I look for our BLESSED HOPE everyday!

King Jesus is Coming! Praise His Holy Name!

For Christians these are the most exciting times to be alive. We are witnessing God’s hand move in a mighty way.

For earth dwellers (unbelievers) it must be frightening and will continue to get worse—exceedingly worse.

Look for Russia in the future to have a hook set in its jaw by God and come from the north to wage war against Israel for spoil.

Love seeing God’s plan play out!


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And it should not matter when that blessed hope comes, according to His perfect will not ours. I have no expectations of Him coming except it will be soon and no matter what happens in the meantime, does not matter. I need to be ready to be used by Him for His glory.

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Looks like here we go....

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No love lost between Israel and these others.

Yes, history in the making. We see crazy things every day and will continue to see even crazier.

THIS is foretold.

Thank you Michael!

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Foretold indeed E1. With the defeat of the Nazi-Fascist Axis powers in 1945 the Communist government CCCP stepped into the role of the “king of the north,” foretold in Daniel’s prophecy, Chapter 11.

A lasting rivalry that ultimately led to the superpower rivalry of today sprang up between them and their successors​—spoken of as the king of the north and the king of the south because they were situated to the north and south of the land of God’s people.


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Actually in Daniel the king of the North is mentioned 7 times in Ch 11. The first 6 are in relation to historical battles, key to setting the stage for the final battle that begins in vs 36 with the King who exalts himself. The first 35 verses fit history perfectly for know events and in those events the King of the North is Syria.

Now in Ezekiel's war in ch 38-39 he does mention the nation from the utter most north, there it appears this has to be Russia. The other combatants appear to be Turkey, Egypt, Lybia, Iran and Russia (southern part of the black sea).

Who when and where how this fits all together has great Bible scholars at odds for a long time. We won't solve this here, but we must wait and see, when we see these things take place then we will know Jesus said. So if Jesus is right and I kind of suspect He is we will only know for sure as it takes place

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Thanks DHB and I agree - we will only know the truth as events unfold as we will not know the time or the day. I do feel that the Tribulation started in 2020, so seven years takes us to 2027 and perhaps the Agenda 2030 was founded on the elite's knowedge of the Bible?



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Because they can. Satan's minions

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The Word of the Lord is

Yea and Amen

Isaiah 55:11 KJV

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Let them that hath eyes to see and ears to hear...

Getting closer to

The Great Disappearance of

Children of The Living God

Wise Virgins, Be Prepared -


Your Bridegroom cometh...👑

Luke 21:28

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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so very very sad ..

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I wonder if the Israelis have managed to sabotage key components in Iran's missiles and artillery shells? Mossad is very clever and Israelis are fighting for its existence.

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To truly know who God is, we know He is completely and perfectly sovereign in all events, weather its really good stuff or absolute tragedy. I'm not a victim I'm just an agent God is using to glorify himself in me. The outcome should not matter. When the apostles were beaten for the Gospel they praised God and rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer for Christ. James said the same thing, Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. (God is glorified) He's talking about not persevering as victim but God chose you for this very purpose and praise God. Jesus said don't fear men for all they can do is kill the body, but what is really important is my soul they can't touch.

So it should not matter if there is a pre, middle, or post trib rapture because it should not matter, whatever God brings needs to be our attitude needs to be that of Christ, putting on the attitude of Christ Philippians 2: 5-11. All prayer must be shaped by "not my will" but Your will be done, that you are most glorified. God is glorified and we are perfected in suffering, we were called to times like these.

In a crisis we can do three things, like Peter in the garden, realizing his vision of Jesus overthrowing the Romans was dead when is concurring hero was actually surrendering Himself to be crucified, Peter lost it and in real rebellious rage and pride/ego lashed out with his sword. The other reaction was total despair, the other 10 fled for their lives and hid to save themselves. Or it can be Christ's attitude that for Him to suffer and die on the cross was, in the flesh, more difficult than we could ever imagine yet he humbly submitted to what the Father had called Him to do. we need to follow Christ's example 1 Peter 2:21-25.

And in the face of torture and death, we endure it with peace and joy knowing God is glorified it's actually a good thing Rev 14:13.

If we truly know God for who he truly is we can have peace and contentment in all circumstances Philippians 4:10-13.

Perfect love takes away all fear read 1 Cor 13. This perfect love comes from truly knowing Christ.

Above all things, now is the time to draw near to Christ and He will draw near to you. He promised He would be with us even to the end of the age and the end of our lives, if we say we truly love Him above all things can we not trust Him when He comes to take me home or even how He chooses to take me home.

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New Jersey-sized Israel will destroy the Islamic terrorist that it is surrounded by. While giant America sends its young men to Islamic hell-holes to die and proclaims victory when they capture several dozen then sends them to Club Gitmo. Meanwhile, the O'Biden- Commie'la regime allows thousands of Moslem devils into the country to disrupt society and scare the public. Is there something wrong here?

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It really does look like we will not make it to the election, that the Oct surprise could be a Sept. surprise. Truly this is turning to a no holds barred fight.

I have to admit the pager bombs was 1. (a truly terrorist act). And that is exactly what it did bring fear and terror, but also 2. brilliant, because your killing the enemy or taking him out of the battle with almost no collateral damage. This was pretty close to pulling the pin of the hand grenade of war.

As we look at this we do use the term Chaos, because as we see it, it sure appears to be just that. But in reality God is in perfect and total control, He for His glory and perfect will is orchestrating this perfect symphony of Judgement, hope, despair and deception. Hardening hearts in judgement and opening hearts to the Gospel. Jesus said these things are regrettable, but they must take place in God's plan and will to glorify Himself and fulfill His perfect Word.

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