Howdy Y'all,

Given all that is transpiring around us - everywhere, seemingly - it is difficult to NOT believe that Four Horseman are NOT 'in the Bullpen' warming up, now.

As yet things certainly aren't 'Good' per se, but I submit that - AS YET - what we are seeing is nothing more than PALE Shadow of what lies ahead.

If so, then even Christians might begin feeling a thrill of FEAR, soon enough.

I certainly do NOT wish to ook upon the faces of Famine, Pestilence and DEATH. Yes, I have already seen the face of War - in de minimus - but what is coming will present that One's FULL Countenance to ALL.

Be Well...be Safe as you can in days to come, preferably by getting out of the PATH of the oncoming Steamroller, and certainly, those who ARE His Children on Earth, BE BLESSED,


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As long as we allow them to continue to modify the weather and fill the skies with poison, then I agree our fate is sealed. Exactly as they have been planning for (Likely) hundreds of years.

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I was in Sudan for a summer working for Sudan in Missions about 13 years ago. It was absolutely horrible back then, it's not too hard to see that it has gotten to this point. We must remember during the great depression there were four great Dust Bowl events from 1930-1940. It is estimated with the great depression millions died and this was followed by WW II where about 20 million military and 40 million civilians died. Then we have the other end massive isolated rain and flooding

His history, repeating itself, is there nothing new under the sun here? is this all vanity?

Pop Christianity believes this coming war will be the war that brings the world to Armageddon.

But a careful look at scripture may paint another picture.

Before Armageddon and the war that leads to it, several things must happen first.

Paul says before the Saints are taken to be with the Lord the Anti-Christ must come first and sit in God's temple and declare himself a god. 2 Thess 2:1-4, clearly that has not happened yet.

Jesus said before He returns to bring in the kingdom, that when He returns to stop Armageddon someone would come claiming to be the second coming of Christ himself a great imposter (literally Anti-Christ- substitute/imitation anointed one). His imitations would include real signs and wonders, even raising from the dead. He will look so close to the real thing that even the best of Saints just might be fooled. This means that it would look 95% of what we believe the 2dn coming would look like. Matt 24. And he will subdue all the nations and no one could make war (world peace). The UN and the world will love him and Run to him. Rev 13. He comes masquerading as an angel of light, he will become the hero of the little people, expose the evil of this present order, and watch the world run to him, promising to bring back the good ole days.

Big question, if the world runs to him, what does the world look like they are running from? What is so horrible and frightening the world runs to a guy that seems like Jesus?

Satan does not care about non-Christians. All this is about getting committed Christians to abandon their faith. Matt 13 (seed sower). When Jesus does not come as expected now but comes with a different Gospel, a gospel of universal signs and wonders, a gospel that is all about love and forgiveness, grace and mercy a gospel that what you believe in doctrine does not matter, a gospel that discards, righteousness, justice, holiness and truth. A gospel that what Jesus did on the cross is for all. A gospel that is not about God but is all about you! All paths lead to heaven, heaven is wide open now all can come in.


But Jesus said Matt 7 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

The Gospel is that there is a price for my sin and it's death. Righteousness demands justice for sin (death). Christ came and died on the cross to fulfill the demands of the law or us (death). And His blood on the cross cleanses us from our sins so by faith, His perfect righteousness can cover our filthy rags with His perfect righteousness. I must believe I deserve hell, for my sin, Christ is my only hope, and if I repent of my sin and believe He is God's anointed one to save me, commit to follow and obey Him and His Word (the Bible) and persevere in this to the end I will be saved.

There is a massive deception coming and it's just about here, time to repent and put your faith in Christ now time is short.

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I understand that, this came from a NY Univ archaeology professor who sent teams to Israel for many years. She was contacted by the "Rockefeller Museum" (Of all places) to view a new archeology discovery. In the 3rd basement behind a very secure room. They took the lid off and there it was. She related this to a speaker who talked about all the stories of where the Ark was at a prophecy convention. In a casual meeting, she said she loved his lecture but your info is incomplete she stated. This was almost 25 years ago. Can I verify this, not really. Do I believe she is credible? Yes. But this is something to keep in your back pocket. As Michael stated they have it or know where it's at. This could actually happen at any time. We shall see.

As a police officer of 25 years, interviewing many people, I find her story credible because liars often give some generic or commonly known points to make their story credible and easy to remember. Her story had incredible details, like the 3rd level basement and the incredible details of the contents. I've been to the Rockefeller Museum there is a 3 level basement.

Oh I can very the story about the Ark being in Ethiopia is all hogwash. My daughter was there last year and low and behold over half a dozen churches have a secure room where the ark is there, it's all one big tourist trap.

Look at all the organizations who want world peace centered in Jeruselum


and everyone was crying peace and safety.

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Truly Daniel,

"The Wages of Sin IS DEATH".

Well said, as usual Brother, SURELY.

A small niggling detail you did not Adress in the preceding is that a New Temple must FIRST EXIST ere the 'Abomination of Desolation' can sit in it and proclaim himself to be GOD.

Therefore I have LONG monitored any News relating to the potential construction of a 'New Temple'...and one other thing also.

Recently Michael wrote about the Ark of the Covenant, yes? The Jews - Israel - would not even CONTEMPLATE building such unless and UNTIL the Ark is located and prepared to be revealed to the World at large.


Simple, the ARK's EXISTENCE would prove thier 'prior Rights' claim to the current Temple Mount...upon which currently SITS the Dome of the Rock; Islam's Third Holiest site. As well, the ARK was, is and in thier view always SHALL be the uttermost CENTER of the Temple: Without THAT there is no good REASON to proceed.

