When you say that our leaders are "making disastrous decisions", it diminishes the treasonous act in which they are engaged in. It is a deliberate act to bankrupt us, confuse our culture, and ultimately replace us. I'm sorry, but if I said that Hitler just made some bad decisions, I'd be rightfully put in my place.

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Obviously, most of congress is in on the destruction. Are any of these millions of gang members paying their taxes? They must have an income. Do they have to pay sales tax on the items they steal? Where is the armed IRS? Where do these gang members stay? In heated buildings with water and electricity? Are they all homeless? I would think 280,000 in Chicago would be enough to burn down the entire city and suburbs...some 2,000 square miles at least.

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When the family breaks down, as in the inner cities, the gangs have risen up as surrogate families, bonding together against the machine, the man, the system, that they see has screwed them into poverty and they are fighting back. Same with the crime families in the poor sections to big cities, of the last century, the Italian, Irish, Chines, mobs/ gangs that became extended families in a struggle to get as piece of the American pie.

Flying all these migrants in, is to break down the American system of capitalism/republicanism. When they say democracy, they want mobocracy (just look at Haiti). This is what our founding fathers feared the most.

When Democrats talk about preserving democracy they are talking about preserving the far left version of democracy (mobocracy) to break down the system in a Stalin-Leninist coup from within, promising the victims of the ruling class true democracy as defined as (equity in outcomes), and it's actually critical theory, communist socialism and half the country is buying it. We are headed for the chaos of the French revolution that dissolved into chaos, Biden is kind of a modern Robespierre. If you know your history the comparisons are very real and frightening.

But on the other hand, how Trump is moving onto power and demanding not allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, not the Republican Party or the Office of the president, he is demanding allegiance to himself. He has become a kind of cult leader, who has said too many kind things about dictators.

If we get to the election or not when this goes down whomever is president will have no choice but to declare emergency powers and suspend democracy to save it, then watch the real chaos reign down.

We are at war with China and Russia they are behind all of this and they have well paid off agents in Govt who are doing their bidding. Just look at the NBA they get billions from China and say nothing about slave labor that makes their athletic shoes and pays their salaries.

This war has been going on since the end of WW II, it is real, it's over there and it's here. Both sides the American Republicanism and capitalism are not compatible with communism and socialism, both side want to see the other gone. The communist want peace deals of compromise because in capitalism there will always be winner and losers and they will feed the hate with the losers in every deal they make with the west and that is exactly what has happened.

This is why we will have war all over the place. This is the battle for all the marbles and it's here and now.

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Some self-reflection might be in order. Blaming Chine and Russia, the bogie-men du jour, based on what? China sponsoring the NBA? (Meanwhile the US is busy fomenting the war in Ukraine and talking One China policy with Taiwan, but doing something totally different.)

Rather than pointing the finger at all these foreign entities start blaming the people in charge, you know, the actual ones who want open borders, the ones on the make and on the take in House and the Senate who are all beholden to Wall Street, big Oil, big Pharma, big Agri, and on and on. Those are the people destroying your country, not the Russians, and not the Chinese.

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My NBA point was a safe/small example of a much bigger picture. Just trying to make point.

This current global conflict and and the American internal conflicts are very complex and multi-layered. There are many players in this game. The intrigue is that many of these multi-players will unite themselves with other players as it suits their interests. It's like a game that has 5 teams all playing against each other at the same time. To win, several teams work together to defeat the others. Then when only two teams are left they will fight each other to the death.

So you want to blame the people in charge. Good and rightly so. You are correct. So how did those people get to be in charge and stay there? (and who are the people who are really in charge, and what can be done about it)?

The communists in China and Russia have banned together economically in the BRICS to defeat their common economic enemy the western dollar bases system. They want to destroy it. But China and Russia are two communist nations who have been at odds with each other since they came into existence, this is just a temporary peace to defeat a common enemy. They really don't trust each other.

The globalist bankers also want the dollar to die (it's their plan put into effect in 1970). They also want America to fundamentally changed to fit their globalist world view. They are just allowing this real conflict between east and west (and internally here) to play out and clean up in the aftermath (because both sides lose and they build a new hybrid system out of the ashes).


