a LOT MORE signatures, from a lot of rich and powerful leaders. Once Trump is satisfied, he gives them all of it, just hands that document, over to them. Trump is done, he's done what he was needing to do. He goes back to his office to work.
Now all of these many rich and powerful Middle East leaders, look at Palestine. Did I mention that again, since Pres. Carter, this Palestinian leader has ALWAYS said NO to peace with Israel, so it's been years now, but now it's this large group of rich and powerful Middle East leaders asking him to sign up for peace with Israel. As usual, he thinks he can get away with saying NO again. But now, they all take his arm and twist around to his back....lol, no they actually hurt him bad either economically or financially, or both, until he can't take it anymore, and has to say YES to signing. Now most theologians in the world, and most people who have studied bible prophecy for years, know it's a fact, that anytime a 7 year treaty is signed between these two countries/leaders, then THAT starts the 7 year Tribulation period. The "beginning of the end" as I call it. Also, when Trump's document became THE 7 year peace plan/treaty, is unknown, but that's what it is, when it's signed.
One more thing I'd like to add, as I think is a sign, is with Trump NOT being a Christian, he could have named his document with any name at all. So what are the odds, or chances, that he would give it a name of a person in our bible??
The Socialistically-Secured corporate body of Uncle Sam’s harlot nation is Lucifer’s Masonic organism that is demonically driven by Democracy’s antichrist spirit. Freemasonry’s licentious Statue of Liberty represents the wicked woman in a basket that is carried by two woman (i.e. Oholah and Oholibah) in Zechariah 5:5-.
In this Orwellian ‘Digital Age’ of Babel’s ‘re-united’ UN Global Village, Uncle Sam’s harlot Laodicean nation of Americanization is filled with fear-driven, money-loving, digitally-marked (SS#), socialistically-secured chattel [i.e. the Devil’s democratic—wolves in sheep’s clothing, self-willed goats, noxious tares, and foolish virgins]. They all democratically huddle together as captive slaves within Socialism’s inescapable UN Security System. Being under the strong delusion that God cast upon Babel’s UN Global Village, they idolatrously trust that the Marxist Beast’s benevolent eugenic-welfare system will surely preserve their ‘numbered’ (SS#) souls from tribulation. Uncle Sam’s democratic SPIRITUAL CLOTHING prevents them from hearing Christ’s life-saving commandment in Revelation 18:4!!
Christ sanctifies His holy Bride outside of Babelʼs Socialistically-Secured UN global village, in the socially un-secured ʻwildernessʼ. He intimately calls the wise virgins within His Bride, saying: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her corporate sins and receive of her pandemic plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Revelation 18:4
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village (i.e. Sodom -Egypt) all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
The Spirit of God’s Word led me to repent of foolishly being held captive, from cradle to grave, as a digitally-marked, dependent-ward that is happily enslaved within Socialismʼs idolatrous Security System. I learned that God personally calls each of His own children by name. Whereas the devilʼs antichrist spirit digitally-marks/brands the democratic souls of his accursed children with an impersonal SS# for a name. A very jealous God commands His beloved children not to let the digital mark of the Beastʼs Socialistic Security System to be etched into the memory of their foreheadʼs consciousness, or imbedded in their hand-held credit card, or in their handʼs signature (i.e. signing their SS# on a document). For Godʼs sanctified children cannot be named by, nor obediently serve the holy will of both Godʼs Theocratic Spirit and the devilʼs Democratic spirt of antichrist.
I wish I had the words to express how deeply I felt that song. Thank you so much, oh Mighty Roaring Lion. May you be richly blessed for sharing your knowledge, gifts, and most of all, your love of God and His for you.
I'm in the home stretch, the last few hundred pages of Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago." Many of the horrors Elizabeth describes have already fallen on mankind. Many times. Not difficult at all for me to imagine these things coming around again. The 15 million estimated deaths from the poison jabs was just a light appetizer for the Enemy.
