Howdy Y'all;

I am FAR less concerned about low-grade SoCal seismic activity than I am about Campi Flagrei.

THAT is a bona fide Supervolcano capable of absolutely HORRIFYING effects on the Northern HEMISPHERE...yes, the Entire Enchilada. That is in the same ckass as Paektu, Toba, Taupo, YELLOWSTONE and others also. A VEI 8 Explosive index rating implies that such is capable of ejecting between 290 to 1000 (or more) cubic kilometers of ejecta. Inasmuch as a significant fraction - possibly as high as 30% - could be of the extremely fine Ash form, meaning that could end up in the 100 thousand to 150 thisand foot elevation range. Naturally, then GLOBAL COOLING would ensue almost immediately. Unlike mere Nuclear Winter the effects of such could last ten thousand or more years. Let that sink in a bit.

A few instructive links are provided below,


and also,


Food for thought...

Moving back to the Seimic realm - I, like many others - have concluded that the entire vicinity extending hundreds of miles around Los Angeles is - in fact - SO LOCKED that only a truly colossal event would serve to 'break it loose'.

Onesuch MAY be 'warming up now'. I am - of course referring to the Pacific Northwest, whereat the Juan de Fuca plate is steadily being subducted under the North American plate.

Let's jump in the 'Way Back Machine' a few hundred years..

In January of 1700 the Japanese recorded extraordinarily VIOLENT Seas around Japan broadly. Japan is KNOWN for extraordinary seismicity, yes. However, in this single case none such was recorded ANYWHERE IN Japan (?) This oddity remained a mystery until just a few decades ago. Have you ever heard of the "Neskowin Ghost Forest"?

Here's a link;


As it happened, dating of the exposed stumps from there and several other locations yeilded an 'interesting result'. Some of the stumps are very old - in excess of 2000 years, roughly - however, the YOUNGEST analyzed by Carbon-14 dating exactly corresponded to - within a small margin of error - to the Japanese Rogue Waves recorded in 1700.

Here's another link pointing to EXACTLY the 1700 Cascadua 'Event';


It IS possible IF another such event in that vicinity were of SUFFICIENT magnitude for a "Mega-Rip" to occur along the American West Coast. That could WELL 'unlock' the Los Angeles basin faultline. If both were sequentually triggered then it is quite possible for the effects to extend northward to OR past Haida Gwai (aka, Queen Charlotte Island) off the coast of British Columbia AND also to extend southward along the bulk of the Baja Penisula.

That would be "BAD".

So Kiddos, you'll recall the Bible mentioning an Earthquake such as has NEVER been seen before or ever will be seen again.


I am a bit weary, having spent two days CLOSING on my delightful house and will so bid you Adieu for this evening.

Be Well, be SAFE(!) and be Blessed...one and ALL,


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Steve Quayle thinks Cascadia is the big one, same as you're referring to. I think he even did a full documentary you can buy covering it. GenSix if you're interested.

There's also the New Madrid fault line which I think may be worse than the San Andreas fault. But they would all be hideous in terms of lives lost and destroyed.

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Howdy Asgard,

LUV your moniker incidentally!

The links I embedded in the post above run a bit deeper than a superficial glance would suggest. I mentioned in that that the YOUNGEST dated stumps - indeed - are pegged EXACTLY to the 1700 Japanese 'Event'...however, it also the case that the BROADER set of samples (once analyzed) indicate that this raising and lowering of the coastal areas of Oregon AND Washington State has occurred REPEATEDLY over the course of at least the last few thousand YEARS.

Always bear in mind that the 'half-life' of C-14 lies at around 5700 years, S'OK? SO, since C-14's relative Isotopic abundance is REALLY LOW to begin with; about 1 part per Trillion, then - AT BEST - our ability to use it analytically basically get's REAL TOUGH to 'make a HARD CALL' on a valid dating beyond - Oh say - 9000 years?

Anyway, the samples obtained at Neskowin and several other locales definitely SUGGEST that this 'abrupt slippage' occurs relatively REGULARLY.

Several cultures on Earth by virtue of LONG history and a real 'anal fixation' on accurate record keeping, such as the Japanese and also the Spaniards, allows us a pretty good set of clues concerning 'Events' in the far past.

AS SUCH, Cascadia has CLEARLY 'detonted' repeatedly in the last few thousand years...of THAT we ARE certain.

The 1700 incident WAS recorded duly, but none other such seems to exist in thier records. I'll get to that presently; it IS important, FWIW.

The Beaches where these various ghost forest exist have subsequently ALL been outfitted with extreme precision GPS units (several each) and in the last 18 months what has been seen is concerning.

