Howdy Y'all,

As usual Michael fully illuminates the core salients of the oncoming crash. I salute your efforts Michael, heartily so!

Only within the last few years have people begun realizing that an END to what we ALL grew up IN is rapidly approaching...and THAT seemingly at an ever inceasingly accelerating rate. That latter point is what is - in effect - frightening people to the point where thier 'Normalcy Bias' is simply being SWAMPED by what they themselves perceive occuring both immediately around them as well as in the broader sense.

I believe that it was Ernest Hemingway who when asked by a reporter how he had went bankrupt replied,

"Slowly at first...then all at ONCE."

Which is in my considered opinion is exactly 'how' things will play out this time as well, with a single specific caveat...

In all previous 'Collapses' the velocity at which those propagated was determined in largest part by how FAST information could spread owing to the lack of modern electronics, ie, 'the Digital Age' we ourselves abide in now.

So...how FAST will this Collapse occur taking into account the points made above?

I think that most intelligent, AWAKENED people in considering that last question will feel a thrill of purest terror flash through thier frames.

Time is SHORT Folks, act accordingly. However, also remember the Scripture telling us explicitly,

"Do ALL that Ye can DO...and then STAND in Faith."

Food for thought...

Be Well, be SAFE - as safe as you can be nowadays - and be Blessed unboundedly,


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Putin's visit to North Korea had more to do with setting the timing of taking out their primary enemy. A strike during the O'Biden reign of collapse is more advantageous to them and China than waiting for a possible Trump win. They can see the chaos and civil unrest coming, leading to martial law and will likely use it to strike fast and hard..... In one hour Babylon had fallen. Do preppers have Gamma Ray proof underwear 🩲 ?

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Howdy Marcel,

Yes, frankly I thought that Vladimir's visit to the 'Hermit Kingdom' was a bit 'odd'. Then I recalled that ZH had just a day or two ago posted an article claiming the NK was in the midst of prepping 5 Million Artillery Shells for transfer to Russia, so...

Still, normally a World-Class Leader like Putin does NOT go to a tiny place like NK HIMSELF...he sends his Generals or other such High Functionary(s) instead, right?

Yup...however, envision the following:

NK in CLOSE coordination with Iran, Russia and China simultaneously launch Blitzkrieg attacks on South Korea, Ukraine, Taiwan AND Israel.

Rest ASSURED that the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon would be so flabbergasted that they wouldn't know whether to shite themselves or go BLIND.

Dwell on that thought a bit and see what the Spirit indicates to you. I'd be interested to hear your 'take' on that surmise.

As alway my Friend, be Well, be SAFE - as you MAY - and be Blessed in Great Abundance,


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There is no doubt that China, Russia, and N Korea along with Iran are coordinating plans to start this war together. They know conventionally we can only fight two conventional fronts for about 60 days. The idea is to start all conflicts at the same time and in 30-60 days, it's either capitulate or go nuclear. They are betting on the first option. Be rest assured the US military is fully aware of what they are planning. What is interesting despite those facts, and despite knowing what they are planning, the West is going full bore for WW III to start yesterday. Why? That could lead to all sorts of speculation, but either they are fully crazy (and they are not) or they know a lot more than we do. My Israeli American contact has told me they are planning for all these contingencies, things are hectic and this is not far off, but how this turns out may not evolve as you might think. Of course as in all things love and war things could go way wrong, bu we need to wait and see and not prejudge this until it happens.

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60 days ? You're as blind as a bat, living in past wars. This is something new never been done War coming directed by a very angry God at Sodom & Gomorrah USA for stealing His land to reward His enemies.


They're going to nuke us until it's total destruction and nothing left but rubble.

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I was not talking about nuclear war. Obviously, you have never been in the military or studied history or International relations and how the world works, through the eyes of Scripture. Nuclear war had nothing to do with anything that I said in that post.

We and all the major powers are also making plans for war if it does not go nuclear. Nuclear is always the last option so there must be other contingency plans. Wars just don't go nuclear. Look at at Ukraine's, two years of war no nukes yet Russia has a conventional plan for war. China's current plan as they have stated is to take Taiwan with a conventional amphibious invasion willing to lose 1 million troops to do so. Putin just stated to his own people, that they need to just hang in there and the West will give up in two years, the nukes are a contingency. His other contingency is for Trump to win and use him to bring peace not war and nukes will not be needed.

Of course, we are very close to nuclear war, I've said that multiple times. This is crazy dangerous, but both sides intel are betting the other will back down. This is a global nuclear war of Chicken. (no one knows for sure what's next for sure.

