There are ministers who believe that if the US brokers a deal dividing Isreal, God will tear our country apart through the New Madrid and San Andreas faults. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
This is extremely dangerous and would result in an apocalyptic result...including a split down the middle of the Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico. It's been prophesied numerous times with creditability.
Jesus gives us a perfect discription of the man of sin coming as the real Jesus does, claiming to be the second coming of Christ Himself,
Matt 24:24-28.
The only clue to tell the difference between the real second coming and the imitation one is that the imitation will just show up, the real second coming will be in the clouds from the east to the west.
Yes, as King of kings and Lord of lords, and all knees will bend and all heads will bow. Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel, will come to thee o Israel. Halleluiah!
Needless to say, I am 100 percent against this plan to violate the Abrahamic covenant and divide the land promised by YeHoVaH to the sons and daughters of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Additionally, the Biden administration's State Department is a puppet for Barack Hussein Obama, a son of Ishmael.
Furthermore, Obama is a proponent of a global digital ID, most likely it will be a grain of rice size computer chip" implanted in the hand. AKA: The Mark of the Beast.
Time is short, if your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, do not fear the first death and refuse the Mark of the Beast.
Obama never ran anything, even while he as the criminal invader squatting in our WH. He was, and is, just a sock puppet, for the PTB. He is also a Muslim, a worshiper of Satan, going by the name "Allah", as he did long before there were children of Israel, or Muslims either one. He's the same Allah away from whose worship Abraham was called, the moon deity of Ur, a deity of war and violence. The REAL PTB are people whose names and faces we are not apt to ever know. But they are not Americans, or even pretend "Americans".
Sandra Lee Smith: Thank you for your eloquent and illuminating overview of "Allah". Based upon overview it is obvious you have given this subject considerable study and thought. That said, please excuse my ignorance but I do not know the definition/person of PTB? Please enlighten me. Warmest regards.
PTB= powers that be, aka the real gov't behind the national gov't's we all see and know. Our world has not been governed by our elected leaders for over a century, at least. The US, for example, ceased being governed by "we, the people" in February of 1871, finalized by the ratification of the 16th and 17th Amendments in 1913. Those we euphemistically elect go to work for a corporation, USA (official trademark of the corporation) or United States of America ( NOT the original name of our nation, altered by Congress in the yrs following the 1861-1865 war along with other unofficial and inappropriate changes to it, leading up to the 1871 vote). We started as the united States for America (no typos), emphasizing the lesser importance of the federal gov't over the states' gov'ts our Founders intended.
Many don't know we have been being governed by foreign nationals , who are already literally governing the world, it hasn't exactly been advertised, so don't feel bad. I only came to see the enormity of all this about a decade ago, as I as studying the comparison between Biblical prophecies, and the UN agendas and other writings by the Club of Rome ( "Bilderbergers"), many of which are no longer accessible (funny how that happens, when people start catching on, and sharing). Just FYI, our Congress is an uniparty, presenting 2 heads, like that old cartoon dinosaur, outside the I-495 beltway, with very few exceptions, and not always the ones most think those are. The majority are globalists, many are Bilderbergers, not communists (that's just a tool of the PTB too). Suffic it to say, our nation was stolen when my great grandparents were young adults or late teens, and I'm well into my 8th decade now. The only reason we are being allowed to know all this now, is because we can't stop the juggernaut of globalism.
That said, the GOOD news, and yes, there is good news in this, is that it's Yhwh God's agenda te globalists are unknowingly unfolding, to their own destruction! I'm sure you've heard of Armageddon; it's a very real battle coming in the not distant future, by the signposts Yhwh God left us. But it's not what Hollywood has presented, by any stretch of imagination. It's the battle that is the culmination of a spiritual war that has been ongoing since before Eve bit the fruit, whatever it was, in the Garden, and coaxed Adam to share; that merely dragged humanity into it. The war has been between good and evil; Yhwh God and Lucifer, an arch angel aka Satan since he chose, by free will, to revolt against his Creator, and lead others, angel and human alike to do so. Biblical prophecies are the less seen side of the "coin" of past and current events, as well as those yet to come. This is not a "simple" issue, and much of it has been concealed from us for millennia. This particular phase began, contrary to popular opinion that it was Obama who started it, in 1541, in fact, and ramped up in the mid 1550's. The advent of America threw a sabot into it's gears, but it has adapted, and is back on track. There's a lot more to all this, obviously, but this is the bare bones of it.
