Always remember Folks..."It's ALL about the Benjamins", at least to the REPTILES amongst us...

Nuff said...

Be Well, SAFE and BLESSED all you who are my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Amen.


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Well said JOG. They will throw us all under the bus, I mean tank for the right amount of money.

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Yuppers Michael...you got that 'SPOT-ON' and that's the WORRY now...

Be well Sir, BLESSED abundantly and hereafter br VIGILANT in extremis. Life is SOLELY "PASS or FAIL" and what comes now will give us EACH but a single CHOICE.

Be Well, SAFE and be BLESSED...


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Why are we just hearing about this now? This whole article set off my spidey sense biggly.

If Ukraine is sitting on trillions of dollars of natural assets, why aren't they mining and selling them? All of those things are usually costly and difficult to extract, that's why.

It's my opinion that the funding for the war in Ukraine is a huge money laundering

operation. The US prints fiat currency out of thin air, and sends it to Ukraine, who puts a little into the war effort. Zelensky keeps a bunch for buying yachts and resort hotels and sends a bunch back to the congressman who voted to send it in the first place. Rinse and repeat! Everyone is happy, except for Putin and the American taxpayer, who are both getting royally screwed.

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Like you Alanna I have LONG believed that the PIT which IS Ukraine - long known to BE the largest, most sophisticated Money-Laundering 'Facility' in EXISTENCE, was - in fact - being used precisely to siphon off VAST amounts of American Taxpayers Money nefariously...to WHO knows where? I DO have my own 'Suspicions'...

Worse still is the Advanced Weaponry transferred thereto, MUCH of which NEITHER the Pentagon nor the GAO can establish a chain of Accountability FOR.

THAT is particularly DISTURBING to me being Ex-Army, knowing as I do the STRICT accountability we continuously operated under at ALL TIMES relating to ALL SUCH.

Indeed, "I SMELL a RAT!" as you intimated yourself.

Be well Sister, Blessed and SECURED by His Mighty Hand...


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Thank you Carl!

Truly, "NOT I but in Christ THROUGH ME!!"

I express thanks here - specifically - inasmuch as this morning I 'felt' diminished for no apparent reason...

Thr link you SENT LIFTED my Spirit immeasureably, truly it is SAID, 'The LORD moves in MYSTERIOUS Ways.", does He not?

As well, HIS 'timing' is ALWAYS 'IMMACULATE' in my experience...just as THAT came to me, via YOU today...

Be WELL...BE SAFE and be BLESSED; Heaped UP, pressed DOWN and OVERFLOWING, Thou my Brother and Friend also...


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Thanks for the insight. You stay well too! God will watch over us.

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Just one thought on this.

The big concern and it's real, is this could lead to a nuclear exchange.

The West is actually more capable of withstanding a nuclear exchange than Russia.

Here's why

Russia is vast and huge has only 2 big cities,

Moscow and St Petersburg, with a total of almost 20 million people. Total cities of 50,000 people or more are about 300. That's it

There are only about a dozen cities of about 1 million or more.

To totally wipe Russia off the map and have them cease functioning as a nation, all the West has to do is destroy about a baker's dozen plus two cities with over 4,000 nuclear warheads.

Russia would cease to exist.

In Europe and America, the government is multi-layered and has many political/govt centers, with many people with govt. experience. Russia does not have that, just a few cities with a few people with real govt experience (the real problem with a centralized govt system where thinking is discouraged and people are only to do what they are told (not good in a crisis). So to totally wipe out Europe or the USA to the point there would be no functioning govt would be much harder and take 100's of nuclear strikes maybe even 1000 to have the same effect

Now you can see that mutually assured destruction does not work well for Russia, and Putin knows this and this is why they know they would be totally wiped out in a nuclear exchange.

Russia's missile defense as we have seen in the last few months is horrible. So with all our missiles, they are truly defenseless. And with our Space Force weapons, we have and they don't, the odds get even worse and Putin knows this as well.