It’s Interesting that my posts are completely disappearing when I talk about the false Jews, the Zionists in control, the synagogue of Satan mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Folks need to realize they’re suffering from Stockholm Syndrome- that what they’ve been fed and taught are lies.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are straight up evil and carved out everything in this nation, away from Jesus. They head trafficking, porn, the media, the education system, the govt, our infrastructure, Entertainment, big pharma, our medical system, and the food industry, all by design- one big monopoly.
The word Jew wasn’t put in the Bible by the Apostles/Holy Spirit, but changed several hundred years later. God used names of tribes, purposefully, to distinguish between good and evil, between the Nephilim bloodlines and the pure bloodlines. Now, many are mixed—-Jacob’s Troubles!
It was mixed up and hidden from the population when the word Jew was added. God knew it would happen, hence what He says in
Rev 3:9: Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Do you realize that we have a uniparty, a Freemason, Jesuit, committee of 300(they call themselves the Olympians, as the fallen angels did when on Mount Hermon), Zionist, false Jew, Talmudic, Kabbalah ruling ANTICHRIST govt.? That’s the real joke, yet Christian’s praise them, because the false Freemason Schofield Bible, and others, translated words incorrectly- and they will be condemned for it.
The word Jew is like the word American- filled with good and evil, filled with many religions and ethnicities. The Zionists, in control, are Talmudic Jesus haters, the Pharisees and the Romans, if you will, the same evil Nimrod spirit still looking to take down God.
If you’re a Christian, you must believe in the Bible. Even though the enemy has translated it incorrectly, God will show those, who want to see, the Truth. If you seek, you will find.
The Firmament is heaven and separates us from everything else. We can’t get through the Firmament, except through Jesus, hence the reason no man has ever really been far enough in space to see what earth really looks like. We’ve never been to the moon— although NASA (means to deceive in Hebrew) said they went, once, and lost the directions. Lol The Bible, in Genesis, says the moon, stars, and the sun are lights (gases and radiation) that separate day and night and give us signs.
Nimrod and the Tower of Babel were knocked down for trying to penetrate Heaven. What do you think NASA, SpaceX, and Spaceforce are trying to do? Break through to Heaven while fooling us all into thinking they’re the good guys. They must all become high masons to be at the top. A secret covenant! They align themselves with Satan and work under the fallen angels and with their technology. These demons call their rockets by Antichrist Gods, Apollo and dragon, for instance!
NASA was started by Rockefeller by moving Hitler’s scientists here after the war. The first rocket scientist was Jack Parsons (bf’s with L Ron Hubbard, at 1 pt), a satanist under alister crowley, who worked on opening portals, just like CERN. Parsons found that while using sex torture, it’d open portals to demons. The more hanus the torture, the more contact they’d have with these demons. They began communicating. They made contact and Eisenhower spoke with them. Hm. These were not aliens, but the Nephilim spirits and fallen angels. Eisenhower gave them permission to study us in return for technology. You see, demons need our permission to control us. They went straight to the President and got it.
Humans were given dominion over earth which angered many of the angels. Lucifer led the rebellion and waged war against God and humans over control. He fell over pride. We have freewill which gives us the choice to choose good and evil. Most no longer know what sin is.
Stockholm Syndrome! The truth is inside of you and the Bible. You just need to let go of your pride— the same pride that caused Satan to fall- and open your eyes and ears. The Truth will set you free.
Back a few years ago there were 2 unbeliebably strong & almost simultaneous earthquakes in Turkey, 9s or thereabouts, I cant remember exactly, opening deep crevasses into the earth. Thousands of people died. Anyone remember that?
Uh, no! I don’t buy this woman’s NDE story for numerous reasons, mainly that there is nothing this woman said that can’t be found in the Word of God.
Who needs John or Daniel or any of the prophets when you have 21st century NDE tale tellers that meet Jesus, have a little chit chat with him and are told they MUST return” to tell the world what we all should already know by reading the scriptures and seeking the face of Jesus face in prayer.
Isn’t it interesting how there is such a lack of detail in NDE stories and they are monotonously similar. Of course, there is a LOT of money to be made selling snake oil these days. And NDE tales fit nicely into this category.
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.” 1 John 4:1-3
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27
The NDE trend is all the rage today. Chalk it up to the new age and the occult—aiming to know secret knowledge that belongs to God and Him alone.
