The GDP number includes spending on "defence" hence GDP is growing. Take out that massive increase it's negative. And of course massively inflated in the first place as with all government statistics...

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Health care is the other big “contribution” to GDP growth as pointed out in the post.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Yes,and a sizeable chunk of that is going to the criminal invaders bringing in all sorts of contagious "friends"!

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We’ll see if the Fed believes these numbers. If they keep the interest rates high or raise them, then they are acting like they believe the economy is hot. If the markets are right, and the Fed lowers interest rates, that means the GDP number is bogus (of course). The Fed may have to lower interest rates just because of the interest on the debt. But that means they are officially abandoning their so-called management of the economy. Either way, we’re screwed.

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They haven't done America any financial coal favors since 1913!

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Anyone interested in Capitalism or a Free Market society, can't complain about what's going on: this is another case of the rich getting richer while ensuring that the poor get poorer.

The Former Guy/Goon gave over the top tax cuts to his plutocrat donors. They were able to keep tons more profit from their various enterprises. Meanwhile, despite making record-breaking profits, these same plutocrats refuse to pay their employees anything close to a living wage. Hell, they're even laying people off if they can keep enough low-pay employees working hard enough.

For instance: Kellogg's raised prices 14% from Q2 2022 to Q2 2023. The company then reported better than expected profits and execs shared plans to spend more on stock buybacks and larger dividends.

News flash: Corporations have been using inflation as cover to squeeze more money out of you.

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You need to learn the difference between free market capitalism and crony capitalism! The latter has prevailed the past 50-60 yrs,not theformer!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I know you are being facetious but there’s very little resembling a free market in this country. As for Kellogg’s, yes prices are up. Would you expect them to stay at 2019 levels with the rest of their inputs like grain and fuel up dramatically? Haven’t thought about it much have you? Kellogg’s sells junk to people like you. And what do you know, there are generic substitutes for Kellogg’s. But nobody has a choice in supporting the big guy’s wars in the Ukraine and the Middle East. That is the biggest “contribution” to GDP. It’s a big sham. But you choose Kellogg’s as the example of what is going on. 👏👏👏. Nice work pudding head. Go get some goy slop from your masters.

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Kelloggs sells nothing to people like me. You are ignorant and you make comments without the benefit of knowledge first.

Kelloggs was one example of what major companies are doing: taking all of the incredible excess profits and keeping it all for themselves rather than respecting their employees, distributors, or even customers by sharing the good fortune. The fact that there are generics to most major brands doesn't matter, does it? Think of a wealthy corporation, think of their highest-ups, and think of how they're raking in all of the benefits from the booming economy while leaving everyone who ISN'T a higher-up the shaft. The wee-est bit of reading comprehension and/or critical thinking would've saved you from responding how you did. At least you got to call me some names and throw some insults. I bet that makes up for whatever love you missed out on in your youth, eh?

TL;DR: CEOs/Owners, et al, are taking more and more and more while leaving the little guy less and less and less. Then people like you blame people like politicians when they're not the ones making the disparate economy.

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Well you put me in a difficult position pudding head because I am not going to defend corporate America, except to note that food companies like Kellogg’s and PepsiCo are a small part of the problem. Not only do I have a close relative who works for Pepsi (and no fan of the management team is he) but I recently read a business article describing PepsiCo’s loss of pricing power where they previously had quite a lot. Run along now pudding head and eat your goy slop. You’ve done your master’s bidding by attempting to distract us from the multiple wars that are happening. Not going to work but you can report back that you tried!

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Yes, I did put you in a difficult position: bent over, pantsless, and grasping your ankles. But unlike the hysterical Reichwing websites you thrive on, I'm not going to *** you in your trump.

Instead I'm going to remind you that your attempted barbs thrown my way do not apply to me. Your attempted barbs are what *your* masters order you to toss out when you cannot be truthful or knowledgeable when responding to something you don't like.

I'll continue to enjoy my "goy slop" (a phrase your masters no doubt inserted into the back of your throat to insult people who don't eat Jewish foods). My foods are pure, unadulterated, and as clean as they would've been back in the Garden of Eden. With the addition of Cosgray grass-fed beef which Adam & Eve didn't eat yet. You on the other hand will continue to eat the lies that your disinfo masters want you to eat. Enjoy.

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I’m not sure what gives you the idea that I am a Trumpon; that’s indicative of your shallow and binary thinking, because you clearly have not presented any evidence of that. Don’t be a basic bitch. It’s funny and a little bit suss how you use every opportunity to bring Trump into the debate about anything and everything, when he is not relevant to the conversation. Not just on this post but on several other occasions as well. It’s also funny that you never mention the potato or his son Hunter, or the fact that he has basically started two wars, one to cover up his corruption (the other to support his masters…the same masters you represent?…). One might ask why, pudding head? A good case can be made that Trump is following the same playbook, but he is clearly less accerlerationist and less disastrous wrt foreign affairs. I will leave it up to the reader to decide which argument makes sense and vote their conscience. Or not. Imagine thinking in 2024 that voting is going to change anything! Calm down child. Adios!

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If you're not sure what gives me the idea [...], then I guess even *I* somehow overestimated your intelligence.

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It's the go it alone economy. While you suffer, you're being told everything is good and you are almost forced to borrow to keep up an image. You think you're all alone. So you shut up and keep it to yourself

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I can see it is possible.

All these illegal aliens are given money to spend,

the MIC Milt. Ind. Complx. is stoking on all cylinders.

The US Govt deficit is exploding all that printed money is going into the economy to keep it going so the DEM can get re-elcted.

Just another sign we are in our last gasps economically.

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The GDP includes spending on AI. I watched an interesting YT video today Nothing Special Finance and he tried to dig into that number.

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This may, or may not pertain, but it seems to me the stories I heard from my late parents and grandparents about the crash of '29, the economy , or at least the stock market, seemed to grow rapidly, until the bottom fell out, and it went down faster than the WTC towers! Now granted, they've all been dead a good while, so I'm relying on old memories here, but I recall feeling, in the'70s, when the market started soaring, we were heading for trouble, which we were. But the hits since then have been "small" compared to the 1 coming now, by intention on the parts of the PTB! I "sensed" back in the'70s we were heading for 1 far worse than '29, and knew the ones so far since then were not even close. For 1thing a large percentage of Americans still lived on the land in '29, so weren't "food poor" during those yrs following the crash, as will be the case now. For another, they had time to recover economically from the Spanish flu, and polio wasn't near pandemic levels. And except the very poor most had homes and some savings, but covid ate both up largely, this time and people are deep in credit card debt still from that. So a crash now will be globally catastrophic...

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