If Putin feels he must start a war with NATO they are at a real disadvantage. It will be ugly millions will die but I believe the deliberate plan to use this 2 year war to eviscerate Russia's conventional military and the sanctions devastating Russia's economy is doing exactly what the plan was; to put Putin in a box with no way out. Either go nuclear and we all die, where they are guaranteed to be totally wiped out, or stop this war and sue for peace.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, just thinking out loud/ food for thought?

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Hello my Friend,

A CORRECTION is here in order on several points, forgive me Brother but GOOD information must ALWAYS be triumphant...else we become deluded and vulnerable.

Put simply here,

"Having NO Information is actually BETTER than BAD information."

To start here, yes, the two PRIME targets in greater Russia are EXCLUSIVELY MOSCOW AND St Petersburg, aka 'Ekatrineburg'.

However, both the USSR and now the Russian Federation are - and always have been - acutely aware of that vulnerability. CONSEQUENTLY both installed MASSIVE ABM systems around both cities...in-depth, in multiple tiers.

Russia's subsequent development of the S-400 and S-500 ABM/AA systems were almost instantly assigned to cover both IN depth.

OTOH, we have a multitude of metropolitan areas WHOLLY undefended by ANY ABM/AA systems, rendering us incredibly VULNERABLE to any Nuclear salient by either Russia OR China...or any OTHER guided munition either should lob at us.

Proceeding here, have you ever heard of a place called Mt Yamantau? That lies in the Caucases roughly south of Moscow. In essence, that is Russia's version of NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain.

However, it is NORAD multipliplied by 10,000, put simply. Construction on that site began roughly in the early 90's with an astonishing vigor...and has continued in all time since wholly unabated.

Three separate Heavy Rail lines run RIGHT into one of the Primary entrance(s) as well as a highway equivalent to any Interstate Hwy in North America.

The 'Kicker' here is this: NORAD is a tiny, extremely 'hardened' facility certainly. However Yamantau is equally 'hardened' and by recent estimates extends in a roughly square shape extending some 20 MILES SQUARE under the Caucases (???!!!). Think about that; a facility under Granite some 400 square miles in extent; Holy Mother of God!

If so, then an incredible number of Soldiers, War Meteriels and Civilians - both, ALL- could easily be accomodated therein. Explicitly, YAMANTAU WAS constructed to subsume both ALL Russian CoG AND High Command functions in addition to having imcredible storage facilities included in the mix.

As well, Russia has NEVER suspended thier 'Civil Defense' functions, instead they have increased all efforts to construct enough to house nearly the entire population of Moscow in safety...unlike our own - now FULLY defunct "CD" program to SHIELD Americans from Nuclear Terror.

Retutning to Russia's ABM/AA defences, the S-500's record for shoot-downs approaches onto 100%, however, once the S-400 system is 'slaved' into the S-500's SUPERIOR Fire Control Radars and CnC then the pair synergistically become MORE than the Sum of thier parts... becoming an impenetrable Defense system; unlike our pitiable 'Patriot' and THAAD systems are; another MIC Boondoggle if ever there was one.

Do NOT believe all the Hype regarding 'American Exceptionalism"...that has been "Gone Baby, GONE" for QUITE a while.

In ground skirmishes I shudder to even think of what a bunch of gender confused US Soldiers are going to DO when they engage with hardened Russian forces, including Spetznats...possibly the MEANEST, LEANEST Special Forces currently being fielded, anywhere.

Each of us MUST be cautious in what we assert OPENLY, PUBLICALLY lest we convince others that they are cocooned in a SAFE competent 'cover' of Military Might; we no LONGER are.

Be Well Thou my GOOD Friend, be Safe - PLEASE get as FAR AWAY from any metropolitan area as you can possubly GET and be BLESSED, GREATLY...


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Wow nothing new under the sun, talk about SOS

OMGoodness there is a war that is really about manna, not freedom and democracy? LOL LOL.

All wars are fought over manna (stuff). In the 1994 Hutu Tutsi war where almost 1,000,000 people died, the West did not get involved because there was no money in it.

All wars we have been involved in were about money manna, power, and control of both.

Even our American Revolution was over buying and selling in British Pounds vs the fiat Continental.