Sandra Lee Smith: My wife Karen Garrison and I are honored you took the time and detail that you did in replying to my question of “PTB” (powers that be). After receiving your reply on this Michael Snyder Substack; I followed the Substack link to your other comments - and after perusing, I was deeply rewarded with your insight and wisdom such as this quote:
“For the Biblically literate, we, humanity, were warned these events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them in our faces, on an almost daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now either. We must each actively choose the side of good, of Yhwh God, or we default to the other side, if we haven't actively chosen it, as so very many have done... For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice; I pray each of you will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”
Warmest regards Sandra Lee Smith, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, may YeHoVaH (Yhwh God), the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless you and keep you, until the day of the sea of glass and fire.
PS: Stay in touch Sandra, you are a treasure and an inspiration.
I am deeply touched by your response, Carl. He has been doing a pretty good job of it for better than 7 decades so far, so I'll just keep trusting in that, but I am listening for the shout and shofar too, as should you. Wouldn't want to miss the wedding feast! Be blessed in our Lord and Redeemer, always!
That has helped me through the difficult yrs as well. Just to know there are others "out there" somehow eases the burdens. Stay strong, and have a blessed weekend.
That covenant only applies to the children of covenant: the children of Israel (Jacob). Esau, Jacob's twin, and a son of Isaac is not included, nor are Ishmael, and the sons born to Abraham by Keturah, after Sarah's death. The children of the covenant were clearly spelled out in Genesis. It s, in fact,part of the on-going animosity among the peoples in the ME, since most of the neighboring Arab, and now Muslim, nations ARE descended from those children of Abraham and Isaac who were excluded from that covenant, as was evident, even before Abraham's death.
As I was contemplating the enormity of sub-dividing the lands of the Abrahamic Covenant, a thought occurred: Isn't it about time to see and hear the Two Witnesses?
Radical Islam will go to war to stop this as well as the radical right in Isreal. Plus what will they do with the temple mount? Notice no mention of that. Could this require that man of sin who exalts himself above come to pull this off?
Dan 11:36-39 (39)!
We are seeing a melding of nations and peoples, politics and even religion: Islam, Judaism and Chrstianity. Are they waiting for their ecumenical messiah to bring this all together?
The 3rd Temple is to be rebuilt during the 1st half of the man of perdition's reign, so that he can go into it's Holy of Lies, seat himself on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant and declare himself "god", defiling the Temple yet again. That act marks the start of the 2nd half f the 7 yrs left of Daniel's 70 yrs prophecy, and the Tribulation.
There will be no "melding" of Yhwh God's remnants among faithful Jews and Christians, but the NWO does include a single religion comprised of those professing all current religions. The Messiah will call out ( snatch away) His redeemed Christians (the Rapture) prior to the revelation of the man of perdition, because we are not appointed to judgment; ours took place on Golgotha, and judgment is what those 7 yrs are about. The Jews ill remain, but as in the days in Egypt, they will be shielded, 'til the return of Jesus to this Earth, from whence He departed, the Mount of Olives, this time with the hosts of Harm at His back and all His saints (those who were already dead, or still alive, and snatched out), including the OT saints, according to the Biblical definition of saints. Abraham will be among us, but not all of his bloodline will: Ishmael, Esau and the sons Keturah bore him will not be among us, as they are not part of the covenant, and were not redeemed by faith either. The false prophet will lad the false religion of the NWO.
There are ministers who believe that if the US brokers a deal dividing Isreal, God will tear our country apart through the New Madrid and San Andreas faults. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Whoever helps divide God's chosen land of Israel, they will have hell to pay. May God Bless and protect our Christian brothers and sisters.....
Everyone outside of Christ will have he'll to pay.
This is extremely dangerous and would result in an apocalyptic result...including a split down the middle of the Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico. It's been prophesied numerous times with creditability.
