The evidence against the Joe Biden crime family mounts daily, yet people are worried about what new McFurry is coming out. I think that says it all.

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The dumbed down majority will be lacking food, in the streets begging and few will be prepared. Chaos will be the norm in cities when food banks close and homeless feeding centers will close.

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So many, many people will be completely blind sided by this. Unfortunately, many of them will try to steal from those of us who are prepared. Hunger can be quite the motivator. I don't condone violence, but I will do what I have to do in order to survive. This little old lady is packing.

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I have a weekly lunch with several people I met through Nextdoor. I brought up the rice problem a couple weeks ago when it was first brought up. None of them had heard anything about it and their solution was to eat domestically grown rice because that won't be affected. Um, okay...

Food prices aren't going down as long as energy, labor, fertilizer, seed, etc., costs stay up. We're much more selective with what buying and doing a lot more baking and cooking at home. My next project is trying to make my own puff pastry and croissants because those items are expensive. I'm also in the middle of starting seeds for my fall garden. Being in zone 8B gives me a long growing season.

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Young people realize the cost of living is high, won't be able to afford to raise a family because everyone will have to be working just to make ends meet. Younger generations have no future and will never be able to look back and see better times like older ones can.

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Better stock up pm anything that uses wheat also. Say flour, cereals, bread and all baked goods, all Pasta. Ukraine the worlds supplier...once..and the US also top producer has suffered geo engineered drought that decimate most of it. Joe will probably export all we have to feed China, not America.

Not only will the price go thru the ceiling, it will be hard to find in any form.

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