“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29
And finally, consider that the Bible does NOT record near death experiences. What follows is a list of people who died and were brought back to life in the Old and New Testaments. It’s clear from the accounts that these people actually died and DID NOThave NDEs. In none of these situations did the person come back to life and report what he or she saw or experienced “on the other side.
Elijah and the widow of Zarephath’s son (see 1 Kings 17:17-24)
Elisha and the Shunammite woman’s son (see 2 Kings 4:18-37)
Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones (see Ezek. 37:1-14)
Jesus and Jairus’s daughter (see Matt. 9:18-19,23-26; Mark 5:22-24,35-43; Luke 8:41-42,49-56)
Jesus and the widow of Nain’s son (see Luke 7:11-15)
Peter and Tabitha (see Act 9:36-42)
Paul and Eutychus (see Acts 20:6-12)
Unnamed saints (see Heb. 11:35)
The safest place to be is grounded in the Word of God! Discernment is key!
I agree with you. Just posted it as such before reading yours. I want the twinkling of an eye, the Come up hither too - shout out. I felt this NDE thing was slightly bent in what was represented. And that was a red flag to me.
There are so many other red flags about NDEs that I did not mention.
Jesus is the King of the Universe, yet these people with their NDE tales describe the God of Glory as if they just bumped into Him at a brightly lit Starbucks for a quick cup of joe.
It’s genuinely astonishing to me how few people, especially professing Christians, fail to challenge these NDE tales. They are readily swallowed hook, line and sinker.
But then again, false prophets abound and Satan is the Master of Deception.
Just like "The Shack" and "Jesus Calling" bogus books
Amen, Thank you Terri !
This is not the way God works. This is of the evil one. Michael, I think you have gone over the edge. We cannot depend on NDE. Demons influence people during such times. We trust God and his Word for direction., not NDE.
More fearmongering
for good reason. "its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" Hebrews 10:31 Are you saved?
I believe you will see its reality and wish that it was only that, fearmongering. Have the courage to read the Revelation and see if it fits. Don't just throw this off. Blessings to you!
No thanks I prefer modern day revelation sources. Cliff High, Dick Allgyer, Martin Armstrong to name a few. But I won’t be condescending and tell you to have the “courage” to read them.
Hey...I'll see what Martin has to say. Just saw a post of his on a channel I follow. I'm sorry to have come across condescendingly...wasn't my intent but surely see how it could be taken that way. We are living in more than interesting times!
I suggest you read Scripture
Fear instead what is coming because all this will come suddenly
The essence of Weaponized Stockholm syndrome: Fear. Been used on humans for thousands of years. No thanks.
Fearmongering sells.
Big Time
Just like the eclipse was making a big X across the US so everybody better prepare!!!
My son and I were talking recently about what would take place during a magnetic pole shift and how the earth's core will decouple from the crust and how it will be moving at a fast rate causing exactly the things she described. I wish I had it written down.
My own personal experience recently stopped me from any more laps around Mt. Sinai.
A pastor was relating his experience with trying to make people happy. This was my response:
If only I was guilty of trying to please OTHER people. I my case it was trying to PLEASE myself at the detriment of other people. It took 18 years of walking around Mt Sinai and finding a case of CD’s that had been stored in the wrong place where I took out a CD, put it in my car player and as I listened to the song I post here, pulled to the side of the road and at the age of 70 cried my eyes out for a half hour asking WHY I had stopped blessing God’s people 18 years ago? I KNEW why, the song I was listening TOLD me why. Since then turning my mind around and following the lead of the one who has actually been dwelling in me even during those 18 years I am working as hard as I can to make up for those lost 18 years. You see, I saw folks blessed by my gift. I saw tears, I saw standing ovations, I heard testimonies of how my gift blessed people and yet I SQUANDERED that gift for 18 YEARS. I’m now an old man who looks back at those years in sorrow. Realizing how much the adversary through the flesh had been ruling my life. Here is the song that brought me back. The amazing thing is that God used himself THOUGH MY OWN GIFT to bring me back from my trip around Mt Sanai! BE BLESSED by my version of Don Francisco’s “I Don’t Care Where You’ve Been Sleeping” https://bornagainclassics.com/MarkReynolds-MP3s/YoursAlone/IDCWYBS-MarkReynolds.mp3
Thank you so much for sharing your story & that song.