Those areas have uniformly been seen to be rising much faster than they were prior to 18 months ago.

When a plate such as the JdF is subducting under another, BEFORE a release of stress/strain, that action PUSHES UP on the plate ABOVE it materially. THAT is exactly what is being monitored now along Oregon and WA State Coastlines.The samples analysed for C-14 show - CLEARLY - that these events DO occur semi-regulaly. As of today, there has been NO significant 'event' in all time since 1700...meaning, 324 years.

The UPLIFTING being seen NOW IS indicative of an impending 'Event'.

I would NOT wish to reside OR be invested in property in either State owing to the foregoing.

But wait, it GETS WORSE. Go look up "P-waves and S-waves'. The first is a compressive wave moving out from the Hypocenter of an Earthquake (Hypocenter being the ACTUAL spot deep in the Earth where the Eartquake orginates, as opposed to Epicenter which is the point on the surface directly ABOVE the Hypocenter) whereas S-waves move more slowly outward but do FAR GREATER damage...and have far greater RANGE.

SO, if an 'Event' in the Pacific Northwest was STRONG enough, THEN that could in theory 'Break loose' the New Madrid.

She-it...this just keeps gettin' worse and WORSE, don't it?(!)

BAD things are coming; EVERY Christian KNOWS this, CERTAINLY. The only issue is HOW BAD and WHERE; staying AWAY from REAL BAD PLACES is exactly what is foremost in my mind as I analyze all this stuff, S'OK?


Be well, BE SAFE(!!!) and be BLESSED my Friend,


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Thank you the long, detailed reply. Appreciated!

On a related, but slightly different theme, the aforementioned Steve Quayle had a friend (Gruvor was his family name, now deceased) who had a vision of Cascadia erupting (there are many volcanoes in the region) at the same time as Russian and Chinese forces attacked the US west coast.

Given where we are now with America's incessant provocation of both Russia and China, and your info regarding the JdF, that all might be closer than we think.

Jesus warned us that all these signs would be harbingers of the end. I suspect it's a lot closer than most people think, including, dare I say, the majority of Christians.

Peace and Blessings!

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Howdy - AGAIN! - Asgard!

It is ALWAYS important to give a 'sufficiency' of information so that others can ASSESS what may - or may NOT - apply TO them and thiers. Hence I TRY - always - to be 'exhaustive' in my responses...hence the OFTEN 'Verbose' character of my postings.

CHINA is in DEEP DOO: Thier groundwater is so polluted now that Crop yields are SUFFERING badly. As such China NEEDS new, fertile ground with which high-yield farming can occur. Soooo...your observation of "Gruvor's Vision" may well be presaging just that.

Are you perhaps familiar with Edgar Cayce, aka, 'The Sleeping Prophet'?. In one his 'readings' he stated that a terrible War would come...one in which the "Bear and the Dragon would align AGAINST the Eagle." He went on to say that just as things 'seemed' near the End that the Bear would switch sides and together WE would Triumph.

Also, if you are not already acquainted with "Washington's Prophecy" then I recommend that you look that up as well..for it EERILY

paralells Cayce's Prophecy also.

Christians today KNOW that we are about to GET IT like the proverbial 'June Bride'...we just don't know HOW LONG or HOW HARD we're going to GET IT, eh?

Be well, be SAFE(!) and of course, BE BLESSED Brother...


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Thanks JOG for the tips regarding Edgar Cayce (I had heard of him) and the Washington Prophecy - something to chase.

Never heard of "the proverbial 'June Bride'" - wonder if that's more a local thing.

Peace and Blessings!

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The seismologists have been promising it for over 50 yrs; 'bout time it shows up...

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The doomers & gloomers have been predicting it for longer than that! It's getting to be as much of a joke as the QAnon promise about Trump draining the swamp and saving kajillions of missing kids from libs while James Woods is wearing his fake full-body Joe Biden suit everywhere.

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What you going to do when your godless world falls apart ?

Judgment on the Earth

24 Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, twists its surface, and scatters its inhabitants. 2 And the people will be like the priest, the servant like his master, the female servant like her mistress, the buyer like the seller, the lender like the borrower, the creditor like the debtor. 3 The earth will be completely laid waste and completely plundered, for the Lord has spoken this word. 4 The earth dries up and crumbles away, the mainland dries out and crumbles away, the exalted of the people of the earth dwindle. 5 The earth is also defiled by its inhabitants, for they violated laws, altered statutes, and broke the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live on it suffer for their guilt. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth decrease in number, and few people are left.

7 The new wine mourns,

The vine decays,

All the joyful-hearted sigh.

8 The joy of tambourines ceases,

The noise of revelers stops,

The joy of the harp ceases....