But to be fair in America we saw the only way out was revolution. If the British allowed the colonies to trade and keep real money as prophets, there would have been no revolution, at that time.

Same for Ukraine, an elected prime minister got elected on a platform that Ukraine would be guided to buy and sell all its vast resources to the West. (that was a Lie). Shortly after he was elected, he reversed course and said they would only deal with Russia. Then the young Western Ukrainians were very much like us, wanting political and economic freedom of the West and not the tyranny of Russia, Ukrainians wanted to control the manna, not Russia. Thus the very organic Orange Revolution where we were more than happy to help.

Just like America, Ukraine was driven to control all this wealth w/o Mother Russia and go west young man. That is why Putin not only wants all of Ukraine but the entire old Russian empire back is all about control of natural resources for all that cash $$$.

That is why Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil and it's harder for a rich man to get to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

And don't think most of you are not like them? How many of you have wanted to or actually played the lottery? If you have, your probably suffer from the same disease, the love of money. We love to think they are greedy but think we are OK and suffer from the same love for money.

Time to repent and put your Trust in Christ in dealing with the sin problem on the cross, repent and believe to be saved. Out side of Christ we are all under God's curse of judgement for our sins.

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Slightly O/T...but not by MUCH,

UP at ZH now;


Recall me mentioning previously that the 'Holy Grail' the Hyper-Rich were seeking was being paid for by Bill Gates: Modular Nuclear Reactors, ie, 'NMR's'?

Cue the DRUM ROLL...Gates INVESTED 5 Billion 4 years ago in THREE 'Start-Up's' and the link above indicates that HE has settled on his Final Choice.

Now, WHY is that Scary, you ask?


Once any Billionaire actually BUYS a half or full dozen of those then he - and ALL his Cronies - can just retire to thier 500,000 square foot BUNKERS for umm, say 300 years in PUR-FECT safety while they wait for the ELE-level VIruses they have concocted to wipe Humanity off the face of the Earth...before they emerge into THIER "New Eden". Can you say, "Sayonara Suckers".

Think not? You'd be WRONG.

Be Well - if you CAN - Be Safe (not for LONG) and we'll see each other in Heaven REAL SOON unless Jesus returns REAL Quickly.

Gates, Ellison, Bezos, Zuckerberg and around 400 others of that ILK need to be HUNTED just as Hopi predicted 600 years ago, STARTING promptly tomorrow afternoon.

Go get 'em Boys and Girls...Happy Hunting, be SURE to bring back HEADS for mounting your Trophies.

The Kid Gloves come OFF NOW.


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Mystery Babylon is not NY or the stock market, it's the system Bill Gates and his like minded minions who are building his system to control the world. That system sits on many waters and has a goal to control all the nations in all aspects. What he is building is so huge and powerful it's like comparing the CIA to the NSA.

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Hello Daniel!

Well-met - again! - my Friend.

In the matter of 'Mystery BABYLON", opinions VARY.

Ere you reflexively take issue thereon that statement consider a 'Notion'.

Almost everyone today is familiar with what someone means when they utter the phrase, a "Time-Locked Vault", certainly.

Without attempting here to be pedantic OR condescending, I WILL define the operation of that explicitly such that the concept I elaborate thereafter WILL be - at least - made more plausible, as a conjecture.

A Time-Locked Vault is a mechanism which CANNOT be engaged successfully other that at either A) A SPECIFIC time of the day OR B) AFTER a specified period has elapsed since last the Vault was Sealed...

It is #2 above that I will employ in putting forth the conjecture which I will propose hereafter.

Thr Bible is a truly 'UNIQUE' document in all recorded History, of that I am sure we'll both agree. Do you recall when you first read through the Bible a few times? In my own case I noticed a 'peculiarity' which occured each time I passed through it. That peculiarity I mention was that though I indeed read every word with each passage therethrough, still I realized that each time I did so, a NEW meaning leaped forth into my conception: The WORDS had NOT changed one whit...and yet I perceived NEW meaning with every New episode I read it. Perhaps you may have experienced such a reaction yourself...perhaps not: I DID, certainly.