What a great example of God's redemptive love.
We are all so quick to operate out of the knowledge of good & evil instead of remembering the greatest commandment to love one another.
Thank you Garry. You are so right. The way I look at the whole bible is that it can be summed up in two sentences. Love your Creator with all your heart, mind, body and soul and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. But here is the rub...notice the words right near the beginning of the song...https://bornagainclassics.com/MarkReynolds-MP3s/YoursAlone/8-Write_It_On_My_Heart-MarkReynolds.mp3
Amen repent
So we wont rapture in the twinkling of the eye? When the Father removes the Spirit from the Earth we get to stay behind and endure the Trib? No shout out - Come hither too? This ladies experience is really loose without any details. I think she has said "stuff" is going to happen, and thats it. Which is still consistent with the Word. She really didnt say anything but that "stuff" is going to happen.
I was thinking the same thing. We know this already.
Was going to link this, but decided to pass after doing some research. Basically what she talked about over 7 years ago on A Minute To Midnight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC4MrKu2MB4
So is this old news, fearmongering, click bait. Or is it coming to fruition?
People have been talking about the end for hundreds of years, however the Bible says:
Mark 13:32-33 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
I don't put much stock in NDE (near death,or death experience), especially coming from a woman, claiming to be a preacher.
I a m a woman, and women preachers are not supported in Scripture.
Let the haters, commense 👆
My understanding of that verse is that it was present tense. Have you ever seen "Messiah 2030" on youtube?
No I haven't
Its worthwhile, and if correct, the US must fall in the next few years and if anyone has been paying attention to what went on the last few years its like they were setting us up for destruction (pipeline shutdown, reserves emptied, money and military weapons given to Ukraine,etc) . Michael's prophecy book showed it would happen when the conservatives are in charge, and that just happened, so if Jan20 doesn't go well I'd definitely watch. Oh and Sweden and other countries are preparing their citizens for ww3 while we pretend Trump will save us.
Michael, I may be a “newbie” when it comes to all of this but I see the pole shift in this. I thoroughly enjoy when you put the scripture in your articles, so I can read up in the Bible. Thank you.
I also am open minded enough to read most anything whether I agree or not. I didn’t like some of what she has to say, but found it fascinating anyway
She’s an anti Trump wacko. I listened to some of it but then I found the dream she posted about that she claims came directly from God about Trump being the antichrist and locking her and her husband in a trump hotel and forcing them to be branded with the “mark”. Come on, seriously?
Same garbage like when the recent eclipse was going to mark a big X across the US. And when is it exactly going to be when the financial markets implode?? I'm all for being cautious (I work in the biz), but all this doomsday stuff that doesn't happen falls under the category of false prophecies.
It takes many colours to mix black but only one to shed the light.
What about the rapture ?
Isnt that idea from the Schofield Bible?
It comes from the new testament from Paul the apostle - the greatest moment of Christianity when Jesus will take all christians alive or dead in Christ to heaven in the blink of an eye in the resurrection of the dead in their new bodies - for a short period of time .
Then Jesus will return with these same christians to judge the world being clearly seen in the sky by 'even those who pierced him.'
Then He will reign from the 3rd temple for 1000 years until the great white thrown judgement - then a new heaven and new earth and temple for eternity.
The millennium is when the existing earth is renewed and people can live the whole 1000 years unless they continue to sin . So it is the rule ' with a rod of iron '.
The 144 thousand will administer this reign . They are from the twelve tribes but of course are worshippers of Jesus.
Before all this happens the 3rd temple will be rebuilt and Daniel's 70th week will begin
aka the 7 years of tribulation . The two faithful witnesses who never died - Enoch and Elijah will go round the world preaching the gospel for 3.5 years to give everyone the chance to repent .
Israel will have signed a seven year covenant for protection with the antichrist - unbeknown to them . He will break this covenant at the 3.5 year mark and declare himself to be god - this is the abomination of desolation that Jesus and Daniel the prophet speaks of .
