According to a prophet (Biggs) who predicted the assassination of Trump and hit in the ear said the Country will be in a financial crisis worse than the Great Depression in the winter of 2025. That’s when the world will fall apart. As much as I am a Trump supporter I’m afraid it’ll be too late. The best thing to do is pray and if there’s enough prayers it might not happen per Prophet Biggs.

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Biggs is not a prophet of God he may be an intuitive but not a prophet. You look at the details of his so-called prophecy they do not match exactly what happened. Go to his YouTube page with all his prophecies and it is full of stuff that is not true. We don't need a prophet from God about 2025, read the Word, and look out the window, "oh look a storm is coming" I need someone to tell me the obvious. Have we turned God into Capt. Obvious?

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I am looking at his YT channel and have been watching his videos. I haven’t seen anything yet that would say his prediction weren’t true yet. I do think he would be considered a prophet of God because he’s extremely religious. When he talks my judgment of him is he really is seeing something. He does get a prayer group going praying over these things which can help to make it go away. I feel maybe the small things will go away but not the big prophecies. He’s got alot of videos and I’m going through them. If I come across anything that makes me question him then I will stop talking about him, but him predicting Trumps assassination attempt and mentioning his ear being hit by the bullet is a testament to his knowledge.

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Biggs said the bullet goes by Trump's ear and his eardrum ruptures that's not what happened just one point.

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You do know that the "prophet" guy has been widely debunked with facts. How about read and follow the Bible.

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Just because the US will fall apart does not mean that the world will fall apart. This comedy show/destruction is just in America, guys!

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Uh, no it isn't.

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If the dollar crashes it will effect the world.

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They want to destroy the “natural born” Constitutional requirement worse than they want a woman. Which is strange in it’s self because they can’t define what a woman is.

Kamala the Canadian anchor baby with a father from Jamaican Slave owners has destroying Natural Born Constitutional requirements as her primary objective now. Followed by pardons for the assassin squad going up to Hunter and Dr Jill. And pardons for the rest of the Biden Crime family. After that they can wait to steal the mid terms after blaming Trump for two years for the Obama 3rd Term.

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Merci Michael. God bless you and your family.

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I cannot help but think that Harris is controlled by an asset (I have no idea but definitely not the Democratic party). They have been trying to get her into the presidency since 2020 when she had little to no popular support. Biden chose her as VP when clearly there were much better candidates. And now she becomes their candidate when she clearly would never have won the primary (had Biden not participated). Now the time remaining is short enough to hoodwink many voters. She is already pandering to black women as if she were part of their community. Someone has been very patient and it truly scares the hell out of me.

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Many have been trying tell everyone who is controlling things for decades. Three authors that spring to mind are Patrick Wood (now on Substack), Gary Kah (he goes back to 1992), and Gary Allen's book "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" written 50 years ago.

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Long live the Banana Commie/Fascist Republic, formerly known as the United States of America, a subdivision of the Banker globalist mob.

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I don't know if elevating Harris to the presidency was the plan of the elites.

But there are issues

1. The Dem. (most of the power brokers) didn't want Harris, neither did Biden Biden. Then everything changed when they realized being divided would doom them no matter who they nominated so they took the plunge, to appear united. This does not help Harris.

2. But her birth certificate shows her parents as a non-US citizen but for some reason that has not come up even with the Republicans. If this comes out this will not help Harris

3. If the FEC does not get filing papers to be president and does act on the money laundering this will not help Harris.

4. If she does poorly in the next 3.5 weeks will the delegates just vote for Harris or vote their conscious, can that still happen? Obama has not yet endorsed Harris yet, this will not help Harris.

5. We have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, this may not be over yet, again not good for Harris.

6. In some states it's too late to change the name for who is running in Nov. This will not help Harris.


I don't think the elites care about how this Dem mess plays out. They are burning the candle at both ends of the stick. We have two very flawed candidates, and both want to go in opposite directions, Trump wants to go back to the good ole days and Harris has the desire to forward to total socialist-communist agenda, to make us look like China or Russia with very limited Democracy. All this will do is tear this country apart more, forcing the middle to take sides, that's key for both parties to get the ones in the middle.

It does not matter to them (the Elites) who wins or how this plays out, It will be pure chaos. The question is, when will they pull the trigger on the dollar and who will they blame for the collapse and when will the real wars begin including civil strife here? We already know neither side will accept the outcome of this election no matter who wins, Thus the Elites just don't care. All the politicians are puppets in their plan even Trump. All they have to do now is sit back and just watch the fireworks.

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Kamala Harris is about as popular as head lice. 1 month is all it would take for people to think, " oh God, what have we done?"

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Remember those Millenials and Snowflakes we have been warning about for 30 years (since the Millenials were born)??? They have been brainwashed to believe the lies.

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Here is a first-hand news report about Biden's sudden return from Vegas, and how Air Force One shaved almost an hour off its travel time to get him back asap after he had been diagnosed w Covid. It was a serious health incident: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13664787/Biden-deathly-Air-Force-One-covid-isolation-secret-rush.html

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LauraLoomer reported the PedoJoe medical incident on AFOne on "X" within hours of it happening. She was excoriated for it... and now many are reporting her words and labeling it "exclusive," giving no credit to Laura, who is a rare truthful investigative reporter.

She reported on July 5: https://x.com/LauraLoomer/status/1815582018366746910

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Thanks for the alert and link! That may have been where I originally saw it. I try to save, tag, and organize such things but missed that one, so I searched and found the Daily Mail article above. Laura Loomer is a trustworthy source. Leo Hohmann is another investigative journalist I follow.

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Hohmann is another very trustworthy source. Thanks for that!

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Yes, Leo is awesome and trustworthy. Two other authors: Gary Kah and Gary Allen (Allen died, but his 50 year old book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" is still available and is a must read. The guy tried to warn us 50 years about what we are facing today.

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The main question has got to be is whether taxpayers going to foot the bill for Hyena Harris’s psychedelic psilocybin mushroom and Cocaine habits if she happens to laugh her way into office?

The White House still has not said whose oz of Cocaine that was found in the SKIF in the West Wing of the White House earlier this year and tried to pawn it off on tourists doing tours of the White House while everyone knew that couldn’t be possible. She will never admit it right now but everyone in the White House knew it was her baggie of Cocaine in the SKIF pocket…😢

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Well, if they do put her in as President and then some how she wins the Presidency in November then we all know America will be lost and Jesus I pray will not tarry.

All in all we as believers in Jesus need to come together and REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, and PRAY PRAY and PRAY 🤲 🤲 🤲

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It's interesting in Biden's speech to stop campaigning, he said nothing about his health. He admitted, that his wanting to stay in the race had the "Dem party divided" and admitted he could not beat Trump.

Sounds like reality and Dem pressure forced him out. Just two nights ago he said he felt he was betrayed.

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The presidency is a defacto office of nothingness.

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There’s predictive programming showing a Winfrey/ Harris ticket coming.

Makes sense of the coupe anyway

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