Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Anyone actually see any pics of the beheaded babies yet?

Sounds like atrocity propaganda cooked up by well known BS artists who know well their target Boomer audience is predisposed to sympathize with Israel.

Not saying it didn't happen or that I care about Hamas, mind you. I just don't trust Netanyahu

Reporter who doesn't take pictures:


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"Anyone actually see any pics of the beheaded babies yet?"

No, because they don't exist. It's shameful that the author is parroting the Pro-Israel propaganda.

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I think the exist but noone in their right mind would want to view such awful carnage. That's insane....

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TYPO: I think THEY exist!!!

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He is a Christian fundamentalist who loves Israel even though they hate him and his God.

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They did it because Islam demands it! Oh, they hand out lame excuses like anti-inflammatories at an arthritis convention, but the ideology is the real bottom line. Read the Quran some time; it's riddled with calls to slaughter all the "infidels" (all who don't believe exactly as whichever Muslim you're talking t, at a given moment, including other Muslims). It's very graphic as to how that should be accomplished too.

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Satan loves people like you, WHY DO YOU READ MICHAEL'S LETTER? You people should be out on the 13th helping your poor subjugated friends. You must have missed the "how to" videos your friends put out while obama was in office, the guy that bowed to a saudi king, and proclaimed to still be a muslim. When the world collapses, it will be too late to rethink your position.

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Very concerning indeed. What is gonna happen in the USA? Wondering just how to prepare or can we even prepare effectively? Live in the mountain section of North Carolina and just want to know what can be done... Thanks. WKR

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In all wars there is always propaganda, we did it as well. All sides exaggerate or distort stories. That does not mitigate what Hamas has done. Were about to go to war and all anybody can talk about here is if babies were actually beheaded. There is so much more going on here.

If this is what some think it is, this conflict can lead to a war that brings in the Anti-Christ. Isreal as a whol has rejected the Gospel and as Jesus said will embrace the man of sin as their savior in deep deception and so the rest of the world.

We need to watch and pray, e shall see very soon.

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Why would anyone want to be the bodies of men, women or children with their heads cut off? Why would they want to see where an unborn child had been cut out of its mother's womb (when she was carrying the baby)? Who would enjoy seeing houses ransacked and people shot at point blank? Who in their right mind would enjoy such carnage? Seeing men with guns just taking innocent lives as they walked down the street????? People that do that are evil, they are possessed with demons. The ones that enjoy it in real life are sick and also evil...

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Personally I feel like this is not my war. Both Israelis and Palestinians hate and despise us the followers the Jesus Christ, the true Messiah. It is just like when the Romans besieged and destroyed Jerusalem, all Jesus did was warn His Children to get out of Jerusalem when they saw the city being besieged. This is not my war. This is God's judgement for both sides. Israel however has the right of self defense. That is all I can say.

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So no photos of what Israel inflicted on the Palestine citizens? Unfortunately I consider both countries barbarians. Just a replay of 9-11 in the US More control over the people and send the anger and revenge into 2.0 to further support a world war. Not even to mention even more division of the human race. I fell for it then and will not fall for it again but unfortunately people have short attention spans. "The Angry American" was a cool song but putting a boot in the butt didn't solve a damn thing, then and won't now. Just kill more and more people but I guess that fits the depopulation agenda. (no body is buying that vax thing so time to move on.) Spread legs, grab head and pull real hard.

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When will those in Tel Aviv and Washington stop long enough to ask themselves why Hamas did what it did when the immediate results would be so predictably horrible for the Palestinians?


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Exactly. They knew this would provoke an invasion. When you've nothing to lose you might as well take as many people down with you. A few billion in exchange for Gaza is a good deal in their eyes. Snyder is rarely right but on the risk for a wider war he is correct. An invasion means a 3 front war and probably Israel nuking a few countries. Isn't there some Bible prophecy about Damascus being razed to the ground. And don't forget Revelations and Ezekiel. The insane people that control this world are trying to manipulate events to usher in the End Times.

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What Hamas did reeks of despair. I suppose it is part of Israel's karma that if you keep millions of people in an outdoor prison long enough, eventually they'd rather bring the whole world down around their shoulders than continue with the status quo. My main concern here is that crazy Americans like Senator Lindsay Graham will stampede us all into World War Three.

What Hamas did last week was horrific. What Israel is doing this week is worse. (And, no, revenge does not justify war crimes by either side!) Our focus now must be to try to prevent a descent into the truly Apocalyptic next week.

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