If this goes totally nuclear all over the planet as you have said where NATO, Japan, America, South Korea, and Taiwan are nuked and destroyed, (the West responds in kind) 90% of the world economy goes to zero in a day, radiation will kill millions maybe a billion in a year and in that case, even the winners will be losers where the world starves to death and disease goes rampant. and nuclear winter destroys life itself. All the world leaders know this and that is why using nukes is a last resort, insanity.

Besides the Antichrist is coming, he will come looking just like what we would expect Jesus would look like when he comes. He will look like an angel of light, he will be a man of the people the little guy, and overthrow this evil global order and the world will run after him cheering pace and safety at last. Bolstered by what looks like real signs and wonders and he stops all wars scripture says. So this nuclear war may not happen and the Anti-Christ may stop it and the world will flee from this current madness and run into the arms of the man of sin thinking he is the second coming of Jesus, but we don't know for sure we will have to wait and see. And as these things happen we all will know not a day sooner.

Your view of the world is not based on reality and scripture but theology. The temple rulers missed Jesus as their messiah because they could not see what was actually happening in real-time on the ground in front of them and what in meant in scripture, even the disciples had a hard time wit the truth. Both were blinded by their false theology, and their misinterpretation of scripture. They thought they had this all figured out and they were dead wrong.

We are to live by faith in what the Word reveals. A lot was meant to be hidden so as Jesus said as you see these things take place, then you will know not beforehand. It's the height of American spiritual arrogance to think we or some of us have some secret knowledge and we have this all figured out. That was exactly what the temple rulers got wrong.

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For a blind guide who does not know you sure babel on a lot.

You admit you are clueless as to what God is up to and assume that the insane idiots God has put in place will only use nukes as a last resort while Putin has been warning ⚠️ NATO and the West that he is READY to use them .

Pity the fools who listen to you and your arrogant pride that has blinded you. God is going to nuke USA to end the evil empires interference against Israel and assuming to steal the land He gave to the Jews, and divide Jerusalem for their Satan inspired phony peace,🦮 🦯 blind guide.

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You ignore that wickedness USA is their number one, first target ?


By this time, the bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and continued to rampage. I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this mean?” “At first, they thought the great bear was dead,” the man said. “As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly it will grow strong once more with purpose and violence. God will blind the eyes of those that continue to trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw.” The man then said, “Tell my people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled underfoot. ....


The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."

A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America."

I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.

Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."

The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America."

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, "Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe....


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AMEN great words!

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We went off grid years ago but it's an ongoing process!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

If you're reading and replying to this, you're ON grid. Good luck to you.

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Howdy Bruce

OH YEAH...been THERE...STILL doing THAT!

Moved to McCarthy Alaska around 10 years ago and that is quite literally 'the End of the ROAD', the McCarthy road that is. Unfortunately, the US Forest Service/Park Service does NOT permit electrical transmission towers to be built INSIDE Wrangell-St Elias National Park, leaving the residents there almost 90 miles from the nearest power lines terminating in Chitina AK.

So...if you WANTED electricity THERE, you made it YOURSELF. Employing a bit of foresight and 'advance scouting' I knew full well what lay at the end of that LONG 'spur road' (one of the CENTRAL reasons I was attracted to it especially; one way IN, one way OUT- no 'through traffic', eh?) and after a significant amount of research, settled on an AimsCorp 12 KW Whole House Inverter/Charger driven by some Solar but primarily driven by a 6.5 KW Deisel GenSet.

Quite a few people in that vicinity - again and again - TRIED providing thier Prime Power needs from Gasoline fueled units and without exception all such fully FAILED within two years of relatively limited use.

At issue is the significant differences between gasoline based engines and Deisels, which is why ALL trucking and Trains and Ships as well, invariably employ the Deisel variants, SOLELY.

Virtually EVERYTHING in a Deisel is built WAY 'heavier' than any gas engined unit is; journal bearing are MUCH wider, Wrist Pins THICKER, Valves radically larger and so on. The upshot is that is that those units go on...and on...and ON, so long as you are religious in changing oil and performing other neccessary maintainence. As well, Deisels are quite 'happy' running at engine loadings of 80%, they prefer it in fact. DO THAT to a gas engine and it just eventually coughs up a hairball and keels over.

Also, you can RADICALLY reduce the frequency of Oil changes or worries thereabouts by purchasing a "Dual Bypass Filtration System" from AMSOil at amsoil.com.

I change the oil in my Duramaxx Dually 3500 about every 30K miles - yes, 30,000 miles - and the oil is still transparent, if you change just the filters at intervals of about 15,000 miles regularly...and FILL each before spinning them on!!

Each 'unit' has a remote filter body which sports a PAIR of filters; one is a standard 'Full Flow' filter, the other is a flow restricted 'Bypass Filter'. The difference between the two is very simple: the Full Flow passes anything smaller than 30 Microns (millionths of an inch) while the Bypass Filer strains out EVERYTHING down to 2 Microns...

