Have you ever been poked in the eye? It isn’t pleasant. It’s downright painful.

Even the smallest particle of a foreign body in the eye (dust, dirt, metal) can bring the strongest man to his knees and incapacitate him.

God refers to His people as the Apple of His Eye—the pupil—the eye's most tender and critical part.

Israel’s enemies are poking God in the eye.

Just as we safeguard the pupil, a delicate and vulnerable part of the body, God shields and protects His people in their moments of weakness and fragility.

Israel will do what it must do! If it means all-out war, then it is God orchestrating it. He is working to bring Israel to himself.

God is still on His throne, and His purposes are being accomplished in real-time. It is something to behold.

His will be done.

It is something to behold!

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“ For Hezbollah, this is the big showdown that they have been preparing for all these years.”

As Mike Tyson said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” and Hezbollah’s leadership has been decimated, their senior ranks injured with exploding pagers… doubtful they were preparing for that!

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Howdy Y'all,

Forgive me, I have been travelling - by car - for several days from Alaska back to the Midwest and it has been impossible to adequately monitor events as they have been unfolding...

To start here, consider that Israel's Enemies - all of them, but especially Hezbollah - are now standing on the brink of a true and near total 'Loss of Face' amongst the Arab World. For decades Hezbollah and most certainly Iran have been making 'noise' about how awful thier retaliation would be if Israel crossed ANY of thier collective 'Red Lines', yes? Just so...

Now after the most audacious intelligence operation in history, Israel has definitively shown just how LONG it's REACH actually is, and that represents a fatal conundrum for those who have been running thier mouths for so long. In effect, it's now 'Put UP or Shut UP' time for Iran, Turkey, et al...else the entirety of the rest of the Arab World will end up turning thier backs on all the bluster coming therefrom.

So...WHAT to DO? Eh?

Beyond any doubt, Iran will absolutely have to 'Step into the Ring' with Israel directly or be forever discounted as a nation capable of nothing but a lot of Cheap Talk...

Therein lies the true root of what now comes. Iran - and likely Turkey as well - will simply be COMPELLED to engage with Israel almost immediately...even knowing FULL WELL that the Israeli's are (most likely) already 6 steps ahead of them. Else the loss of the respect of the rest of the Arab Nations will - in effect - be fatal.

Think not? Ask all those strapping young Arab men who will never father Children as a consequence of underestimating just HOW FAR the Israeli's think ahead concerning thier own security.

As I have mentioned MANY times, "The Israeli's do NOT 'Play'..." Period.

Here, think of the whole Sciptural series of references to Gog and Magog. You can - at this point - all but rest assured that those will in future histories be identified as Iran and Turkey since in the entire ME there are solely and ONLY three significant militaries capable of doing much of anything. Want to guess who those three actually are?

Simple...Iran, Turkey AND Israel.

I see an imminent 'SHIT-STOMPING' of the first order and magnitude approaching for the first two listed above. The Lord has seemingly arranged this so that no other outcome is even remotely possible: Simply Amazing...

Grab the Popcorn and Weenies, it's ALMOST 'Showtime'.

Be Well, SAFE (!!!) and Blessed Y'all,


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🤜🤛 Excellent analysis! 😁

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Right on the money Jog

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This limited attack has caused Hezbollah to retreat about three kilometers.

They are calling for help, even Iran is doing the same, they are all scared, they need help.

Turkey (Gomer) has the largest military in that part of the world with over 400,000 troops.

If they get involved it will be a game changer.

Israel has active duty troop lever at about 170,000 with about 450,000 reserves.

But if all out war breaks out other western countries will get involved.

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It seems as though you side with Hamas and Hezbollah, which is incomprehensible for a Christian or a Westerner. Israel is doing what it has to to survive, and doing it amazingly well. Its intelligence, meticulous planning, and selfless courage are being recorded for history as rewriting the rules of war. Both Hamas and Hezbollah are despicable cowards. Overwhelming force is the only means which will persuade them, which Netanyahu understands. You have seen that diplomatic negotiation does no good at all, but the endless delays play into their hands. It does not matter at all whether Nasrallah was the direct descendant of Muhammed. Millions of people are. He was a murderer, the enemy of all people of good will. Many Middle Easterners have come forward to thank Netanyahu for killing Nasrallah, including many who went to the Israeli embassy in London to do so. Even if no one in this wicked world helps Israel in this battle of good against evil, God will give Israel victory because it is fighting for the right. Why do you not stand with it?

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Michael just reported what the news said that it was a limited ground war. Again more MSM fake news. This is just the first incursion .

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Israel is thinking the war will be “limited?” They should have thought of that before they killed

Nazrallah (spelling). This man was connected to Muhammad! His death is of major importance

to Muslim people. How long before the U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East??? What a

horror. Lord Jesus, please help us.

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They are not thinking limited. Natanyahu openly said to the UN this is a war with no limits to fight it's enemies. That was just a news report.

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Michael, thanks for your insights.

The picture you have on this post- it’s been fact checked to be an old photo.

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If the word, "limited" makes you feel better, continue using it. But we were all told that Russia was the country that would continue to cross other borders. Why is Israel so bent on escalation? Does this seem normal to you? Do you still think this is about October 7? Which, by the way is coming up, and I strongly urge anybody from traveling on that day. Fight, fight fight!

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It is necessary. Iran and its allies have declared many times that their aim is to genocide all Jews. Then all Christians. Israel may have successfully eliminated Hamas. Now it is the turn of Hezbollah, which has sent missiles into civilian areas of Israel every day for years. Yes, it IS normal for Israel, for any country, to go to war and kill those who are killing them. I rely on Netanyahu to make wise decisions. If he wants to go from “limited incursion” to totaler Krieg, that’s fine with me and I will support it. Iran and its proxies must be destroyed as threats to Israel. It is difficult for me to believe that you would recommend that Israel just put its neck on the block.

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You're in for a rude awakening my friend. Or, maybe it will be me. I can open my mind. I can change it, just as I did with Israel. I know the definition of genocide.

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Long range plan? Ukraine takes-in refugees from Israel?

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