There will be signs in the sky's.

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Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria want Israel off the face of the map and all Jews thrown out of Israel. This is about is the Bible or the Koran true about the true son of Abraham.

This is about Israel existing as a nation or not.

If Russia and China came to wipe out the USA and were actually here would you vote for capitulation or fight?

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Bible Justification For TOTAL War? Catch it on this week's (#58) Living By The Sword podcast & worldwide radio show!

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In my opinion the mass genocide taking place on the Palestinian people was facilitated by a False Flag. This is a Zionist Dream they will have US forces fighting their war.

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Did you not watch the video posted by the Hamas fighters as they killed and abducted people. They boasted themselves they did this. Opinions are like hair everybody has some to some extent, but what matters are the facts the truth.

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What I was OBVIOUSLY trying to say was it could have been ANYONE saying they were Hamas IDF, CIA, Iran and on and on. Just because they say they Hamas doesn’t make it so.

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You really need to get educated, about Islam,about the Muslim Brotherhood (of which Hamas is but 1 "tentacle"), about Isreal, not the MSM version, but the reality. If it was about Zionism, Gaza would never have been allowed autonomy at all, and Hamas would not be it's governng body. Let go of your anti-Semitism. Israelis aren't saints or angels, but neither are they the cause of this. Israel didn't wake up Gaza lobbing hundreds of rockets on their civilians. They were not "occupying" Gaza. That was Hamas attacking Israel, without cause, yet again..

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Even the MSM is showing dead bodies in Israel, don't believe your lying eyes. Antifa and blm are great and charitable groups, they would never hurt anyone.

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