Isaiah 24

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Seismologists aren't "doomers and gloomers", and Trump would've cleared the swamp, had he done it Yhwh God's way as was intended. As for James Woods wearing a Joe Biden full body suit, not bloody likely!

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If it was God's intention for Trump to drain the swamp It would have happened No man can thwart Gods will. God put Trump in Office and God put Biden in Office all for His glory and purposes For Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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I asked many deceived lukewarm Christians;

Did you really believe God would make Sod om USA GREAT Again ?

How easily the sheep are led astray.

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May 22·edited May 22

Not when Trump took the bit in his teeth and ran off his own way, not Yhwh God's; He will not cross a free will choice, but that's WHY Trump lost in '20, not the Dem cheating. That was America's last chance to turn around as a nation, and Yhwh gave us the govt America deserves in '20. In November, voting for Trump will insure he meets an assassin too; the PTB are already preparing; Trump will not be allowed back into the Oval Office, regardless what the people want!

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If we all get what we deserve, we would of never made it out of the garden, there would be no redemption or Gospel. Every good thing we have is by grace and God's grace alone, we deserve nothing from God and He owes us nothing. Our hope is not in some human institution made by human hands. Even our founding fathers admitted the Constitution is a document of compromise, therefore we were doomed from the beginning because we have always been a rebellious people, we were forged in rebellion and war over purely economic reasons and in spirit of rebellion and war we will perish, he who lives by the sword will die by it. Your point about Trump took the bit in his teeth and ran off with it, is in essence the human condition, the love of money (stuff) and the power and control it brings is the root of all evil. Lord Acton said it well, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Because of our compromised, fallen state and hypocrisy we were doomed from the beginning, just read the final book of the Bible and how all this ends, our American arrogance has been to believe that we would be the exception to that rule, the clear evidence is that was a lie from the beginning a lie expounded by the father of Lies.

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I was trying to distinguish that this was relating specifically to national sins, not individuals. The oft quoted, but misapplied, 2Chron 7:14 is an example of an instruction related to national repentance of national sins, when read in its context. It's but 1 instance of such repentance, to be found in the OT! individual repentance and redemption is on-going, of course. I understand the concepts of how sin operates and appears. Just like the nation Israel was called often to return to Yhwh God by the various prophets, so America has been, but we have not returned as a nation, and it was for that we were given the leaders we deserve as a NATION, just as Yhwh warned He would do! I have read that book many times; at present, I'm rereading the OT prophets, who also had much to say about these times in which we live, indeed, much of what revelation tells us was also foretold by those prophets.

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Howdy Daniel,

A GOOD friend of mine once observed;

"God's Grace is US receiving what WE don't DESERVE."

"While God's Mercy is NOT receiving what we DO deserve."

Just a thought for the Day...


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Jesus said that not only would He shake l the earth but the heavens also

We haven't seen anything yet !!!

Judgment on the Earth

Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, twists its surface, and scatters its inhabitants. 2 And the people will be like the priest, the servant like his master, the female servant like her mistress, the buyer like the seller, the lender like the borrower, the creditor like the debtor. 3 The earth will be completely laid waste and completely plundered, for the Lord has spoken this word. 4 The earth dries up and crumbles away, the mainland dries out and crumbles away, the exalted of the people of the earth dwindle. 5 The earth is also defiled by its inhabitants, for they violated laws, altered statutes, and broke the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live on it suffer for their guilt. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth decrease in number, and few people are left.

7 The new wine mourns,

The vine decays,

All the joyful-hearted sigh.

8 The joy of tambourines ceases,

The noise of revelers stops,

The joy of the harp ceases.,..

Isaiah 24

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When someone says "there have been 1000 earthquakes in the past seven days" it doesn't tell us anything. The author needs to say what he is using for the minimum magnitude of the quakes on the richter scale. For example "1000 earthquakes above magnitude 3.0".

If you don't specify the minimum magnitude you could say there have been a million earthquakes in the last seven days and be correct although the quakes might be so small they would not be felt. There are always quakes occurring at very small magnitudes.

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Jesus predicted there will be earthquakes in various places. Will there be the big one to come soon? No one knows, its not in scripture except the final earthquake at the end of the age. We shall see.

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I read that The sun solar flare storm leads to increased seismic activity here on earth

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There is a seismograph in the basement of the California state capital in Sacramento. On any given day you can stop by and check it out. The graph looks like it is tuned to the music of Led Zeppelin.

The Golden State is always rocking and rollin.

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Why do you guys never mention how the catastrophic risks in Satan's Penis, i.e., Florida, are much worse and going to happen much sooner than California or Italy's potential problems?

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