I cannot believe anyone is falling for this rubbish. The WHO are a terrorist organization and if the Mokeypox spreads it will be because they are spreading it. Same plan as "Covid". Kill thousands of people by deliberately poisoning them and then profit from selling the "vaccine" which ironically will kill even more useless eaters.

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Why do these fake pandemics always start in Africa or China? Because there is no way to verify them.

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“Killing children and causing miscarriages” huh? Sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? Oh, of course, it’s the covid vaccine! That’s what’s killing children and causing miscarriages! So they’re going for a twofer: an excuse for all the covid deaths and miscarriages, and an excuse for vaccine number …. whatever - I’ve lost track.

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Oh, catch a grip Michael. It's election year. FJB wants to cheat again. Quit with the fear porn. They were scandalous liars for the CV19 scamdemic, and now this. C'mon, dude, wake up!

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I keep saying that: he sounds like a mouthpiece for the freakin’ CDC!

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Uh, thanks for the warning, Michael. You are doing exactly what the global terrorists want you to do-- spread fear. Once the people are afraid, it is much easier for them to gain more control, so they can inoculate people with more poison.

If people maintain their health, have prophylactics (vitamins, supplements, medicine) available, they will have little to fear. Don't fall for the propaganda again.

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could it be this is the very excuse the who will use to bring back the pandemic treaty? after whats happened in the last 4 years it wouldnt surprise me and to think many are of the opinion the treaty is dead in the water how wrong they are..be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org.....your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world using all platforms and alternative outlets..it currently has over 2,509000 signatures it urgently needs many more

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Very good comment, and very important too. I signed that, and the people at CG were instrumental I think in lobbying against it. Their bus was even stopped by police on the final day. They were obviously getting under someone's skin....

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Howdy Asgard,

"CG"? Coast Guard, I presume?


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I just signed it. Thanks for letting us know.

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Howdy Clive,

In a word, "Yup",

The "Globalists" SEE all thier aspirations slipping away as more and MORE people catch on to 'the Man BEHIND the curtain' - recalling the scene from the Wizerd of Oz - and they ARE beginning to feel the first thrill of FEAR consequently. Far from taking any JOY in that, everyone and I MEAN EVERYONE, should step lightly hereafter...

and carry a BIG, BIG STICK.

Consider that nothing on Earth is so dangerous as a CORNERED animal, yes? Certainly...

For that reason each and every one of 'us' should be and remain fully 'en guarde' until the human apotheosis which is coming has PASSED.

In the meanwhile, none of us should think for even a moment that there is some level of Depavity THOSE would not stoop to in order to retain POWER; it IS thier Life's Blood and they absolutely will not under ANY circumstance, surrender that whilst they live and draw BREATH.

Pandemic Treaties, SURE, Mass Conscription for WAR, SOUNDS GOOD!, Engineered Starvation, GETTING better all the time!!!...

Frankly anyhing - ANYTHING AT ALL - they can think up to hold onto the reins of POWER is perfectly, completely ACCEPTABLE...to THEM.

Unfortunately that also means that in EXTREMIS, ALL of US are perfectly 'expendable'...so long as they remain 'Masters of the Universe'.

If that in some wise seems a 'bit OVER the TOP' rest assured that it is NOT here an issue of overstatement. Period.

NUFF said...there.

Of late I have come to understand that THOSE have an irresistible URGE to 'Tell us WHAT they are ABOUT to do' not as a matter of seeking out tacit CONSENT - which they already know WE won't GIVE THEM - but instead as a precursor to (later) being able to RIGHTEOUSL, INDIGNANTLY stand OVER us, wagging thier fingers AT us screaming, "SEE, We told you SO!" which feeds into thier NEED to be "GODS AMONGST mere mortals", ie, the REST of us.

Be well, be exquisitely 'En Guarde' in Time to come, TRUST nothing you see or hear on the MSM HENCEFORTH since they THEMSELVES have only recently begun screaming about 'Deep FAKES', meaning that THEY themselves will be or currently ARE employing such against Humanity broadly, and be BLESSED, everyone who LOVES the Lord, SURELY!


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Each and every one of these new "diseases" was/is born of gain-of-function. Make no mistake. Michael, you could be a bit less hysterical with your text, though. Very fear-mongerish.

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This is pure fear porn. How does the FDA not know that viruses are not technically alive? They can only reproduce inside a host cell. Did they perhaps mean "whole" rather than fragmented? It is my firm belief that Pasteurization, cooking or our digestive tracts would keep us from getting sick by ingesting food.

Mpox is probably lethal in the Congo because most of their citizens are malnourished or starving half to death. I'll just try to not touch someone who's covered in open sores.

Dengue fever is spread by mosquitoes, not from person to person as alluded to in this article.

What do all these scary diseases have in common? They're all viruses. Get yourself some ivermectin, hydroxychoroquine or both. They both have antiviral properties. Knowledge is power.

A life lived in fear is a life without Faith.


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Oh HIT IT HARD Alanna...you GO Girl!!

Your observation that,

"A LIFE lived in FEAR is a is a life WITHOUT FAITH" is EXACTLY PERFECT.

FEAR is not a thing - in and of ITSELF. Instead it is more like Hot and Cold: the presence of HEAT makes a thing HOT, whilst it's ABSENCE makes a thing COLD.

Similarly, in a Spirit FILLED with FAITH there is no place VOID, which IS FEAR, since one is already FULL of FAITH!


Beautiful observation Ma'am; Tip O' the Hat therefore. In Spanish, "Respecto S'enora!"

Be Well all...be increasingly 'En Gaurde' in the coming Days; the Endgame is afoot NOW...and all WHO LOVE THE FATHER, be Ye Blessed ABUNDANTLY!!...


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Oh....hurry up and get a vaccine. Get two!

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What freaking nonsense. Yawning endlessly. If there ever was to be a true pandemic, it would be over for humanity. It would spread like wildfire and kill everyone in its path. In a few months it would be over, well before any fake vaccines could be tested. There would be no one alive to test them.

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With Monkey Pox Dengue Fever and the Bird Flu, it's like, lions Tigers, and bears on my, it looks like we are really not in KS anymore.

It becomes more clear, that the agenda is to reduce the population of the planet using everything God said they would, famine, disease, and war, all coming to a neighborhood near you. All part of the agenda. If COVID had worked as it first did in China, 100,000 of thousands died. People were dropping dead in the streets w/o a vaccine or medical care. The Chinese govt lied. When it broke out the Govt fired a handful of Drs. who tried to sound the alarm and people believed the govt. there was no vaccine so people waited to long to go to the hospital, lots of people died the medical system was overwhelmed and many people died with no hospital care. The HBO documentary "In the Same Breath by a Chinese Dr. tells a great behind-the-scenes story that in the end there were vast huge new cemeteries to handle the dead. It's a must see.

Then when it got here we did the same thing. Some Drs sounded the alarm and they were silenced. Trump said this is just the flu. In NY patients were coming in after being sick 1-2 days and they all had one lung completely filled with fluid and the other was clear, this was not your typical SARS-COVID virus. They panicked and went to the ventilators too soon and yes it killed many, but Dr were shooting in the dark because they had never seen this before, this was part of this man-made weaponized virus.

The big thing was that Covid became less deadly very quickly here. So it failed and now, they are sending 3 more fastballs right behind to make up for the failed first attempt.

Yes, the next 30-90 days are going to be very interesting.

Our only hope is in Christ not men, time is short.

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