This is the most dangerous moment that we have witnessed in the Middle East in decades.

As I know God is in complete control, I wonder what He is up to, no doubt leading His enemies to the Ezekiel 38-39 trap.

For decades all I've heard from Iran is their favorite chant ; 'Death to Israel, Death to America'.

Might be God said 'You want death, you got it !

Just like our death loving American culture, Maybe God is going to abort us too ?

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It's about to get a whole lot worse.

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Especially here in the evil empire that has forsaken God with such evil leader's.

Psalm 9:17 hell bound USA.

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May 20·edited May 20

I shouldn't be surprised. But to abort us He will have to first kill us. What they do in those murder factories is feticide and infanticide! Abortion is frequently labeled as "miscarriage", which it is also not. It's expulsion of an already deceased and mascerating fetus, to protect the mother from infection. It is not the murder in cold blood of a living infant in utero. The left tries to cover their brutal sins by calling it a natural process it is not!

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By their fruits/deeds you shall know them. Evil Empire on the fast lane to hell, Psalm 9:17 kjv

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Michael...I can't help but think you're a dummy.

1) may 7..reports of assassination attempt on crown Prince Saudi Arabia

2) may 15.. assassination attempt on Slavic prime Minister fico

3) helicopter crash involving Raisi, assumed dead

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I would say that if this isn't an accident, it was done for one of three possible reasons - one is to introduce paralysis into the Iranian government at a critical moment, another could be to remove Raisi before a planned Iranian escalation, and the third might be to send a message to encourage everyone else in Iran to back down. Hard to say which of those might be the case, but it's probably safe to assume that this actually won't cause more military action as a direct result. Relations between Iran and Israel probably couldn't get any worse, but each nation has probably exhausted all available "safe" options. Anything else at this point is getting into truly risky territory. The Iranians are hardliners, but they're not stupid and understand that they can play the long game here while the West slowly destroys itself. No West, no Irsael. Israel won't turn Tehran into a sheet of glass, because doing so would truly turn them into pariahs and turn the various regional powers completely against them. Going to be another long night in the situation rooms around the world, though.

Also, if nothing more, he was apparently a really awful person. Sometimes bad things actually do happen to bad people.

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It's truly par for the course how the many experts here are clueless to the hand of God in the affairs of mankind. They're blind as they ignore the cult of death and it's genocidal intentions to all infidels especially Israel and the Jews.

They chanted loudly for decades "Death to Israel,Death to America". It's only fitting that the God of fog and bad weather made Iran's leaders stupid enough to fly in bad weather. Job 12 on how God makes leaders stupid.

President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, known as the Butcher of Tehran, is dead after his half-century-old helicopter crashed in thick fog while on official business. He is responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners

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Howdy John,

Something that *might* also bear on the matter at hand.

Iran's assault on Israel was virtually 'ineffective', entirely so. However, Israel's 'Limited Strike' in return was anything but. ZH reported - a few days AFTER the FACT - that Iran's Natanz Nuclear facility received a 'visit' from Israeli missles, apparently fired from F-35 Fighter Jets. No, the FACILITY was NOT targeted...but the 4 Anti-Aircraft Missle batteries defending it WERE. All were anihilated per that report.

IF SO, then Israel sent a VERY CLEAR message to Iran: "WE can anihilate Natanz at a time of our choosing...and there is nothing you can do to prevent us from doing so."

That is "Strong Medicine" indeed, methinks.

Have a Blessed Week Sir,


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NOT increasing military action is 1 bet I won't take! Regardless the actual cause, Israel and America will be blamed, a perfect excuse to escalate their attacks on both!

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And they put all high-ranking officials in one helicopter?

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No there was 3 helicopters but all the really important guys were in one

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Sorry I was not painstakingly clear. I know there were 3, Daniel, but that they had put them all in the same helicopter. Are they just that stupid and negligent? (Rhetorical question.) I don’t think so. That’s what Iran thinks about the rest of the world. We’ll just have to wait and see if another dog and pony show surfaces very soon.

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didn't I just say that???

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I hope you don’t think I was referring to you about the “negligent” statement. I was referring to Iran. Also I was not as clear as I should have been. I know there was a convoy of 3 but just emphasizing what a strategic faux pas putting all persons of rank in one helicopter. I hope that clears up my point. Sorry for the confusion.

