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Mike is none too bright. The concept that god wants blood is at the bottom of the Atonement and rests upon the most barbaric savagery.. Moses was a rapist and murderer of little girls. How about that Sampson idiot going around wacking off and collecting foreskins in a bag to win a bet? Then you have your Jew gawd telling to the Jews to leave nothing alive that breathes. That meant cattle, dogs cats and Tweety Bird. This is the kind of scum you worship.

Let's have a miracle right now X marks the spot. Mike should ride a bicycle down the Mississippi. Ok let's have the vids.

Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child is not a true system of religion.

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Joe, let me say this, you certainly paint a very colourful picture. But your first mistake is this, Christianity is not a System of Religion. Religion is a man-made construct one that Jesus was firmly against, if your read Matthew 23, here 8 times Jesus declares Woe to you scribes and pharisees. These people were the priest and bishops of today, the high priest was like the pope of today. True Christianity brother is a relationship with Jesus, the Father who created us. God did not create Evil, God gave his creations free will. To decide to love him or love only themselves. One of the deepest messages in scripture is to forget about self and first Love the Lord your God and second Love your neighbour as yourself. I feel no ill towards you brother nor do I pity you. I do love you and want you to know peace and joy the exceeds all understanding. May God open your heart and heal all your wounds this day in Jesus's name. 🙏 Amen.

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All the ancient religions started worshiping nature, sun moon and stars. Over time they evolved to gods who were very much like us. There were sparks of truth in one god in Egypt with Aten and Hinduism with Brahma manifesting in many ways. Common among these beliefs was the need for blood sacrifices for atonement or appeasement, this nothing new. Also the idea evolved that God or Gods created people because he needed them, that we in return get good things for being good and bad for being bad is not true. That we had to do somehting to win the favor from God or Gods to get a good after life is also false. True Christianity has nothing to do with any of that. It's like a fastback Ford Mustang looked very much like a fastback Toyota Celica, but they are totally different cars they are not the same. (In Christianity religion does not save you there is nothing you can do ever to earn God's favor or save you or you become God).

All other religions evolved over time. But in Christianity from Genesis to Rev. it all points to Christ, fallen man who needs a savior. It's never evolved or changed.

The examples you gave, Moses and Sampson you forgot King David, these are true history to show how fallen we all are.

The uncompromising God of total destruction, is the reality of the fall, none of us deserve anything from God (even life itself) who is perfect, His creation was perfect. Thus all of creation being corrupted by the fall deserves total destruction. But out of God's grace it still exists. God's perfect justice requires a perfect sacrifice, so He sent His perfect Son to die in our place, somehting no human or animal could do, again simple out of Grace.

To demand a miracle on the spot, shows you have no concept of True Biblical Christianity. You put the believer as God and God as the servant to the believer to do as we will.

Joe you project that you believe in these other religions or aspects of them, if you did, you would be seeking harmony, understanding, unity, oneness and peace. You would be advocating what you believe in a positive way.

But all you have to share is bitterness, anger, rage, pride, self-righteousness, stating exaggerations and distortions of the truth. You are not here for an honest discussion but to stir the pot and hopefully get someone who may be struggling with their young faith and destroy it.

I'm sure many of us here do not see eye to eye on a lot of issues but we try for the most part to be open about what we think and respect one another, you seem not to be able to do that.

I know you are truly hurting and are truly angry and in many ways we could say we understand why, all of us have been there at some point. I'm 72 I've counseled and disciple many and work with a lot of hurting people as a cop for 25 years.

I will continue to pray for you Joe.

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JTK - true Christianity is NOT a religion. It is a personal relationship w/God thru Jesus Christ. You need to read more and stop making a total fool of yourself!

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Oh no, Joe has a moronic (Satan's emissary) twin. Who knew? So it's not the drugs, it's EVIL on two feet!

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Since you say there is only one creator there can be only one creator of Evil. As no god can create say the laws of a right triangle so also no god can UN create the laws of mathematics and geometry. The dull and stupid seek easy answers to their dilemmas.

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It's official - you Joe are mentally ill ! You just proved it. Get prof. Therapy while you may still be 'salvageable'. I hope you're at least on some Govt watch list

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They worry about people who can think independently. You are controlled by the Kosher Baby Bris Butchers. and are no threat to the swamp. Those like you are a dead giveaway for you are a stupid as you indeed look.

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MT while I believe the Mr. Smith has been deceived by the father of lies, please be respectful and not hurtful. Joe has a right to his beliefs no matter how offensive we find them. Remember when Peter fought back in Gethsemane chopping of the ear of the soldier. Jesus said he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. And as we know from other scripture passages the sword can be a representation of the word proceeding from the mouth as in Jesus with the two edged sword. Be at peace ✌️

Joe I'd be more than happy to discuss this beliefs you hold with you, if you feel so strongly about them. Let me know.

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The US has lived by the sword because they get forgiveness of sins with blood lust Atonement. You believe what you are told by the Jews. When a 50 Megaton nuke goes off in a city near you you will know about the fact that what goes around comes around. Meanwhile post some videos of you healing severed body parts. Anybody.

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I certainly appreciate your perspective and hope/pray "Mr. Smith" contacts you. Question - what if it first takes a dose of "shock therapy" to get his attention ? Not everyone recognizes their need of help so easily as you like to believe. 'The Lord works in mysterious ways". Just saying. Good luck .🙏

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Your mouth goes off constantly with no reason to guide it. I suggest you read Thomas Paine's "Age Of Reason"

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Hey Gary, I'm pretty sure "Joe Smith" is a demonic filled AI.

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Regrettably so, but I shall pray for him none the less CG

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