'already-distressed neighbourhoods with huge living sculptures of ugliness and disorder — cars filled with clothes and junk; hulking RVs parked for months at a time, drug and sex deals conducted streetside; trash gathering around and between the vehicles, and lots of new crime."

The utopia that the far left promised us is here.

Notice that these dumps of crime🌈, violence, lawlessness & perversion are run by God hating, cursed Democrats.

No doubt California Governor Grusom Newsom and the Party will find a way to squeeze more blood from these poor to enrich themselves.

Collapse is here and the Kingdom of Lies keeps up the lies as third world USA slides down to hell. Psalms 9:17

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This problem is so pervasive, it's just about everywhere.

In reality, homelessness touches every part of the United States, from urban to rural areas, from the coast to the mountains, from blue states to red states. UN-housed people may not be visible, but they are in your community. Red states are fewer and they are doing a better job of dealing with the homeless but this is still a huge problem in every state and most all major cities.

Here are the top 15 cities with a homeless population problem,

California: 161,548

New York: 91,271

Florida: 27,487

Texas: 27,229

Washington: 22,923

Massachusetts: 17,975

Oregon: 14,655

Pennsylvania: 13,375

Arizona: 10,979

Ohio: 10,655

Illinois: 10,431

Georgia: 10,234

Colorado: 9,846

New Jersey: 9,662

North Carolina: 9,280

And this is going to get worse everywhere as well, Michael is spot on.

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What happened to the "Prosperity Gospel"? With all of the homelessness, where is the "Prosperity Gospel"?

In the Spring of 1981, I asked Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior. In those days it seems that every Christian preacher on TV was promising if you send their ministry your 10% tithe, God will bless you and make you prosperous. These are the same Christian pastors who taught their sheep not to worry about the soon coming "mark of the beast" because the Rapture of the Church will take place before anything like the new CBDC's will be necessary for followers of Jesus Christ to "buy and sell".

The 23rd Chapter of the Book of Jeremiah is a prophetic warning from YHVH/God to the leaders of His people; those shepherds who are responsible for guiding and caring for the flock. God is displeased with these leaders because they have destroyed and scattered the very people they were meant to protect. The pastors who prophesy lies and deceit will be punished, and their false prophecies will be exposed (Jeremiah 23:25-32).

Jeremiah 23 also speaks of the Righteous Branch, a future Messiah who will come and establish a new covenant with YHVH/God’s people. This prophesy to establish a "new covenant" was fulfilled in the First Coming of Jesus Christ. This Righteous Branch will be a descendant of David and will reign forever in the soon-coming Kingdom of Heaven. (Jeremiah 23:5-6).

Jeremiah 23 is a powerful reminder of YHVH/God’s judgment on those who lead His people astray and His promise to restore and redeem those who are lost. It is a call to repentance and a reminder of YHVH/God’s faithfulness to His people.

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The "prosperity gospel" is still going strong!

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A Mad Max landscape as far as the eye can see, just lovely.

Even in my little town, we are starting to see RVs on the streets constantly. We are told as long as they move a few feet every few days, there is nothing that can be done.

Michael is correct, things are going to deteriorate exponentially as time ticks on. It’s going to get interesting.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Where are all the 12 million illegals living? On the US Debt Clock site, it says there are over 336 million living in the US. I doubt this number includes illegals and that number is all over the map according to who is making the guess.

It would seem that the globalist's fake pandemic in which millions have been murdered didn't put a dent in the population as it continues to grow. 11,500 living in RV's is a very small number. Sometimes, things just don't make sense or add up. Who really knows how many live in cars, live on the road, under bridges, in tents, in the wilderness, in somebody's basement, in abandon buildings, in motels/hotels or anywhere?

Where do the 280,000 presumed gang members in Chicago live? At the Ritz or the Hilton or at O'hare or maybe in the sports stadiums? How do they survive?

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Their baby mamas, who are financed by your tax dollars. It's the modern "Murican way!

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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3rd world slums coming to America.. check out some rich slimy slumlord in Texas who is selling micro lots … I can’t think of the name. But it’s a huge development & growing. Not good

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Even though Texas has a state law against homeless encampments, and that law has reduced the number of homeless and Texas has several programs to help the homeless stay off the streets, like all other cities it's hard to stop everyone, there will always be predatory capitalists to take advantage of the poor.

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He sells the micro lots to the people .. if I’m not mistaken .. so it’s not “homeless” encampment.. he got around it ..

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It infuriates me that none of this is covered on the "news". Details like spiking unemployment should be a big fat hairy deal.

Instead, the outlets use terms like "cooling" for rising inflation.

Thank you Michael for bringing us the truth.

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An Absolute "Must Read" for each and everyone of those who Treasure Liberty, such as it was conceived by the Founding Fathers;


Be well, be Safe - as you may - and be Blessed, each and every,


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Howdy Y'all,

I neglected to mention that the LOSS of the one leads DIRECTLY to the 'other'.

Be well, Safe and especually, BLESSED...


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Glad you spelled it Out Michael ! This misery whatever level one puts themselves upon is only going to Increase. The ‘Deagle Report’ which many are familiar with now seems all the more Real and inevitable for the western nations and especially here in the good ole ooh es say!

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…and do as Michael and i will say _ be Compassionate to those who must live in this humiliation and penury for everyone will have a Turn at it’ sooner or later .. love and the very Best to all of You from one who knows _

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So, what is the real purpose of housing the 10+ million newly "Biden Walk-In" immigrants in hotels ?

Are these newly walked-in immigrants voting for Democrats now ?

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Many of them, yes, denials notwithstanding.

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After hearing how many otherwise valid ballots get thrown out for dumb administrative violations, I decided to check if my 2022 ballot went through. I was told that NO, my ballot was invalidated because my signature on the back of the envelope did not closely enough match my old signature on file. In short, they decided to err on the side of caution and just tossed my votes out because I *might have been* someone other than me.

I promptly took my current IDs over to Voters' Registration and updated my signature, and I'll be far more precise in signing my ballot in the future. It was my own fault in 2022 because I scribbled my signature on the envelope's back while standing in line at the mailbox and it looked too messy to be mine. If illegals can bypass how their signatures on the backs of name-specific ballots don't match with their signatures on file with the government, well, good on them. Cuz that'd be a great trick.

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