Jesus gives us a perfect discription of the man of sin coming as the real Jesus does, claiming to be the second coming of Christ Himself,
Matt 24:24-28.
The only clue to tell the difference between the real second coming and the imitation one is that the imitation will just show up, the real second coming will be in the clouds from the east to the west.
Yes, as King of kings and Lord of lords, and all knees will bend and all heads will bow. Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel, will come to thee o Israel. Halleluiah!
And seen by everyone, simataneously.
Jordan is, always was, the "Palestinian state; leave Israeli territory OUT of it!
Needless to say, I am 100 percent against this plan to violate the Abrahamic covenant and divide the land promised by YeHoVaH to the sons and daughters of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Additionally, the Biden administration's State Department is a puppet for Barack Hussein Obama, a son of Ishmael.
Furthermore, Obama is a proponent of a global digital ID, most likely it will be a grain of rice size computer chip" implanted in the hand. AKA: The Mark of the Beast.
Time is short, if your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, do not fear the first death and refuse the Mark of the Beast.
Obama never ran anything, even while he as the criminal invader squatting in our WH. He was, and is, just a sock puppet, for the PTB. He is also a Muslim, a worshiper of Satan, going by the name "Allah", as he did long before there were children of Israel, or Muslims either one. He's the same Allah away from whose worship Abraham was called, the moon deity of Ur, a deity of war and violence. The REAL PTB are people whose names and faces we are not apt to ever know. But they are not Americans, or even pretend "Americans".
Sandra Lee Smith: Thank you for your eloquent and illuminating overview of "Allah". Based upon overview it is obvious you have given this subject considerable study and thought. That said, please excuse my ignorance but I do not know the definition/person of PTB? Please enlighten me. Warmest regards.
PTB= powers that be, aka the real gov't behind the national gov't's we all see and know. Our world has not been governed by our elected leaders for over a century, at least. The US, for example, ceased being governed by "we, the people" in February of 1871, finalized by the ratification of the 16th and 17th Amendments in 1913. Those we euphemistically elect go to work for a corporation, USA (official trademark of the corporation) or United States of America ( NOT the original name of our nation, altered by Congress in the yrs following the 1861-1865 war along with other unofficial and inappropriate changes to it, leading up to the 1871 vote). We started as the united States for America (no typos), emphasizing the lesser importance of the federal gov't over the states' gov'ts our Founders intended.
Many don't know we have been being governed by foreign nationals , who are already literally governing the world, it hasn't exactly been advertised, so don't feel bad. I only came to see the enormity of all this about a decade ago, as I as studying the comparison between Biblical prophecies, and the UN agendas and other writings by the Club of Rome ( "Bilderbergers"), many of which are no longer accessible (funny how that happens, when people start catching on, and sharing). Just FYI, our Congress is an uniparty, presenting 2 heads, like that old cartoon dinosaur, outside the I-495 beltway, with very few exceptions, and not always the ones most think those are. The majority are globalists, many are Bilderbergers, not communists (that's just a tool of the PTB too). Suffic it to say, our nation was stolen when my great grandparents were young adults or late teens, and I'm well into my 8th decade now. The only reason we are being allowed to know all this now, is because we can't stop the juggernaut of globalism.
That said, the GOOD news, and yes, there is good news in this, is that it's Yhwh God's agenda te globalists are unknowingly unfolding, to their own destruction! I'm sure you've heard of Armageddon; it's a very real battle coming in the not distant future, by the signposts Yhwh God left us. But it's not what Hollywood has presented, by any stretch of imagination. It's the battle that is the culmination of a spiritual war that has been ongoing since before Eve bit the fruit, whatever it was, in the Garden, and coaxed Adam to share; that merely dragged humanity into it. The war has been between good and evil; Yhwh God and Lucifer, an arch angel aka Satan since he chose, by free will, to revolt against his Creator, and lead others, angel and human alike to do so. Biblical prophecies are the less seen side of the "coin" of past and current events, as well as those yet to come. This is not a "simple" issue, and much of it has been concealed from us for millennia. This particular phase began, contrary to popular opinion that it was Obama who started it, in 1541, in fact, and ramped up in the mid 1550's. The advent of America threw a sabot into it's gears, but it has adapted, and is back on track. There's a lot more to all this, obviously, but this is the bare bones of it.