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It's truly par for the course how the many experts here are clueless to the hand of God in the affairs of mankind. They're blind as they ignore the cult of death and it's genocidal intentions to all infidels especially Israel and the Jews.

They chanted loudly for decades "Death to Israel,Death to America". It's only fitting that the God of fog and bad weather made Iran's leaders stupid enough to fly in bad weather. Job 12 on how God makes leaders stupid.


President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, known as the Butcher of Tehran, is dead after his half-century-old helicopter crashed in thick fog while on official business. He is responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners.

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No, the reports said they were among all 3 helos.

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Could be an Archduke Ferdinand moment. But why travel your president around in a shabby helicopter, in dense fog, and in a remote mountainous region if something wasn’t afoot? Internal sacrifice to advance an agenda? Just thinking out loud.

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Howdy Jacob,

The ongoing sanctions - some STILL in place - prohibit nearly all aircraft sales to Iran...to answer your question. As such Iran has OLD pitiful Helicopters and virtually no 'Night Vision' capability at all.

ZH reported just a bit ago that Iran HAD to request Choppers from Turkey equipped WITH NV since they have none.

Be well, be SAFE and be BLESSED,


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That entire Middle East is the theatre of the absurd. I wouldn’t trust a one of them at any time ever. And that includes their brethren in the Levant, the Vatican, in Switzerland, the City of London, DC/Virginia, and Hollywood.

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Oddly enough Jacob, I AGREE.

The entire 'Middle East' thing is a 2000 year old (or OLDER yet) matter between Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac founded Judaism, while his half-brother Ishmael's line ended up founding Islam.

It has been little more than 'Family Feud' in all time since, SURELY.

Be well...and be Blessed also Sir,


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I think it is even more corrupt and deceitful than that. I think these inter-family squabbles are as fake as reality TV and are a cover of the truth, including the Levant folks. The whole thing is a fake out, a Hollywood production. But that’s just me.

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Yet they have secret state-of-art nuclear facilities?

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Yes Jacob, they do...but those are TWO VERY different technological spheres.


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It’s just difficult for my mind to understand that nuclear physics and associated technologies are more easily achieved than helicopter technology? Seems illogical. It’s like saying the automobile preceded the buggy.

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Howdy Jacob,

It's 'MORE' an issue of 'Fabrication Technology' ie, having the exact machine tools, having the EXACT alloys on hand AND the EXACT specifications (dimensional specs).

So, yes there are OTHER issues involved. Just because something is "Nuclear" doesn't ENTIRELY mean that is SO far above something as 'simple' as Spare Parts for a Helicopter.

Does that explanation make sense Sir?

Be well, SAFE and Blessed also...


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Good word, JOG. “Fabrication.” That sums it up in a word. ;)

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This will obviously destabilize the region but as of right now, but it's too early to tell what effect this will have. It will depend on the spin put on all of this and how Iran will use this for their purposes. It will be interesting to see how this plays out

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Remember a few weeks ago when the Iranian Islamic terrorists launched a large (although ineffectual) rocket/drone attack on Israel? Remember that God said those who attack the Jews will be attacked? Evidently, God felt Israel's retaliation was not sufficient, so he took care of matters. While Iran will likely be in a state of confusion and instability for a few days, it might be a good time for the Israeli Air Force to take care of the matter of Iran's developing nuclear capabilities before the terrorists unleash death and destruction on the world.

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Howdy FF,

An interesting piece of 'Intel' came out AFTER Iran and Israel's little tete e tete.

The arsenal that Iran deployed was - as yiu noted - almost comically 'ineffective' with Israel shooting down well in excess of 99% of the inbound ordinance.

However, Israel's 'muted' response was NOT 'ineffective'. You are likely aware of Iran's Natanz Nuclear Processing facility, yes?

That facility is CENTRAL to ALL of Iran's Nuclear ambitions. That is ringed at the four Cardinal points - North, South, East and West - with Anti-Aircraft batteries.

The Israeli's sent in F-35's just to within 'Standoff Range' and launced missles on Natanz...but nit on the facility itself. INSTEAD the AA was targeted...and OBLITERATED.

