" there was a horrifying mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama that made headlines all over the nation…"

I'm invoking Coulter's Law

"Named after a 2015 tweet from provocative conservative political commentator, Ann Coulter, Coulter’s Law states that the longer it takes the news media to identify a mass shooter in the United States, the less likely it is to be a white male."

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A friendly customer of mine asked if I had any plans for the fall. I responded by saying, "well, I have emergency food, and I have a locker full of ammo"....and he interrupted me and said, "autumn". And I said, "oh, that fall"

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Did you reply - "Now let me think - Mmmm - well actually its is the same plan!"

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This increase in violence and crime was to be expected. It is exactly what senile Biden, the demonrats and friend George Soros had in mind. The gang on gang (native vs. illegals) will be extremely violent and dangerous for innocent bystanders. When the violence denegrates into total chaos, the National Guard and the UN "Peacekeepers" will be called in, but will not be able to exert control. Once the big blue cities are destroyed and without any stores to clean out watch as the violence spreads to the suburbs. Anybody living in one of those big cities would be smart to move out ASAP. The death of the Republic will soon be realized. For those who live in the suburbs, arm yourselves.

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It will be glorious. Watching the world collapse will only fulfill scripture. Are you scared? I am a little bit, but I can't wait!

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Howdy Rich,

It appears that your thinking and mine are exactly the same; the sooner this reaches fulfillment, the better off we'll ALL be.

In the meanwhile, it also appears - at this point - that the entire Country is heading straight back to the days of the 'Old West'; I STRONGLY urge everyone reading this to act accordingly...get your PREPS STOCKED UP NOW Folks, since from here it's all going downhill like an avalanche.

Also, as FF observes below the very next step in things will be for the Feds to petition the UN to bring in troops...but only after total chaos haa been engendered.

Bear in mind that THAT must occur prior to the Elections since IF Trump actually won, he'd implement serious 'Scorched Earth' policies that would (eventually) nullify the gang related matters.

Also, it might - just might - be neccessary to Deputize large swaths of the population in order to provide sufficient Manpower to meet the threat.

There are a LOT of possibilities in terms of where things can go from here; act accordingly.

Be Well, be Safe as you may in coming Days and be Blessed, one and all...


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Being 58 and working my fingers to the bone every day since I was 18, I think I can still handle myself. I'll be like Denzel Washington in the book of Eli

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You GO Brother!

There are enough of us out there who are are still competent to make a REAL difference. Always good to KNOW 'who's WHO', eh?

Be Well my Friend...and WATCH your 6 like a Hawk, there can no longer be any doubt that the MAIN EVENT is almost here...

Be Blessed Brother...and Safe as you may.


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Also, JOG, it might - just might - be necessary to Deputize large swaths of the illegal-alien ‘Trojan Horse’ population in order to provide sufficient brown-shirt Manpower for the Fourth Reich to meet the deplorable Judeo-Xian threat.

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Hi Michael. I think the mass influx of illegal immigrants into the US is by design and on purpose. The demoncraps (who have been "in charge" for the past 3.5 years) know that most of these immigrants will register and vote demoncrapic. This is all a liberal left and a SWAMP SCUM tactic.

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"“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegalities and criminal activities of these migrants or non-citizens," Don't mean to be rude but but I am really struggling with this statement. Somehow I don't think black gangs give a fig about people committing crime given that is what they themselves engage in. I also see that black gang members are angry because the illegal gang members get more money from the tax payer then they do. Here is the thing, I am angry at all gang members , sick of them and I am angry that they steal from tax payers. Mass deportation must take place but more action is also necessary, cutting off criminals from taxpayer dollars! They rob ,assault, rape, murder the taxpayer then the gov using money they extorted from the victims pays them for robbing, assaulting, raping, murdering the taxpayer.

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I'm so weary. Wish the good guys had stood up before it got unfixable. I have prayer left and won't stop. Pray God will hear us and hasn't left us yet.

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God hasn't left us, that He has made known many times. However, that does not mean that we will not suffer on this earth, He never promises us that. It's easy to have faith when a nation is prospering, the real test of faith is when a nation or an individual is suffering. There are many prophecies in God's Word which depict end times. By reading and understanding those prophecies it will strengthen you. Why? Because you will see that before we are into that last 7 year period events will have to happen, globally, evil events. Those events will grow in intensity and scale. Why does that strengthen a Christian? Because we know God is at work, He hasn't forgotten us and He is preparing , I think soon, to return Christ to this earth. "2 Timothy 4:7 - I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." Keep the faith sister! He will not leave nor forsake us!

