Well if all the predictive books and programs are right, they will rescue or replace the media with "official" govt controlled news outlets

I can see it now, the Govt will blame all the "FAKE NEWS" on both sides of the media and for the peace and safety of the American people, the Govt will come in and Fact check all the news so you can be reassured, when you hear somehting from the govt. it just has to be true. It's your elected officials putting your tax dollars to work for your benefit.

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It’s basically already been done. Unofficially here in the USA, officially in arctic Mexico, where favorite Canadian outlets are showered with government funding.

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Yes the foundation is there but it's coming in spades soon

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What will become of the newly graduated journalism majors?

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If they were taught to tell the truth, they might have careers in "alternative" media. If they were taught to whine, prolly not

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Hate to break it to you, but alt-media never paid, and MSM was always the big-buck gig, but today the 'advertising' is kaput, now that big-pharma is 99.9% of ad-payment and they're getting their asses sued over COVID, they will pull back, leaving MSM with NO revenue;

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That's not true, friend. I read your 'stack. You not only don't hate to break it to me, you enjoy the living daylights out of the whole situation. I'm sure there are business plans for something like journalism that will be profitable. But I don't expect to hear about those plans here, nor from you.

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Well like all things 'busyness' its not what you know, its WHO you blow;

No doubt that those from the right schools will be 'rescued' that the legacy familys of trillionaires and billonaires will once the bottom is near, buy the old legacy MSM and rebuild to something of their thinking, and when that time comes their children will reach out to the other elite children and offer jobs

The entire deal today is the "Great Reset" to shake all assets from the weak hands and pass them to the strong hands;


Buy-Low, Sell-High, its how today the millionaires have become billionaires, and our billionaires are now trillionaires

Investing in the future is how&why the 'elite-rich' stay in power for century's, by carefully grooming promising young people, they're always on the look; Probably best tip is to hang out at the right coffee shops in the right trust-fund towns;

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You never think of God. You pretend to be cynical and indifferent but you are angry and upset. A reckoning is at hand. God is with us. Praise God. Amen.

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Keep "GOD" out of your Satanic ZIO NAZISM agenda

ZIO Nazism is Satanic, they worship "MOLOCH" the Bapohmet and those who sacrifice infants to Satan

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You remind me of the Christian Zionist who got his flashlight stuck up his boyfriends anus; Going to the hospital all party's were in denial about how that flashlight found its way up the glory-hole;

But they 'saw the light'


What the fuck does GOD have to do with Man's insanity of butchering of other men??

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They will probably work in a coffee shop, and figure out how to re-invent themselves;

Where do any losers go? They go back and live with their parents;

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Coffee shops will also be closed down. Any entity which serves human is being targeted and sabotaged. Schools, street level shops, medical industry, ...

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Yep sure condoms go away, latte's and KY-jelly vanish

My fucking ass

The elite never spit in their own soup, you go to a province-town or cape-cod, or anywhere the best schools are found and you hang out, and even in the worst time of WW1 & WW2 the elite minds were at the coffee shops plotting mein-kamf, or NWO

It reminds of me of Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged where people went 'galt' and all the critical people who made stuff work' just vanished'

Nothing critical about roasting coffee, natives will continue to grow and the kids who work in coffee shops can suck cock for nickels to buy a cup of 'joe'

Not unlike +10 years ago when Greek college girls were fucking for $1 EURO to get cash for food; Or 30 years ago in Brazil when Jewish doctors were having to whore out their wives to get cash to buy food; Its the oldest trick on earth, cuz in times of 'shortages' those with the good-stuff always want pussy, or their cocks sucked;

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Will they be government fact checkers, or just checking to see if we've spelled everything correctly and used proper grammar?

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The GOV cannot just 'print' to infinity

Let's recall the 'fall of rome' while in 0AD there was still some 'silver' in the coin but 500AD the coin had no silver, it was a mystery to anybody what metal it might have been, but it wasn't 'silver'

The farmers quit accepting the faux-money for their 'grains' there being no grain in Rome ( a city ), there being no bread, there being no bread meant there was nothing to eat;

People gradually left the city's in search of food;

Same Rinse&Repeat today, sure as FUCK your GOV will demand the farmers accept worthless jew-buck script for their 'produce' or meat, no they will not;

Good money always disappears and bad money is burnt as a source of heat or fuel

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You people hold your GOV way too high, the GOV currency will collapse all those pensions will go unpaid, and the salaried workers will be told the 'check is in the mail', while the US-POST office long ago ran out of fuel to deliver your mail

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You are giving the gov. way more credit than I, I know we are bankrupt. The next step is the CBDC, then the global CBDC and that will bring us to the mark. Even Russia will bow. When you keep it civil, I read your comments.

