Did you ever see the movie, "world war z"? It's a documentary

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HEARTBREAKING. No morals in our leaders, no morals in this country hardly.

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Scenes of mayhem, chaos, violence and anarchy are compliments of the Demonrat Party, the party that just "nominated" Commie'la Harris as puppet president. The Demonrats are being assisted by their friends-- Socialists, Commies, Anti-Fa, BLM, Anti-Jews, etc. Obviously, this must be what the American citizens wants as they have put these creatures in charge of the White House, the Senate and the House (in spite of the fact that the other party is in the majority). Don't be fooled by the fake police not being able to exert control. They have either been ordered to stand down or don't have the courage to do their jobs. Big City (blue) police departments have been given implements of war by the ruling regimes in Washington for some time now. So, the mobs are controlling the streets because that's what your elected officials want. Wake up, arm up. You are responsible for protecting yourselves and your families and communities. It's time Americans grow some courage and nerve.

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I read a couple of hours ago that people plan to drastically reduce spending if Kamala gets elected. A lot of what keeps society together is how people feel about where things are going. A loss of confidence can be as deadly to a nation as anything else. Why support a system that you feel is no longer supporting you?

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If Kamala is the SELECTION, there will be more than enough ballots and cheating to ensure a victory. Stick a fork in America and the future of our children if it occurs. Prepare accordingly.

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These aren't kids, these are demons. Kids throw spit wads they don't engage in chaos and violence. There is only one way to end the chaos of these demons and it's going to take a consequence that is much stronger and possibly permanent then arresting them.

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The wild card in the US is 2@. Not sure how far they can let things slide in the red areas of the nation because of that. Sure, blue is a zoo, but red... kind of a wildcard at this point.

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What about shooting several dozen of them? Make them fear getting together to cause mayhem. Not a violent person EXCEPT when it comes to lawlessness.

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No I haven't, I'll check it out later though I have free Paramount Plus which I never use and it looks like it's on there

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This is the globalist plan to break down America on all levels. (Just look at the mayhem in the streets). And out of these Ashes of America the true globalists plan like the Phoenix Bird America will rise anew in a "new Order of the World or the ages", today we say A NWO.

Is it not surprising the UN and UN 2.0 the World Bank and the Int. Mont. Fund are all HQed in Washington DC?

Did our founding "Masonic" Fathers know something we did not as to what was to come? The eye on the top of the Masonic Pyramid on the back seal of the USA is not the God of the Bible.

The Constitution was an illegal document. The convention was authorized by the 13 states to do one thing only one thing and that was to amend the Articles of Confederation only, nothing more or less. When it was decided to ignore the rule of law (their mandate) they met in secret, and wrote an entirely new document without the consent of the state governments, that made it illegal.

Originally the new amended Art. of Conf. were to be voted on by the 13 state legislatures but the founding fathers knew none of the legislatures would vote for something they did not authorize, they had the Constitution voted on by the people, the very first step to bypass the Authority of the states and set up a direct democracy of "We the People."

And these are the guys who wanted limited democracy? Really? The first line of the Constitution should have read "We the United States of America do ordain and establish, not "we the People."

That is why Patric Henry a man whom Washington, Adams and Jefferson said that he was key to winning the revolution in his oratory support for it, uttered these key words when he read the Constitution,

"I smell a rat" "this is not what our young men bled and died for." (It was a Masonic Rat). There was even talk of a second revolutionary war, when Patric Henry calmed everything down and the Anti-Federalists pushed for a bill of Rights, for without it the Constitution was dead in the water. The Federalist Papers argued that the Constitution was just fine, it did not need a Bill of Rights. Boy were they wrong look where we would have been w/o a Bill of Rights. The hope was the Bill of Rights would be enough to restrain the Constitution as Patrick Henry and the other Anti-Federalist saw an an open door to tyranny.

Everything the Anti-Federalists predicted would happen to this nation under this Constitution has come to pass, the hope the Bill of Rights would stop it failed.

All this new Christian ecumenicism and universalism of Jesus and the Gospel that is sweeping the church, is just simply a Free Masonic view of the Bible and Jesus.

I'm not a prophet, but in my readings from the Council on Foreign relationions when I was in college, were some who want this new world Govt (NWO) to be based on the US Constitution.

There is a call now in the EU recognizing the Confederacy EU Govt is failing and there now is a call for a new Constitution and Bill of Rights based on the US Constitution with a smaller Europe and the proposed name for the new Europe govt. will be the United States of Europe. A govt.

Winston Churchill called for it


And exactly what the European chapter of the CFR is promoting,


When the dollar dies, the new financial and banking center of the world will not be in the USA but London


With all our super technology and weapons about to be unveiled and used this is the occult global powers vision for the NWO.

UFO Disclosure is coming, that is why it's in the news more and more. We are by far #1 in that area.

I have been told by a satellite data annalist and a very close trusted friend who has talked to someone who works at Area 51/groom lake, that we will be able to call fire down from the heavens and bring world peace, it will all come out into the open and change and save the world. The powers we have are just like Star Trek, they both said "that's it."

Thus there is no surprise the new Space Force Flag is the Star Trek Delta insignia. Reason being?

That's it.

Again I'm not a prophet, all I can say is what I know and yes this perfectly fits Biblical prophecy.

So we shall see and know as these things happen.

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