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Sadly, teachers over the last 25 to 30 years I’ve had to follow the exact school procedures regarding grading as well as discipline. It was called. The no child left behind act. California has now become a garbage pit—garbage in garbage out. Humanity has lost its sense of freedom and liberty even how to attain it.

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My full armor of God includes a fucking arsenal. The sooner tshtf,the better. I’m old, white, and accurate as hell and pissed. Let them come.

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All in Ze Plan.

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“additional migrants”

You need to start calling them what they are. They are “illegal aliens”. They are not ‘migrants’. They are not ‘immigrants’.

They are illegals. Love your work. But calling them anything other than what the law says they are is flat out wrong, and playscright into the hands of the government and NGOs fueling the invasion.

My bet is when they come for your town, or for you, you won’t be calling them migrants.

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You would think that it all depends on what happens to Trump before during or after the election and the same for Harris about the election.

I saw an article of a 30-minute interview with Judge Napolitano on September 18, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell who stated that the Military is now in charge not Biden.


So does it depend what the Pentagon does now about the election?

Even Col Lawrence said that his information is from "pretty reliable sources," really? How reliable is pretty Reliable? We are are really good at floating false info that's not fully false to hide the real agenda, no one tells the a total truth or a total lie, to make every story believable, (it rings of truth).

There are all sorts of scenarios we are trying to put together to fit what we believe matches what scripture, but its from the sources of information we are getting and none of it's reliable, including the so called modern day prophets.


The first big lie we have bought is the idea we are actually trying to start WW III. (The truth is simple)


has one agenda and that's to win this war and Ukraine stay a free and independent nation from Russia and Russia wants to stop that. How far each side is willing to go will depend on if they think they could pull this off to survive and how much we and Russia will risk for that to happen. (all about a bigger agenda).


Israel has one goal only, to do whatever it takes to make sure Israel continues to exist as a free nation and how much they are willing to risk make sure it's free. Iran, Syria, Lebanon are willing to take whatever it takes to wipe Israel off the map and survive and win.

The same thing is with Taiwan and S Korea.

The USA UK and Europe's (the western bankers and global corporations)

Their only goal is to use these major conflicts to break down the current world order of independent nation state existing as a Global confederation in the UN (failing) in order to build a new order of independent nation states, willing to sacrifice their independent international agendas that have led to 100's of years of constant war, for a global govt. that would stop all wars and bring more balance to the world on all levels. Plus anyone not willing to do that must be dealt with (Iran, Syria Russia China and their allies). (A global tyrant can't have little tyrants running around to oppose it).

They will do this by bringing a new global currency (to replace the dollar),

the new center for Global Govt will be Europe or the new United States of Europe.

The UK (London) will become the new financial/banking center of the world and

Israel/Jerusalem will become the spiritual center of the world.

And the New USA will become the center of all the super technology that comes out of the black and we will be muscle (the global cops) to keep everyone in line.

Yes Dorthy, we will no longer be in Kansas anymore, because everything that is in the black will come out into the open and be used to be the real power behind the NWO. (thus all the enemies of this NWO will lose).

So it could be what Col Wilkerson is saying may mostly be true. (we will have to wait and see).

1. When this money and political cycle fails (it does not matter who wins or loses) the Military will be the puppet master of who ever declares martial law and they don't care who it is. If it's Trump he will have to obey and they will make it appear he is in charge and dong it to save the nation. If not, like Kennedy or Reagan something very bad could happen. JD Vance as a solid Catholic will go along as the new president with the blessings of his Pope.

2. It will appear America and the west will abandon Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan to embolden their foes. 3. Then, Like the Lone Ranger riding in at the last moment on a white Horse to save the world and bring peace and safety, with the in the black technology from our MIC.

They could even fake a war in the heavens that our aliens defeated their aliens in space and the west with our help from a foreign God we have never know, brings peace with all this super technology and the west wins and the Catholic Church, the Rabbis and the Imams will unite and declare their leader as the second coming (that groundwork is already being laid -Abraham Accords).

Nuclear war is stopped from being catastrophic and the apocalypse is cancelled.

Then all the conservative Bible Christians predicting all out nuclear war leading to Armageddon will be shown to be proven liars and no wonder the world runs after the beast and the love of many will grow cold and abandon the faith.

I'm just saying, what if we are all wrong about what happens and what happens even surprises all of us, have we glorified God or defamed His Holy Name?

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