If in fact you comprended the entirety of that in your first or second pass therethrough then it is likely that the following will *seem* a bit - or MORE THAN a bit - 'Alien'.

All we can do is TRY to use this poor artifact we call 'Language' to COMMUNICATE ideas and concepts, one to another. I have long mourned the terrible inadequacy which seems in-built in that...

Have you ever attempted to convey an irregular, geometric COMPLEX shape to someone else using language alone?

You CAN'T. Put simply that is NOT a task that language was EVER designed to DO. Dwell on that for a short while, I urge you.

Back again? Excellent...I will presume that you DO grasp the impossibility involved in that task.

Just so...

Now, we can here proceed.

Suppose that Our Father in Heaven is actually not only Omniscient but also so unfathomably subtle that He - and HE ALONE - could inspire His scibes, scholars, Holy Men, Prophets and even the Apostles themselves to perceive exactly and ONLY what He wanted them to perceive at an APPOINTED time, in a predefined WAY.

Admittedly THAT is itself a rather 'subtle' thought, but myself, I am only a man and therefore LIMITED.

"The Spirit IS WILLING but the Flesh IS weak." as we are instructed...

Now, suppose a NEW thing altogether.

If Our Father is actually Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent then do you believe that He could CHOOSE to lay something - in plain sight - before you and you would NOT see it? I BELIEVE that HE could do not only THAT, but also to 'Vault' knowledge IN PLAIN SIGHT which none could comprehend unless and until He WISHED it to be UNDERSTOOD in fullness.

What do you think when you read that last line? I AM - sincerely - curious how that strikes you. My curiousity stems from laying a conjecture before someone who MIGHT be an actual COLLEGUE and soliciting thier honest opinion.

Feel free to take a bit of time digesting that. No, it is NOT a 'Trick Question' my Friend...but instead an honest request of a Friend and Brother to 'consider' a NEW and potentially profound thought...

Certainly, there is MORE to this dialogue than I have described here but for the nonce, I will leave you to ponder only the foregoing this evening. We MAY or MIGHT continue the underlying thought embodied here later to COMPLETION should you be so inclined. We shall see...

I am VERY TIRED this evening having driven over exceedingly ROUGH terrain in excess of 60 miles today on my ATV, beside my best Friend in all the World, who is HERE, NOW with me...and it was a Grand Day indeed. However, I feel like a semi-truck ran over me - currently - and my bed BECKONS!

Be Well, be as SAFE as you may in Days to come and most importantly BE BLESSED my Friend,


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When my theology/eschatology does not match reality, there is something wrong with my belief system, not reality. (For example, what if the pre-trib rapture never takes place). Christians abandon the faith, (the great falling away) because they approach God and His Word with certain expectations (like the pre-trib rapture), and when those expectations don't happen we walk away (it's happening all the time, even now).

The reason the Rulers of Israel missed Jesus as their Messiah was that they thought they had the right interpretation of scripture, and they thought they knew how the word of God would play itself out. They were wrong, dead wrong. We need to learn the lesson of the arrogant and self-righteous rulers of Israel.

Please excuse my provocativeness, as a teacher in HS and as a spiritual gift, one good way to get students to think is to challenge their worldview, stimulate a debate, and get people to start thinking and reading their Bible (become a Berean). Thus I say something that gets students to think, WHAT did he just say? Thus, get them to say what they think then ask, How do you know that's true? I think it's working here. :-)

Over the years since I became a Christian back in 1977, my eschatology has evolved and changed a great deal and is still evolving.

(I'm not talking about the true Gospel, and the truth about salvation and His return that has been established through time via the great creeds of the church).