Just a thought as it were...a small elaboration on your otherwise excellent exposition my Friend.

Be WELL, SAFE - as you can be! - and wholly BLESSED also...


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1. The ark and the details of what is inside have been located. Two stone tablets of red granite (just like Mt Sinai). about the size of a large cell phone, with the 10 commandments inscribed on both sides written in old Hebrew Paleo-Hebrew or the Ktav Lvri (long hand). Arron's rod is in it. It has a small limb that has budded and dried and the Jar of manna has turned to fine dust. Michael has said there are multiple stories, of where it is at exactly, but he is right, it's there and they know exactly where it is at.

2. The building plans for the temple have also been completed and the stones have been already cut. The altar has already been sanctified by the blood of an unblemished red heifer, so they can cleans the area of the Temple to be built. All the priests have been identified and trained. They are ready to build as soon as they are given the clearance.

3. From a direct conversation I had with one of the leading rabies of the Temple Mt Institute, it will be built w/o destroying the Dome of the Rock. The final locations have not been decided. It Could be the dome of the souls directly in line with the Golden Gate and the Mt of Olives The Muslims have bricked it up (the Golden gate) and placed an Arab crematory to block Jesus's return or the S.E. corner of the Temple Mt above the Pool of Siloam, and there are two other possible locations. (imagine the insane arguing among the rabbis as they argue about this).

They said the temple would be a celebration of Israel, their religion, and their rich history. They want to make this place a place of prayer for all nations and religions, they will fulfill Isiah 56:7. They were persecuted for their beliefs and they can not persecute others for theirs either. They will rule the world with a 70 Nation Sanhedrin to replace the UN. when their messiah returns (they say he will be the true Christ (anointed one) not the one in the Bible. They made Nikki Haley their first Honorary President of the Sanhedrin. (Do not be surprised Nikki Haley gets back in the political picture soon) They believe Trump is the New King Cyrus for what he started. Not only are there Imams in Islam who want to bring this about but the Catholic church is involved big time as well, all about a new Messiah with a new gospel uniting the world and all it's religions and nations to bring peace. Mother Theresa said it well, "all paths lead to god."

All those paths will lead to Jerusalem and the greatest deception of all time. Paul said since they failed to believe the truth, For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

And these are not just thoughts, these are the amazing things happening in Israel now.

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You never fail to astonish me Daniel! What a remarkable treatise on the Ark!

Yet a single thing you elaborate on troubles me: The details of the PHYSICAL description of the Tablets themselves. AFAIK, I have never seen anything, anywhere whuch described the Tablets actual corporeal appearance.

I am not here mlnaysaying OR ''trolling' you my Friend: I AM inquiring where you yourself obtained such exquisitely precise details of something such as those you state. It seems a bit mysterious to me that anyone, anywhere possesses such details.

Therefore I 'ask' wherefrom did you obtain such?

I await your answer my Friend. Understand, the ARK has always FASCINATED me to almost an 'unnatural' degree: It is the SOLE MATERIAL object (upon which Scholars UNIVERSALLY agree -

as is contrasted to the 'Holy Grail', supposedly which caught the BLOOD of Christ as He lay dying or dead upon the Cross, which has been ARGUED OVER for centuries!) which GOD - YAHWEH, as many frequently ascribe His Holy name AS - "HALLOWED and SANCTIFIED" Himself, excepting only the TABLETS which by ALL accounts WERE WRITTEN by God's own Holy Finger...

I AM a Seeker of Truth my Good and Faithful Brother...I humbly ask therefore for ILLUMINATION, with all due Respect...

Be WELL...I am rapidly 'feeling' the URGE to Fear what now comes; not for myself, but fir Humanity on Earth...and as alway, BE BLESSED my FAITH-FULL Friend.

Please note the VERY specific hyphenated wise I used - rather uncommonly so! - in the preceding sentence....

Your Friend and Brother in CHRIST, JOG

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Do not blatantly trust anything the UN or WHO says. These are two of gates's propaganda machines and they are running on full tilt.

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In Leviticus 25:1-7, Almighty God gives instructions on when, & when not to plant crops. According to Him, you can plant & harvest a field for 6 consecutive years, but you must let that field rest (no planting) for the 7th year. I think we should have been alot more mindful of that rule.

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The left has been working on this for decades already. Earth was designed to be self healing, so it takes time to "kill off" the soil, air, and water, but they're getting close now!

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Wait, you mean uncle Joe isn't giving them plane tickets anymore to go anywhere they want for free???

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Yeah, the mainstream media doesn't harp on this all that much. The hard, HARD Eco-Lefties harp on it though... often, and plentifully.

I'm in just about utter shock that a pro- forced birth website wants more and more and more eaters to be born to fight with others for the last few crumbs of food or breaths of clean air, yet puts out what reads like an A.I.-generated article formed out of 10,000 enviro-nazis' articles on the climate and environment since the 1970s.

If we are to be stewards of the Earth that we were given, what shall we do?

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MURDER is not the answer; accountability is!

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How True.....thank you for your comment.

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Stop the sabotaging, cheating, lying, and the wacky scare tactics!

People have conscience and brains, so work WITH the People to have less children. Show people about the real problems created by having too many people on earth.

Include world's people as helpers to save this earth. Reward people for not have children or have less than 2 children.

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Less than 2 is unsustainable! Take 2 just to break even.

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