Putin wants the BRICS and their own global banking system (that will take years) because he still has to go to the western central bankers to deal with the billions Russia still owes. Russian inflation is high (8%) and they will be lucky to have a positive GDP growth this year, mostly due to massive debt spending for the coming wars. And the same with China, their banking system is in shambles ever since they tried to start the BRICS system and built a heavily leveraged system in debt to the west and now they are in really deep doo doo and now we have war over Taiwan and the pacific. This is China fighting against the world power. (US).


The real war is the banking finance war. This is the real war. And the globalists just laugh at all of this. So both sides (and this is real) see the other as the problem and that problem must be eliminated. Like Hitler and the Jews. This is exactly what "they" want.

The threat of a nuclear war with China and Russia is very real. Russia wants it's empire back, (Russia just released a map giving half of Ukraine to Poland, just think about why). China wants to control the entire western pacific, they need this power to supplant the current IMF system.

Russia and China rightly see America and the EU (NATO) as the core of all their problems and need to supplant the IMF global financial system that is coming. This means war. Communist ideas have been spreading here since the end of the WW II. Democrats, true democrats are communists. Look at the Biden's and the empire of the Big Guy. China influence. Whos has financed this, who has purchased US farms and companies?

To stop the WB IMF IBF and FED plan for globalism they have to destroy the very center of it and that is the USA. That is the real in your face war. And who is sitting in the stands cheering both side on? Who has it's people on the coaching staff and players on both teams? The bankers. My point is this conflict is real.

Oh by the way the West will win. China and Russia and their allies will lose. It will be costly the only thing is you won't like what the world looks like in the aftermath it will be just different if Russia and China win.

You think there is hope in this system, I know there is not. My point this current threat is real, that;s all. You think we will keep or get back what we lost? No not at all and the blame is on everyone all of us and we will reap what we have sown. When Adam and Eve rebelled they blamed others. Even out of that , their first born killed his brother and we have been doing that ever since. It's all judgement but context is need to see how this is playing out and no matter what happens it will not end well for anyone except those who are in Christ.

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I agree with a lot of what you say, but there are some things which I think are definitively wrong. Russia is NOT communist. It is a multi-faith Federation with the vast majority being Orthodox Christian, and that faith is embedded in their Constitution. No more atheism as the state religion.

Russia and China are opposed to the US because the US set up the post-WW2 structures (IMF, World Bank, BIS, UN, WTO, and so on) and then set about abusing all of them for its benefit. The UN is a prime example. And then the dollar. Being the world's currency has enabled the US to print money for everyone's use, effectively exporting inflation. Only when there are global contractions does that manifest as pain in the US.

In the post-Soviet space there was a real opportunity for serious RF / US rapprochement, and the RF even tried to join NATO, but were refused. Why? Because the US needs an enemy to justify its outrageous military spending. The MIC gotta make its money!

The BRICS initiative was a reaction to the US and EU's illegal use of sanctions, always targetted at those nations that maintained sovereignty apart from America's hegemony. It's no accident that nations maintaining independent (non-Rothschild) banking were targetted with wars (Syria, Iraq, Libya, and so on), and some were just too big to attack (RF and China), hence the sanctions packages.

The US has also broken all the Soviet / US treaties on armaments, always blaming the Russians, but never ever providing proof.

The list can go on but as I said at the start of my first reply: the US people need to look inward. You're not the world's policeman, and in fact we don't want you to be. We want you doing good stuff within your own borders instead of dreaming up "national security threats" 10,000 miles away.

Unfortunately, I think you're correct that your politicians being bought and paid for, are dancing the piper's tune. It isn't a communist one either, I think: look closer at say Ephesians 6:12, and the way the world is crashing into decadence and plain old-fashioned sin and debauchery. I think the ultimate owners of our politicians and institutions are those same powers in Eph 6:12.

Anyway, wishing you well.