This abomination has happened before with Antiochus Epiphanes - with Titus 70 AD .
I think we are near the 6000 year mark ;
No law - leading to the flood
The ten commandments from the exodus era - the laws of God in Leviticus Deuteronomy
The christian 2000 year era
So 6000 years of rebellion then the 1000 year millennium of peace
I think the millennium will be vegetarian IMO - like antediluvian if you read Revelation
Lion's eat grass like an ox - a child will play with a snake - no high mountains or deep valleys etc
The scofield bible will have the rapture - but it should have but the rest of its commentary I have not read - his lifestyle was awful .
Reality will split.
She saw things that would happen late in the Tribulation period, but I feel I was shown, what will happen, on the day that Trump left office last time, until the peace treaty is signed between the two leaders of Israel and Palestine, and with that signing, brings on the 7 year Tribulation!
As most people already know, a peace between these two countries, started with Pres. Carter, and with every president that has followed after him, has tried and and failed also.
If you think about it, it seems to be a question of WHY....why did each president try to have these two leaders make peace with each other? Why did each president think that they had to take time out of their busy schedule, to make this peace happen? Of course it stopped with Pres. OBiden (my name for him, lol). I don't believe he tried once to get those two leaders together to try to get them both together in some sort of a peace agreement.
Now Trump made a peace document, went over to the Middle East, and had a few Middle East leaders sign this document, saying that they would like to have peace with Israel. But this is also the time when Trump had to leave office right after that.
I take a break here, to say that I felt that God was showing me, that He is going to use Trump, to help bring in the 7 year Tribulation period. And I know the process of how it's going to happen.
First, on the day Trump had to leave office, last time he was president, I feel that I was shown, that against all odds, Trump had to be president again. So after Trump left office, I tried to tell as many people as possible that Trump HAD TO BE, and WOULD BE President again. Because God was going to use him, as as God has used other sinners in our bible, to do His will, and have His name proclaimed!! So when Pres. Trump announced he was going to run for Pres. again, I was estatic! I could of jumped up and down, because I knew this was going to happen
I mention the subject of God using sinners in our bible, to do His will, and so it will be the same for Trump. If anyone believes Trump is a Christian, because he said so, needs to think about this. Again, since Pres. Carter, EVERY Pres. after him, claimed to the American public, and the world, that they were Christian, but they only said that, to get that group's votes. I could mention here, some acts that Trump has said and done, to prove that he is not a Christian, but I'm here to talk about how Trump only starts the Tribulation. But let's talk one sign that I think might be stretching it a bit, but it does make sort of the first sign I felt, and that is Trump's name. Doesn't it seem like his name could be short for "trumpet", which many are blown, in Revelation?
So, against the hatred and anger that it seems that so many people had against Trump, with the elite, trying to get him off the ticket so he couldn't run for president at all, to getting shot, almost killed, against all odds, Trump made it! (I only pulled out half my hair, and I don't have anymore fingernails, but they all grow back, lol)
So, he's now in office, and probably, more than likely, he still has that peace document, that he got a few signatures on. Between now and the end of his term, I know he will pick up that document again, and announce that he's going to the Middle East again, to get more signatures on his peace plan/treaty...and so he gets a LOT MORE signatures, from a lot of rich and powerful leaders. Once Trump is satisfied, he gives them all of it, just hands that document, over to them. Trump is done, he's done what he was needing to do. He goes back to his office to work.
Now all of these many rich and powerful Middle East leaders, look at Palestine. Did I mention that again, since Pres. Carter, this Palestinian leader has ALWAYS said NO to peace with Israel, so it's been years now, but now it's this large group of rich and powerful Middle East leaders asking him to sign up for peace with Israel. As usual, he thinks he can get away with saying NO again. But now, they all take his arm and twist around to his back....lol, no they actually hurt him bad either economically or financially, or both, until he can't take it anymore, and has to say YES to signing. Now most theologians in the world, and most people who have studied bible prophecy for years, know it's a fact, that anytime a 7 year treaty is signed between these two countries/leaders, then THAT starts the 7 year Tribulation period. The "beginning of the end" as I call it. Also, when Trump's document became THE 7 year peace plan/treaty, is unknown, but that's what it is, when it's signed.