The 'message' sent - in effect - was "You can do little HARM to us...while we can and WILL destroy any target in Iran...even your Natanz Facility. Do you GET THAT?"

The behind the scenes 'stuff' that the MSM NEVER says doddle-do about is FREQUENTLY EXACTLY where the REAL DEAL lies, eh?

Have a Great day and a Blessed week Sir,


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JOG, I was only aware that targets were hit precisely while the Israeli jets remained in safe positions. The IDF is well recognized for their skills; however, little recognition is given to the highly capable IAF. The enemy (whoever it may be) does not want to get into dogfights with them. They spend more time "behind the wheel" than any other air force. With the addition of a few electronic goodies, the IAF would send Putin crying in his vodka. Even the US would have a tough time with the Israeli fly boys. Israel's enemies should smarten up and leave them be.

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Howdy FF,

YUP...'Tangling' with the IDF OR IAF 'ain't too BRIGHT', now is it? There are a LOT of ways to get's one's DERRIERE kicked up around one's shoulders, but you'd THINK that 'Jacking Around' with the Folk's who developed Krav Maga would NOT be a GOOD strategy...

I dunno..."Different STROKES for DIFFERENT Folks", maybe?

Be Blessed Sir...


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You speak for god .. good ruck widat !

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What Yhwh God actually said was that he who curses Israel shall be accursed. Now, this could easily have been His chastisement of Iran, but it just as easily could have simply been a case of helo meeting mountain in fog! Such things happen.

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Achtung, Achtung,

ZH has just 'tendered an update' describing the Helicopter wreckage as being found in an 'incinerated state', NO SURVIVORS.

Looks like it's "Game OVER" for Raisi...

Cheers Y'all....JOG

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May 20·edited May 20

"Hard landing" would suggest a mechanical issue and "auto rotate" landing, in which case the signal device should have activated. A bomb on board, or crashing into a mountain, on the other hand, could well have destroyed the device. That, however, doesn't explain why the other 2 helos that landed safely, did not know the precise location where that 1went down. If they were, as reported, travelling in convoy, they should KNOW the precise coordinates, so what's with that?

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I know there's some retired military vets on here...so, I have a question. I finally went to see the movie "Civil War". It was a good movie but I was a little disappointed. It seemed to have some hidden messages, mind control and brain washing throughout. Do you think they described what the civil war in America will be like to a "T"? Does war relate to this movie...or...how are they different?

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ZH and Reuters and Iranian TV have ALL announced through the wee hours, that Raisi and Staff travelling with him are - in fact - Dead.

Cheers Y'all


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Chuck Shumer came out and declared it an accident. There's no way they could have investigated this so quickly. It stinks of a CIA operation.

Celebratory fireworks are being set off in Tehran:


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No, they couldn't even have gotten a team into do so, assuming Iran has 1, that fast.

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They have gotten in and shown aerial video of the site; all that's recognizable is the tail assembly; the cabin is gone. No survivors.

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It's reminiscent of the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse. The FBI came out within hours to claim it was a freak accident. In addition, he had just talked to Biden?

Pretty suspicious, if you ask me.

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May 20·edited May 20

It does seem odd, in a number of ways, but if that helo was as old as the tail assembly looks, why was it out flying around among mountains in scrappy weather to start. The videos of the crash show literally nothing but that tail assembly survived at all, in recognizable form. Why could the other 2, in convoy with it, not pinpoint where it crashed? Why the alert signal failed was pretty obvious, unless it was in that tail assembly.

Just seeing "new" video of the SAR teams going in to the crash in fairly thick fog. Not sure how high up that went, or possibly it was low ceiling (cloud cover reaching the ground in mountainous terrain), but it really didn't look at all like good flying weather, and evidence showed pretty strong wind gusts as well in this new video, never a good thing in light aircraft and mountains. I think we're not getting the whole story here...

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It was crazy that they even flew in those conditions. More will be revealed.

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Remember 8/26/2021!

We must remember the Iranian people hate their govt. They want the good ole days before Islamic extremism.

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Howdy Daniel,

SOME, NOT all...

Be welk my Friend,


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