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Well said, I think we are both kind of right in a way. Yes, communism as a system died in the early 1990s, but it still holds to communist principles. It is still a dictatorship where the only line is the party line look what happened to Navalny. The Oligarchs are in many ways a mirror of the western bankers control of the state (money always talks). Putin called the fall of the USSR the biggest tragedy of the last Century. That is where Putin's heart is. But the political power now is the UR The United Russian Party. Many of the goals of the communists are in the platform of this party w/o the communism. A modern hybrid-socialist/capitalistic state. State-ism, political authority. comes from the state not God or the people, They want the old Russian Imperialism, the old spheres of influences back, with an aggressive economic policy to accomplish that. (this is exactly what Putin wants and NATO is in the way. They want to promote Russian culture & unity as well. Yes, the Russian Orthodox church has a big influence on Putin as well, this is the driver for uniting Ukraine back to Russia (culture and religion). The problem is the people of Ukraine remember what Russia failed to tell the truth when the Chernobyl explosion happened and it cost 1000s of lives. The vast majority of the 35's and under want nothing to do with Russia and see a better future aligned with the west and want nothing to do with Russian state-ism or nationalism. They have really fallen in love with even the limited freedoms they have in Ukraine. My daughter has been there for over a year working with an American NGO with Medical aid. She has been all over the country even near the front lines in the east and south. Most of even the Russian speaking people of Eastern Ukraine, don't want the soviet system. Most toe the line because of presence of Russian troops they don't want to get shipped off.

The deal with Russia and NATO was close, but there was forces on both sides where neither side trusted each other and there is plenty of blame to go around.

My personal view is, The current global economic system since Bretton Woods I is dying by design. With Kissinger Reagan and Nixon, they lured these nations to join the western world and we can all get rich. When they realized they would be step sisters in this deal, they rebelled (why NATO deal was rejected). That's why Russia took the Pristina airport at the end of the Balkans war. They thought Clinton's war was a cover to overthrow Russia. They tested that theory by taking the airport without waiting for NATO to split the airport as agreed. Thankfully the NATO commander had a cooler head than his American co-commander who wanted to use force. If that happened it would have been war with Russia then. Therefore no one trusts anyone anymore. Even Russia and China. With the IMF planned destruction of the dollar and to replace it with their new gold backed super currency (about 300,000 metric tones of gold) something the BRICS can't match yet, they see this as another threat to their state-ism and nationalism. Thus the BRICS was born. A war of who will be top dog when the dollar dies. And that is not far off and with all the mistrust on both sides, of course you know this means war.

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Between 2016 and 2018 Republicans held the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Trump's signature issue was immigration reform. Did they pass immigration reform? No. Do they want open borders? Yes. Why? Because they want cheap labor for the construction, farming and service industries. When do Republicans become very, very upset about immigration? When they don't have the power to do anything about it legislatively. And yet they were still offered much of what they want recently even with a Democrat president and Senate. Did they take it? Of course not because they don't give a shit other than to use immigration as a campaign issue. You're a tool.

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"Do they want open borders? Yes. Why? Because they want cheap labor for the construction, farming and service industries."

In the construction business it's more like they want labor period. I know contractors who say even if they offer far above market rate wages, they just can't get American citizens to work for them. Young healthy American men just don't want to do that type of work. And working in slaughter houses has a very high turnover rate, for obvious reasons. In some cases it's not the wages, it's the type of work on offer.

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Never relax.

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Yep. I’m stuck here in Pasadena, Ca. Can’t save enough money to leave because the rent is too damned high!

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Yes, you and millions of others are in harms way. We live in a small town in the midwest. Is it safe here? At this moment yes, but when shit hits the fan I doubt it will be safe for anyone anywhere when the hoards of criminals have their marching orders to do their evil deeds.

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Thank you left-wing socialist/commie demonrats. And you too, spineless Uniparty RINOs. You are turning a nice place to live into a third world hell hole. All this crime in blue state blue cities, but it will be spreading to the red states. It can't be stopped now-- it has come too far for too long. My advice: always be situationally aware, don't go to bad places where bad people do bad things (that means move if you're living in one of these crime zones), be armed wherever and whenever you can (yes, move if you live in a place you can't carry a gun). Don't depend on cops to save you. They either are not around or are too scared. You are your own first line of defense. Train and be vigilant.

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