Not all of CA is as you describe. Coastal, pretty much is. Inland often is very different. Not all of CA is earthquake prone. Why stay in CA? Well, I cannot breathe in high humidity, don’t care for giant bugs that cover the walls when the lights go out, don’t relish living where wind can come suck up my horses, and love living where the weather is kinda nice most of the time. The state govt is yucky and I hope that can be changed one day.

Today I just worked in the garden for 5 hours, wearing a tee shirt, zero bugs, perfect humidity level, with my dog hanging out, pulling debris to a burn pile that we will do at some later date. Temp is about 60 degrees. Cloudless skies, zero wind. No smog. Life is good.

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I moved 3 years ago, did not have much of what is happening except the Loma Prieta earthquake. Bay Area, Central Valley we’re my domiciles. My daughter had a homestead in the Calaveras hills. Beautiful place to live (at one time), for all the reasons you listed. Rooting for you to keep what you have. Sounds sublime

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You are so right..EPIC disasters are on their way this year, not just for CA but all the states along the New Madrid seismic zone and all of the Great Lakes region.

I hope people will heed the warnings but sadly they won't. When these disasters happen it will be the worst disasters ever seen in modern times. Millions will die. God is done castigating America to no avail. 2025 is the year that Americans will meet God face to face. I pray people repent and stop with their mocking and scoffing and give our Creator the respect He deserves. Repent today before its too late. 🙏📖✝️

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and Amen.

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Soooo.....we should all get out of all states because of what isn't safe there? Hmmmmmm

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America is Mystery Babylon, and if you're a follower of Jesus then you should pray for guidance on what to do and where to go. We should do as Jeremiah 51:45 & Revelation 18:4 says, or suffer the consequences of war, famine, pestilence and God's wrath.

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2027 is when Christian Widener’s book Witnessing The End has Jesus coming back.

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I left in 1989 I seen it coming

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A place rampant with immorality, crime, abominations and hatred towards God... I am not surprised at all.

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Leave Mar-a-Lago out of this.

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All liberal mismanagement, urban carnage, no forestry management, zero water available for hydrants…why? Liberalism…


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Most people in Cally are die hard liberals, leftists, commies, Marxists and progressives and they stay in the state because of its leftist government who favors them. Besides, if thing go haywire, the government is going to bail you out.

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Can anyone name a popular state that DOESN’T have bad weather events?

Anyone who’s lived in California and lived in North Carolina would choose California 9/10 times. Even more if you ask residents of hurricane, tornado, or flood states of the South.

The reason so many people come to California (or remain there) is BECAUSE THEY CAN. I’ve lived there, I own rentals there, and I give thanks to God that I can afford to live there again if ever I so desire. I lol at you people who think it’s worse than any other state! If God could save one state of the fifty, it might just be Cali. Too bad that doesn’t fit haters’ narratives.

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If every good person left Cali how else might it be saved. Good Cali folks stay and fight and take back your state! When good men do nothing evil proliferates.

Frankly what I’ve seen in multiple states I’ve lived. Those that leave Cali end up migrating , voting same, and destroying new states from whence they came. It’s a terrible pattern.

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This has only effected far less than 1% of all of CA. Right now it's about 12,000 homes and structures are destroyed. Lets say that goes to 30,000 by the time this is over. There are almost 15,000,000 housing units in CA. That's 0.002% of all housing units. So that is not the real issue.

The issue is everything is so expensive, even the insurance companies won't pay they say they will go broke. It's like all things, all about the money and cost. It's not just CA it's everywhere. We just don't have the money to do all the things that need to be done when disaster strikes. We can no longer depend on our neighbors because we are all broke, thus setting up big brother to come to the rescue. Submit and survive, or if not die.

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I get the point, but CA being coastal is attractive for many reasons. Also from a defense perspective it is incredibly important to protect.

We should be very concerned that these fires are not intentionally set.

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