Anyone seriously contemplating going 'Full Off Grid' should be aware of all the preceding and also one more point; if you are employing Deisel based units, 'Prime Power' rated ones ONLY operate at 1800 rpm...unlike the Onan units found in most RV's; Deisels DON'T 'like' elevated rpm, take my word for it; the Onan units do last longer than any gasoline unit will, but nowhere NEAR as long, trouble-free as the prime power variants will.

There is a WHOLE LOT to living 'Off-Grid' and No, just because someone is posting here does NOT mean that they are Grid Connected AT ALL: With a Deisel GenSet and a StarLink you can do just about ANYTHING from ANYWHERE.

Be well, be SAFE in the coming Days and be Blessed abundantly Sir,


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We tried finding someone in our rural area to set us up w/ solar/wind but no one available so to start w/ I bought a solar generator/inverter/panels as a backup to start with...everything is a challenge! We did install receptable to enhance our 2 gas generators too...Thanks for your input.

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Howdy Bruce,

Yes Sir, happy to 'oblige'...as it were!

No none knows EVERYTHING, to be sure, BUT when you begin adding up what ALL of what we do know - collectively - then that knowledge is simply "Immense", isn't it?


If people with high experiental 'wisdom' simply SHARE what they DO know freely with others, wouldn't that be so much better for us ALL? Again, INDEED!

Good luck with your endeavors, "Keep on keeping ON"; time is getting AWFULLY short now, ain't it?

Be Well, be Safe - as safe as you may in Days to come - and be BLESSED in all you do,


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Gandalf the Gray tells the Hobbits "Fly you fools" to escape the mountain demon and that is what many are doing, running for their lives, fleeing to save themselves. Only the Hobbits escape but the dwarfs that were there are all dead, not a good picture.

Only 20 million are preppers that is not a lot. That's over 310 million people who will not prepare, many will die. And even if you do prep there is no assurance you will survive. Just deaths from normal sicknesses will skyrocket. Injuries that would normally be easy to treat at a hospital could cripple or kill. What happens when they unleash HAARP on America and everyone's crops die or there is not enough food to live? Or they come and get you for violating the new laws against hoarding. Or the starving will look for the preppers and then there will be the wars of the haves and have-nots. It will be chaos. It may be comfortable now to love off grid but not when all hell breaks lose, many will commit suicide, and we will kill each other over food and water because their only hope is themselves and their escape plan, it will be you against the world. Jesus said if you try to save your life you will lose it, but if you are willing to lose your life for my sake you will gain eternal life. What good does it do you if you gain your whole world (survive this chaos) and lose your soul, life?

We must know this world (all of us) has fallen to the point where no one can please God, and out of God's perfect righteousness we must be judged for falling short and that penalty is death. But God so loved the world that He sent His son to suffer and die in our place on the cross and rose from the dead to give us life and fulfill the righteousness requirement of the law for us. If we believe by faith that we are doomed on our own, that God's love is in Christ to rescue us on the cross, and can truly believe this truth and be willing to say I believe, I need Christ or I'll die when I die, then you will be saved to follow and obey him for the rest of your life. That is the only proper prepper.

Paul said the secret to Godly contentment is based not on external circumstances, like clothing, or food, or the lack of them, or I'm free or in prison, it does not matter it's all Christ. So if I'm in a prison I can still be completely free, because no matter what God has for you even death, you can have peace In Christ and it does not matter what the world or man can do to you.

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Howdy Daniel,

I followed through the entire 'back and forth ' dialogue above - a rather extended jaunt, to say the least! - and was well-impressed with your analysis, finding that to be quite well-reasoned as well as 'informed' - both sides of the 'aisle' actually.

A very slight correction - tiny actually - HAARP was decomissioned around - Oh say 7 years ago, if memory serves - but the entirety of your extended reasoning is - IMHO - 'Spot-On' otherwise.

The OpFor here involved WILL want to create such a magnitude of pure Chaos that the US will - effectively - be paralyzed by the simultaneous assaults on far too many fronts to have any realistic hope of properly arraying US forces in responding.

In effect, the underlying intent would be to simply SWAMP any effort attempted by the US, thereby forestalling virtually any reasoned, effective response...

As you note, US War Materiels are currently sitting at historic lows inasmuch as both production capacity has suffered attrition owing to 'off-shoring' as well as the continuing depletion of stocked reserves by way of all such either being sent in volume to either Ukraine OR Israel, thereby leaving our ability to respond 'severely impaired', to say the least.