Sandra Lee Smith: My wife Karen Garrison and I are honored you took the time and detail that you did in replying to my question of “PTB” (powers that be). After receiving your reply on this Michael Snyder Substack; I followed the Substack link to your other comments - and after perusing, I was deeply rewarded with your insight and wisdom such as this quote:
“For the Biblically literate, we, humanity, were warned these events would come to pass centuries before we began seeing them in our faces, on an almost daily basis. For those who still believe "we can fix this" through politics, no, we can't; it's not a temporal battle. It's an on-going spiritual war that began long before any of us existed, coming to its climax in our time. We can only choose a "side" to support and work with in that battle. But there is no "fence sitting" now either. We must each actively choose the side of good, of Yhwh God, or we default to the other side, if we haven't actively chosen it, as so very many have done... For each of us, today, there are no other options; I have made my choice; I pray each of you will make the correct choice. Eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.”
Warmest regards Sandra Lee Smith, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, may YeHoVaH (Yhwh God), the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless you and keep you, until the day of the sea of glass and fire.
PS: Stay in touch Sandra, you are a treasure and an inspiration.
I am deeply touched by your response, Carl. He has been doing a pretty good job of it for better than 7 decades so far, so I'll just keep trusting in that, but I am listening for the shout and shofar too, as should you. Wouldn't want to miss the wedding feast! Be blessed in our Lord and Redeemer, always!
Thanks so much for your response. I'm so happy to know there are others out there that know. :)
That has helped me through the difficult yrs as well. Just to know there are others "out there" somehow eases the burdens. Stay strong, and have a blessed weekend.
I'm with you Carl PTB?
FYI: Sandra Lee Smith replied.
That covenant only applies to the children of covenant: the children of Israel (Jacob). Esau, Jacob's twin, and a son of Isaac is not included, nor are Ishmael, and the sons born to Abraham by Keturah, after Sarah's death. The children of the covenant were clearly spelled out in Genesis. It s, in fact,part of the on-going animosity among the peoples in the ME, since most of the neighboring Arab, and now Muslim, nations ARE descended from those children of Abraham and Isaac who were excluded from that covenant, as was evident, even before Abraham's death.
As I was contemplating the enormity of sub-dividing the lands of the Abrahamic Covenant, a thought occurred: Isn't it about time to see and hear the Two Witnesses?
Radical Islam will go to war to stop this as well as the radical right in Isreal. Plus what will they do with the temple mount? Notice no mention of that. Could this require that man of sin who exalts himself above come to pull this off?
Dan 11:36-39 (39)!
We are seeing a melding of nations and peoples, politics and even religion: Islam, Judaism and Chrstianity. Are they waiting for their ecumenical messiah to bring this all together?
The 3rd Temple is to be rebuilt during the 1st half of the man of perdition's reign, so that he can go into it's Holy of Lies, seat himself on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant and declare himself "god", defiling the Temple yet again. That act marks the start of the 2nd half f the 7 yrs left of Daniel's 70 yrs prophecy, and the Tribulation.
There will be no "melding" of Yhwh God's remnants among faithful Jews and Christians, but the NWO does include a single religion comprised of those professing all current religions. The Messiah will call out ( snatch away) His redeemed Christians (the Rapture) prior to the revelation of the man of perdition, because we are not appointed to judgment; ours took place on Golgotha, and judgment is what those 7 yrs are about. The Jews ill remain, but as in the days in Egypt, they will be shielded, 'til the return of Jesus to this Earth, from whence He departed, the Mount of Olives, this time with the hosts of Harm at His back and all His saints (those who were already dead, or still alive, and snatched out), including the OT saints, according to the Biblical definition of saints. Abraham will be among us, but not all of his bloodline will: Ishmael, Esau and the sons Keturah bore him will not be among us, as they are not part of the covenant, and were not redeemed by faith either. The false prophet will lad the false religion of the NWO.