So many people these days are so totally obsessed by sports, that they don't even see the world crumbling around them. That's just how the elite oligarchs want it. It reminds me of the Roman gladiator games held to entertain the poor, befuddled masses.

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Deflect and distract. By the time the general public wakes up, it will be too late. At that point it will become "if you can't dazzle them with your footwork, baffle them with your bullshit!" Of course watching biden and harris, I'm baffled. Watching them is like watching "Out of Africa" 2 hours and 45 min. of my life that was gone forever, at least the biden and harris comedy show gives us something to laugh at.

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If the general public wakes up, what's next? How does the general public stop this? what's the battle plan? But if only America wakes up, what about the rest of the world? How does this fit in what Jesus told John would happen to the whole world (all the nations-including the USA) before He returns, when He comes to build His kingdom.

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What is coming to this world, is preordained, we cannot stop it. We can choose not to be a part of it though. Let us set ourselves apart and prepare for spiritual warfare.

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This is in line with the banking/economic agenda for the future. All brick and mortar banks and stores will go away. Digital banking and digital buying and selling. You will either pick up what you bought or it will be brought to you. Under the new economy and digital dollar it's just too expensive to have all those employees involved in buying and selling when AI robots can do it better cheaper and faster.

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All versions of a product called Feliway (supposed to imitate the pheromones of mother cats and calm down anxious cats; works well on mine) have been removed from the shelves at the local PetSmart. Instead, you pull a tag and take it to the checkout where they get it from the back. It's in bottles a few inches high and I can't find any articles that discuss it being used to make illegal drugs. It runs between$16-35 depending on what you get and how many bottles are in the pack. Apparently someone thinks it's worth stealing because the shelves were wiped out twice. It makes no sense to me unless they are reselling it at a flea market or something.

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As a cop for 25 years stealing has a simple motive, getting what I need at a five finger discount or I steal to sell or trade what I steal for money so I can buy what I need or barter for what I need. I need stuff or the money to buy the stuff I need.

There are two kinds of greedy people on earth, those who have stuff and are desperate to keep what they have and those who don't have stuff and are desperate to take it away from those who have stuff. This is what is behind all wars, they are wars over stuff.

Even the American Revolution was over unfair banking, money and trade policies instituted by England over the colonies. American were getting reamed in the market place and in the banking system set up in the colonies. England was getting unfairly rich. So how did we resolve this? War, violence.

Why is it as Americans we from the very beginning, to get what we think we have a right to, (when in fact outside of Christ we have no right to anything every good thing is by grace God's grace not a right), are willing and believe we have a right to kill people and deprive them of their right of life liberty and happiness so we can get our version life liberty and happiness. Do we understand our only hope is the return of Christ and for Him to establish His kingdom and rescue us from this madness of sin.

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Having come from another Country, it had shocked me that regular American people can just walk up and down the store and put stuff into a basket.

The American "Honor System" can ONLY work with honorable people. It is so sad, nowadays those "well mannered, kind, helpful, and honorable people" are in short supply . The entire society has changed.

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That 1 is a bit over the top. More likely it's being resolved on a black market, or for some off label purposes we have yet to hear about.

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