Also, as I have mentioned previously, NO ONE in possession of significant stocks of Nuclear Ordinance would even THINK of actually employing those inasmuch as once any 'Big Player' actually begins lobbing even a few Nukes around then it is simply 'Game ON' and immediately thereafter you have Nuclear Broadsides being exchanged everywhere, by EVERYONE, invariably resulting in the oft studied, full-bore 'Nuclear Winter' scenario.

In that final case, ALL Life in the Northern hemisphere is summarily extinguished in roughly 90-120 days after engagement.

THAT is - in largest part - why I am continuously concerned about serious 'Biological Weaponry' supplanting Nuclear Ordinance entirely; if even a single SERIOUS Player in the 'Game' successfully develops both a highly effective pathogen AND a correspondingly effective VACCINE therefore, well then things ain't going to look real good for the opposing side...and yet, ALL the infrastructure remains intact, potentially even the Bio-sphere is also relatively unscathed as well...if your pathogen is sufficiently 'selective'.

Food for thought perhaps...

Be well Sir...and Blessed abundantly,


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Well said JOG did not know HAARP had been stopped. It's my opinion based on my conversations with a Navy Capt. who was involved in the public creation of the Space Force, the big focus of winning the next war via our assets in space. Here there is so much we don't know, but the SF is the #1 priority in getting ready for this war, that may explain a lot of things lagging conventionally and may have great foresight that the next big war can't be like WW II, that it's just not doable with our super weapons, it's more doable. That these forming conventional forces like NATOs are for clean-up operations or securing vacated objectives and putting out pockets of resistance (kind of like the war now in Ukraine)?

Side note, NATO chief just announced they are setting up deploying Nukes along with 350,000 troops. A clear message to Russia and Russia's response has been very muted, no we will nuke all of you talk, but "oh this is just normal provocation, typical nuclear drills? Really? A clear change after NATO threw the gauntlet down. Is this Putin's cause to pause, or is this a faint, and he's about to really dig in his heels like his war pact with N Korea, the chess pieces are being put into place? My personal feeling is some trigger event real of false flag is not far off and it will get bad soon.

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Yup, I USED to live up in McCarthy, AK, about 90 miles from the HAARP site. I actually 'toured' that years ago. Every time we had occaision to go up to Tok, we passed RIGHT by it, en route.

The Russians treat REVENGE like a National Sport...like England with Manchester United and the NFL here Stateside. Furthermore, they just LUV to savor that when they get it; kinda like most people savor a great meal or a great wine, eh?

PRODDING the BEAR is a really, REALLY BAD idea inasmuch as the Cold War era situation where the USSR was woefully lagging the West in Tech now stands WHOLLY reversed; the 'Shoe' IS now on the other foot.

In Baccharat, the dealer announces the winner of a hand by saying 'Player X has the High Hand", so it is now between us and them...and THEY have 'the High Hand'.

FWIW, AFTER exiting the US Army I was later taken into the employ of a 'Three Letter Agency' for about ten years, an employment that - effectively - gave me Clearances just a smidgin less than GOD Himself...well at least here on Earth, that is.

As such, I can state with AUTHORITY that in the "US vs THEM" Arena we are going to get the living crap kicked out of us.

Be ESPECIALLY cautious when digesting 'insider info' from ANY self-styled 'source', since most of those guys are running around with delusions of self-importance that lead exactly to them Pontificating on matters about which they have few if any REAL Facts...just surmizes based on rumor and hope alone.

There are but a handful of truly 'central' appendages within the Federal edifice some of whose 'employees' actually have - effectively - 'Unlimited Clearances'. Likely, less than 1000 persons in toto occupy those extraordinary, lofty positions throughout the NSA, CIA and DIA and two others I won't here name.

Incidentally, the foregoing - very MUCH - falls into the rubric of "Don't ASK, Don't TELL".


Just so...

Be Well Daniel and ENJOY your week to the fullest; I feel the oncoming breeze from the rushing Freight Train approaching us now and I think it prudent to enjoy ourselves - NOW - to allow us the fortitude to ENDURE through what is approaching; to use all such time as a means of FORTIFYING our Spirits ere calamity befalls us...

Be Blessed Sir...and keep lobbing your very GOOD commentary out regardless of who doesn't like it; I DO! Kudos therefore.


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Here is a video that covers NATO announcement and Russia reaction


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You could have everything ready and still lose you life and your soul.

Without Jesus it's all futility and a vain waste.

Something missing with the majority of preppers, especially the lesbian....

The Two Foundations “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts on them, will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not [act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and its collapse was great.”

Matthew 7

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i HAD A SELF SUFFICINCY newsletter 20 years; allowed it to lapse to retire/devote more to our acres/cabin, etc.

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Susan Rice

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