Elon Musk had a basic question: "What's going on @dominionvoting?"

Comments on social media included, "Paper ballots would have no issue," and "What are they doing?"

Also, "It is disastrously easy to manipulate a single line of code and produce different results. Are they trying to provoke a civil war?"

Suspiciously, there already has been evidence of vote fraud in Pennsylvania and Colorado, in additional to the suggestion of that problem in Michigan.


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“Are they trying to provoke a civil war?" Of course they are. About the cheating, I just read in the local paper in Oakland county Michigan, an election official caught an illegal trying to vote, called police and he was arrested. If they caught one how many “got aways” do you think there’ve been?

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If they rigged/stole the election in 2020 (which they did), they are going to steal it again (which they will).

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Call me bad. I am a male and have not voted, yet. I guess I'm old fashioned. I believe you should vote on Election Day. Vote early only if you can't possibly make it to the polling place on Election Day, usually a 12 hr. span of time. Early voting and mail-in voting are two of the reasons our elections are tampered with. As for the polling firms, who is doing the polling, who they're asking, and how the questions are worded all change the results. I give little credence to polls. They are just as likely to be wrong as right. Besides, with a "margin of error", usually 4 to 5 points, Trump could be behind in all the states he appears to be winning. Why get excited about a couple or three point lead when that can be evaporated with the touch of a few computer keys? Don't worry about the polls, just do your patriotic duty and vote, for whatever that's worth.

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Thanks as always Michael. I have no sure gut feeling on either side nor poll numbers. We all know how poll numbers can first of all just be plain wrong in the end and we also are all fully aware of how things can go a certain way by certain means. God's will be done. I feel like we will soon find out if God has turned a blind eye and ear to this Nation that has fallen so very far.

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The good thing about the women leading men in early voting is that all women aren’t voting for Kamala. Btw, I’m a woman and I love to procrastinate…so does my granddaughter. Maybe genetic? lol But I must admit I did vote early…for Trump/Vance.

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Most women will be voting Trump!

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“This [female vote]could end up being the deciding factor in this campaign”.

Polls are useless in terms of being predictive.

But they are good for one thing.

Shaping a narrative. And what is happening now is the creation of an ostensible reason why the most unpopular, unqualified Presidential candidate in history is likely to prevail.

The real reason, of course, is the one which has determined nearly every Presidential election since The 1930s. And maybe before that.

There’s the ostensible reason. And the real reason. The first is all that will matter in the end.

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To be honest the fact that the democrats can invent votes using fake paper ballots and control those goofy anti-republican dominican republic voting machines tells me that Kommie Kammy has already won.

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Or....there is this....a Kamala wave...


There is no evidence of voters fraud. Dominion machines have a slight glitch in the interface with the voter that may make a straight party vote clumsy...but not fraudulent.

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Just everything you said. No voter fraud....as ballot boxes catch fire in different places for starters.

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That's an act of vandalism, not voter fraud. The citizens effected will get a chance to cast another ballot. Have faith Merrilee, the system works.

Meanwhile, Trump stiffs Albuquerque -


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Man! The Hopium is real in you, isn’t it?

Your dishonest portrayal of facts can be shooed away by reading the very links you provided. One of them states: Note: Party registration statistics are for states that have party registration. These statistics are not actual votes. By federal law, election officials do not begin counting ballots until Election Day, although they may start the process of preparing ballots for counting in advance.

Another link to the TRUMP CAMPAIGN’s tweet claiming that Kamala Harris had pulled advertising funds from NC also suspiciously lacks any — ANY — sources, and reeks yet again of the pure lying that DonOLD has become synonymous with.

Hopium, for those who don’t know, is the desperate lying and self-soothing that desperate people tell themselves when facts don’t follow their wishes. Hopium here is that DonOLD is ahead when states like NC, etc., don’t count ballots before election morning.

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Man! Hopium describes your comment. PresidentTrump will win AGAIN.

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Puddin Tain may be a paid troll ? When Puddin just got started, he had nothing in his brain, so Puddin just wrote common street name calling stuff.

Wonder if Puddin is still the same person?

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Be careful, there’s a low IQ cult member here who’s going to accuse you of not staying on topic, and then no doubt accuse you of what he/she is doing.

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Sounds like it!

Little brain... little sense. Done with little Puddin...

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He may in fact win the Electoral College, but he’ll never win the popular vote simply because he’s NOT the choice of most Americans.

I’m making no Tuesday night predictions, just pointing out that the fables Mr Snyder makes his money on do NOT even match the links he includes.

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His rallies would prove you wrong. PresidentTrump is working FOR legal American people.

But, you're "making no predictions"... how passive aggressive of you.

How Mr Snyder makes his money is none of YOUR or anyone's business.

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His rallies don’t prove anything except how cult members follow him around and attend his cult rallies to keep them looking full. Harris’ rallies are the ones that are packed by new people in each new city.

I never said it was anyone’s business how Mr Snyder makes his money. How passive aggressive of you to fabricate such a claim.

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"Packed by people'??? Lyft is giving rides to her Vegas "appearance" along with the usual paid people being bussed in. She needs a DiddyParty "celeb" to get any non-bussed non-Lyft person to come.

PresidentTrump needs none of that.

As for MrSnyder's income, this is what YOU stated: "just pointing out that the fables Mr Snyder makes his money on do NOT even match the links he includes."

Sorry you're mentally challenged...

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Your accusation at the end reads solely as a confession.

Kamala Harris is packing interested voters; the adjudicated rapist is having his same standard cult members attend. They even boast to reporters outside that they haven’t missed a single campaign, ergo CULT.

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Michael makes a good point, if men (leaders) don't vote (in 2020 1/3 of all eligible voters did not vote) the outcome can be changed.

But the outcome is ultimately in God's hands, He already knows who will win, He already knows who he will establish as America's leaders to accomplish His perfect will to fulfill all His purposes. May the Lord's perfect will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. No matter the outcome may God receive all the glory as we marvel at what God allows. Judgement is coming and an election can and will not stop it. Nations are like sand in the sea, nations come and go, leaders are raised up and torn down by the Lord and there is nothing man can do to stop God's will. Amen. The end game is certain for this world and all it's systems (cosmos) and that is judgement, what and how that path for us will look like we will have to wait and see. Watch and Pray and praise Him ahead of time about His sovereign will has and will be done.

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I think Mark Cuban & Corn Pop are going to motivate many folks to vote--particularly women for Cuban's comments, and EVERY demographic for Corn Pop's comments--for Trump.

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Don't need to read it. The answer is cheating.

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