Most of these banks will not be rescued, maybe propped up but it's all about the timing, they are in total control, literally a deliberate crash landing where most of the passengers die.

We are creating a system that requires new human or very few human at all. They are creating the excuse to get rid and change people. They do not like what God has done, another phase of Lucifer's rebellion. Thus we need most of the passengers to die.

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An update to the April 8th Solar Eclipse, from the Center of the 2023/24 North American Cross, the Alamo. Where the upright beam of this Cross descends from St Anthony/the Alamo to Corpus Christi. In about the position of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart as he is hanging on the Cross. And it is pierced, flooding us with the Mercy of Blood and Water. The day after Divine Mercy Son-Day on April 7th.

Apologies for the lengthy words, but this once in generations and our life times HyperLink Advent Easter Egg deserves a bit of context.

Why the Alamo is the ‘Cradle of Liberty’.

Base line definitions;

Rights vs Privileges, Freedom vs Liberties

A Right once bestowed can’t be revoked. All else are privileges. “Inalienable Rights” are Relative Rights privileges societies live by to have a more Divinely inspired Just and Compassionate society. The only Right we are born with is Free Will. Even your next breath is a privilege. Other Rights cab be Bestowed by God’s Mercy as Graces.

Liberties come from Freedom, like Graces come from Mercy. Liberties with Common Sense Guidelines allow the relative Freedom to pursue the Path to Absolute Freedom, aka Salvation/Liberation, each on our own individual pathways to The Destination. Via Free Will, to reunite with Our Creator.

As a converse, all addictions are Slavery. The freedom of a basket of Liberties allows each one of us the ability to defeat all our personal addictions on a personal path while;

* Loving the Lord with all our heart, body, strength, mind and soul


* Loving the God in each of our neighbors as our Self

As we deny our Self Egos, putting God’s Will First, pick up our Crosses and follow Him.

So connecting the dots from Freedom into the Alamo, the Cradle of Liberty;

The Infant Jesus appeared to San Antonio from his Menger-Cradle. No Greater Love has they who sacrifice their lives for the protection of the Liberties of others to seek Absolute Freedom/Salvation. There were no defenders of the Alamo survivors. Even though some could have escaped. For instance when Crockett rode out to bring in more Tennessee Volunteers. So there was a free will decision to Stand with Liberty side of the “Line in the Sand” between Liberty and the Dictator who tore up the Mexican Constitution of Liberty guarantees. There were defenders from more than 120 countries globally as well as Tejano Mexicans standing for Liberty and Freedom against Tyranny.

True Freedom comes From the Divine Mercy of the infant Son in the Lap of Our Lady petitioning Our Father as a Shield against His Cosmic Justice for our Sins. The infant Jesus held in the arms of St Anthony, San Antonio. With the name of Our Lady repeated on his uncorrupted tongue. And so the Alamo became the Cradle of Liberty March 6, 1836.

Current 2024 events;

Of the 3 total solar eclipses since 2017 ending April 8, 2024, the first US Cross made (2027+2024), one stripe went through 7 cities in America named Salem. Short for Jerusalem. The center of the First Cross is a city named ‘Little Egypt’. The second Cross made of 2023 & 2024 passes through 8 cities named Nineveh. 7 in the US and 1 in Canada. Jonah was sent by God not to warn Israelites to repent, but to Nenevite Assyrians. Extending God’s Mercy/Graces beyond The Chosen. Jonah’s seversl warnings were finally heeded Luke Warmly. Nineveh, the largest city in the world then. was eventually destroyed. Inspire of warnings to repent again about 140 years after Jonah by the Prophet Nahum. The Connection between Jonah and St Anthony of course is Fish. Jonah reluctantly gave warnings to Non Chosens after being swallowed by a Fish. St Anthony would preach to the Fish when sinners would not listen. And when they would listen, He would only repeat the Holy Name of Our Lady. With his uncorrupt tongue.

Now, the Center of the 2023-24 Solar Eclipse is The Alamo. If We ‘pick up that Cross’ and push it upright west to east, just below the Alamo, in the place where Our Lord’s Sacred Heart was pierced, flooding the World with Mercy of Blood and Water, is the City of Corpus Christi. The Body of Christ.

The Divine Mercy Sunday in 2024 is April 7. The full solar eclipse that goes from over the Alamo to over Corpus Christi is April 8. The image of Divine Mercy with Rays of Blood and Water colored Mercy given to St Faustina by Jesus is celebrated on Divine Mercy Sunday the Sunday after Easter Son-Day.

Historical Context;

The Alamo was once known as Mission San Antonio de Valero. It was named for its patron saint, Saint Anthony of Padua, and for the Marquis de Valero.

St. Anthony (in Spanish, San Antonio) was born Fernando Bulhom in Lisbon, Portugal in the year 1195, although most of his work was in Italy. He originally joined the Augustinian order, but he became a Franciscan at the age of 26.

He is called the "Hammer of Heretics" because of his simple, and sometimes, miraculous manner of teaching the Catholic faith. The secret to his success was simply to repeat the "Holy Name of Mary" when speaking to heretics.

St. Anthony often attracted huge crowds, and was sensationally successful. One day when he found he was preaching to heretics who would not Listen, he went to preach to the fish, who Listened attentively, not for their necessity, but for the glory of God. To another heretic, St. Anthony had a mule (who had been starved for three days) bow before the Blessed Sacrament, although food was also placed near him. St. Anthony was miraculously visited by the Infant Jesus, and is commonly referred to today as the "finder of lost articles." His tongue is incorrupt, and is displayed at the Vatican. St. Anthony died at the age of 36 in the year 1231.

Saint Anthony is the Patron Saint of the Poor.

In 1716 the Spanish viceroy gave permission to the governor of “Coahuila y Tejas,” a Spanish colony that encompassed parts of modern-day Texas, to build two missions and a bridge across the San Antonio River.

The first mission was called Misión de San Antonio de Valero and is today referred to as “The Alamo.” Built according to both Spanish Catholic and local Coahuila design, the complex was designed to host a church as well as an educational space to teach the Christian faith to locals. In 1792, the Misión was secularized and eventually abandoned.

Eye 4 an Eye Cancel Culture Censorship A I will eventually make the whole world Blind.

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In reality none of own anything or have any right to anything but death, judgement and the grave. For we were all born into sin and under God's judgement. It is by God's grace and grace alone, we are born, live and eventually die unto judgement or eternity. There is no such thing as inalienable rights. Oh we have these rights but they are not inalienable, just read the story of Job, the Lord gives and He takes away blessed be His name. Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world, because this world is flawed even the church "for we know in part and prophesies in part, but when the perfection comes (the return of the Lord) that is when the kingdom comes not by the hands of man or any of our man made systems. We are already seeing the first waves of Judgement. Even at our christian best we still fall short for nothing we say and do is perfect in God's eyes thus we need God's grace daily.

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As I stated, the only right we have at birth is Divinely Granted Free Will. Inalienable Rights are relative, aka privileges. Like your next breath. Use them wisely,🙏🧐🙏

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Remember the days of talk about a "soft landing?" All passengers are advised to put their heads between their legs and pray. A crash is imminent.

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Rubes? Unsophisticated, naive country bumpkins who came up with a billion dollars? I think “kindred” is more likely.

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