One more thing I'd like to add, as I think is a sign, is with Trump NOT being a Christian, he could have named his document with any name at all. So what are the odds, or chances, that he would give it a name of a person in our bible??
He said he wasnt a Christian.
The Socialistically-Secured corporate body of Uncle Sam’s harlot nation is Lucifer’s Masonic organism that is demonically driven by Democracy’s antichrist spirit. Freemasonry’s licentious Statue of Liberty represents the wicked woman in a basket that is carried by two woman (i.e. Oholah and Oholibah) in Zechariah 5:5-.
In this Orwellian ‘Digital Age’ of Babel’s ‘re-united’ UN Global Village, Uncle Sam’s harlot Laodicean nation of Americanization is filled with fear-driven, money-loving, digitally-marked (SS#), socialistically-secured chattel [i.e. the Devil’s democratic—wolves in sheep’s clothing, self-willed goats, noxious tares, and foolish virgins]. They all democratically huddle together as captive slaves within Socialism’s inescapable UN Security System. Being under the strong delusion that God cast upon Babel’s UN Global Village, they idolatrously trust that the Marxist Beast’s benevolent eugenic-welfare system will surely preserve their ‘numbered’ (SS#) souls from tribulation. Uncle Sam’s democratic SPIRITUAL CLOTHING prevents them from hearing Christ’s life-saving commandment in Revelation 18:4!!
Christ sanctifies His holy Bride outside of Babelʼs Socialistically-Secured UN global village, in the socially un-secured ʻwildernessʼ. He intimately calls the wise virgins within His Bride, saying: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her corporate sins and receive of her pandemic plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Revelation 18:4
During the Orwellian “Digital Age” of Neo-Babel’s Global Village (i.e. Sodom -Egypt) all global-e-commerce merchandise, including the souls of men, must be digitally-marked with the identification number (SS#; SIN#) of the Marxist Beast’s Socialistic Security System. Mentally engraved within their hearts’ consciousness (the forehead’s memory) and embedded within their hand-held credit card is the digital name of the Marxist UN Beast. No man can legally buy, sell, engage in the cashless global-e-commerce, obtain a drivers license, a bank account, a passport or be hired for employment without being branded for life with the Beast’s SS#. From cradle to grave the digitally-marked souls of Neo-Babylonians are happily enslaved as dependent-wards, held captive within the Marxist Beast’s Socialistically-Secured Global Village.
Uncle Sam’s Social-Secured citizens are indoctrinated to proudly lay down their patriotic lives in militant defense of licentious Lady Liberty’s Masonic Constitution. Under God’s strong delusion they democratically bow their idolatrous hearts, in a worshipful corporate pledge of allegiance, before the Masonic Statue of Columbia’s sacred image—“Old Glory” (see Daniel 3:16). They are brainwashed chattel, not unlike inoculated beef cattle that permanently bear their master’s digital name stapled to their ear. Contently chewing their cud, these deluded beasts fatten up in the eugenic ‘security’ of the slaughter-house feedlot. Oblivious to the holocaust that awaits their numbered souls, they are like the Third Reich’s ghettoized Jews who were numbered, showered, and thrown into Auschwitz’s ovens.
The Spirit of God’s Word led me to repent of foolishly being held captive, from cradle to grave, as a digitally-marked, dependent-ward that is happily enslaved within Socialismʼs idolatrous Security System. I learned that God personally calls each of His own children by name. Whereas the devilʼs antichrist spirit digitally-marks/brands the democratic souls of his accursed children with an impersonal SS# for a name. A very jealous God commands His beloved children not to let the digital mark of the Beastʼs Socialistic Security System to be etched into the memory of their foreheadʼs consciousness, or imbedded in their hand-held credit card, or in their handʼs signature (i.e. signing their SS# on a document). For Godʼs sanctified children cannot be named by, nor obediently serve the holy will of both Godʼs Theocratic Spirit and the devilʼs Democratic spirt of antichrist.
