We are just above that threshold. We pay rent which despite going up 10% next year is still somewhat reasonable. We are both in our 70's and retired. We have some medical costs but nothing outrageous. The difference is that we have little debt. There is really nothing we have to spend thousands of dollars on to go into debt.

We are not spending our retirement savings which isn't any large amount. The experts think you need a few million to retire. How about 3% of that? Maybe $40K is a pauper's income but it really depends on how you are living and not giving a crap about the Jones's or what any experts say.

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Happy people don’t revolt. Angry, desperate, and broke people revolt. Why have we gone through some very divisive and disruptive times without any real chaos? Because people were still far and happy. That is going away very quickly, and people are going to be doubly angry because what they were promised is no longer there.

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This is where faith in Christ comes into play. God knows what's happening, He has told us much of it and shown us how to prepare. It's easy to have faith when all is well, faith is tested when suffering ensues. When the economy bites the dust and the evidence is strong it's going to, that is when our faith will be put to the test. Not a test I look forward to, many of us have struggled thru out much of lives and some of us in later years finally no longer struggle to afford a box of mac and cheese. Election is tomorrow, if harris is seated in the wh , then it's part of God's plan and the times ahead will be extremely difficult for most of us. If Trump is elected he won't be able to turn the economy around on a dime and there will still be economic crisis. I also have a feeling that no matter if the marxist dems manage to seat harris or Trump is elected, there is going to be serious, violent , uprisings in this nation. The nations is not united, it is divided and that's not going to change.

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Oh it's way more than the middle class,. there will be the rules, the ones with the special skills in technology, medical and policing and the rest of the people will be just the workers, womb to the tomb. It is doomed to fail, any man made system are all flawed and will always fail because,

“There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.” “Their throat is an open [b]tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit”; “The poison of asps is under their lips” “Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.” “Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known.“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

The problem is not the system it is us, we corrupt everything we touch. God predicted this, it will bring judgement to the world where the only hope in the life boat of the Gospel in Christ.

This world system is coming and we will be the scapegoats and nothing can stop this because it is all part of God's plan of judgement and redemption. There is no hope in this world it is all completely flawed and will always fail. Our only hope is Christ and His coming Kingdom.

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Wonder if "they" are going to spring the "Hyperinflation Weimar Style" on us?

Weimar Germany’s completely un-necessary collapse into hyperinflation and chaos during the period of 1919-1923.

June 1920 to October 1923 the paper money supply in circulation skyrocketed from 68.1 gold marks to 496.6 quintillion gold marks. In June 1922, 300 marks exchanged $1 US and in November 1923, it took 42 trillion marks to get $1 US!

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"fact that we have been experiencing a long-term economic decline?"

The response to our decline is to "print" more funny money.

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I taught for 47 years and retired in 2007. My highest pay with a bachelor's degree in math and a master's in math education was $41,000.00. This was secondary level in a rural Oklahoma town. Just saying.

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Generally, for quite some time, wages have not kept up to of the cost of living. Living on social security is even worse as the yearly cost of living increase is below the rate of inflation. While on that subject, it is inflation that is killing the middle class. The rate of inflation, all costs considered, over the past 4 years is over 25%. Does anybody know where you can get a job where the pay increases over 6% every year? This inflation is the fault of the Biden regime, which is now spending about 1.5 trillion dollars yearly more than it is taking in (stealing from us). The national debt is now 36 trillion dollars. Say thank you to the Fed for printing out vast sums of money to keep the government (enslavement) from going bankrupts. According to the system of government set up by the Founding Fathers, the people are supposed to be in control of the government. Instead, the government (now run by the Deep State) controls and owns us. Until we regain control (or is it if?) the condition of the country cannot improve. Please think about who you will be voting for. Voting for moral, ethical folks is the first step (of many) in regaining control of the government. A vote for the demonrats, and Commie'la Harris is a vote to worsen the state of the economy and further destabilize the country.

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RE: Only about one-third of the entire U.S. population actually believes that the idolatrous American Dream “is still alive” for the apostate pleasure-seeking disciples of Christ Jesus, to lustfully pursue. The faithful disciples of Christ Jesus obediently take up their daily martyrs cross and joyfully follow in His painful holly footsteps, NOT in idolatrous pursuit of Freemasonry’s American Dream.

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Terrible times we live in!

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Okee dokee so this article can be distilled down to two things: people who make their fortunes by real estate are monsters, and employers aren’t paying their employees even half of what employers used to pay their employees.

This is yet again a confusingly rightwing take on liberal talking points.

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You don't understand inflation, you also don't understand supply and demand. In case you haven't noticed employers big and small are biting the dust, in other words they aren't making a profit, that's inflation impacting their customer base, that base no longer has the financial means to purchase their products. Then you have supply and demand, the nation has been flooded with illegals , that put's a strain on housing which causes prices to go up , as well as interest rates being high. Your marxist leftwing utopia dream will destroy the nation, utterly. I see below in another comment you made that you profess to know who God is, I can tell you you don't. Everything you are for God and Christ are against, and that's not an opinion, that is a fact. I see the human flaws in both candidates, I also see the spirit of hell in harris and the marxist left party, they walk in the dark and you walk with them. Pick up that bible if you have one, there you will find the truth, it's up to you. We aren't looking for a perfect human, such does not exist, but, we will not embrace those who walk fully in the dark.

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I have NO marxist leftwing utopia dream. I’m a lifelong Republican who made the devil’s choice of voting trump in 2016.

You are yet another harlot-worshiping fake Christian who claims that God And Jesus support evil, when even a cursory review of the New Testament will show you that Jesus is the only Marxist in this thread. Sadly, your golden harlot, uh I mean calf, has instructed you to falsely defend his egregious sins by lazily calling true followers of Christ “marxist leftwing utopia dreamers” or some other incorrect nonsense.

I voted for Nikki Haley fyi, not that facts would ever penetrate your orders to defame others.

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Jesus is not a Marxist. Carl Mark did not believe in God. Marx believed man was not moral enough to deal with capitalism and democracy. In Marxism there is no God thus the state must play the role of controlling the evil desire of the proletariat to rise up against the bourgeoisie and use the power to force the greed out of people, to create the communist utopian state. It's never worked.

Jesus brings the Gospel where the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin (greed) and changes the heart from within, where my heart is freely given to Christ and Christ changes the heart from within, and never by force or corrosion. It's a free will gift that is taken and given freely never by force or some state agency run by men who are just as corrupt as anyone else. That is a formula for failure and history proves that. To say Jesus was a Marxist is blasphemy that has nothing to do with the Gospel and salvation.

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Now you just sound like a Monty Python sketch, minus any cleverness.

I get it, you want to argue, you want to feel correct regardless of facts, you want someone who wants their time wasted by arguing with someone who wants all the crap you want. I’m not that person. I’m satisfied telling you that you’re mistaken and then you calling away. Toodles.

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My father would always tell me....always pretend you are the dumbest person in the room...and when you are emaling, texting, writing to someone....pretend Jesus Christ is standing behind you.

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Smart fellow! Sounds like he’s got some strong Midwesterner in him.

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Thinking that the decline of our society is a mere talking point, shows which God you serve.

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The God of the Bible is the God I serve.

He isn’t orange nor does he wear hooker-level makeup nor does he peroxide his hair, but I guess that’s just one more difference between my God and your golden calf.

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The circle is broken, the center will not hold. We are like moths circling a light bulb unaware of the true light who lives outside our orbit.

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