We need to keep our minds open. We love to think we have something all figured out when we actually only know, and prophecies in part. At this point, I don't know what or who Mystery Babylon is or what exactly it will look like and function and play out. The Bible does not clearly tell us, after all, it is a "mystery" type of Babylon. Jesus said that only when you see these events take place, then and only then will you know fully what I said and what it really means and will look like (you will know). I'm guilty of this as well, we all love to do this. It's in a sense, great fun to think about and bloviate on the meaning of scripture in this area, what this will look like, but it also feeds the ego and pride and Christian history has a long list of eschatological dumpster fires. I have been wrong so many times and I have learned my lessons. It OK, to voice what I think and challenge others, it's good and healthy until "the perfection" comes. But I must not become dogmatic in this are of how this will all paly out ahead of time where I might create a false expectation of how prophecy plays out and people fall away due to that. And I will be held accountable for making God's little ones stumble.

As you said The Word never changes but as we get deeper into it, it changes us. We get closer to the truth (That's my point as well). The Word should continue to humble us and we say with new revelation, wow I now see I was wrong about this or I never saw this before.

Keep digging and for all of us, we need to walk humbly before our God. I can't wait to see how all of this plays out,

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Hello Daniel!

As always, you never disappoint me Brother!

Your voluminous treatise above is simply 'impeccably formulated', SURELY.

I am still - currently - entertaining my Friend hereabouts and we are BOTH suitably WEARY ( and REALLY SORE!) from travelling over 100 miles on ATV's in just three days; I CANNOT CONCIEVE of 'how' people once rode HORSES THOUSANDS of miles in era's gone by without BEING CRIPPLED in the process!!!

We - both - have jointly decided therefore to "TAKE a DAY OFF!!!" in an effort to recuperate!!!

It is HELL getting OLD!!! Hahahaha...'ouch'!

In due time, within a few more days my Friend will likely depart and I will revisit your "Opus Magnum" with you in fullness.

I do SO enjoy our dialogues my Brother, my FRIEND. Forgive me my seeming 'frailty' yet a day or two and we will pickup here and GO FORTH!!

Be Well...Be Safe - as may be - and BE BLESSED beyond measure Thou my Beloved Friend of both the Spirit and the MIND, also.


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"The greed for money is the root of all evil".

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Actually I totally agree, I know and failed to mention they like the human body, the key sights are heavily defended, like the body protects key organs. But the new tactics for this is getting the kinks worked out, is overwhelming the radar systems with useless targets, get them to launch and follow with the real bombs. Overwhelm the radar with false targets.

I know the guy who ran the operation that sunk the Moskva. We swarmed the ship for two days with multiple drones, overwhelming the radar operators, and sending in drones with no weapons, monitoring how they responded

On the thrid day, we did that again. With our help the Ukrainians launched 2 first-generation harpoon missiles (these are totally outdated missiles we don't even use anymore) and the Russians never saw it coming). He told me this is all part of a bigger plan to develop tactics and technology to defeat any defense systems the Russians have including the S-300 to 500 systems. We know how these systems work and like any system they have limitations. Yes as of about 2-3 years ago pretty much the best, but in the last 3 years we have made huge advances in technology and tactics to defeat them. In a way, the Ukrainian war has been one big warfare lab for our weapons and tactics advancements.

Example, the Patriot missile systems and tactics have been modified to to shoot down hyper-sonic missiles, and my contact in Ukraine has seen the remains of a destroyed missile that was ID as a hyper-sonic and shot down by a patriot missile system.

Oh and just the other day, the people on the space station had to take cover from a Russian satellite that just blew up? How often do satellites just explode? (Was this a message? Look at the timing of this). Humm?

What was true 2-3 years ago may not be true today. But none of us know if that truth may still be viable, we must watch and pray because things are moving very fast. My contact said we are making great progress. Like I said this meat grinder war is for preparing us to be better for the bigger war coming and weakening Russia for that same war. The big new tactic is to overwhelm, distract, and blind.

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Truly we are facing some very dark times ahead on all levels all over the planet, but we must remember Christ is totally in control and in the end we win, not us but Christ that is in us.

I want to thank Carl L. McWilliams for sharing this with me. It is something we all need to listen to and remember in these dark times, thanks Carl talks about being absolutely spot on,

everyone needs to listen to this,


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Ukraine war is a proxy war, planned and created by Americans and Israel Zionist Nazis Ukraine is crooked every politician

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