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If your not using foul language your not angry, if your not angry you ain't human;

Fuck their CBDC, its not unlike the "jab' just say no;

Russia will not bow to any shit the USA does to its sheep; Russia may watch and eat popcorn and drink vodka;

For all intents we already use 'digital money', most of the world and all say china currently uses their mobile phone to pay for everything, they quit using cash years ago; So what you call your unit of 'payment' the HW/SW is already in place for non-cash payment;

My solution is to go live in a 'poor country' too damn poor to give all of its citizens a cheap smart phone;

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They'll be pushing brooms in gov't buildings, or on welfare living in Moms' basements or tents on the streets!

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Maybe they can get jobs at Starbucks. Between the economy, AI and the death of the lamestream media, there will be a lot of people getting pink slips.

My mother graduated from high school in 1929. Instead of going to seamstress school, she worked for a wealthy family getting room and board and a dollar a week. She said that she was glad to find that job.

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The “losses” are due to financial engineering and leveraged buyouts. Cutting staff is to ensure the public is never informed but maintains its ignorance. Looting and exploitation. Say goodbye to the Baltimore Sun next. The predators Ball.

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Frank Zappa said in the 1960's "Some day they'll get bored of the Hollywood version of USA and the curtain will drop and you will see a wall"

That time is now bitches;

What's most fascinating is the lack of bolts in Boeing doors, and the no rivets on the fuselage connecting the wings, is it sabotage or just the all-woke DEI QA hires not giving fuck about their job or QA?

Seems that MEDIA is the least of our problems as who will miss them but its clear that potable water, and sewage control may also be seen as something we lost along our bath of ass-fucking, and being cucks to the jews, and their negro ambassadors;

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Frank Zappa foresaw this years ago, when he said, “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” I believe we are at the point where the brick wall has been revealed.

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Addendum--my words: There is nothing behind the brick wall.

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nobody reads this crap anymore we cease to be programmed.

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What a monumental loss..........


Really hard to forget that the vast majority of these pinheaded sphincters are co-conspirators of mass murder. It simply could not have occurred without their compliance and assistance.

Where could they possibly work now, with their history?

Maybe their will be positions become available to tie slip knot nooses in heavy ropes.

Or load .30 cal. cartridges for single-shot "practice" firearms......Possibly temperature testing of oil in kettles? Circuit testing of "Ol' Sparky?" Balance testing of a plank on the gunwales in deep seas?

Well, I just don't have the answers, but it has occurred to me that these may be some of the numerous positions these scum humanoids might have an aptitude for.

I can't help but wonder just how high that nose is perched in the air after their "protection" has been lost? Better put that nose on a swivel, you just may have been "made" by your intended victims, and what's sneaking up yer' six may be more important than a condescending attitude.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Well I say Hip, Hip, Hooray - the woke-Marxist useful idiots of the mainstream media that have been knowingly waging a propaganda war against humanity with public health lies, Covid-19 pandemic lies, climate change lies, just endless lies, frauds and corruption, and utterly failed to stand up for the people at any point at all because they are all overpaid useful idiots for the globalist corporate masters - these scum helped to lockdown 4.5 billion people for the common cold and pneumonia, and they have helped to keep all the various forms of propaganda terrorism going and going and going - and there can be no forgiving them because they knew it was all bullshit. They cannot have not known. So indeed it they lose their jobs, lose their mortgages, lose their cars and lose their existence, that is indeed karma. None of these people will be hired by the alternative media sector that by comparison is booming. Because they are literally lepers and should be treated as such. I cannot find it in my heart anywhere to feel any compassion for people that are no better than common terrorists.

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It's all a part of the mass formation / psyops campaign / fifth generation warfare we've been subject to. This book reveals the scientific basis for the ongoing physiological / neurobiological reprogramming campaign waged against the human race and how you can protect yourself from falling prey to the same:


(Also available on Amazon though presently sold out)

Protect your mind and pray the MSM programming fails as one of their weapons of choice ..

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What do the networks do now? Primaries are over, no deBaits, not allowed to show us the real deal in Gaza, Ukraine, Taiwan, Korea or the Hootie Tooties. No news until the Chicago1968.2.0 riots.

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Don’t worry, Trumpy will save em, at least temporarily. More bread and circuses

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Yes, Trump will buy them all a pony; Then send them to WWE where they can do 'pony shows', not unlike 'donkey shows' in Tijuana; Maybe Trump can even be an announcer time-to-time at the events;

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Indeed, Trump and the publicity surrounding his candidacy are the only reasons why the MSM are still around. Good, bad; don’t make any difference, it’s just show business baby! I don’t think the MSM, when they went hard in the paint for Biden at the paymasters orders, realized how bad things would get under the Manchurian candidate. Or, more likely, they didn’t care, but they also didn’t realize that it would be their swan song. Maybe they are having second thoughts about it now.

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