John Eli Shaphat
I wish I had the words to express how deeply I felt that song. Thank you so much, oh Mighty Roaring Lion. May you be richly blessed for sharing your knowledge, gifts, and most of all, your love of God and His for you.
SSS=666 Amen! thank you Courageous Lion!
Thank you Michael...!
I'm in the home stretch, the last few hundred pages of Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago." Many of the horrors Elizabeth describes have already fallen on mankind. Many times. Not difficult at all for me to imagine these things coming around again. The 15 million estimated deaths from the poison jabs was just a light appetizer for the Enemy.
It’s Interesting that my posts are completely disappearing when I talk about the false Jews, the Zionists in control, the synagogue of Satan mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Folks need to realize they’re suffering from Stockholm Syndrome- that what they’ve been fed and taught are lies.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are straight up evil and carved out everything in this nation, away from Jesus. They head trafficking, porn, the media, the education system, the govt, our infrastructure, Entertainment, big pharma, our medical system, and the food industry, all by design- one big monopoly.
The word Jew wasn’t put in the Bible by the Apostles/Holy Spirit, but changed several hundred years later. God used names of tribes, purposefully, to distinguish between good and evil, between the Nephilim bloodlines and the pure bloodlines. Now, many are mixed—-Jacob’s Troubles!
It was mixed up and hidden from the population when the word Jew was added. God knew it would happen, hence what He says in
Rev 3:9: Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Do you realize that we have a uniparty, a Freemason, Jesuit, committee of 300(they call themselves the Olympians, as the fallen angels did when on Mount Hermon), Zionist, false Jew, Talmudic, Kabbalah ruling ANTICHRIST govt.? That’s the real joke, yet Christian’s praise them, because the false Freemason Schofield Bible, and others, translated words incorrectly- and they will be condemned for it.
The word Jew is like the word American- filled with good and evil, filled with many religions and ethnicities. The Zionists, in control, are Talmudic Jesus haters, the Pharisees and the Romans, if you will, the same evil Nimrod spirit still looking to take down God.
If you’re a Christian, you must believe in the Bible. Even though the enemy has translated it incorrectly, God will show those, who want to see, the Truth. If you seek, you will find.
The Firmament is heaven and separates us from everything else. We can’t get through the Firmament, except through Jesus, hence the reason no man has ever really been far enough in space to see what earth really looks like. We’ve never been to the moon— although NASA (means to deceive in Hebrew) said they went, once, and lost the directions. Lol The Bible, in Genesis, says the moon, stars, and the sun are lights (gases and radiation) that separate day and night and give us signs.
Nimrod and the Tower of Babel were knocked down for trying to penetrate Heaven. What do you think NASA, SpaceX, and Spaceforce are trying to do? Break through to Heaven while fooling us all into thinking they’re the good guys. They must all become high masons to be at the top. A secret covenant! They align themselves with Satan and work under the fallen angels and with their technology. These demons call their rockets by Antichrist Gods, Apollo and dragon, for instance!
NASA was started by Rockefeller by moving Hitler’s scientists here after the war. The first rocket scientist was Jack Parsons (bf’s with L Ron Hubbard, at 1 pt), a satanist under alister crowley, who worked on opening portals, just like CERN. Parsons found that while using sex torture, it’d open portals to demons. The more hanus the torture, the more contact they’d have with these demons. They began communicating. They made contact and Eisenhower spoke with them. Hm. These were not aliens, but the Nephilim spirits and fallen angels. Eisenhower gave them permission to study us in return for technology. You see, demons need our permission to control us. They went straight to the President and got it.
Humans were given dominion over earth which angered many of the angels. Lucifer led the rebellion and waged war against God and humans over control. He fell over pride. We have freewill which gives us the choice to choose good and evil. Most no longer know what sin is.
Stockholm Syndrome! The truth is inside of you and the Bible. You just need to let go of your pride— the same pride that caused Satan to fall- and open your eyes and ears. The Truth will set you free.
Back a few years ago there were 2 unbeliebably strong & almost simultaneous earthquakes in Turkey, 9s or thereabouts, I cant remember exactly, opening deep crevasses into the earth. Thousands of people died. Anyone remember that?